



"Do you trust me?"


Yesterday, April 19th, 2013. 7:00 am.

The alarms went off every morning at 7:00 am in Seoul Sanitarium. Except today it felt different, or at least it felt different for two individuals. Today was different. Today was the day they were going to escape. Sehun and Lu Han, two patients who occupied Seoul Sanitarium had been planning their escape for almost a year now, and today was the day they were finally going to go through with their plan, no matter what obstacle came their way. They were going to escape.

Lu Han, a boy who was currently 20 going on 21 in just a mere day, was the smaller and more naive of the two. Lu Han had been diagnosed with severe case of Dependent Personality Disorder, along with depression, at the young age of 16. He's been here ever since. Which explains why the past three years for Lu Han seemed like such a blur. It was like clockwork each day. Get up, eat, study, eat, evaluation time, exercise, free time, eat, go to bed. Nothing ever changed, well at least not for awhile. That is until a boy named Sehun came. Lu Han's going to be honest, he at first really disliked Sehun, hated his whole, "I'm-so-much-better-than-you-attitude", hated Sehun not because he was too cocky, that he honestly didn't mind, but because he knew it was true. Sehun was better than Lu Han on so many levels. The way Sehun stood and took crap from no one, or the way he'd smile and always look so happy, just made Lu Han jealous. He couldn't help but be drawn to be dependent on Sehun, it was after all a flaw of his, to be too dependent on someone.

Sehun, was a different story, it's a wonder how the two polar opposites even became friends. Sehun was not naive, he was more of a blunt person. He was diagnosed with a mild Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Although Sehun would beg to differ. He didn't really think he was that narcissistic, he preferred to call it a appreciating oneself, and Lu Han didn't think there was anything wrong with Sehun. "I think you're perfectly fine." Lu Han would tell Sehun, after another patient at Seoul Sanitarium told Sehun to lay off the narcissistic comments. "They're just jealous. Besides, one day someone's gonna walk through those white doors and tell you it's time to go home. That you've been mis-diagnosed. That you're fine. Then you'll be able to go home." Sehun would smile, and brush the bangs out of Lu Han's face, "I'm not leaving here without you Lu." Lu Han would blush and nod, happy that there was at least someone who wanted him.

Of course it wasn't always like this. At the beginning Lu Han had a strong distaste for Sehun, but it eventually died down when he realized he was just jealous. After that Lu Han proceeded to watch from afar, which he knew wouldn't get him far, and would probably just scare Sehun, but Lu Han just wanted Sehun to notice him, if only a little.

It was the beginning of June when Sehun finally noticed Lu Han. He was being harassed by an intern. They often went after Lu Han, only because he was so naive and weak to do anything back. Sehun hated that, but more importantly he wanted to be the hero. Boost up his ego a bit, that was the main reason Sehun intervened. Sehun saved Lu Han that day and after that Lu Han kind of just followed him like a shadow. Sehun didn't really mind, he actually kind of liked. It was a good boost to his ego. Eventually they began to talk, and they opened up to each other slowly, Lu Han being more reluctant to talk. Lu Han preferred to lay low and be quiet, so he let Sehun do all the talking, which neither of them had a problem with.

"You know," Sehun said one day, "I didn't save you that day because I liked you or anything. It was more to look like a hero." Sehun didn't know why he told Lu Han that. He supposed it might have been because of his guilty conscious, telling him to own up. Sehun just felt it was weird, because he had never listened to his conscious before, so why now? He glanced over at Lu Han who had remained quiet for awhile, and he half-expected Lu Han to maybe cry a little, or run away. But instead he was met with a small smile.

"I know," Lu Han said softly, "But it was a good excuse to get close to you."

"Yeah," Sehun says, "I guess it was."

"I'm glad you did." Sehun adds later, as they head back to their dorms. "I'm really glad you did."

That night both Sehun and Lu Han go to bed with a smile. Sehun's a different one from his usual cocky smirk, this one was more pure, more innocent. While Lu Han's was one of the first smiles he had in a long time.


7:30 am.

"You ready Lu?" Sehun whispers as the two sit down at their assigned table.

Lu Han nods. He's a little nervous, but that'll probably go away soon. Right?

"Remember, it's go time at seven." Sehun reminds Lu Han and makes a move to give Lu Han a reassuring pat when an attendant yells over that there is no touching permitted in the building.

Sehun sends a glare in the attendant's direction then goes back to eating.

"It's alright Lu." Sehun says soothingly. His whole being itching to give Lu Han a reassuring hug. "Everything's going to be alright. Don't you trust me?"

