Fall for You

What I Want to do once I have a lover

Fall for You


“Aish… How long do we have to do this?”


The irritated doe eyed rebel was reaching her breaking point that night. It was way pass her bedtime, and her demanding but unbelievably gorgeous girlfriend insisted that they shouldn’t go to bed until Yoona gets all her answers right for their upcoming world history test.


The night didn’t start like this. Yoona felt all sorts of giddiness when Yuri said she wanted to skype that night. Yuri just got home from cram school and instead of chillaxing (which Yoona would probably chose to do) decided that she wanted to skype.


Yoona had been duped. Like big time.


It turns out Yuri had other plans and instead of sweet talking the night away, the future valedictorian wanted to do practice drills for their test. History Test that Yoona have completely forgotten about.


“Just a little bit more.” Yuri said reassuringly, while scurrying over her notes.


“You said that ten minutes ago, and ten minutes ago before that.” Yoona reasons out.


“C’mon Yoong, can you blame me if I want my girlfriend to do well?”


Yoona narrows her eyes before turning away. It was impossible to stay cool when the butterflies inside her stomach started doing flips and tumbles. If Yuri only knew how Yoona loses her mind whenever she calls her my girlfriend.




Yoona slumps back in defeat. She retreated back to watching Yuri browse through her index cards through her monitor. Is it weird for her just to be contented with this?


Yoona let out a snort before mumbling to herself, “You’re lucky I like you so much.”


“What was that, Yoong?”


“Aaaahhh ummm nothing. Is that all you got, President?”


“Here we go, World War II. This is what I was looking for.”


Yuri let out a smile, enough to paralyze Yoona. How can someone without any hint of make up, messy ponytail and wearing pajamas just stole her heart this easily?




“Oh yeah…” Yoona smile slyly, up for the challenge. “Bring it on.”


If memorizing dates, places and names of dead people will be her chance to keep talking with her beautiful girlfriend, then so be it.




“So, are you guys sure you are up for this?”


It was that time of the year again.


Four brown envelopes laying side by side on the table. So harmless, so ordinary looking yet it carried the deadliest thing known to high school students.




It was clearly taunting them. Their report cards that bear their importance in this world. Good report cards meant survival, if they get bad grades and they might as well quit school, hitchhike and live a life as a bum.


But if they won’t open it now, then when?


 “It’s now or never.”


The four friends each took a long hard breath, before shakily pulling out their report cards.


“OMO!” Taeyeon’s Omo sounded contented.


“OMO!” Sooyoung’s Omo sounded like she just witness a miracle.


“OMO!” Hyoyeon’s Omo sounded like the guy who she had been thirsting for has asked her out.


“Omo…” Yoona’s Omo sounded like she have seen the biggest surprise in her life.


A huge relief washing over the desperate girls as they all manage to crawl out of a hellhole of the winter semester with passing grades.


Sooyoung’s entire body shivered in excitement.  “I got all Cs.” Sooyoung said. “I passed.”


“Same…”  Hyoyeon agreed. “Thank you Shisus… How about you, Yoong?”


This can’t be… From a disastrous C and D first semester to almost all A and B this time around.


Yuri will be so proud of her. She said with an air of pride to herself, before turning to her friends with a smile.


“I did good.”


“Good? How good?”


“Let me see!” Hyoyeon ripped the report card from Yoona’s hand before she even get the chance to object. “Damn girl! How you turn your D grade in Anatomy and Physiology to B?”


It wasn’t easy. In fact it was torturous. If Yuri ever did manage to end up as a politician, Yoona will be the first to say that she’ll be a hell of a dictator. She never went easy on Yoona, pushing the girl harder in everything and demanding that Yoona put out her best work and nothing less. But judging from the jump in her grades, looks like everything paid off.


“I ummm… I studied.”


“God! I need a girlfriend like Yuri too.”


“What?” Yoona obviously is not too keen with the idea.


“Can I borrow her, Yoong?”


“Yeah just for test and quizzes.”


