What if...? III End.

What if?

Be careful, small rate part. hahaha


What if? – Final Part



On the next day, the loving couple was watching the orange and beautiful sunset while they were in each other’s comfy embrace and pressed against the ship’s parapet. The newlyweds were into their own world just appreciating the warm sound of the gentle waves. Tiffany was with her back against the cool metal as she eye-smiled every time Jesse planted caring kisses in her face. He whispered sweet nothings to her as one arm of him was wrapping in her waist and the another one gently removing a strand of hair of her chin.


She couldn’t help to return the affection as she smiled coyly and his bangs fondly. He closed his eyes to feel her touches and suddenly he opened his eyes to stare at her intently or rather… dumbfounded. Chuckling at his blank face, she was caught in surprise when he leaned and touching her forehead with his, he cupped her cheek and finally kissed her plump lips.


Her eyelids started to close slowly as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck to deep the lovingly kiss. However, the best thing that they enjoyed their private time since Jesse managed to pay a high price for their honeymoon in the cruise. With that, make sure that they would have a private area just for two of them, completely away from the paparazzis and everything.  Breaking the passionate kiss, they parted feeling breathless, yet managed to smile lovingly and nuzzle their noses with each other affectionately.


Yes, this was one of the best moments of their lives, even without saying a word; they knew what the other wanted to say so badly… I love you.




Weeks passed and unfortunately, their honeymoon ended since they had to come back for their respective works. Although, the Boys & Girls Generation were over since each member married, build their families and managed to go on with their own projects. Yet, their bond and friendship remained strong as ever, they were always visiting each other or even participating of events together.


The married life couldn’t be better; the lovebirds remained in love with each other as if they confessed their love yesterday. Tiffany was busy with her tight schedule which it was to be a host of a tv show, singer, play writer, make appearances in on tv shows and of course, be a wife. To Jesse it wasn’t different; he keeps his work as a solo singer, although he required a duet with his wife to his manager, and now, he was fully engrossed in a main role into a famous musical about a blond and lawyer girl...    


On 18th of April, Tiffany smiled widely to herself, glowing and bursting in joy after she received a call from the hospital she use to go to do her routine exams. She was in awe since today was the perfect opportunity to make a surprise to Jesse’s birthday. She went to the set to see his reversal and silently watch him from afar. The crew greeted her as she returned the warm greetings but request this secret of her husband. They agree and she returned her attention to her hubby while he was acting; being completely bedazzled and agape as she whispers to herself:


“Oh my God, Jess… you are amazing…”


Unconsciously, her hand rested in her tummy and caressed as one thought runs wildly to her mind as she blushed with her own byun mind:


“Your daddy looks so hot and y when he is concentrated... *giggles*”


Taking a deep breath, she pushed this thought out of her mind since she already was preparing another kind of “present” for him later… Yet, everything started to fade way when the main actress and Jess had to make a kissing scene, which Tiffany frowned right away. Although, she knows that her hubby is completely professional, she couldn’t help to feel uncomfortable with another woman kissing him, even more when it was an attractive one.


However, Tiffany tried to mask her jealous when the woman was touching Jess quietly a lot, but he managed to averts her attacks subtly for Tiffany’s happiness. Yet, when the actress was getting annoyed of his ‘refusals’, she subtly, yet quickly managed to push Jesse for a sudden kiss. Tiffany widened her eyes in shock, but her semblance changed to a dark one as she was becoming furious and not standing one second later, she hastily grab her purse and stormed out of the set…


Being into a fragile stare, she stomped her foot and rushed to her car as she roughly entered to go back to their house. She punched the wheel weakly, feeling annoyed and worried. Even knowing that Jesse was faithful to death and loved her more than anything, she couldn’t help to feel annoyed with that low actress all over her husband. Her plan was a failure and she wasn’t in mood anymore after the ‘hateful’ scene…


Even knowing that it wasn’t his fault, she couldn’t help to feel angry with him, how could he let that woman kiss him like this?


“Aish! I know it’s his work, still!!!”


Grunting a little, she knuckled her head with her fists as she didn’t know what to do. Yet, sighing heavily, she thinks:


“I can’t bark with him… I – I need be more calm when he come back… but he will need give a good explanation! *sighs* I think I need a hot bath to relax myself…”


Walking to her bathroom, Tiffany sighs deeply as she turns on the large and glamorous tub. Stripping herself from her clothes, she test the water’s temperature with her foot, seeing that it was satisfying, she entered in the tub while the foams surrounded her. She placed her head in the bathtub headrest and let the relaxing waters wash her body as she tried to calm her mind.





