Chapter 8

When Fate Interferes

Yoojin POV:

It had been two weeks in after the court, which meant I had seven days with Sarang before I would send her off to Chanyeol's.

I told her about her dad.


two week ago:

As Sarang was eating I casually talked to her.

"Sarang-ah, you know appa right?"

"Appa...ani, not yet because you said he's been busy that's why."

"Ne, that's correct my smart girl."

"But appa has come back, and wants you to live with him now."

"Live with appa? But I don't even know what he looks like...omma are you going to live with appa too?

"Ani...only you can because omma will be busy like appa used to be...."

"wae omma? I want to live with you and appa."

"But that can't happen dear...omma is going to be busy..ara?"

Sarang silently nodded her head...Yoojin knew she would not throw a tantrum or complain because she was a good kid.


Two weeks in, and I was really stressed. I started getting this feeling that I had almost five years ago too...and it was possible...but I only wanted to rub it off. I have become extremely worried, but I think it's because of the stress of having to send Sarang off...I did not want to imagine it. However, I eventually scheduled an appointment for Sarang and I to get our physicals checked, I needed to confirm something else too. 

Tao is giving me some time alone with Sarang, especially with what happened two weeks ago...last week with Sarang, she still did not bring up the topic of her father yet...Chanyeol wanted to visit her this week, it is going to be awkward. On the day of Chanyeol's visit, we had to go to the Doctor's office first, most imprtantly for Sarang's physical because she was growing so well.

"Ah, you are doing so well Sarang!" I said smiling at her, "we can go get ice cream after." as she smiled in return, and gave me the cutest nod ever.

After her physical, I sat down with my doctor, and said out flatly, "I-I think I may be pregnant, but I am not sure...because it could just be the stress...but I just want to confirm to be sure." The doctor only smiled at me, and said the results would be quick because not many patients were here today.

I waited nervously as I played with Sarang in the waiting room, I was immensly nervous. The doctor sat me down, "well it looks like you are positive!Congratulations on your pregnancy." "T-Thank you..." I said stuttering, I was scared now...not again.

"We can do an ultrasound if you would like!" The doctor said enthusiatically..."sure." I said as they brought Sarang in with me into the room where I was going to get my ultrasound. I lifted up my shirt as Sarang did the same too, "omma what are you doing." "They are going to put this gel on mommy's tummy, so we can see what is inside." I said as she patted hers. "Me too!me too!" She shouted excitedly as the doctor chuckled.

When the doctor placed the device on my tummy, I closed my eyes because the feeling was so cold. "Okay here!" the doctor said as I opened my eyes. Sarang was totally hypnotized by the screen, although she had no idea what it was. I looked at the tiny little circle shown on the screen, and wanted to tear up. I did not know whether to feel happy or not. As I was totally lost, the doctor gasped as it grabbed my attention and I looked up to the doctor. "What is it?" I said afraid. "Well it looks like Sarang will be the proud older sister of three younger siblings."

I looked at the doctor in shock, "t-triplets?"I said trying to sound en way. Okay, you can all be judgemental of me, but I am going to have these kids okay? Unless you are confused...I am pretty positive I know who the father is, but who cares anymore okay? THIS IS EN DEJAVU ALL OVER AGAIN...

Pictures were printed out, as Sarang demanded to hold them. "Omma, my sibling?"She said excitedly. I smiled at her, and nodded her way. 


I prepared Sarang to meet Chanyeol, as he rung the doorbell. Sarang sat down on the couch because I knew she was nervous...this would be the first official formal meeting between. I allowed Chanyeol in, as I did not return his smile. I went to sit beside Sarang as she scooted closer to me, as she was afraid of Chanyeol. "S-Sarang, right?" Chanyeol said as she only nodded her head not wanting to look at him. Chanyeol proceeded to pick her up, but she only bundled herself up, and wanted to sit on my lap.I patted her back, "Sarang it's's your appa...I told you he was just busy, but he's here now.Be nice to him like you are to Tao ahjussi, ara?" Sarang shook her head, as Chanyeol proceeded to pick her up again, this time she did not pull back.

I excused myself to go into my bedroom,so they would have time to be comfortable in each other's presence. I locked my door, and laid on my bed. I was extrememly stressed right now, now I had a pregnancy to carry on...I'll tell you one thing, I've always wanted kids...but never in the ways I have imagined...After about half an hour, I could hear the happy laughter of Sarang, and my heart felt more at ease, maybe she would be happier with him, but my heart would be ripped apart.


The day that Sarang had to leave, she was acting up. She did not want to go at all,and I was getting short-tempered because she had agree too...I could no longer have her here any longer...Chanyeol wanted to take her home as soon as possible, he promised me that Mirae and Woobin would love her because quite frankly, Mirae was kind and always wanted a daughter.

I lowered mysef to her height, and patted her shoulders softly not wanting to cry in front of her because I knew it would only stress her out more.

"Sarang-ah, you have to promised omma didn't you? You said appa was nice to you..." At this point Sarang has yet to call him appa, but only as Chanyeol. She shook her head, "but you said you would be fine!" I told her "I want omma to go too...Sarang doesn't want to go alone." I was biting my lips refusing to cry. "B-but I can't...I told you omma is busy...busy..." "Sarang wants to see her little baby too." Sarang said pointing at my belly. "I promise you will when the time comes okay?" I said as she only nodded at me, knowing that I was getting impatient.

It was about 6pm, when Chanyeol came with his lawyer, and although I had been trying to be strong my heart dropped when he arrived, this was becoming a reality. Sarang's room was going to be empty. I had packed pretty much all of her things, besides the big acessories. This was goodbye.


okay..stupid update...should have known it was coming!-affwriter03


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hunnie_26 #1
Chapter 1: fighting!!
BoyfriendFan #2
Chapter 27: Finally!! I thought you will never update this anymore!!
Chapter 26: Goshhh chanyeol and her was like cats and dogs. They fought a lot and the pressure is very strong mentally for Yoojin. Since she just gave birth.. she might suffers post partum depression.. i hope things will go well for them the angst is killing me slowly