Ribbon Hunt

P.S: Don't Upset Grandpa Oh


   "Happy Valentine's Day students of Jungsoo High!" Principal Kim greeted the students with such cheerfulness that the students actually cheered back in response. The only school I've seen that had a principal who was cheerful. I noticed from Anime and fanfictions that principals tend to be strict, bald and an old man. But not in Jungsoo High. Principal Kim, or should I say Aunt Kim, is the best.

   I fidgeted on my seat, tugging my seemingly short skirt to cover my slightly darker knees. I spent yesterday raking the leaves that fell from the trees in the school's garden. I know, I know. The janitor or the school maintenance staff could do it. But I wanted to prove to everyone that I'm not just some charity case of the school. Ever since I was nicknamed Barely Passer, everyone has treated me differently. And I tell you, getting treated differently from others gets into your head. And you just believe that there's something wrong with you.

When in reality, there's not. Just some pretentious people making you think otherwise.

But no matter how much I think about it, I always have a massive flaw that seems to be the end of the joke of everyone else if they ever run out of jokes.

Charity Case. Barely Passer. Teacher's Pet. Nerd. Loser. Outcast.

Yep, those are some nice words, huh? And I get to hear them everyday.

   Principal Kim smiled and laid her hands on the podium as I tugged on my collar, gulping. My heartbeat became quicker as I replayed the words over and over in my head. I was tasked to do a speech, and I should not fail. Not if I want to be the end of Oh Sehun's bullying.

Yes, that brat still studied in Jungsoo High. And may I say, loved by the male and female population so profusely that it sickens me.

You could practically smell the hate for him off of me.

   Principal Kim cleared and caught the student body's attention before saying, "What a wonderful start of today, don't you all agree? Because of the decorating team led by Park Bomi, the senior-" Principal Kim paused for some applause to break out, but there were few who clapped. Park Bomi was a nerd as well. Straight black hair that she always kept in a tight bun. Sharp eyes. Pointy nose. Her lips pursed into a thin line almost all the time. And also, my best friend. That's why I clapped the loudest for her.

   "-The school has come to accept the spirit of love! Everyone, enjoy your classes today for there would be a big event later! And for the most important announcement, there will be a dance. A Valentine's Day dance if you will, and it will be taken place two days from now. By Friday, I expect everyone to be in this auditorium, seven in the evening, sharp. And may I add a twist? It's a Sadie Hawkins dance. So girls, better boost your confidence for this one! And guys, I have a challenge for you. You have to accept the first girl who will ask you to the dance!"

   The boys were in a state of shock as I lowered my head to hide my smile. It was my doing, of course, to suggest to my aunt that it will be a Sadie Hawkins dance. Why? Because I want to see the pain and frustration of Oh Sehun when the first brave girl asks him, and he can't say no. The girls of course, cheered for they have the chance to ask their crushes to the dance. Some panicked. One fainted. I shrugged and looked up with a stoic expression.

Principal Kim smiled and continued on, "That would be all. And now, for our student body president to speak for us: Ms. Han Seungli."

   Few clapped again as I took a deep breath and stood up, looking at the wall behind the students because I know if I make the slightest eye contact, I'll collapse in a fit of nervousness. My steps to the podium were slow and shaky, and before I stood right behind it, I casted a look of panic to Bomi. Thankfully, her pursed lips turned into an encouraging smile, her lips forming the words, "Go."

I cleared my throat and stood before the podium, blinking away the lights and nausea.

"Good morning everyone."

   "SIT DOWN, LITTLE GIRL!" I heard someone shout, and I could almost detect who did it. Who was the person that always bullies me whenever he has the chance? Who was the person that encouraged everyone to shun me? To disrespect me? To force me into the position I never wanted to take but had to?

Oh. ing. Sehun.

I blinked again and continued as if nothing happened.

   "I am here to present to you the prizes that you will obtain only if you follow these rules. Minji, Jaewoon, if you please." I turned around and spotted Minji and Jaewoon, the secretary and vice president, carrying a table to the center. The table was plastic and had a light blue covering. The prize was flat on the table, for it were a bunch of colored ribbons. I went over to it, got one ribbon from the table and raised it for everyone to see. It was a purple ribbon that everyone craned their necks for.

"See this ribbon right here?"


And obviously, that rude answer is from Oh Sehun.

   "Well you have to pair with a person and find these ribbons around the school. The student council will be hiding it and will be excluded from the Ribbon Hunt. Find these ribbons, and twenty four out of a thousand students will be getting a one week trip to Healing Camp. It's an exclusive camp, and it will cater to breakfast, lunch, dinner and cabins."

   The cheers erupted from the student body, and for the first time, I smiled at them. It's true, I hated these people who put me down. But seeing them suffer by finding these small ribbons was more fun than hating.

   "There's a catch. You have two days to find it. The winners will be announced on the Valentine's Dance. Today and for the next two days, you'll all get a two hour free break. Use it wisely to find these ribbons. And may I say, the people who will go to the Healing Camp will be exempted from the exams and homeworks?"

"HIDE THOSE DAMN RIBBONS NOW!" I heard Oh Sehun shout from his chair as I lowered my gaze at him, my smile turning into a smirk.

   "Oh I will, you pretentious creature. I will," I bit back, not backing down from Sehun's glare that could match sun's heat. I had a staring contest with him for a few seconds, holding the ribbon aloft. I quirked an eyebrow quickly, my smirk growing wider as if to say, "Little girl? I don't think so."

   Principal Kim quickly stepped towards me, giving me a smile I know all too well. It means to back away. I nodded at her, glancing at Sehun before turning my back on him. Principal Kim went to podium, and as I sat behind the table that held the ribbons, I raised two middle fingers to Sehun who was still staring at me. He smiled so sweetly, that I almost believed it. As Principal Kim started to dismiss, Sehun crossed his legs all lady-like, tilting his head to the right slightly and mouthing the words, " you."

Mr. Rude's POV

   I saw her get up from her seat and stomp away angrily. I laughed and shook my head. She was such a coward she couldn't even raise her middle finger in front of her aunt. Jongin noticed me laugh and leaned towards me, a playful smile on his face.

   "You want to get back at her real good?" Jongin asked me as I nodded, quirking my head to the left in interest. I never missed a day nor chance to piss off Ms. Teacher's Pet.

"You know how she always drinks hot milk?"

"Yeah, why?"

   "Well, why don't we make the taste more interesting for her?" Jongin suggested, leaning back towards his seat, his arms crossed. My smile formed slowly, the plan already coming to mind.

"You, my friend, are a genius."

"Eh, they don't call me Kaistein for nothing."

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Chapter 11: Ahh please update soon author-nim
Chapter 11: Omg hani surely has tons of things to be explained xD update soon, author-nim :) i'll be waiting
Chapter 6: Asdfghjkl chen is sooooo damn sweet here xD
Chapter 11: i laughed so harrrrrd! ahahahahaha
Chapter 11: hahahahahaha x'D
i don't know what to say :'D
it is so funnyyyyyy xD
Chapter 11: Lol! Dis ch made me laugh so hard! XD
lol . The gang is coming xD
Chapter 10: This story deserves more upvotes and views...
Chapter 9: Kaaawaaaiiiii! :)
Chapter 9: omygosh this story is sooooo cute ♡♡♡