A couple minutes later, a tired and annoyed Jess entered into his house and closed the door with his keys. He removed his jacket and placed in the closet as he whispered faintly to himself:


“Aish… that woman doesn’t know when it’s time to stop… good thing they--!? Hmm… Tiffany it’s already home?”


His tired semblance quickly changed into a curious and… sly one when he heard sound like waters coming from their room. He anxiously climbed the stairs and rushed to their bedroom since he passed his whole day missing his wife… He opened his door, walked to the bathroom as he turns the knob silently to gawk to the scene before his eyes. As soon he opened the door, he was greeted with a stunning view of his wife on their bathtub… and with bare skin, although the foams were covering her body.


He just remained still as he couldn’t stop watching her like if he was mesmerized. Just when she got the feeling that she was being observed, she opens her eyes slowly, only to jolt in surprise to see that sly smirk in Jesse’s face. Stuttering the words, she widened her eyes and sputters as she tried to bring more foams to cover her body:

“Jess! Wha-what are you--- Err… I mean, you came early and--”


“I missed you, honey.”


She was caught of surprise when he whispered those melting words, if she still wasn’t angry with him, she would be melted for sure. Then, while he stared at her lovingly with his tender and hazel eyes, he smiled charmingly as walked to the tub’s border slowly. Seeing that look into his eyes, she knew that could mean one thing… yet, she found herself blushing like mad, but she had to keep her composure and act like tough towards him. She quickly turn around with her back facing him as she asks harshly, which she knew that she was failing:


“Ho-how was your reversal?” Jesse raised his eyebrows in confusion with her question, but shrugs his shoulders as he simply answers:


“Hmm everything normal, why?” She couldn’t help to mock a laugh as she speaks with her teeth gritted as she hastily turn around only to almost lose her composure to see Jesse staring her intently:


“Nor-normal huh?! Aren’t you sure that nothing happened?! Hmphh!!!”


After she averts her eyes of him knowing that she would gave in anytime, she glared at him angrily when she heard him chuckling at her childish behavior. Staring at him furiously, she was out of words when he kneeled in front of her, but out the tub as he whispers and put a strand of her black hair behind her ear:


“*Chuckles* Silly Fany… do you really think that I can’t read your feelings when I know you are mad at me? … Honey, I live with you.”


Taking the opportunity of her silence, he keeps her hair and going to her cheeks as he simply answers:


“Don’t be mad with the crew, but… they told me everything… At first I became sad after know that you didn’t wait for me…”


He pouted cutely after his sentence; Tiffany was ready to start an argument when he shushed her lips and whispers loudly to her face:


“Oh and about that actress, the director fired her today due her lack of professionalism and for act like a spoiled princess to our crew. And now the last thing…”


Tiffany already was fluttering her eyes and melting with his touches as he slowly undo her bun to let her beautiful black and silky hair fall by her shoulders and back. Both of them blushed when their eyes met; then, Jesse’s hand reached her lips as he thumbed her lower and plump lip lovingly. His eyes locked into her irresistible lips as she was doing the same, so he whispers hotly to her face:


“Remember the time that I said that I would like to have your eye-smile and… your plump lips… well, I really mean it. And knowing that I have it, I won’t change for anything in this world… like everything in me it’s yours“.


She felt shivers running wildly by her body with his touches as a hot feeling were burning her from inside out and his pleasuring touches keep arousing her. Once their eyes met again, it was visible the desire feeling shining in their eyes; suddenly Jesse leaned almost closing the gap between them as he whispers with a sly smile in his face:


“You are mine, Tiffany… all mine… so… am I forgiven now?”


He pouted teasingly as Tiffany couldn’t help to chuckles and shook her head. Then, nibbling her lower lip, she decided that it was time to finish this since she barely could contain herself, Jess certainly have a strong appeal, even more when he acts cutely. Smiling mischievously, Tiffany keep her teasing smile as with one hand she wrapped around his neck and with another hand, she started to his white shirt starting from the top. He smiled and quickly adjusted himself as she held his chin and whispered huskily to his ear:


“Yes… still you have to be punished… or think in this as a birthday present.”


