What if...? II

What if?

Long shot ^^ Have a good reading!



What if…? – Part 2

Tiffany’s POV


After countless arguments with your father, you finally decided that it was time to pursuit your dream. Even being just a teenager, you flew to Korea to endure your training to be a famous celebrity. You couldn’t help to feel sad for leaving your family to behind. You always missed your dear mother’s encouragement, advice and support in times like this.

However, you promised to yourself that one day you would come back for them, but as a talented and famous artist….


Months passed since you left U.S to Korea, you tried to adapt to the new environment. You were lucky to have a roommate known as a byun, yet an extremely cute person which it e of your best friends, Taeyeon. And since you live with her, you secretly thank God to have a friend who cooks well since you knew that you are a disaster on the kitchen. Still, you find yourself craving for American food lately like spaghetti, hamburgers or pizza...

Several weeks later, still in process of adaption; you finally started your training for the selection of a new teenager group. At the moment you stepped into the large training room, your friend Taeyeon introduced you to her friends. You smiled and happily greeted the boys and girls since they were very friendly. Yet, at the moment your eyes caught someone taking a nap seated at the room’s corner with the head swaying constantly, you couldn’t see his face clearly, and then you whispered loudly in curiosity to Taeyeon:

“Tae-Tae… who is that guy sleeping over there?”

Taeyeon turned around, her eyebrows creased as she talked into a dismissed tone:

“Oh… him? That sleepyhead is Jung Jesh… Jung Jesse!”

She finally pronounced his name with a small difficult since it was a foreign name. But before your answer “Oh!”, something clicked inside your head as your heard his name, so you rapidly thinks:

“Jesse?! Wait a minute! This name… he must be American too!”

At this moment, you practically beamed and smiled widely as you ran to him and yelled happily:


Instantaneously, the Jesse guy jolted in his spot when he heard your booming voice. When you were about to apologize to him, he raised his head to glare at you. Even frozen due his intense stare… it wasn’t unpleasant… your mouth slightly hanged open when you find yourself locking eyes with this angel like guy, you could realize that his eyes softened for a brief moment and suddenly, you felt your cheeks burning and knew that you would be flushed for sure…

Nonetheless, you two broke the eye contact when you heard Taeyeon’s happy voice while she walked to you and patted Jesse’s back playfully:

“Ya! Jeshe! Don’t freeze her with your cold glare! Her name is Tippany! She is new here and she is American too! Come on, be friendly!”

He stared at her with a bored expression as he quickly stood up and looked at you with his serious expression. After sighs heavily, he hastily grabs his jacket and passed through you. You felt sad momentarily since you just wanted to be friends with him… yet, you felt him behind you and your heard his appealing voice for the first time:

“See you later… Tiffany.”

With that he finally left the room. Yet, you find yourself completely dazzled at the moment you heard him uttering your name with his perfect English. You couldn’t help to blush and smile like an idiot when Taeyeon wrapped her arms around your shoulders and gave you thumbs up as she blurts playfully:

“Wow! You made a great progress today! Who would ever imagine that Iced Jung would talk with you in the first day!? I took two months to change some words with him hahahaha!”

Even with her heartily remark, you sigh deeply and utter:

“Yeah, but… I don’t think he liked me very much…” Tae shook her head and smiled:

“Relax, Fany-ah. Despise his cold personality, he is a very warm and friendly person… it just a matter of time to get known with him… trust me ok?”

You nodded hesitantly and Taeyeon ruffled your hair playfully as she turned to talk with her friends. Still, you find yourself looking the spot where “he” was sleeping and sighs heavily as you think:

“I hope you are right…”


Weeks passed and you keep trying hard to improve your Korean and train to countless choreographies. You must admit that it was a little hard to you in the beginning, that’s why you find yourself making extra training even after your dance class. One day, after everyone was leaving the training room, you waited patiently to be alone and then, start your training.

Two hours passed and you were completely beaten, you tiredly seated at the corner’s room and take a huge gulp in your water bottle. Suddenly, you felt your hungry stomach rumbling so loud as if some kind of lion was inside your tummy. You didn’t become too much embarrassed since you were alone in the room. Then, you tried to fool your hunger with water, but no use since your stomach keep rumbling loudly…

You close your eyes and frowned as you started to feel a headache. Yet, out of sudden, feeling like if you were being watched, you snapped your eyes open, realizing that you were right. However, you were agape after discover that the last person in the Earth would be here and staring at you… Jesse. Before you could speak, he enters with his arms crossed and asked seriously with his brow knitted, yet into a soft tone:

“What are you doing here? Don’t you know that it’s already late?”

