Naeun drama

Arranged marriage

Hyoyeons pov

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" all I heard was a loud shriek that almost made my ears bleed. I didn't care to turn back sort of fearing that it would involve me. The room went quiet all i heard was a rush of heavy footsteps heading towards my direction. Seeing that baekhyuns eyes followed the footsteps with his eyes until they stopped behind me. Next thing I knew I was being dragged out of the hall by my shirt collar, with about a million eyes following. In the corner of my eye I saw tiffany and yuri getting up from there seats and hurriedly walking over.

Next thing i knw i was inside the girls toilet, two girls beside me, two blocking the door and the queen bee infront of me, forcing me to stare into her ice cold eyes. Her hand raced through the air only to come in contact with my left cheek, I moved my jaw a bit and then spat a bit of blood into the sink. I chocked and then shouted " what the hell do you think your doing you physchotic " saying without fear. She scoffed " what do you mean, I was sitting in homeroom when some of my classmates burst into the room and started talking about you confessing or kai confessing and you two could be the schools next power couple" she said and in rage and roughly slapped me again. Her slaps becoming weaker. " you know kim hyoyeon I left you alone all these years cause i never thought you'd try and steal kai from me or you'd never get in our way cause you dont act girly and don't get crushes. Plus you and kai always bicker ill admit I was  jelous but you never seemed interested so I didn't mind, we were kinda friends." She said sweetly but it then turned bitter. " listen Naeun I dont like kai and he doesn't like me!!! It was just another joke, he was only trying to embaress me and put me on the spot and make me the centre of attention which he knows I'd rather not be." I said sort of calmly.

author pov.

Naeun felt a bit silly hearing hyoyeons explanation but she wasn't sure whether or not she could trust her. She went with her gut "ok, but I heard him call you y or hot. So make your self even less attractive, if that's even possible. Did you even brush your hair this morning?dicusting." she said irritatingly to hyoyeon meanwhile tiffany and yuri barged into the room after trying to open the door after a good five minutes. They dragged hyoyeon out of the room before she could say another word. "Are you ok?" "Are you hurt?. Do you want to go to the medical room?.should I kill them?" They both said so quickly hyoyeons head began to hurt and she got a dizzy, today was a big mess: Kai's drama, stares and gossip,lunch hall drama, being dragged, shouted at, misunderstood, slapped twice, being dragged again,insulted and got asked a million questions. Tiffany noticed her dizziness and stuck a lollipop in hyoyeons mouth hoping that the sugar would help somehow. Hyoyeon still dizzy walked with her two best friends back to the hall to meet beakhyun so that they could go to the roof hopefully no one was there. They got into the hall, most people had gone so it wasn't that big a deal, they got over to baekhyun and baekhyun turned around only  to give hyoyeon a huge hug which made kai who was still there scoff. He asked about a million questions before he raced to get hyoyeon water. The three girls laughed and sat down and began to talk about tiffanys crush. Luhan.

Naeun and her 3 side girls/ friends walked in with double the make up higher heels and shorter skirts if that was even possible. They made there way to the centre table where all popular kids sat. The four girls sat down next to some of the boys showing off all they have with low buttoned shirt and leaning closer to the guys. Naeun didn't bother to sit on a chair and just sat on Kai's lap instead. It wasn't a big deal for kai loads of girls sat on him, Naeun  wasn't the first and that made hyoyeon annoyed. It wasn't that she was jelous it was just that, that was the reason she hated him he gets girls whenever he wants and they don't mind, that a also a reason she hates girls except tod and yul even though they have their moments, they always give guys everything including their bodies that's why she never wanted to be associated with girls. Kai looked at her and flashed a smile not a genuin one more like a HA smile and She rolled my eyes. She was angrily thinking until baekhyun came back with water and they went to the roof. They sat there and talked feeling the cool breeze lightly brush past them. After 10 minutes the bell went.

In almost no time at all the final bell went and hyoyeon,yuri and tiffany were making there way to the mall, baekhyun didn't go since he had football practise. They were on a pact bus and kai,Chen,d.o,and suho got on the bus, leaving the girls who refused to get on. Let me just refresh your memory about what could happen: KAI and HYOYEON on a PACT bus together. Lets leave your imagenation til next chapter.








To remind you I don't hate Naeun, I just couldn't think of anyone else. Spread the word about my fanfic and add me as a friend. Sorry for the short update I had to introduce more about hyo and Naeun's character. Longer chapters on the way. Promise!

hyotae moment my feels~


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kim_032 #1
Chapter 21: When will it update again? :'(
ice_jung #2
Chapter 21: so hot! please update
kim_032 #3
Chapter 21: Who is it? Gawd they're so hooott~~ please update soon!!
Kaicutiepie #4
Everyone, hey this is Hyoyenmylove if your wondering why I haven't updated in a while it's because I forgot my password and got a new account if everyone can leave messages on my wall seeing if they want me to continue the story on my other account please say so thank you bye!!
parvitasari #5
Chapter 21: They're soooo hot!! My hyokai feels.. Overload by their wildness.. Update soon with y and hot hyokai moments.. Yehet!!
Chapter 21: Very Hot scene but I love it!!

please update soon
Chapter 20: Lets vote for SNSD!!!
Chapter 21: sorry guys if chapter 19 scared you, I forgot to put M if It was to unexpected or soon im very sorr
exobap101 #9
Chapter 21: Nice chapter! I'm looking forward on Baekhyun and Kai drama soon!
Hyosmilely #10
Chapter 21: Who knock the door?