Her friends were clearly joking, but Yoona sure wasn’t laughing.




With the sudden change in her grade, came a sudden rush of hope. Yoona’s plan seems farfetched and crazy but if she manage to jump grades on one semester, then maybe just maybe it could happen.


“I got to go!” Yoona starts gathering her things, her friends watched slack jawed at cyclone Yoona twisting around them.




A shiver shot through Yoona’s spine as she waits in anticipation behind enemy lines. For her one hour with her instructor is torture enough, no need to waste any precious seconds. But here she is, an unsettling feeling bubbling inside her guts to be sitting in the guidance counselor’s office.


“So, you want to go to SM University?”


Judging from Mrs. Shin, their guidance counselor tight lipped expression, she looks like she was seconds away from bursting into laughter. Could Yoona really blame her? Im Yoona, the girl who spend her high school getting out of trouble suddenly decides she wants to go to the most prestigious University in the country? There must be a punchline there somewhere.


 “Well, miracles happen, right?” Yoona said.


“I don’t want to be negative, Ms. Im but judging from your grades and your extra curricular activities… They wouldn’t consider looking at your application. But that doesn’t mean that you should feel bad, there are some other schools that you should definitely look to applying.”


That sounded pretty negative for Yoona.


“Ummm… those schools? Are they near SM University?”


Mrs. Shin’s expression changed from surprise to suspicious in just a millisecond.


“Tell me, Ms. Im what’s with this sudden fascination for SM University?”


Yoona shrugs. “I just had an epiphany that’s all.”


“Well, Ms. Im, it takes more than an epiphany to get accepted in a school like SM. Things like this should have been considered since your freshmen year.”


“I’m more of a spur of the moment kind of person.”


“If you wanted to get in to a good university, Ms. Kwon will be a good person to talk to.”


“Ms. Kwon? You mean Yuri?”


Mrs. Shin looks appalled on how informal Yoona is calling their school’s most prized possession.


“Ms. Kwon have the privilege of choosing any university that she pleases. She already got accepted to JYP, YG and Cube. She is the perfect student and the best example of what prestigious Universities like SM is looking for.”


“Oh… Were not really close.” Yoona played along.


“Of course you’re not.”


Yoona’s brow raised up from the slip of the tongue.


“What I meant is…” Mrs. Shin clears , embarrassed from the assumption. “You two seem to have the most opposite interests and likes. But Ms. Kwon is always willing to help any student.”


Yoona could tell from Mrs. Shin’s tone that she sees her more of a charity case that Yuri could either choose to either spend or not spend their precious time too. If Mrs. Shin only knew…


“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” Mrs. Shin continued “If you would like I could tell her to come speak with you about it.”


“No… no… you don’t have to Mrs. Shin. I’m just wondering how to approach her that’s all.”


“Oh.” Mrs. Shin suddenly appears enthusiastic to offer advice about her favorite student. “I know she looks unapproachable at times, but she’s not. She wouldn’t mind talking.”


“Yuri seems to be such a busy student.”


“She is. What would our school be without her?”


What would Yoona be without her?


 “Well, thank you for your help.”

“If you want to I could write a couple of options for you, I would be most happy to do that.”


“It’s okay, I already know where I’m going.”




“SM University.”




 “Do you know you like to walk with one hand in your pocket?”


Yoona quickly pulls her hand out of her pocket, as soon as Yuri points it out.


Maybe if she didn’t like Yuri so much, she would think that Yuri’s detailed observation of her was an invasion of privacy. But since she’s basically smitten with the girl, she thinks that everything the president do is just too darn cute.


It was funny how Yoona learned more about herself in the last month she was with Yuri, than the last seventeen years she had. This is a good example of it, who would know that she walks with her hand on her pocket? No one… no one… just this girl she’s trying to shield from the rain.


Speaking of rain…


Yoona developed a love hate relationship with the weather. She loves rain when it’s the weekends and all she has to do is roll around on her bed and watch TV all day. But it’s the absolute worse when it rains during weekdays, Yoona already have to drag herself to go to school add to it that it’s raining. God must have choose her for joke of the day.