You lowered your head in embarrassment and whispers:

“I – I was training, I didn’t… realize it, but… what about you?” He raised his brows in surprise with your question, but he quickly averts his stare to the other side as he answers nonchalantly:

“Same here… I was training my singing in the other room…”

You simply muttered an “Oh” in response as the silence surrounded both of you. Afterwards, a sigh escaped from his lips as he speaks earnestly and finally looked at you:

“Are you…hungry?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise and quickly answered while you shook your head:

“Oh nonono… I’m just tired, that’s all… *LOUD RUMBLE* !!!”

That moment you widened your eyes in shock and hurriedly lower your flushed face in embarrassment. If you could, you would dig a hole and burrows your head thanks to your loud stomach. Yet, your train of thoughts was stopped at the instant when his chuckles fill your ears. You shyly look at him and find his hand in front of you, motioning to accept it. You gulped, but blush even more when you saw a subtle smirk in his face as he adds nicely:

“I guess your stomach already spoke by itself… come on, you must feed yourself.”

You nodded timidly and answered an “Ok” at the moment he took your hand and raised you from the floor… “His hand it’s so warm and soft…” you thinks and blushed since you always had these things for hands... Yet, quickly brushing your pants, you look back at him as he walked to the door and asked into a nonchalant tone:

“So… where do you wanna go?” With that sentence, your eyes practically shined and you rushed at him with a surprising speed. He laughs at your childish behavior while you blurts happily:

“I want pizza and spaghetti!”

He nodded his head with a smile and opens the door for you as he adds:

“American restaurant it will be.”

At this time, you find yourself admiring his smile, it was so boyish, but… so shy at the same time that it made you smile along. Suddenly, he turns his head in embarrassment and clears his throat as he walks in front of you and going to the exit. You rushed to him and both of you walked in silence, then out of the sudden, you felt something cold in your head. You rapidly look to the sky and saw snow coming from above; you smiled like a happy kid and whispered loudly:

“It’s the first snow…” He stopped briefly and turns around to see you playing with the snow in your hands. He grabs a snowflake in his hand and smiled a little as he looked back to you and answered: “Yes, indeed…” Looking at you, his expression was serious, but his voice was soft as he speaks:

“I… I’m sorry for being cold with you earlier since I’m known as an ice person but… just to let you know that I really admire your effort and hard work, Tiffany.”

After his soft words, a wide smile formed in your face as you looked at his timid expression. You hurriedly run to him and hook your arms with him as you pinch his cheeks. He whined at you as you laugh at his childish whine, and then you became serious as you two held an expressing gaze:

“I really hope we can be friends… Jess.”

When he suddenly flashed a smile to you, you knew that this moment your life would be totally different after you allowed Jesse Jung enters in your world… and your heart.


Two years later, you discovered that the agency finally choose the ones to make part of the Boys and Girls Generation group. When you heard your name, you yelled at top of your lungs and quickly scanned your surroundings looking for the one you wanted to hug. When your eyes landed at the spazzing guy at the room’s corner, you rushed to him and thrown yourself into his arms while yelling happily:

“Oh my God, Jess! We are going to be at the same group! Isn’t amazing?!”

He stared at you blankly, but it was quickly replaced by a shy smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and whispers:

“Yes… it’s really amazing, Tiff.”

With this action, you felt your world stop while your heart pounded erratically with his arms around you. Yet you couldn’t stop smiling since everything you wanted… it was hug your best friend, Jess…



Your group became very famous after you debuted since your schedule was always full of appearances on tv, shows and music awards. You could take a deep breath and smile to realize that you finally reached your dream, everything you ever wanted, you were able to conquer with hard working and having a blessed group like yours since it was practically your family… With that you don’t have to feel lonely anymore.

However, while tapping in your phone, you smiled when a picture displayed on the screen. It was a picture of you and Jess on the day he took you in the American restaurant for the first time. You smiled widely with that picture, you were pouting and he was putting his finger on the chin while his eyebrows were knitted. Suddenly, your mind started to bring dear memories ever since that day… from that day on… he never left your side anymore, he would be bickering to you saying that you shouldn’t train so much without eating properly or in the way you guys would tease each other in a love-hate relationship, yet… you knew that it was his way to show his care about you… just like today…

Recalling the event of some hours ago, when your group was making a performance, you suddenly tripped and fell flatly on the floor. You blushed madly in embarrassment and tried to return to your choreography, but you knew that you have hurt your leg. Just when you heard clearly some people laughing at your clumsiness, you felt two strong arms and hands wrap around your shoulder, following by a concerned voice:

“Are you all right, Fany?”