Lu Han mumbles out a quiet "yes." 

Silent vows of "i love yous" are whispered in their minds as they continue to eat their food quietly.

I love you, Lu.

I love you, Sehun.


The first time Sehun asked Lu Han if he trust him was the day he told him of his plan.

"It's brilliant Lu! Come on! Don't you trust me?"

Lu Han gave a reluctant nod. Yes, of course he trusted Sehun. Sehun was his friend, he could trust him. Besides it was hard for Lu Han to say no when Sehun flashed that confident smile of his. 

"Okay, we'll lie low for now and wait for the perfect opportunity to happen. We'll have to plan it at least a week in advance. Remember Lu Han, confidence is key here if we want our plan to work."

Lu Han nods nervously, the plan is a bit weak strategically, but Sehun's confidence is enough to make Lu Han agree to go along with the plan.


9:00 am.

Now that Lu Han's done with school he's moved to the helpful station, where they make good use of his organizational skills. Lu Han has been scheduled to organize the sanatorium's library. Something Lu Han finds solace in doing. Lu Han likes books, numbers, an order. Where things are where they're supposed to be. Lu Han likes feeling useful, even if it does take him almost the whole day to organize the library.

Sehun's busy in the kitchen helping prepare lunch, so Lu Han won't see him for while. Lu Han misses him already, although he tries not to. But he can't help it. He's used to Sehun being there. To numb his feelings of loneliness Lu Han tries to concentrate on Sehun's plans of escape. They're planning on leaving at seven in the afternoon, which is when the nearby church comes and sings, along with an hour long preaching. Sehun figured that'd be the best time for them to escape, no one would notice them missing. Sehun had managed to smuggle some casual clothes in so they could blend with the members of the church, and then hightail it out of there. It was risky, and maybe not the best thought out plan but they were running out of time. They needed to get this done now.

"Sehun." Lu Han whispered quietly one day when they were in the library during free time. He had hoped Sehun hadn't heard, but of course Sehun had.

"Mhhm." Sehun responded, his head resting in his folded arms.

"My parents are moving back to Beijing in a month." Lu Han mumbles quickly.

"So?" Sehun mumbled.

Lu Han fumbled with fingers, "Well, they...uh they want me to come with."

"You're joking right?" Sehun asked, head up, Lu Han had his full attention now.

Lu Han shook his head, "Umm, no I'm not. They said they miss me and well I...I miss them too."

"But what about me?" Sehun asked, a hint of anger in his voice. "You're going to just leave me here then?"

"Come with me Sehun. We can go-" Lu Han started only to have Sehun cut him off.

"You know that won't work Lu Han." Sehun snarled and turned away from Lu Han. "They won't let me out. I'll just be stuck here alone. But that's fine, because you'll be all happy and reunited with your family, who abandoned you here in the first place, while have been here for you the whole time!"

Lu Han knew Sehun was right. How selfish of Lu Han to just abandon Sehun, when he had been there the whole time for Lu Han.

"Sehun!" Lu Han begged, trying to get Sehun to look at him. "I'm sorry. I'll try to convince my parents to let me stay."

Finally, after what seemed like eternity to Lu Han, Sehun turned around. A wide, cheshire-like grin on his face.

"I have a better idea Lu Han. How about we escape?"


12:00 pm.

"Are you excited Lu?" Sehun asks, as they eat their fried rice and dukbokki.

Lu Han nods happily, his mouth too full of rice to respond. Lu Han's morning time jitters have finally disappeared.

"It's gonna be great Lu," Sehun says, and he gives Lu Han's hand a quick squeeze under the table. "We're going to be free."

Lu Han smiles, not because he's excited to be free. That's not something Lu Han really ever wanted. He liked it when people were there telling him what to do. He needed people to tell him what to do, otherwise how else would he make a decision?


1:00 pm.

"How are you feeling today Lu Han?" Dr.Kim asks, the same question he asks everyday.

"Okay," Lu Han responds like he always does. "Although I do feel like I'm making a bit of progress today." Dr.Kim nods, like always. Like clockwork, yesterday was the same, but tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow Dr.Kim won't be with him to ask him the same questions everyday, only to have Lu Han tell him the same answer each time.

"Anything special happening today?" Dr.Kim asks.

"...Yes." Lu Han says thoughtfully.

"Oh really? What would that be?" Dr.Kim questions, leaning forward in interest.

"I heard the nearby church is coming to sing gospel music." Lu Han states quietly. And Sehun and I are going to escape.