But for some strange reason, the light drizzle is a bit bearable today. Maybe because of the hot chocolate she’s sipping, or maybe because it’s just a light drizzle instead of a horrendous downpour or maybe… just maybe it’s the girl with the infectious smile that she’s sharing her umbrella with.


Yuri have been having that smile for so long, like she didn’t mind the rain.


“You like the rain?”


“It’s alright. I like being next to you though.”


“Aish… You’re so cheesy.” Yoona jerk her head away, hoping Yuri wouldn’t see the blush on her cheeks.


Yuri gently chuckles, squeezing closer to her grumpy girlfriend.




“So?” Yoona asked back.


“You didn’t tell me how you did on your report card.”


“Ehhhh… I did okay.”


“Okay? Are you going to show it to me?”


“No? Why?”


“Because… as your girlfriend, I need to make sure that you are on top of things.”


Yoona have watch K dramas all her life, she had never seen one where a girlfriend checks their lover’s report cards.


“Is that what you’re supposed to do?”


“That’s one of my goals. Now c’mon let me see.”




Yuri hopes her pouting works.


“Okay.” It work a little bit, as Yoona gave in. “But you have to show me your grades first.”


Yuri paused a bit considering Yoona’s offer.


“Okay… then do you promise that you’ll show yours?”


“I will. I will.”


“Okay.” Yuri stop on her tracks to pull out her report card from her Blue Jansport Bag. “Here.”


Yoona’s already wide doe eyes quadrupled in size as she sees Yuri’s grades.


A+ in Physics, A++ in PE, A++ in Literature, A++ in World History, A++ in Anatomy, A++ in Economics, A++ in Speech, A++ in Trigonometry.


A++ is a grade?


Yuri’s grades made Yoona’s grade look like a piece of trash.


And as she see every perfect grade Yuri had, Yoona couldn’t help but come up with a conclusion.


There must be something wrong with Yuri…


No one in this world could be this perfect. Beautiful, intelligent, a caring unnie, the best girlfriend, and to top it all of an awesome kisser. But there’s nothing, no flaw or quirk with Yuri. She just happens to be this unbelievably amazing girl who ends up being with the world’s most imperfect girl.


“Ok… now you have seen mine, let me see yours?”


Yoona starts to dig in her bag, ruffling between her books and notebooks, her report card tucked between her notebook.


“Omo… I think I forget back in school.” Yoona lied, hoping Yuri doesn’t catch it.


“What? Do you want to go back and get it?”


“Aaaaahhhh no no… it’s okay. No rush. But enough about your grade. Let’s talk about yours. We should ummm celebrate.”


Yuri’s smile dimmed a bit.


“I’m sorry Yoong, I have to go to cram school the entire month.”




“Yeah… the entrance exams for SM University is coming up. I feel like I’m slacking off.”


“You slacking off? You hardly even sleep. Do you know how that make us look?”


“Well, I have university entrance exams by the end of the month. I don’t think I have studied enough.”


“You study a lot.”


“Not enough to make me feel confident.”


Yoona could see Yuri’s expression change after she said it. The once playful Yuri suddenly turned hesitant.


“Aish.” Yoona slaps Yuri in the back, making Yuri almost tumble forward. “You’ll do amazing, you’ll see.”


Why does her girlfriend seem so violent?


“How about you? Have you started studying already?”


No. “I will.”


“Have you thought of what college you are going to?”


Yes. “I’m looking at several options.”


“If you like we could study together.”


Yoona just scoffs. “You really have a lousy idea of a date.”


“Well, we could always get coffee afterwards.”


“I like hot chocolate more.”


“I could tell…” Yuri softly chuckles and brushing away the milk chocolate mustache in Yoona’s upper lip.


“No… I could do it-” Ahhhh what’s the point? It’s not like Yoona didn’t like the attention.