Feeling aroused, his y smile widened just like hers as he wondered his hand in her bare and wet back, already making her shivers due the contact. With one millimeter separating their lips, he whispered tempting:

“I just can’t wait to unwrap my present…”


With that, they smiled to each other for the last time and finally crashed their lips against the other’s lips into a rough, but lovingly kiss. While smiling between the burning kisses, Tiffany suddenly chuckles as she finally ed Jess’s shirt entirely and hastily pulls him inside the tub. Although he was in his pants (not for too much time), while the couple was busy with their selves, a skillful Tiffany removed and throws his last piece of clothes out the tub as they returned to their hot session.


 Jesse wanted to make sure of his every single word was true as he kissed Tiffany fierily. His lips traveled by her hot and wet neck as he wrapped his arms around her possessively and pressed her against the tub’s wall. Tiffany fluttered her eyes closed every time he her neck and turning into countless lovebites, which she loves. He carefully placed her head in the headrest as he keeps showering her with his hot and wet kisses.


Water splash’s sounds and their laughing echoed into the whole bathroom. Her nails scratched up and down in his as she wrapped her tights in his waist, just letting their bodies intertwine once again. Moans escaped from her lips as was receiving all the pleasure he could provide to her. To contain her loud moans, his lips found hers as their kiss turned into more urgent and breathtaking in every second. His tongue caressed her lower lip as it was asking for allowance, which she quickly parted and gave in, intertwining her own tongue with his into this voluptuous motion.


They passed a good time “enjoying” their love making inside their tub. However, after sometime they finally leave from the tub only to start the round 2 in their bed… another JeTi hot time, for sure… once they finished, feeling exhausted, but glowing in happiness, they laid to the other’s side in the calm night. Tiffany was laid on her bed as Jesse was at her side and with his arm around her waist into a protecting way and nuzzling her neck as he planted soft kisses in her milky skin. She smiled at his affection and caressed his face gently; she looked down at his tender eyes and whispers:


“Jess?” He simply smiled, closed his eyes and hummed: “Hmm?”


She carefully adjusted herself to take a better view as she started carefully and his light brown hair:


“I need tell you something…”


After her moments in silence, she thought that he fell asleep, yet out of sudden, he rolled in the bed, and now on top of her, he asked warmly with a gentle smile:


“So… what do you want tell me, love?”


Before she could answer, he planted a soft peck in her lips as his eyes shone while he looked at her. She blushed at his affection, since she knew every time after they made love, Jess would be extremely caring towards her. Already lost within his black pool eyes, her hand his cheeks as she started, but a little nervously:


“Jesse… remember that I day I told you that I wasn’t feeling very well and you said to me go to a doctor?”


He knitted his eyebrows in confusion, but stared at her attentively as he was waiting for next sentence. She stopped briefly and regaining confidence, she cupped his face and utters truthfully with a smile in her lips:


“I am pregnant, Jess… of your baby.”


Tiffany could felt her heart halt and pounding anxiously as Jess remains still and with his eyes wide open and agape. When she was about to call him worriedly, she saw a him tearing as he stared at her lovingly with his eyes glowing completely, finally asking:


“Is… is that true? I – I’m going to be a… father?”


She eye-smiled warmly and cupped his face gently as she nodded happily:


“Yes, you will be a… Papa Jung.”


Slowly a wide smile crept in his lips as he lowers his head and reward her with a lovingly and caring kiss. When they parted, he rolled off from her body and his hand rested in her womb where he caressed gently. He keeps smiling totally dumbfounded and spazzing with the marvelous news, and then she placed his hand atop the small protuberance in her tummy. The couple was glowing even more after that…




On the next week, she was in the first row of a crowned theater and watching her hubby acting completely proud. She smiled and waved at him with, yelling at top of her lungs after the play was over and the cast was being applauded:




He saw her in the middle of the crowd and stared at her lovingly with blush creeping in her cheeks. Suddenly he made a sign with his arms forming an “s2” as he mouthed:


“Fany-ah!” And he sends his heart to her, which she smiled widely, but coyly as she gladly took the ‘heart’ and placed on her own. The members who watched the play with her couldn’t help to chuckle and mock at their cheesy moment. But she didn’t care, everything Tiffany saw was his heavenly smile and tender eyes only looking at her…





