chapter two

Life and Love According To K-Dramas

Life & Love According To K-Dramas:

                                                            girls hormones, average girls, and girls' day

                                                                    (girls, girls, girls, they love me)


"This is literally the one of the worst ideas I have ever heard in my entire life. What makes you think that this will actually work?"

Jungkook stood almost in awe of his older cousin's apparent stupidity.

"Come on, what girl doesn't like dramas? And, besides, judging from the speech I heard earlier, you need every single piece of advice that you can get. Because, if that's how you're planning to confess, I have some dramas that help with severe heartbreak. The acting is so bad, it distracts you from the mess that is your life." Yoongi stated in a bored voice (still somewhat sniffly from The Master's Sun.)

"My speech rocked." Jungkook mumbled, hurt from Yoongi's harsh words.

"No it didn't."


Do you know what happens to a girl when 7 very attractive men walk past her?

Well, it's a very complex series of events that tend to happen in a very short period of time, which normally sends the poor girl into a state of frenzy, and hurried gasps of "omomomo, I think my ovaries just exploded, oh dear god, Jesus take the wheel." In addition, her heartbeat speeds up, her breathing normally tends to quicken as well, as well as the inevitable spread of pheromones. (if you don't know what pheromones are, google it)

And do you know just how many girls there are in an average high school?

About a couple hundred.

So take about 300 girls, give or take a few of them who are either  taken or just don't give a flying , add said 7 guys into the mix, and you get a mass of pure hormones on the verge of self-combustion. It's not a screaming crowd like, for instance, at an EXO concert, but it's pretty damn close (just minus the screaming).

This is what it looks like in equation form : 7 hot guys+highschool+lots of girls=big egos and a fanclub.

At one point, every girl in that school has had a crush on at least one of them, even if it only lasted for a couple of weeks. I mean, how can you not? They're charming, hot, great dancers, incredibly hot, insanely talented, and of course, they are really, smoking hot. And chocolate abs.

No girl is immune, and Seo Jaekyung is no exception.

Seo Jaekyung is a kind of painfully average girl. She's pretty, but not a complete stunner like her friend Yoojae. She's smart, but not top of the class like her sister Kyungae. She's slim, but not Hyeli-skinny. Her hair is long, but not Linah-long.

She kinda feels like a potato amidst her current group of friends. She honestly blames herself for picking such goddamn pretty friends in the first place (not like she really had a choice with Kyungae).

Really, the only things about her that aren't average is her talent, because, thankfully, she had the good luck to receive the triple threat of being an exceptional dancer, singer and composer to make up for what she lacks in the social department (which is quite a bit - but she has Kyungae to rely on if she absolutely needs to interact with actual people).

So with a foul, explosive temper, near non-existent social skills, and a much, much prettier older sister, what normal guy in is his right mind would want to go after a girl like Seo Jaekyung?

And the all-important question: How ever could a girl as average as Seo Jaekyung ever hope to catch the attention of the Great, Almighty Being that is Jeon Jungkook?


"Come on, just consider it. The option is still out there, just in case, you know..."

Jungkook raised his hand sharply, effectively cutting Yoongi off. "I definitely won't be needing your stupid dramas any time soon. I can confess to my Jaekyung on my own."

"I love how you call her your Jaekyung, when you and I both know that she's not yours. Not even close, actually. She doesn't even know you exist."

"I'm sure she does..."

"No she doesn't. To her, you're probably about as important as that ant on your wall." Yoongi deadpanned, not even trying to be sympathetic.

Jungkook flinched, but shook his head as he refused to acknowledge what Yoongi referred to as "The Cold, Hard Truth."

"Call me when you stop being such a stubborn idiot, and decide to accept my help." Apparently taking satisfaction out of his dongsaeng's pain, Yoongi swaggered out of the door, swaying his hips a bit more than what was really necessary (or appropriate for a guy), singing in a purposefully off-tune voice to what was apparently, Girls' Day's "Something"

"Don't 'chu look into my eyes and lie again; I'm sick of being alo~oone..."

Jungkook flopped onto his bed, and buried his head into his pillow with a loud groan, sighing to the fading falsetto notes of a Girls' Day song, clutching the dark red rose that was the source of his misery.

Why the hell is confessing this hard?


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jacksonator #1
nice update
Chapter 3: Ahh, I want to see what happens next so badly! Update soon!! c:
afiercesong #3
I love this a lot!
ascarybook #4
Oh woow that first chapter was so good
Chapter 3: ...stalker much?
Chapter 2: So is it like, they both know eachother, but they think the other does not?
Chapter 1: My god...the first chapter is really good. And funny. Update soon. This sounds good.
My god, this sounds so awesome!!! Update soon cause this seems so amazing. Will you do it in steps? Who is the big bro! I wonder what drama scenes you will pick...