Seeing his warm eyes so up close made a huge mess in your body. Suddenly, you felt your heart beating hard against your ribs as your face was burning completely. Unable to look at those lovely hazel eyes anymore, you didn’t trust in your voice as you were afraid to sputter the words. When you were about to nod, you heard people laughing again, that was the moment when Jesse glared at them piercingly and made them shut their mouths. Looking warmly at you, you were agape as you just watched him protecting you. Then, you nodded quickly after you recover from your trance, both of you returned to your choreography.

But… you couldn’t deny that your heart was beating so loud that you barely could listen the music… after his caring move, you didn’t dare to look at him again since you knew that once you did, you would blush madly just like you were doing now.

Reminding this, you smiled and quickly tapped a sincere message for him:

From: Fany
To: Jess
Good night, Jess.
Sweet dreams.
Once again, thanks for saving me on the stage.
Love you ^^”

You didn’t need his reply since you knew him to well to know that he probably must be smiling widely at now. You couldn’t understand why those words like “Love you” it was so easy to say to him since you weren’t the kind of person which says “I love you” to the first person you met. You need time to know the person deeper and when you say those words, you are sure that you really meant it… just like you did for him.


Months later, you, your dongsaeng Yoona and Jesse were called to make a CF about a new phone. The problem it’s that each one of you it would interact with a “pair” and act like a couple. When you know who you would act, you smiled happily since you knew your oppas since before your debut.

While you were preparing for your act, talking to yourself; you feel a stare on your back, turning around quickly, you saw Jesse watching you from afar. Unconsciously, a smile crept in your cheeks as you waved at him happily; you could see a blush forming in his cheeks as he lowers his head and you felt your face burning as well. Suddenly, the director clapped his hands and told you to start the shooting.

As the shooting was progressing, you find yourself laughing and enjoying your dorky oppas. Yet, you couldn’t deny that they were pretty charming and good looking, this fact made you blush a little and smile coyly, but deep inside you wished to have a chance to get a shooting with Jess. So, when the shooting was over, you turn around searching for your fellows. As soon you found Jesse seated on the corner behind the cameras and staffs, you smiled instantaneously as you walked happily to him. But in the midway, you frowned worriedly when you saw him with bored semblance and cold stare to the nothing. It was when you asked in concern:

“Jess… are you okay? Do you need anything?”

You saw clearly signs of discomfort in his face as he adjusted in his seat and maintain his cold demeanor. He finally looks at you with that ice glare that you knew that it couldn’t be a good thing as he speaks into an indifferent tone while he stood up:

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about it.”

You silently watched him walk to his scene with a random girl who was totally over him… Yet, while you observed the scene, you couldn’t help to feel annoyed and sad when you saw Jesse all touchy with that girl as well. You became agape in the way they looked so real… as much you loved cute things and persons… this scene was making extremely bored and… hurt… Everything gets worse, when you heard someone of the staff saying into a dreaming tone:

“Awww… they look so perfect!”

You tensed your jaw slightly angrily as you felt an ache tugging your heart without your consent. While the scene flows, you would realize that sometimes he stole some glances of you… you almost could think that he was doing this purposely. After minutes of agony, he smiled cockily to the girl and suddenly looks at you. When your eyes met, you felt yourself tearing and his smile faded away. The moment he tried to approach of you, you couldn’t bear face him right now since you knew that you would end up crying.

So quickly standing up, you turn your back and walked away from him, feeling completely hurt and confused with your thoughts. With no one looking at you, you breathed hard as your first tears finally fell by your eyes…


Several days later, both of you still were avoiding each other… well, more of your part since you ignored him most part of times when he tried to talk with you. Although, you don’t know why did you still care about that girl all over Jess in your CF commercial…

However, out of sudden, while you were in your room alone, you heard someone knocking on your door. After speak “Come in”, you returned to your laid position in your bed since your mind was filled with… him. As soon your eyes caught the visitor, you became slight agape, but quickly hardened your face. He raised his eyebrow and walked at you as you quickly stood up and crossed your arms. When you were about to speak, he delivered a paper in your hands. You look at him confusedly as he stared at you coldly and demanded:

“Read it.” You couldn’t help to feel uncomfortable and… hurt since you couldn’t bear anymore with his mood. Then, after you took a deep breath and sighs, your eyes scanned the paper and you become bewildered as you read the song “Only one for me”. Your heartbeat doubled the pace when your name and his were under the title as a duet; suddenly, feeling hyper, you asked loudly at him as your eyes were widened:

“Is th-that true?!”