~Four months later~


“Oh look, Jess! It’s so cute! I want this one!” Jesse shook his head incredulously as he sighs trying to convince his reckless wife. Even with a tummy much bigger, she still has a lot of energy to buy a new wardrobe for the new baby. Worried for her, he tried to speak carefully to not wake up an angry lion:


“Honey… we already bought so much pink. We didn’t even know if it will be a baby girl. I still think that we should reconsider …”


At her scaring glare, Jesse gulped loudly as he shivered in fear when she stomped her foot and crossed her arms against him to speak slowly, but demanding:




He widened his eyes due a scaring Tiffany and fearing for his life, he quickly got the pink baby’s accessories to the cashier as he hurriedly speaks:


“Ok… pink will be!*nervous chuckles*”


After he complied at her “humble” request, she eye-smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him, saying into a dreamy tone:


“You are such a good boy when you listen to me. Next time, just obeys me in the first time, ok? *Giggles*”


“Yeah, of course… I wouldn’t like to awake the HellFany once again. *sighs*”


However, he smiled warmly when Tiffany tilted her head to her side and pouted cutely towards one spot. He chuckles at her behavior when he realized where her eyes were looking, then, he gently guided her to her a comfy spot at the fancy shopping mall. He leaned and kissed her temple gently as he whispered to her ear:


“Wait here. I’ll go get for you, honey.”


She nodded in excitement as she waited for him. Short minutes later, he came back holding two ice creams, a banana and strawberry flavor. As soon he placed in her hand, she happily the cold pink surface clearly enjoying the taste. He was in awe with the view; she was in the dreamland just eating her ice-cream. When he realized that she already finished hers, she still was pouting. Unable to see that pout, his lips twitched to upwards as he happily gave his ice cream.


She was beaming at his gesture and planted a cold ice cream kiss in his cheek which both of them ends up totally flushed. He watched her in awe as she happily finished her food, then, his eyes averted to her prominent belly and soon he smiled as his hand caressed the tummy lovingly. She snapped from her dream land to stare at Jesse, who was mesmerized and smiling widely as he caressed her belly. Her heart melted at the beautiful sight, certainly he will be a caring dad and she couldn’t help to affirm to herself that she is the luckiest person in the world to have Jesse as her first and only love.  Suddenly, he chuckles and look at her as his hand still was atop her belly:


“These things I do for you…”


When their stare met, looking deeply in her eyes, he caressed her face gently and whispered lovingly after he raised the edge of her shirt and kissed the tummy:


“I love you, honey.”


She had to hold herself to not cry since pregnancy makes a woman really, REALLY fragile and sensitive. Then, smiling brightly at him, soon she wrapped her arms around him and whispered as she kissed his cheek affectionately:


“I love you too, Jess.”


They stared each other lovingly for some moments, and then he stood up as he offered his hand for her:


“Come, let’s come back to our home.” She nodded with a coy smile in her face as she placed her hand into his palm and intertwined their fingers together. Placing her head in his shoulder, he untangles his hands of her grasp to wrap in her shoulder as she did same thing in around his waist. Soon the couple came back to their home and cuddle to theirselves… Certainly the next months would pass faster than they could realize…




Three months later, it was about time, the baby was coming. As soon her water broke, Jess and his friends took Tiffany faster than an arrow to a hospital. Jesse made sure to reserve a comfy and expensive room to his wife give the birth. Their friends waited outside while Jesse entered with Tiffany to the surgery room. The medical equip quickly prepared her to the birth, once everything was settled, Tiffany’s labor started…


Even grunting and greeting her teeth in pain, Jesse worriedly stood at her side, holding her hand and without think in leave her not even for one second. He brushed her hair and had to hold himself due the crushing-bones tight grip. But everything stopped after labor’s hours when they heard the newborn’s cry. Out of words, the doctor smiled and gave the baby in his hands as he says:


“It’s a baby girl. Congratulations!”


Jesse was agape when looked the little being so fragile in his hands. He inspected the baby gingerly as he gently removed the blanket to check… two arms, two legs… pheww, everything was fine. He smiled widely, feeling touched when the little girl opened her eyes slightly to him, but closed moments later. Sniffing faintly to not end up crying, he gulped and caressed the baby’s arm gently as he carefully gave to the awaiting new mother. Tiffany craned the baby in her arms and feed her as she was lulling the new family’s member.


