Before you like me

What I Want to do once I have a lover

Before anything else, I would like to say thank you, thank you and another thank you for the awesome response from you guys from the last chapter. I enjoy reading each one of your comments and would love to hear more from everyone who had the chance to read. Once again, thank you so much and enjoy this next chapter.



Before You Like Me


    Yoona felt her life being out of her as she stepped on one of her forbidden place. It was more than that, this place was the last place she wants to be in. But she needs to be here, after her disastrous attempt with their first kiss, she needed to seek an advice from a known expert.


     And she believes that in this bookstore, she could find that darn book that led her to this conundrum in the first place.


    The doe eyed girl narrowed her eyes at the computer, ready to enter those troublesome eight words and let the computer do its magic.




“Oh crap…”


     Yoona practically jump on the computer, trying to hide what she’s searching for from this overly eager bookstore worker.




Yoona couldn’t figure out why this girl was yelling, isn’t a bookstore supposed to be quiet?


“No… I’m okay. Thanks though.”


“Oooooohhhhh…” The saleslady stepped closer, invading Yoona’s personal space as she reads the words that Yoona type in. “HOW TO GET YOUR CRUSH TO LIKE YOU?!”


    Yoona could only sigh in disbelief, after trying so hard to hide it, here is this girl just letting the whole world know.


“I want to get for a friend- She ummm… met this fantastic girl and did this unbelievably stupid thing. That’s why she needs this book to find an answer on how she could fix what she did.”


 “You want to know a secret?”


No… “I guess…”


“Read the book it works.”


“Well… that’s good to hear. I’m sure my friend will appreciate that.”


“OH! It’s in the self help section! Let me get you the copy.”


“I ummm-“


     But the happy saleslady already skipped away before Yoona could try to stop her. Well, Yoona could guess that it’s good, at least she could get out of here quickly.


“Junguen slow down baby…”


“Oh God No!”


    A deep sense of dread suddenly washed over Yoona. This can’t be! She and Yuri just kissed an hour ago. What on Earth is Yuri and her baby sisters doing here in the bookstore?


   She ducks in the romance section, spying as a hyper Junguen skips ahead of Yuri who is holding on to
Anna’s pudgy fingers.




“I won’t buy you one if you don’t keep still.” Yuri said sternly but Junguen knew better. “Yoona?”


“Yoongie!!!” Junguen squeals excitedly as she saw her girlfriend.


“Junguen, be respectful please. Call Yoona, unnie.”


“But she’s my gilfwend, it doesn’t sound wight…”


    Yuri then quickly looks away as she realize which section Yoona was in, sandwiched between the 50 shades of grey trilogy and books with half men on the covers.


“Oh no! No! No! No! No!” Yoona said in dismay as she figure out why Yuri was looking at her so awkwardly. “I was just walking through this section. I’m not you know into those things. I have quite an innocent mind.”


“What are you doing here?”


“There’s ummm- like this new manga that I have been wanting to read. So, you know… hehehe. How about you?”


“Well, Anna and Junguen did so good on their spelling test that I want to get them a treat.”


“I want to get a kiss from Yoongie-“ Junguen proclaimed loudly. A kiss, her unnie and Yoona clears their throat embarrassingly.


“Oh. You’re a great unnie.” And an even greater kisser, Yoona said to herself.


“Thanks. I’m ahhh- do you want to come over and have dinner tonight?”








Yoona turns around in horror as the saleslady wave around the book like a flag.


“Oh god no…” The doe eyed girl could only cover her face, mortified at the thought of Yuri finding out.


“Here it is.”


“I ummm- don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yoona denied flatly, while Yuri raised her brow as she saw the alleged book.


“Oh c’mon… it’s for your friend, remember?”


“Your friend?” Yuri asked Yoona.


“Yeah… kekeke.”


“Her friend is so romantic…” The saleslady coos at Yuri. “She is buying this book so she could win the heart of this fantastic, unbelievably perfect girl.”


Yoona could only chuckle as she continues to slowly die from humiliation.


Yuri couldn’t understand how this random stranger could know everything that Yoona feels, but Yoona never have the guts to say it to her.


“I think if your friend just ask, she’ll realize that the person have always like her back.”


Yuri said and it was enough to stop Yoona.


“That she doesn’t have to go through all this to figure out about how the other one feels. But that’s just me. I don’t know about you.”


“I ummm… I’ll be sure to tell my friend that. kekekekeke- Well, look at the time!” Yoona checks at her watch. “I got to bounce and gives this to my friend! Bye!!!”