It was when he finally smiled and nodded his head slightly. You knew that your eyes shone at the moment after he sighs and suddenly held your hand. You felt your breathing halting for a moment and let yourself blush as he looked at you with those sincere and warm eyes as he utters meaningfully:

“Fany, I know you wanted this since even before we debuted… I’m sorry to act like a jerk with you earlier. You are my best friend and I’ll do anything to see you happy. We are like strawberries and bananas, remember?”

At this moment, your anger and sadness simply faded away as your arms move it by itself and you wrapped around his neck after chuckle heartily. Even listening that words “Best friend” you couldn’t help to feel a slight tug in your heart, but you decided you push this feeling away since you were back to your best friend’s arms again as you utters in happiness:

“Yeah… just like cookies and cream.”

With your head in his shoulder, you close your eyes and started to think how could you stay away from him for so much time? That time, you find yourself daydreaming and finding his smooth scent the best thing in the whole world…


It was the day of your first duet on the radio. When the radio host called both of you, as much you could look calm and normal on outside, your heart told otherwise… your hands were freezing while your cheeks burned in nervousness to have Jess just a few meters away from you and precisely, in front of you. Before start the song, he looked at you comfortingly and nodded his head with a smile. You could tell that he was nervous just like you, but you had to keep your calm to let the song flow.

Yet… something was different… at the moment he started to sing, you simply forgot everything else around you when your eyes landed on him. When your eyes would meet with his… you saw such lively emotions filling in his eyes as he looked at you.

“In the hard and tiring night, I’m always next to you.
After I kiss you as you sleep, yes you baby.
Nobody in the world can own my happiness,
You’re the one and only angel of mine, yeah.”

Although, you already saw him singing several times already… this time was different and couldn’t understand why. You couldn’t explain why your heart pounded madly abruptly or even the way you felt so transparent before his piercing, yet gentle stare… you couldn’t help to feel so warm and protected at the same time. His voice reached your soul as sometimes you would find yourself just admiring him while shivers ran by your spine.

It was such a intense mood between you two, even trying to keep yourself calm, it was a hard task since as soon you looked to forward, he was staring at you with his melting eyes. After four minutes of a pleasant tension, he closed his eyes and sang the last straw filled with his honest emotions:

“Cause you are the only for … me…”

At the song’s end, everyone clapped and waved at you two. You find yourself blushing and smiling bubbly in return. While you were trying to calm your reckless heart, you heard the radio host saying that both of you were singing sincerely, with true feelings. At the same time, another member of your group told that it was obvious the feelings in Jesse’s eyes… like if his eyes were shown so much… love?

Things started to get complicated when the culprit told that he was shivering and he didn’t know the reason. With your quickly reasoning, you avert the attention of you to him as you tried to say in tease while your heart was totally nervous:

“I think he likes me~~~”

With that everyone waved and teased at him; you find yourself looking at him and confused because he should say something like stop with this nonsense… but he didn’t… He keeps his head lowered in embarrassment along with his flushed cheeks…But the big problem it’s… why didn't he deny? And the most important thing… you were happy and confused with his reaction… that was the moment your heart started to beat differently when it comes… Jesse Jung.



Your agency already chooses your new concept about your looks. Your cute brown hair was about your shoulder’s height turning into lovely curls in the end. But you must admit that the most shocking, yet… pleasant surprising looks wasn’t yours… but of your bad boy look blondie friend. When you saw Jess looking to himself at the mirror with his new haircut with bangs falling by his forehead by his new dyed blond hair… you became dumbfounded… if it was possible, he was even more attracting, breathtaking and… gorJess than before…

However, snapping from your trance, you rushed to him with a big smile in your face:

“You really look amazing with that blond hair, Jess!”

Suddenly, he turns around and looks like he became dumbfounded as well. When you were about to shake his shoulder due his blank expression, a smile crept in his lips as he smiled coyly and whispers gently:

“You look beautiful, Fany.”