Jesse was in awe as he wrapped his arm around Tiffany’s shoulder, occasionally caressing and kissing her cheek. Once the baby finally sleep, Tiffany looked at him, and tiredly smiled as she kissed him gently. When they parted, they looked back to their most lovingly acquisition as Jesse whispered softly:


“So… what it will be her name?”


Suddenly Tiffany looked to the ceiling and to Jesse’s tender eyes who were staring at her intently. A name always echoed in her head, so a smile formed in her lips as she stared at the sleeping baby and whispered gently as she caressing the newborn’s head:


“…Jessica… I – I always loved this name… besides…”


“It will always remind me … of you.”


Even tired, she managed to eye-smile at her dumbfounded hubby. A warm and amazing feeling spreads all over his body, mainly in his heart after her sincere confession. This was everything that he ever wanted; his everything… slowly a tear fell by his eye as he sniffed and touched her forehead with his. He cupped her cheek as his other hand caressed the baby Jessica and he whispers lovingly:


“You two are the best thing that I ever could ask. I love you two, thank you… my love”


They nuzzled their noses affectionately and kissed each other lovingly, but briefly as they turned their attention to the sleeping baby. In this cozy and peaceful mood, they simply stood in silence as they watched the little Jessica sleeping. Later, the members entered in the room happyly to see such a warm view… a beautiful family for sure.




*One year later*


“Peek-a-boo!!!” Jesse happily played and poked the little Jessica’s tummy as he wandered his fingers and tickles the little baby’s stomach.


“*Happy Giggles* Pfff hehehehehe” It was baby answer as keep laughing and eye-smiling at her silly father. Suddenly the baby covers her eyes with her small hands as she was trying to hide. Jesse narrowed his eyes playfully and pretended to not see the baby before him. He puts his hand dramatically in his head and whispers loudly:


“Omo! Where is baby Jessica? She disappeared! Is she invisible?!”


“*Giggles*” He smiled widely as he suddenly turn around and craned in his arms as he yelled happily:




“Hehehehehe! oo!” It was what Jessica answered with a smile. They end up laughing in Jesse and Tiffany king sized comfy bed. Suddenly, the little Jessica found incredibly interesting to play with her papa’s hair. Jesse closed his eyes and smiled as she cupped his cheeks, squeezing his cheeks cutely; in result he pouted and answered:


“Glub glub I’m papa fish!”


Jessica laughed and keeps squeezing her daddy’s cheek playfully as she keep laughing at his antics. Minutes passed and she started to rub her left eye as it was a clear sign that she was sleepy. Seeing this, Jesse craned her in his arms and swayed his body slowly as he sang a lullaby. Her eyelids started to get heavy as she slowly closed her eyes and finally sleep into his embrace. He bends his head slowly and smiled to see his daughter sleeping soundlessly in his arms. He carefully placed in his bed as she stirred a little, but return to her sleep as he keeps lulling her gently.


A warm smile formed in his lips as he watched his little baby girl sleeping like an angel. Certainly she was the best present that Tiffany gave to him after the day his wife confessed her love for him. His eyelids started to get heavy, but before he could sleep, he placed thousands of pillows surrounding the bed and them. After sighs in satisfaction, he stared at his little angel as he her black hair endearingly:


“Daddy loves you and your mommy a lot… sweet dreams, my little angel.”


He closed his eyes as his hand rested in his daughter’s back. Soon, they drifted to the dreamland…


Hours later, Tiffany came back from her last reversal since her first musical would inaugurate tomorrow. Yet, she couldn’t help to feel anxious to come back to her family. She smiled to herself as Jesse always supported her to her personal projects and he promptly got his vacations just to stay a little more with the baby Jessica and of course, to help Tiffany with her final reversals.


As soon she was in home, she quickly removed her shoes and placed aside the door as she called sweetly:


“I’m home~~~! Is anyone here? Jess? Jessi?” 


She pursued her lips and frowned confusedly since no one answered. After sighs deeply, she quickly climb up the stairs. Once she got the knob, she halted her words instantaneously:


“I’m ho---!!!”


A wide smile formed in her lips as she eye-smiled brightly to the scene before her. Laid on the bed, Jesse and the baby Jessica were snoring faintly as her hubby’s hand was resting in a protecting way in her daughter’s back and they were cuddled. The scene was too cute to bear; she held a chuckle as she face palmed herself due her amazing family. Slowly, she walked and stopped at the edge as she gently craned the baby in her arms and kissed the baby perfumed black hair. The little Jessica stirred, but cuddled at her mother’s embrace as she returned to her dream.  