Dr.Kim leans back in his chair, his interest gone. "Yes, that'll be quite nice."

"Mhmm." Lu Han nods, hands folded neatly in his lap. "I can't wait for it."


5:45 pm.

Sehun and Lu Han just came back from dinner and are busy setting up for the singers when someone tells Sehun they need him over by the trucks to help unload. Sehun is hesitant to leave Lu Han just about an hour before their plan, but he doesn't want anything to be suspicious. But he doesn't leave before he gives Lu Han a quick encouraging smile, and whispers quietly in his ear, "The plan is still on. And if anything goes know what to do." Lu Han gives him a nod and bids him goodbye.


​"Yes Lu?" Sehun asked, as he helped Lu Han rearraged the books in the library.

Lu Han chewed on his bottom lip, wondering if he should say it or not. "What if the plan doesn't work?"

"Don't you trust me?" Sehun asked, eyebrow raised.

"Well of course I do." Lu Han responded, head lowered, his stomach doing flips. "It's just that ever since you told me this plan I've had this 'what if' feeling of dread in my stomach. What do we do if something goes wrong?"

Sehun sighed, "Nothings going to go wrong Lu, because one, I planned it and two, I have a back up plan if something bad happens."

Lu Han's ears perk up at the thought of a back up plan. "And what's that?"

Sehun flashed Lu Han a dazzling smile, one that always seemed to make Lu Han forget everything. "If something goes wrong with our escape plan we'll," and Sehun leans in close, making Lu Han blush at the proximity of their faces, "go to the top of the building and jump." Sehun grins again and suddenly Lu Han doesn't find his smile so dazzling anymore.


6:31 pm.

Lu Han knows something is wrong when the a lady over the intercom commands that all patients go back to their rooms, when he sees all the singers from the church file back into their vans, and when Sehun grabs his arm telling him something's gone array.

"Sehun what's going on?" Lu Han shouts as he feels himself being dragged up the steps.

"I don't know, but it looks like we'll have to take plan b."

Lu Han shuders and he shifts his feet nervously. He doesn't like this idea of escaping so much anymore. But nevertheless Lu Han follows Sehun obediently up the stars.

Surprisingly no one sees them, and they make it briskly up the long flight of stairs. Finally out of breath and exhausted they make it to the top. Sehun throws open the door, and they step out into the breezy spring air.

"Sehun," Lu Han says nervously as they both near the edge. "I-I don't know if I'm ready. I kind of thought you were joking about this part."

"No, you didn't." Sehun says, "You knew I was being serious. Lu, you know me better than anyone. Besides, don't you want to be free?"

Lu Han slowly nods, "Yes, that's what I want."

"Good, that's what I want too." Sehun says smiling, "See Lu? We want the same things. Now come on," Sehun says, his arm outstretched for Lu Han to grab. "Do you trust me?"

Lu Han can hear footsteps thundering up the stairwell, the shouts of "I think they're up here!" They're getting closer, Lu Han can tell, he can also see the look of desperation on Sehun's face. Like he wants Lu Han to come with him, like he needs Lu Han to come with him.

Lu Han smiles softly, the corners of his eyes twinkling ever so slightly at Sehun before grabbing firmly onto his hand. "Yes."

"Don't be afraid Lu," Sehun whispers to him, the booming voices and footsteps getting louder. Lu Han guessed they'd be here in about three seconds. "We're in this together. We'll go on the count of three."

Lu Han nodded, feeling the warmth from their intertwined hands.


They stepped onto the ledge.


Lu Han looked down, instantly regretting it. After all Lu Han was afraid of-


The couple jumped off the roof, arms knotted together, bodies close.

"Together." Sehun whispered in Lu Han's ear, as the wind whipped their hair, a sudden shrill cry coming from the rooftop.

"Together." Lu Han whispered back, as Sehun held him tighter.


7:00 pm.


A/N HELLOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry for the long wait! But ahaha I had a lot of homework to do so I decided to do this instead. So this wasn't really how I planned this story to go, it was supposed to be sicker and sadder but ah, oh well. Also I did NOT mean to romanticize death in this. that was NOT the goal. So sorry if any of you took it that way. I blame listening to NELL, I've been listening to "The Day Before" and it's such a SAD song:( But it sounds so beautiful;; Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this. I haven't written for awhile so sorry if it's stinky. But it feels nice to write again^^

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faithlu #1
Chapter 2: aww this is sad :-(
dangoodear #2
this sounds pretty OMG please update soon; u ;can't wait for angst