“Oh… here it is.” Yuri says gleefully as they stood in front of Yuri’s cram school. The building look like a setting for a modern horror story for Yoona.


“Well, have fun.”


“Thank you.”


And before Yoona could object, Yuri sneaks a kiss on Yoona’s cheek.


“Good night…” The girl waved goodbye, leaving a stunned Yoona standing there.


Yoona let out a scoff, before saying.


“Now what am I going to do without you?”




If she couldn’t hang out with Yuri, she might as well hangout with the two little Yuris.  It wasn’t really her intention, just wanting to swing by Yuri’s apartment to drop off some congratulatory cupcakes. But the second Junguen saw her and refused to jump off her back, Yoona was stuck. Not like she minds.


“Thank you for coming and playing with the twins, Yoona.”


“Oh sure, Mrs. Kwon that’s no problem.”


“Okay, girls, you can play with Yoona unnie for a little bit then you have to take a bath and get ready for bed.”






“YUMMMYYY!!!!” Junguen little eyes twinkled in amazement at the yummy cupcakes set in front of her and her twin.


 “Thank you.” Anna said softly before the icing away.


“Anything for you guys.” Yoona says.  


The doe eyed girl is about to take a bite of her own cupcake when the sight of the twin girls just amaze her. Anna is savoring every flavor of her vanilla cupcake, while Junguen’s cupcake is no match for her as she attack her chocolate cupcake.


“You enjoyed it, huh?” Yoona couldn’t contain her laughter when she sees Junguen’s cupcake stained all over her face.


“UH HUH UH HUH UH HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Junguen nods happily, her face covered in icing and cake. “Whose cupcake is that?”


Her little eyes sparkled once again at the thought of devouring another cupcake.


“Oh… this?” Yoona pointed to the heart shape box with a red velvet cupcake inside it. “I bought it for your Yuri unnie.”


“But unnie not hewe. Why you buy her one?”


Ahhh yeah ummm…because I want to ummm… you know…”


The two baby Yuris blinked their eyes curiously, patiently anticipating for Yoona’s answer.


“Because I ummm… I want her to know that even if were not together, I’m always thinking of her.”




“Why what?”


“Why you always think of her?”


“Welll… ummm… because…” Yoona pulled up Junguen and carefully sat her in her lap so they could finally have a heart to heart talk. “I like… like…really really like your unnie.”




Yoona couldn’t take Junguen’s dramatic reaction, not when her face is covered with icing and cake.


“You like unnie?”


“Yes.” Yoona took a wet paper towel and started caring for her future sister in law by wiping off the icing.


“B-b-b-b-but why?”


“Because she’s….ummm…” Yoona struggled to find the right word to describe someone so perfect. “You know…”




“Your unnie is the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world.”


“More beautiful than Elsa?”


“Your Yuri unnie could unfreeze anything that Elsa freezes with how beautiful she is.”


Both twins face was etched with so much amazement, who knows their unnie is that powerful?




“Yup. Not only that she’s very, very, very smart. She’s ummm… smarter than ummm… the Little Einsteins combined.”




“But above all, she’s the sweetest, most caring and loving person in the whole wide world.”


“You mawee (marry) my unnie?”


As expected of the smart Anna to throw a curveball at Yoona.


“I…” Yoona smile softly before admitting. “I think we will. If your unnie would want to. ”


Never did a 5 year old looks so devastated until Junguen had her first heartbreak.


“So, you wub my unnie?”


Yoona paused for a bit, she hadn’t admitted to anyone else yet but she couldn’t be surer of the answer.


“I do. Very much. So, you can be my dongsaeng now, Junguen.” Yoona says reassuringly.


HMMMMPPPP Were the only thing the tearful Junguen said.


“Remember Junguen, I’m really old. You will find someone who’s so much cooler.”




“I’m sorry Junguen, how can you ever forgive unnie?”


Junguen took a deep breath. Yoona broke her heart and if she wants to earn back her forgiveness, it wouldn’t be easy.


“Buy me cupcake.”