“Mommy missed you the whole day, sweetie.”


After she placed the baby carefully to the crib, she leaned and kissed Jessica’s forehead as she whispers:


“I love you, Jessi.”


She smiled when the baby unconsciously pouted and returned to the sleeping. Tiffany hurriedly made her way to her bathroom for a relaxing shower as her beloved ones were sleeping soundlessly. Once she finished she dressed her hot pink nightgown and made her way to her sleeping prince or… husband. She placed the cover above them as she lay on the bed and facing him. Soon, a smile formed in her lips as she lovingly caressed his face as if the first time she fell in love with him. He looked so tired, she thinks, but happy… just like her.


Although she loved her job, she couldn’t help to feel her heart squeezing every time she had to leave them for the work. Yet, even thinking that she would be a failing mother or be awful with kids, everything was amazing because she wasn’t alone… Jesse even not being an expert with children, he managed to do his best and turn into this parent role very well, which made Tiffany loves him even more.


Suddenly she gasped when she felt an arm wrapping around her waist and a face nuzzling in the crook of her neck. Soon she gave in and smiled when she heard a soft whisper and hot air spreading in her neck making her shiver slightly:


“Hey, honey… how was the reversal?”


Tiffany was making a great effort to answer and tried to cover her moan when she felt Jesse’s lips kissing and nibbling her neck gently. Unconsciously she found herself tilting her head to receive his warm kisses and barely whisper:


“Hmm… it w-was … goo-gooood…”


“That’s good… I missed you so much, honey… you don’t have any idea…”


It was a muffled sound, but Tiffany could listen very clearly as she gulped deeply. Suddenly he pulled from her neck with a naughty smile as he stared at her eyes passionately. She was agape since she knew that endearing stare very well… Just when she realized, Jesse already rolled over her as one hand was holding her waist possessively and another hand traveling up in her right tight. She widened her eyes and gasped, when she was about to stop him, his lips muffled and he kissed her lovingly.


Melting in his kisses, the same hand she would use to stop him, she used to dig possessively into his brown hair as they deepen the passionate kiss. Once she fluttered her eyes closed, she felt Jesse smiling between the kisses as he always knew how to touch her in the right places and her sensitive spots. Although the mood was getting really hot for both of them, Tiffany suddenly snapped her eyes open as she cupped Jesse’s cheeks and whispered breathlessly:


“Jess-ss… Jessica its slee-eeping… we ca-can’t… it will wake her up.”


Jesse’s mouth corner twitched to upward as he smiled boyishly and chuckles inwardly. Suddenly, his hand which was atop Tiffany’s tight found a way to her arms as he carefully seized them atop of Tiffany’s head. The latter doubled the size of her eyes as he leaned and whispered tantalizing against her ear:


“Let’s not make too much noise then…”


With her heart pounding like mad and shivers running by her spine wildly, she couldn’t hold herself any longer and finally unleashed her inner beast. He kissed her earlobe and pulled himself to stare at her face; he smiled when he saw the desire burning in her chocolate eyes. Turning his expression serious, he leaned and kissed her lips gently as he slowly loosened the grip in her arms. Soon, she hooked one arm around his neck as her free and wandered hand found a way under his shirt.


He moaned as she caressed his toned abs and started to his shirt. Now she was the one smiling as their kisses turned into something more urgent and fiery. She tugged his lower lips teasingly and he soon brushed his tongue between her lips turning into a tongue clashing. Hands started to wander in everywhere as they whispered sweet nothings to each other as they made love… but tried a lot to contain their sounds since their baby was sleeping like an angel in her crib…




In the next day, the day of Tiffany’s debut in her musical, Jesse, Jessica and their friends were in to the first row to watch the awaiting spectacle. Certainly, Tiffany’s acting skills made her an expert for sure which it wasn’t a huge discover. Anyways, a goofy Jesse watched his wife acting attentively and proudly of her great skills.


With their daughter in his lap wearing a white dress with a pink ribbon, she really looks a princess, Jesse thinks. When it was Tiffany’s scene, Jesse with his eyes glued on her, he excitedly grabs his daughter hand as he points to Tiffany and cooed gently:


“Oh look, Jessica! It’s your mommy! Omo! She looks so beautiful, right?”     