Once again, the doe eyed girl run out before Yuri had the chance to say anything.






   Yoona’s buddies just watches in confusion when their hyperventilating maknae looks like she was being chased by a pack of wolves as she enter Sooyoung’s den.


“What did you do?”


“I can’t say it… I can’t!” Yoona starts walking back and forth in an almost dizzying pace, her face stricken with such worry.  “What happened was beyond my control!!!! It’s not me who did that! It’s like I was possessed or something!”


“Calm down… Yoong…” Taeyeon, always the more reasonable one tries to settle things down. “What exactly did you do?”


“Yeah… did you kill someone or something?”


“Worse…I ummm…” Yoona collapse face first on the bed. “IkissYuri…” Her answer unintelligible as it’s being muffled by a face full of pillow.


“What? We couldn’t hear you with that pillow on your face.”


Yoona raises her head up and says in despair.


“I kiss Yuri.”


   Her friends silence only heighten her fears. They weren’t saying a word, but it was clearly etched on their faces, their eyes were wide open and jaws hanging to the ground. The three girls stood motionless, the weight of what they just heard, paralyze them.


   They were probably so disappointed in her. The four of them vowed to remain single and here she is just kissing some random girl. But wait… it’s not just some random girl. It’s Kwon Yuri. It’s harder than anyone thought, how could anyone resist a Kwon Yuri?


 “Omo dude!!!!! WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!”


   Now it was Yoona’s turn to be slack jawed. This wasn’t the reaction she was expecting as she looks at her friends celebrating as if they won an all you can eat buffet.


“What kind of kiss was it?!” Sooyoung ask first.


“Just a kiss…” Yoona answers “What other kind of kiss are there?”


“Where did you kiss her?”


“Outside her apartment?”


“No… no…no… I meant where in her face did you kiss her? Or it’s not on her face?” Hyoyeon bob her brow mischievously at what she’s trying to imply.


“Ummm… in the lips?”




The three girls drop to the ground, bowing at the charismatic, smooth moves of the romantic Im Yoona.




“Teach us to be smooth like you…”


“You guys cut that out!” Yoona groans in frustration.


Can’t her friends be serious for once? Don’t they know it’s a life and death situation here?


“But c’mon dude… we didn’t know you have the guts to kiss Kwon Yuri. Did you two like make out or something?”


“What?! No… it was a ummm… just a kiss.”


    Okay… it’s really not just a kiss. It was more than that. Yoona was always the type who pukes during kissing scenes on TV, she just didn’t see the point of exchanging spit with another human being.


    But when she press her lips against Yuri, everything started making perfect sense. She understood what made a kiss so special. When Yoona lost the nerves to say those three words to Yuri, that one kiss says a thousand feelings that the dictionary fail to define.


“How does her lips taste like?”


     Yoona’s friends could swore that Yoona’s doe eyes turn into hearts as she recalls the kiss. Her smile was something they have never seen before and the way her eyes twinkle was something only thoughts of Kwon Yuri could only be the reason of.




“Sweet like chocolate or like…”


“It’s like fruity maybe strawberry or cherry, and it so soft. Her lips felt so soft.”


“Omo… so jelly!!!”


“Omo…” Yoona touch her trembling lips, fearing it was too chap for Yuri’s glorious lips. “What if it all ? What did I even eat before we kiss?!”


“I think you ate some garlic fried rice.” Hyoyeon always the instigator decide to make things worse.


“Oh no… Did I really ate that?” Yoona’s fears were taking over her again. “I shouldn’t have done that…”


“But there’s no use regretting it now… You have to follow through.”




“By using your tongue.” Hyoyeon suggested.


“That’s not what I meant, Hyo.” Taeyeon cut through Hyoyeon’s byun mind “You have to talk about it, like what did you say after?”




“What do you mean ummm?”


“I don’t know… I kinda ummm…” Yoona continues to scratch her head in embarrassment.


“Here you go again with your ummms… what do you mean?!”


“I run away before Yuri had the chance to say anything…” Yoona spoke so meekly but her friends heard it loud and clearly.




“What? I got scared! What if she slaps me? what if she says I don’t like you?!”


“What if she like the kiss? What if she wanted to kiss you back?”


Yoona felt her knees unbuckled beneath her. Her epic failures just weakening her by the second. It’s like failure after failure after endless failure.


“Calm down, Yoong. It’s over and done. Why don’t you tell us what happen and see what we could do to fix it.”




