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I think it's funny how coincidence could change everything; the way we notice someone's existence, our perspective of every single words out from someone's mouth, everything; that's funny how coincidence happens again and again between you and that certain person, that's funny how coincidence affects you in unexpected way.

We are those two lines that have never been met before.

Until that magnet named destiny showed up between us, we started to pull each other in every situation, every place, every time.

I believe there's no such thing as coincidence. Our first meet, our official first meet, our first kiss, I believe we were bounded by thing named destiny.


So..... another story by me...?

I know I haven't even wrap this one of my fanfic, but believe me, I'm trying to wrap the last part since when -_-)//

Please look forward the chapters (yes it isn't going to be a oneshot)!! ^^


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