The baby girl a.k.a Jessica smiled with a few teeth in and clapped her hands playfully as she saw her mommy. Some minutes later, the show finally ended as everyone stood up to applaud the artists in awe. Jesse was the first one to stand up as he held his daughter in his lap as they clapped their hands together and he waved at Tiffany, yelling her name. Her eyes looked for them and once she found it, she opens a huge and bright smile as she waved joyfully at her family. Soon, the curtains closed and Jesse, his daughter and friends rushed to the Tiffany’s dressing room.


Once they arrived, their friends congratulate Tiffany as Jesse was coming to her direction with a bug bouquet with pink roses and holding Jessica’s hand as they walked. Their friends quickly excused theirselves to give them a private moment. Soon, their stare met and Jesse smiled widely as she leaned and kissed Tiffany’s cheek saying while he gave her the bouquet:


“Congratulations, honey. You were wonderful! We are very proud of you, right sweetie?”


The baby Jessi eye-smiled and raised her arms to hug her mommy which Tiffany gladly knelled and embraced her daughter lovingly. After she pulled herself, Jessica raised her arms to Jesse who chuckled and gently lifted her from the floor. Tiffany tilted her head in awe, so she asks out of sudden while playing with her daughter:


“So… did you enjoyed the show?”


Suddenly Jesse’s smile disappeared as he pretended a bored and cold face. He averted his stare from Tiffany and looked to his daughter with puppy-eyes:


“Well… I don’t really like that… kissing scene in the end… I think it really wasn’t necessary… and I don’t like how that guy looked at you…”


Tiffany raised her eyebrows confusedly since she and Jesse already had talked about this. Yet, she quickly tried to explain:


“Bu-but Jess, you know this is work! I thought we already discussed about this! Our lips didn’t even touch for God’s sake!”


He pretended to not hear as he pouted to his daughter and faked a sad face as he spoke dramatically:


“Jessica… I think your mommy doesn’t like me anymore… you still love daddy, right sweetie?”


Still unable to comprehend some words, the baby girl smiled and cupped her father’s cheeks and hugged him, placing herself on the crook of his neck as she was trying to “comfort” him. He closed his eyes and smiled at his caring daughter and opens his eyes to Tiffany. She was with open, but understanding the message, she narrowed her eyes playfully as he started his speech:


“Looks like mommy Fany doesn’t love me any---!!!”


Jesse was interrupted when out of sudden; Tiffany held him by his chin and placed a stunning kiss in his lips. It was brief, but a shocking and lovingly kiss; once Tiffany pulled from his lips, Jesse was fluttering his eyes open slowly as if he was under some kind of spell. She touched her forehead with his and whispered gently as she caressed her daughter’s back:


“This is for you never forget that I love you and I wouldn’t ever exchange you for anything in this world.”


Slowly a coy smile and blushed formed in his face as he hugged his wife and daughter. Tiffany’s hand rested in his chest as Jesse’s hand wrapped around her waist while he held their daughter. While the couple smiled to each other and their daughter, no words could describe this amazing feeling… their life was complete now and forever…


[12 years later]


“Mom, I’m still nervous! How do I know if they will like me?” Jessica helplessly gestured to her mother to show her nervousness. The young mistress chuckles and shook her head as she placed her hands in her daughter’s both shoulders and speaks wisely:


“You remind me on my first day. I was so nervous that I couldn’t stop shaking… but, dear… If they looked at you just like I’m seeing now… they will love you for sure, trust me.”


When Jessica was about to plead, a man comes behind Tiffany and hugs her as he adds gently with a smile:


“And she isn’t speaking this just because she is your mom, sweetheart. You are very talented, courageous and beautiful. We knew that you are different since you were born. That’s why we are very proud of you, even more today, darling.”


Jessica couldn’t help to smile widely at her father’s wise words. Tiffany was agape, but smile at her husband’s soft words. Suddenly a seven old year’s girl rushed to them and hugged Jessica tightly:


“Unnie! I wanna go with you!” Jessica chuckles at her young sister and patted her head gently:


“Later, Stephy. This is something that your big sis needs to do, but I promise that I will treat with lots of your favorite ice cream later, okay?”


The younger girl gave in as both sisters eye-smiled to each other and held her mother’s hand. Jessica turned her attention to her parents and took a deep breath as she says into a confident tone:


“I am ready.”


