One Day

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He's reaching his dreams, and you're always behind Jungkook cheering him on every step of the way. 

What happens when he was only asking for one day, and you couldn't give it to him?  

That one day would be your anniversary as friends, and their comeback stage as well.


How could you make up to missing something so grand?

What if he just wanted you to come because of his surprise?


“I can’t, Kookie! You know I’d support you any day but I can’t on the fourteenth!” Jungkook was pouting as he held on his phone.


“We’re going to meet on the fifteenth, I promise, okay? We can always celebrate our friend-sary a day after, and then we could celebrate your comeback as well. So, Kook, stop sulking; I can hear you sigh miles away. You would do well on your comeback, I swear.” Haerin smiled.


"But it's different when you're not there. What's your valid reason, cupcake? Why can't you come to our showcase?" Jungkook's voice was now sounding so depleted. 


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