Only If

Only If

Only if someone understood me,


He wouldn’t have died.


I can’t possibly forget the day that he found me and kept me inside his warmth. He was so nice. He loved me, I knew it, and I loved him without a doubt. I loved him. And I still love him. He kept me safe, he adored me, and he treated me better than anyone else could have ever. I never had parents. I didn’t know where they were, nor who they are, and I still don’t know to this day, but at that moment, the only family I had was him; Park Chanyeol.


Every single day, I would sit by the window and wait. I wait, and wait, and wait, until that same white car would pull up on the driveway, and Chanyeol would step in the door, calling whistling my name. “Baekhyun,” he would call, “I’m home!” I would run to him and practically jump on him. It had only be maybe six hours since he left the house, but I missed him. I know that I missed him, and so, I showed him that I did. “Did you miss me?” he would ask, and I would always think, of course, I did. He would grin and nod, “I know, I know,” and stand up, walking away to the kitchen, and I would follow him without hesitation. Oh, I loved him so much...I loved him, I loved him, I really did! The excitement would grow in my heart, and with a squeaky, undeveloped noise, I yelled.


"I love you!" I said. He turned around and looked at me, grinned, he shook his head and turned away to continue making his coffee. "I know, I know," he'd say. I would smile and nuzzle to him, showing him the love that I can ever.


It's a pity that nobody understood me. They never did, they never will–and neither did he.


The day when I knew that something was going to happen, I was oddly alert. I stayed by his side. I could smell the trouble coming by, and the moment he was to leave for work, I ran to him. I stopped him by his feet and screamed at the top of my lungs. "Don't go!" I said, "Please, Chanyeol, I can feel something going on! Please don't go!"


"What's up, buddy? You know it's a Wednesday, I gotta go to work," he said, kneeling to the floor and placing a hand on my head. I yelled again, "Don't go!"


He sighed and ruffled the fur on my head, nuzzling his nose with mine as I whimpered softly. He doesn't understand me. "I promise I will be back soon." And with that, he left...and never kept his promise. Chanyeol never came back to me.


And I couldn't possibly do anything else but blame myself, because nobody understood me. I can't even understand myself. All I could do, ever, was bark, bark, and bark, and no matter how hard I tried, nobody could ever understand me. The only friend I has was the black Shiba next door, Kai. He said he felt the empathy. He said he'd been separated and lost someone, too. I nodded and sat still by the white picket fences, my head rested against the wooden material. Kai me through the gap and whispered. He smiled. "It's going to be alright," he said, "I'm here for you."


I wish I was human.


I wish I could speak.


I wish I had the option to yell at the people who didn't understand me, I wish I had the chance to actually tell my master how much I loved him.


I wish that I could tell him that I felt something that day, the reason I didn't want him to go out, and I knew the car was going to trip over.


I wish that I could've saved him.


But I can't.


Because all God gave me was the ability to...bark. To bark to my heart's content, but never to send the message across to the ones I love. To bark as much as I want, but no one will ever understand what I was trying to say.


And now the only one I have left was Kai. The only warmth I have left when the tears urge up in my eyes and when I can't hold it back. Every day, Kai and I would run out and sit out at the front porch. He would then ask, "Why are we here?", and I would stay silent. I would say nothing for a moment, rethinking and asking myself that same question.

Then, with a proud smile, I would reply, "He'll come find me. I know he will."

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wujia1288 #1
Chapter 1: im still in my shock state o.o
baek and kai....
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 1: Woah,Baekie is a dog??
Interesting :)
channim #3
Chapter 1: woahhhh interesting story of chanbaek!!
i like it!!1