Flashback to the kiss…


      The kiss probably just lasted a few seconds but Yoona felt like it lasted for an eternity. No- erase that, she meant she could kiss Yuri for eternity.


    She was trembling then, unsure of whether it was from the cold or the feel of kissing the girl of her dreams. Yoona heard Yuri utter a soft sigh as soon as they pull apart.


“Omo! What have I done?”


Yoona’s inexperience with love showed quickly when she reacted too abruptly.




“Did I just- did we kiss?”


“I think we did. Yoona- I…“


“No…don’t tell me!” Yoona put her hands on her ears unwilling to hear what Yuri utters next.




Yuri was getting rattled too as she saw how Yoona reacted. Was it that bad that Yoona is acting like this?


“Don’t tell me what you feel… I’m not ready.”




“No- I can’t!”


And before Yuri could even persuade Yoona, Yoona already dashed out of there.




“You idiot…”


     This time Yoona is pretty sure it was utter disappointment that her friends feel towards her. She could tell, she was disappointed with herself too.


“I know… I know…”


“You should go text her and apologize! You don’t kiss someone and just runaway from it!” Sooyoung sermon her young buck.


“No… don’t text her. You have to do it in person.”


“And tell her what?”


“Exactly how you feel.”


“Or… go for round 2… ehhh… ehhh?”


“I don’t know what to do… I don’t know what to say.”


That’s why she bought that book in the first place, but that’s a secret she will carry to her grave.


“Say what you feel.” Taeyeon spoke again. “If you don’t say anything, she’ll believe that the kiss made you feel like it was a mistake. And was it?”


“No. Of course not.”


“Then go over there and tell her how you feel.”


“But you’re not going back there looking like that, right?” Sooyoung crinkles her nose in disapproval.


“Why? What’s wrong with how I look?”


Yoona wondered, but the question turned into terror as she saw the evil glint on her friend’s eyes.




“Okay… if you add 10 with 5- Junguen pay attention baby-“


“Wisten…” Anna warned her twin cutely. Her L’s still sounding like W’s despite her effort not to.


     Yuri warned her baby sister to no avail, as Junguen would rather play with her toes than listen to her lessons. Today was more exhausting than usual, Add to her stress her baby sister that can’t focus and the doe eyed girl who just can’t stay on her feet.


“Yuri! Someone is here to see you.”


    Yuri looks warningly at her kid sisters not to move an inch from their spot. Anna cowers obediently, while Junguen is already up on her feet.


    Yuri couldn’t help but gulp at the beautiful angel in front of her. Yoona was still wearing their school uniform but the way her hair flowed behind her instead of her usual messy ponytail and the slight touch of make up highlighting her beautiful face even more.


    And suddenly it dawns on Yuri how shabby she looks next to Yoona. Her with her thick glasses, hair in a messy bun and dress in pajamas.


“What are you doing here, Yoona?”


“I ummm…” Yoona gaze down on the bouquet on her hands, before stretching her arm out to Yuri. “Ummm… I bought flowers for your ummm vase.”


    It was a stupid excuse and they both just smile embarrassingly because of it. Yuri took the flowers from Yoona, and Yoona followed Yuri to her living room.


“My vase is thankful.” Yuri said, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she put the flowers in the vase.


“I hope your vase like it.”


“It does. It never receive anything this beautiful.”


“I was so worried that your ummm vase might not like it.”


“Anything from you, my vase would like.”


“Is Yoona unnie going to live with us now?”


 “No… she’s just coming over to visit.”


“I wish she live in our house like were maweed.”


    Yuri was getting visibly annoyed with how Junguen can just blatantly express her feelings for Yoona, but she couldn’t. It’s like the kiss was a dirty secret that was not meant to ever be talked about.


“You’re too young for that.”


“Let’s have a coloring contest!!!!! Whoever wins gets to choose a game!!!!” Junguen announced.


   Yoona stared so long and hard at the living room table, unsure how to react now that Yuri was sitting next to her in the Kwon’s living room.


    Yoona felt like she was grasping on straw with her situation with Yuri. She didn’t know how to approach Yuri about what happened, how does she open up?


   She was sitting next to Yuri but they might as well be worlds apart with how they were both choking in silence.


    Yoona took a deep breath and just stared at Yuri who was furiously coloring. She sees Yuri’s left hand resting on her lap. And Yoona couldn’t figure out what got her to finally make a move but she did. Her fingers tiptoed closer before finally lacing their fingers together.