“Good night guys.” Yuri bows down politely to her classmates, before turning around to check her books.


“It’s still 9:00, I could still run to the library before it closes at 10.”


“Do you know you talk to yourself?”


Yuri’s lips instantly spread in a smile as she heard that familiar husky voice she’s been loving so much lately.


“I do, don’t I?”


Yoona shrugs before tilting her Rilakkuma umbrella towards Yuri. “This is for you.” Yoona shows Yuri the heart shape box with cupcake in it.


“Thank you.” Yuri stole another peck in Yoona’s cheek. Not that Yoona mind. “My mom told me you came over to visit the girls.”


“I did. I hype them up for you and feed them a bunch of sugar.”


“Hopefully when I get home they already crashed.” Yuri smile softly. “Thank you for doing that.”


“No problem. I had fun.”


“With school and the entrance exams, I haven’t had the chance to play as much as I do with them.”


“No… they understand.”


“Understand what?”


“That their unnie is a nerd.” Yoona chuckles at the expense of her girlfriend.


“Hmmmp.” Yuri playfully snorts, making Yoona pinch her in her waist. “Yah!” She spins around, frowning at Yoona, but Yoona just responded with a haughty smirk, before tickling Yuri on the side again.




“Are you really going to the library?”


“Well, I still have some time so might as well, right?”


“No… Let’s go someplace else…” Yoona proposed.


“Yoong, can we do it on the weekend?”


Yoona just wag her finger at her, refusing Yuri’s answer.






“B-but we have school tomorrow.”


Yoona just whistled happily, tugging her resistant girlfriend along.






“Were seniors now, Yuri.”


Yuri just sighed in defeat, but deep inside couldn’t contain her excitement.


“So, where are we going?”


To which Yoona just replied with a gorgeous smile.


“You’ll see…”




We can’t stop stop stop
It’s Party time here
Keep it going, party time!!!!!

It’s a PARTY!


Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon look like they are drunk in Lemon Soju, Margarita and Mojito with how much they are rocking to SNSD summer anthem. It was a school night but the three girls believed they shouldn’t wait until the weekend to celebrate passing this semester.


Yuri leans closer to her girlfriend and whispers curiously. “Do you guys always go out even on school nights?”








The three scream their lungs out like they’re metal Rock Gods and seconds away from smashing the TV.


“Now let sing it like our boyfriend of 6 years just broke up with us, and we found out that he got our bestfriend pregnant and now they’re getting married.”


Even Hyoyeon and Sooyoung was frozen from that angsty thought.


“Wow, Taeng… that’s deep… BUT LET’S DO IT!”


Lemon soju, nan tekkila, neon mojito

Gaja Jeju, California, Roma- kkaji

Hanya jinju pumuen bada meosjin pado… Finito…


Yoona shook her head as she sees her supposedly unnies singing “Party” while on their knees and crying their heart out. But when she peeked at the girl beside her and saw Yuri’s wide smile, she ends up with a smile as well.

This was quite a new sight. There was a time in Kindergarten where this creepy boy Leeteuk has always been creeping around Yoona. What he thought was romantic turned out to be downright stalkerish, as he attempted to kiss Yoona, he didn’t even get a chance to come close when Yoona already er punched him hard on the gut.


It hadn’t change eversince, the doe eyed rebel had always hated the idea of skinship. That’s why this is completely surprising, Yoona and Yuri squeezed in one couch, while Yuri’s arm is wrapped around Yoona’s arm.


Who is this romantic girl? And what did she do to their cold hearted maknae?


“C’mon Pres! Sing with us!”


“Ahhhhh…” Yuri who was usually so composed, was blushing madly at the offer. She could speak in front of a hundred people, she could go head to head in any debate with anyone, but she’s not sure if she’s up to the challenge of singing in front of someone else, especially not in front of Yoona.


“C’mon Yul…” Yoona nudge her girlfriend on the side. “Go sing…”


“Maybe you should sing with your baby girl too, Yoona.”


