The Confession

I Can Give Up A Kingdom For You

Choi Siwon smiled to himself. He was very glad to be able to persuade Mother to take Heechul out. He had never loved a person like this in his life. All he wanted to do right now was to protect Heechul for any more harm and see him smile like he always did when they were talking. An honored man he was, but he was in love with a e. 

He had to admit that Heechul was really good-looking and could be really seductive. How many times had he wanted to jump right on Heechul and do it? He knew he could, as Heechul really was a e. But his conscience told him that he loved Heechul so much to do anything to him until they were bonded together in some ethical manner. He pitied the male e, sometimes, for his sad experiences. However, Siwon could not do anything, but just to let his love sob on his shoulder. Education he had received prevented him from deepening the embrace or, even, to give a comforting kiss. Man and man could not fall in love, even if one of them could be convinced as a female. It was ethically improper. Wrong. Blasphemy. Siwon understood his status in society. His family background always stopped him from doing anything further with Heechul. The most he could do was a soft kiss on the forehead when he was convinced Heechul was asleep.

Damn ethics, damn moral standards. Why could not people just love each other and be done with it? Why? Why?

Despite of that, Siwon had decided to confess to Heechul on this fateful night. It was the Lantern Festival afterall. Wouldn't it be something like Valentine's Day (or so he remembered) in the Western countries? He would do it tonight, he would pluck up the courage to tell Heechul how much he loved him ever since their first meeting.

Choi-gwiha~! I just can't do it.” said a pouting Heechul. How long had they been standing on the bridge? It really did not matter to Siwon. He took this time to appreciate the beautifully cute scene in front of him. Maybe he was the first person ever to see Heechul in this desperate state, desperate to solve a riddle, that is. He really doubted those bastards who had made Heechul unhappy would take him out to enjoy the celebrative atmosphere of the Lantern Festival. However, it was also Siwon's first time to enjoy it. Father's body was getting weak, he was inheriting part of his work already. One day, everything would be his, and he hoped that include Heechul.

A heart with only one purpose. Choi-gwiha this is so hard.” Heechul tugged his company's sleeve.

Siwon scanned the question again. “Hm, this is really hard.” That was a lie. Of course he had figured out the answer, but he was too shy to tell Heechul. Also, it would definitely hurt the other's ego, who, being a man, did not receive enough education to be able to solve such a riddle.

I don't believe in you,” Heechul looked at him questionably.

I will think about it on our way back, satisfied?” He pinched Heechul's nose. It was a very suggestive action, and that attracted attention of some new couples. He and Heechul were already acting like old couples, the only thing missing was the prove that they really were a pair.

Heechul giggled at his date's action. He liked it when Choi-gwiha did this. It was his way to tease Heechul. It was not like the lifting of chin like his other customers. But this from his date, or so he hoped, was more for mere fun of teasing Heechul just to see him giggle. He knew Choi-gwiha loved to see him giggle. It had the same sparkle in his eyes like when Choi-gwiha saw him dancing.

But you will have to have it solved by then.” Choi-gwiha just laughed and took Heechul in his hand.

It was getting late and the crowds were growing smaller. They were just in time to buy the last of iced apple sweets before continuing their journey back to the dormitories. They fed each other the sweets, Choi-gwiha even showed off his talent in throwing one of them into his mouth. Heechul sweared he never had such a great time in his life. He probably was the happiest person that night. He had fun in enjoying a festival without work to do, with the person he loved. But he pitied Kibum at the same time, who probably was entertaining a customer in whatever manner.

It was true that happy moments lasted shorter than they should have. The road back to the dormitories seemed shorter today. Heechul looked at his Choi-gwiha longingly, hoping to hear a “stop, don't go” from him. But Choi-gwiha just stood there, holding Heechul's hand tightly. His furrowed brows told Heechul that he did not want to leave Heechul either. But it really was getting late, the moon held high on the clear sky, and cicadas were singing their love songs.

Heechul let go of Choi-gwiha's hand and muttered a forced goodbye.

Heechul! Wait!” Heechul stopped on this tracks. Was his dreams finally coming true? Was he finally getting what he had hoped for all this time?

I still haven't told you the answer to the riddle.” There was desperation in Choi-gwiha's face, as if if he did not tell Heechul right now he would not be able to do it anymore.

When did he started to be so attractive to Heechul? Even Heechul himself had no idea. Choi-gwiha's angular face, sharp eyes, tall, defined nose, even his bushy eyebrows and jet black hair made every cell in Heechul leaped. Under the moonlight, Choi-gwiha was more like a divine creature than a human being. He was just too perfect.

So tell me.” Heechul was so relieved that he sounded normal. Normal as in his usual pamperish self when he talked to Choi-gwiha.

But he never expected what happened next. Choi-gwiha just stepped in front of him. Without a warning, he leaned down and kissed Heechul softly on the lips.

Heechul had been kissed a thousand times, but never one as soft and as genuine as this. Choi-gwiha slid an arm around Heechul's slim waist, another at the back of Heechul's head, supporting the shocked man who almost melted in the kiss. Heechul felt a tongue caressed his lower lip and he opened his mouth for the permission to entrance. Their tongues danced in sync, as if they knew each other for a long time.

Heechul wrapped his arms around Choi-gwiha's neck, pulling him for a deeper kiss. He had hoped for this for as long as he could remember, and he would be getting it till he had enough for tonight. Would he had enough? There was this mystical power in Choi-gwiha's kiss which made Heechul never wanted it to end.

They finally pulled away from each other, panting hard from the passion, but at the same time, savouring each other's taste which lingered on their lips. Choi-gwiha pulled Heechul into a tight embrace and whispered lovingly, “The answer is 'love one wholeheartedly' (一心一意), just like my love to you. Do you love me, Heechul?”

Heechul did not answer him, but just buried his head into Choi-gwiha and weeped in joy.

Not far from the pleasant house, the imperial palace stood proudly in its brilliant architecture. Unlike the business on the peasant streets, the palace corridors were dimly lit and rooms were pitch-dark, except for one room in the Supreme Palace. The old king laid weakly in his deathbed, while the imperial doctors tried their best to keep His Majesty alive. One of them left the king's bedside and headed towards a loyal general who stood to inspect the process.

General Han, we do not think His Majesty has much time left. I hope you can send for His Highness here immediately.”

General Han gestured his subordinate to him. “Jongwoon, get the prince here immediately. He should be somewhere near the pleasure house where Heechul is in.”


Jaemin here again!!! yay new chapter finally!!!

just want to spoil to hanchul fans: you will get your in the next chapter i promise ;)

With love,



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anyone ready for some big thing to happen in chapter 7? cuz I AM!!!!


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Kimicheol #3
Chapter 6: Oh really?? I really love ur story, u have a good taste of writing. Please author-nim would u mind to keep on writing it and continue this story? I really support this story especially for sichul couple. Please re-think to continue this story. I'll be waiting for this story update. Please update soon author-nim hwaiting!!^^
mangafrick #4
Chapter 6: OMG finally the update coming please don't make us waiting more n more update fast n more fast please
samirajoon #5
i think it's been a century that you didn't update baby
I just found this today, but I can't read it right now so I will come back later. I really like the sound of this though so I am looking forward to reading it :)
samirajoon #7
Chapter 6: plz continue your fic.
loveisfree #8
me too!!

i can
I love your writing style.
TessaLo #10
I hope Hangeng is nice to Kibum. Maybe they get together as a happy couple? Hah, I am for happy endings.