Yuri shot Yoona a surprise look when she took her hands on her.


    Yuri turns toward her sisters, both girls focus on coloring then she turns to Yoona, gazing at their lock hands as if it’s a work of magic.


Yoona wrote on Yuri’s coloring page.


I like you…


Yuri cast her gaze downwards to hide her blush, before she scribbles on Yoona’s coloring page.


“I’m finished!” Junguen announced.


     At first glance, no one could tell that it was a picture of Elsa and Anna with how Junguen colors it, Her coloring page can rival Picasso’s with how the colors are everywhere. Yoona tries to sneak a peek on her coloring page and felt her heart stop when she saw what Yuri wrote.


I like you too…


    Yoona didn’t have the chance to look at Yuri’s mom until now and it fascinated her to see how similar they look. Yuri is going to grow up so beautiful just like her mom.


“Okay babies, time for your bath.”


“Mom you don’t have to do it, you just came from work.”


“It’s alright darling, why don’t you take Yoona to your room?”


     Their mom joins them in the living room. Yoona was about to pull her hand away from Yuri, but Yuri held it tighter, hiding their hands underneath the table.


“But it’s time to pway…” Junguen protested.


“No… you have school tomorrow. C’mon Jungie.” Her mom picks the clearly upset Junguen off.


Yuri waited until her mom and sisters disappeared in the bathroom before motioning to Yoona.


    Yuri smiled shyly at Yoona, she reached out her hand and Yoona took hers, intertwining their fingers together.


“Did you eat dinner already?”


“I’m not hungry.”


Yuri chuckled to herself, last time Yoona said her stomach disagreed.




“Mom… me and Yoona are just going to take a walk.”


“Okay sweetheart.” Yuri’s mom called out from the bathroom. “Don’t stay out too long.”




“Are you cold?”


      Yoona quickly bit her tongue at how stupid her question sounded. It was the middle of winter, it was a clear night and there seems to be no sight of snow in sight but still it would have been more comfortable to just stay inside.


“I’m okay, how about you?”


     Yoona responded with a smile, suddenly the cold didn’t bother her as much anymore, not when Yuri has her arms wrapped around Yoona’s arm.


“No… I’m okay.”


“About what happened earlier.”


     The tanned girl let go of Yoona’s hand when she heard that, but Yoona refused to be apart from Yuri and took Yuri’s hand on hers.


“I didn’t mean to run away-“


“When? After the kiss? Or the one in the bookstore?” Yuri intended it to be a joke but it sounded too serious.


“Well. For both… I just- I got scared.”


“About what?”


    Yuri nudges Yoona to sit in the park bench with her. The two took each other’s hand in theirs. Yoona smiling as she sees the Rillakuma wristband on Yuri’s wrist.


“About what I did. If it was right to just kiss you like that.”


“Is that why you bought the book?”

“Ahhh yeah.” Yoona admits embarrassingly. “By the way I got you this…”


    Yoona digs inside her bag and pulls out a notebook with the title in the front: What I want to do once I have a lover.


    Yuri smiles as she reads the cover, but the smile disappeared when she saw that the notebook has nothing written on it.


“It’s empty.”


“Yes. ahhh… because this book is our love story. And this one we have to fill it up ourselves.”


The smile returns in Yuri’s lips.


“If I could do it again Yuri, I would have stayed after. I would have kissed you longer.”


Yuri caressed Yoona’s cheek with her mittened hand, soothing the doe eyed girl’s distress heart.


“Well, you are here now.”


How could Yoona promise Yuri she’ll stay forever?


“So, ummm… I was wondering how you ummm…” Yoona just focus her gaze on her tattered converse than on Yuri. “Do you feel the same?”


Yuri just hold on tighter to Yoona’s hand as a response.


“I’m scared to like you, Yoona.”


That wasn’t the respond that Yoona was waiting for.


“What? Why?”


“You always seem so cold, and you always make it a point that you have no intentions to fall for someone. I was pretty sure I was going to end up with a heartbreak with you, but still even if I try to find someone else, someone more affectionate.”


“Oh God… please don’t tell me you’re going to choose Bekah.”


“It would have been easier if I did, but my heart refuses to.”


Yoona couldn’t help but sigh in relief.


 “I’m sorry… I was just-“


“I like you, Im Yoona.” Yuri reassures Yoona. “You don’t know how happy that makes me to finally say it out loud than keep it inside. I like you. I like the stubborn, impossible you.”