Yoona’s doe eyes widened at the suggestion. She had been present in every noraebang outing, they should know by now that she despise singing.


“Yeah Yoong…” Yuri’s eyes spark in excitement at the thought of her grumpy girlfriend singing.


“I don’t sing.”


“Yes you do.”


“No. I don’t.”


“Oh C’mon Dude… your beautiful girlfriend is here, don’t you want to sing to her?”


“If she hears me sing, she’ll break up with me so no.” Yoona flat out said no.


“No… I wouldn’t.” It was Yuri’s turn to nudge her.


Yoona turn to look at Yuri and couldn’t help but see that she wasn’t the cool and in control Ms. President that very moment, but a shy high school girl.


Yoona jump up and offers her hand to Yuri.






The three girls took a step back, watching as Yoona walked Yuri to the middle, her eyes never straying away from Yuri as the first notes played. Now Yoona doesn’t know what is making her heart beat like this, singing or her girlfriend?


Her voice sounded creaky at first, and she could swore her singing is cringe worthy but when she sees the wide grin in Yuri’s face, she might not be as bad.




“Thank you for letting me stay over for the night, Mrs. Kwon.”


Yoona is bowing down so low, Yuri was scared that her girlfriend is going to break in half.


“No worries Yoona, you are always welcome in our home. Yuri make sure you share your pajamas with Yoona.”


“Yes mom…”




“Hey… This PJs are quite- Yuri?”


Yoona stepped out of the restroom into the unfamiliar hallway wondering where her girlfriend is.


“Yur- “She watch quietly as she sees Yuri pressing a kiss on her sleeping baby sister’s cheeks, while gently tucking them comfortably in their bed.


“Junguen looks so harmless.”


Yuri giggled softly, before gently caressing the adorable baby Junguen on her hair. Yuri then turns to Yoona with a smile that was enough to stun Yoona.




And before Yoona could object to anything, Yuri had already tugged her back to her room.




Tonight was Yuri’s own version of the Cinderella story. Her girlfriend the grumpy prince just doing everything to make her feel like the world. But how long will this last? Four- maybe six months including summer vacation, before she goes off for SM University?


“You might find someone out there in SM.” Yoona’s voice is barely louder than a whisper, but Yuri heard it perfectly.


“If I ever get in, I’ll only go there for school.”




“My heart’s already taken. I don’t think it’s possible for anyone else to steal it away. How about you?”


“What about me?”


“You might find someone fun and exciting. You would obviously fall for them, right? Yoona? Yoon-”


 Yuri turn around to find her girlfriend already passed out next to her. Yuri gently twist around the bed, sneaking a peek at her. The raven haired beauty plops back in bed with a smile, as Yoona’s face lingers inside her mind.


“Thank you for tonight, Yoong.” Yuri whispers gently, trying not to wake her girlfriend up.


She was about to wrap her arm around Yoona’s waist but froze when she realize that it could wake her darling up. Yuri resorted to scooting as close as she can, contented as she watches Yoona’s breathing slow down and even. But Yuri froze when Yoona stirred around, before wrapping her arm around her.


And just when Yuri thought that Yoona have drifted away to her dreams, Yuri heard her whisper softly.


“I’ll only fall for you, Kwon Yuri.”




Thank you so much for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed the update. 



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almost 7 years later, still waiting for that final chapter :(
ssaminchu #2
This story is so amazing, still waiting for the final chap💕
Meyoong #3
Chapter 10: Still waiting for the final chapter. I hope you update author-nim. Fighting!
KumaKey88 #4
Chapter 10: Waiting for the final chapter, and still waiting
Still waiting on that final chapter.. never giving up :(
2ne1snsd #6
Chapter 10: this is still so good
Chapter 7: holy this is pure gold and i can't omg
Chapter 4: Yuri is so oblivious omg it's so funny and I'm in love with this story
Adampark19 #9
Chapter 10: I'm still waiting author-nim~
I'm excited to see how this ends. What a fluffy read, they're really cute together.