Jesse and Tiffany walked their daughter inside the music industry to accompany her to the dance training since now she would work hard to be a famous singer along with other members. Just when they were watching the dancers in the training room, they heard a familiar voice:


“Ya! Jeshe, Tippany! It’s a pleasure to see you guys again! You guys look great!”


The couple smiled widely to their older friend and the latter hugged both of them and their kids:


“Hi, Tae-Tae! We didn’t see each other for ages! How are you doing? But in first place… what are you doing here?”


Taeyeon smiled and scratched her head as she pulled a shy boy behind her. She gestured him to greet her friends as she speaks proudly:


“Oh right! I brought my son since it’s his first day to a trainer for the SNSD Project. Now, Stephen, be polite and greet them.”


The teenager boy was quietly cute, yet really shy as he greeted them with his head lowered:


“Hmmm nice to meet you all, I’m Stephen Kim-Lee.”   


Tiffany was in awe due the cute boy as she and Jesse greeted him. But when he raised his head, he became mesmerized when he saw Jessica; the latter blushed immediately with his stare as she quickly averts her stare to the other side and her semblance turned cold. Yet, the agape boy couldn’t help to blurt as he eye-smiled to her:


“Are we going to be at the same group?!”


Jessica remained silent as she didn’t know what to do. Yet her parents took the cue as Tiffany answers happily:


“Yes, Stephen. She is here to the same group. I guess you guys will be good friends, right Jessica?”


Stephen practically beamed when he heard the news, soon he changed his attention to her as he bowed and smiled widely:


“Nice to meet you, Jeshica! I’m Stephen! I hope we can be friends.”


“Hmm yeah, whatever…”


She says coldly as she turns around to leave and Stephen in awe for her. Soon, he blushed and walked to the other members. Tiffany caught a glimpse of a blushing Jessica and smiled in return since she knew where this gonna lead later… Taeyeon, Jesse and Tiffany laughed at the scene as they went to their kids. Stephanie held her parents hands happily, but went you her sister, who couldn’t stop blushing and subtly smiling when Stephen was trying to be friendly with her even when she acted cold towards him.


Jesse and Tiffany looked to each other and chuckled at the scene as they were remembering their older days. Tiffany smiled and shook her head as she whispers and poked his cheek:


“She is just like you when I met you in the first place. Trying to look cold, but extremely warm inside… Who would ever imagine that I would end up falling in love with this shy boy?”


He grabbed her hand gently and kissed as he smiled to her. She blushed in return as he speaks gently and staring at her tenderly:


“And who would ever imagine that I would fall in love with this loud and cheerful girl? … but in one thing I’m completely sure.”


“Oh really? And what it will be?” Tiffany whispered flirtatiously as she touched her forehead with his. He sighs deeply and clasped her chin gingerly as he whispers:


“My heart was yours since the beginning.”


She eye-smiled and touched by his words as she nuzzled her nose with his and adds:


“And mine it will always be yours until the end… doesn’t matter wherever I am.”


They smiled to each other for the last time and closed the gap between them into a deep and lovingly kiss. For sure they made sure to have their love alive and strong forever for the rest of their lives as their hearts will always belong to each other.





@jessjung_dew: I'm glad that you enjoyed and replied this update. I hope you liked the end of the story. Haha yup, it was. Thank you and take care.


A/n: And there, end of story. Sorry for the grammar errors. Thank you everyone who enjoyed or read this fic. See you around and God bless all, bye bye.


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Chapter 3: Ahhhh i'm so happy with the ending... Thanks thornim, ur story is so beautiful
Chapter 2: I dont think that tiff pov more longer and more detail.... But i love it....
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 3: Omg this is so beautiful... And Jeti moments are so romantic... The way you write and make this plot are jjang..... Wowww
Chapter 1: Wow! You're amazing! I love the story!! <3
25 streak #5
Chapter 3: author-shi, it's been a long time....
.i totally loved this story...

definitely a jjang!!!!! write more author-shi.....your stories are the best...

Chapter 3: OMG!! This is one of the most beautiful stories I've read. XD
It was beautiful!. I thought that I had finished. XD

Thanks for uploading this chapter. You're great writing, and describing. I loved it!

I hope you continue writing stories JeTi XD
Chapter 3: This one's worth reading. You're awesome, Author!
Chapter 3: So lovely ...
Chapter 2: wow wow woww!!I loved reading story is from the point of view of Tiffany. It was beautiful, painful, and distressing, but with a final hot. XD

Thanks for sharing.