Yoona felt her heart racing as she heard Yuri’s confession.


“What about me?”


Yoona raised her brow in confusion.


“What do you mean?”


“This is really how I look like Yoona, no make up, thick glasses, messy bun. Are you sure you still like me?”


Much to Yuri’s confusion, Yoona plans to answer her question by placing Yuri’s hand to cover her eyes.


“I like you, Kwon Yuri.” Yoona confessed.


“What? What are you doing, silly?”


“I’m just saying that I don’t need to see you to know how I feel. I still like you, Kwon Yuri.”


Yoona took Yuri’s hands once again and this time uses it to cover her ears.


“Even if I can’t hear your voice, or no one mentions your name. My heart would constantly remind me of you.”


Then Yoona pulls away, until only their fingertips touch.


“And no matter if I could hardly touch you, I would still like you.”


Yuri lowers her gaze to the ground, unable to hide her blush from the sweet confession.


“I won’t stop liking you just because something change. I like you Kwon Yuri because you’re you and that will remain constant. I promise you that.”


“Thank you.”


“I have no idea being someone’s girlfriend though. I’ll probably at it.”


“I think you’ll do a good job.” Yuri gently squeeze Yoona’s hand on hers. “Maybe we could figure it out together?”


“I would love that.”


Yoona nods, before squeezing Yuri’s hand back as reaffirmation.


“Let me take you home before you get too cold.”


Yoona gently tugs on Yuri before they turn around and walk back to Yuri’s apartment.


“See? You’re being such a sweetheart already.” Yuri teases the once cold hearted rebel.


“But only with you though…”


“I feel so special.”


“You should.”


The two chuckles softly, it was like fate was in Yoona’s side to make this night more perfect, the beauty of the first snow gently draping around them.


“Oh didn’t they say the one you see the snow together, you’ll be with them forever?”


“Isn’t that from a k drama?”


“Good point.” Yoona agrees. “My reality is so much better now.”


“I might be a bit hard to love though.” Yuri confess.


“I already fell for you, Yul. It’s a bit too late for that warning, don’t you think?”


Yoona always the more sarcastic one replies.


     The new lovers wish they could stay out longer, but the temperature was dropping by the second and Yoona don’t think she could handle it if Yuri ever get sick. Before Yuri went back inside her home, she took off her scarf and place it around Yoona’s neck.


“Stay warm, Yoongie.”


“I will. Good night Yul.”


Yuri’s lips spread into an endearing smile that Yoona couldn’t help but fall for.


“Good night, Yoong.”






    Yuri was taken by surprise when Yoona pulled her in for a backhug. But this was the kind of surprise that Yuri wouldn’t mind being startled too. The hopeless romantic in Yuri couldn’t help but wish for this everytime she sees it on TV, now she’s here, melting as she’s wrapped in Yoona’s warm embrace.


    Yuri spun around, this time stealing the chance to wrap her arms around Yoona as well. The two of them stayed like that for awhile, allow the song playing in their head to dictate their rhythm. Yoona cups Yuri’s cheeks, her eyes filled with so much more than what her words can ever say.


     The doe eyed girl gently press her lips on Yuri’s forehead, before moving to kiss Yuri’s cheek. The two then playfully brush their nose against each other, until finally Yoona kisses Yuri’s lips.


    Their lips softly brush against each other, yet it was more than enough to create spark between the two. Yoona never attempted to deepen the kiss much more than it needs to be. For her, right now, this was more than just perfect.


    A sweet kiss from Yoona, the innocent feeling of winter’s first snow… Could anything be more perfect than this?


 “I like you, Kwon Yuri.”


     And just when Yuri thought everything was perfect, Yoona just proved her wrong. Because nothing felt more perfect than hearing those words from the one your heart choose to love.













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almost 7 years later, still waiting for that final chapter :(
ssaminchu #2
This story is so amazing, still waiting for the final chap💕
Meyoong #3
Chapter 10: Still waiting for the final chapter. I hope you update author-nim. Fighting!
KumaKey88 #4
Chapter 10: Waiting for the final chapter, and still waiting
Still waiting on that final chapter.. never giving up :(
2ne1snsd #6
Chapter 10: this is still so good
Chapter 7: holy this is pure gold and i can't omg
Chapter 4: Yuri is so oblivious omg it's so funny and I'm in love with this story
Adampark19 #9
Chapter 10: I'm still waiting author-nim~
I'm excited to see how this ends. What a fluffy read, they're really cute together.