That moment, your heart simply leaped inside your chest and you find yourself blushing hard due his sentence. There were times as many others that Jesse could mess with your heart like this… but you admitted that you loved when he noticed you.


Time passed and both of you had innumerable duets together. Of course you couldn’t contain your happiness at first since song with Jess… it was something unique and… overwhelming doesn’t matter how my times you already did this before.

Yet, day by day, you felt your admiration, affection and feelings growing surprisingly. Even with a slight touch to a hug could make a huge mess in your being. But there was a day that something really changed…

When you and your group won an award, a member was making the speech while another member held your hand. You were trying hard to not cry since your mind and heart were being pushed for million things. At first, you felt so grateful to have friends you could call a family and feel your dream being accomplished; at the same time, you feel the sadness taking your heart when you remembered your family and you wanted share this victory with them… or maybe, because you want your mother so much right now, watching you at this moment…

Sniffing loudly, you weren’t paying attention since your head was like a tourbillion, but you knew you needed a friend’s hand and a hug so badly at this moment, since everything you wanted it was to be comforted by your dear ones. However, like if the heaven was hearing your prayers… you felt a warm hand touching yours… You quickly turn around and see no one else than Jessi looking at you with a worried expression as he brings you behind the other’s members.

At the moment his arms wrapped around you, you became agape since as much he was known to be an extremely reserved and cold person… he was the warmest person that you ever met. Yet, deep in your thoughts, you even weren’t able to return the hug, which he realized and pulled away from you carefully to look deep in your eyes. When your stare met with him, it was like he knew what you really needed as he eyes were tender and warm at you. Unable to hold yourself anymore, you burst in tears and sobbed as you finally wrapped your arms around him.

Even with the all screaming and music at the background, nothing was so loud than the beatings of your longing heart. You had to close your eyes as you inhale his delightful scent while he whispered sweet nothings to your ear and tightens his safe arms around you. For you, you could stay like this for the whole eternity… although you were afraid that he might listen you pounding heart. Tightening your arms around his waist well, you rested your head on his shoulder while he rubbed your back comfortingly.

With all longing, fear and care, you saw how much he could understand you even when you didn’t say a word. Being totally different from you, he still would see you inside the crowd, because it’s the way he is to you… this simple and a marvelous person. When your heart started to thump furiously again, you gasped when you finally realized … that you were falling for your best friend… no… you already realized… that you loved him with your whole soul since the first moment you saw… Jess Jung...


Nights you would pass up and rolling in the bed longing to feel his tempting lips against yours or how it could be the feeling of have his body pressed against yours to feel his heart or even… to have his arms around you… You knew that it would be a long night, you were dreaming with him again before you could realize.


As much you wanted that everything was just a wonderful dream… everything started to turn into a nightmare… In one day you watched him from afar, you occasionally smiled only seeing his face and whenever he smiles to you… you felt your whole heart fluttering. However, in one day of another music award, the stage was filled with many artists, the most part of them you knew since they practically trained with you before your debut.

To your dismay, your group always had problems with gossip saying about of supposed affairs, including Jesse. Yet, you didn’t care about the rumors since you knew that it wasn’t truth since you live with him for God’s sake! And you found yourself praying and wishing to not be true or you couldn’t bear with the truth. But right now, you find your blood boiling like mad whenever you saw tone of female artists all over of your Jess! You quickly took a deep breath and corrected yourself that he wasn’t yours… yet.

Nonetheless, the scene was getting unbearable when you saw him smiling like an idiot as his eyes beamed when he was talking to an attractive and blond girl named Nana. You curled your hands in tight fist when you saw her slapping into his arm playfully and wrapping her arm clingy at his arm as an excuse for a selfcam. Biting your lip angrily and almost tearing at the scene, yet you felt a soft touch in your shoulder, as soon you turned around, you saw the charming and wonderful oppa… Choi Siwon.

Your mouth was hanged open with his charming smile as he whispers playfully to you:

“Tiring night, huh? I know that this it’s not of my business, but… whenever you need someone to talk. I’m a good listener, Fany.” You smiled softly at this guy’s concern as you shook your head gently with a weak smile:

“Thanks, oppa. But don’t worry too much, it’s just that I am getting all mushy these days haha” He frowned worriedly and gently held your hand:

“I can see that, but… we know each other for so long… You know you can always count with me, Tiffany.” After his gentle remark, he touched your chin gingerly and smiled as he retrieved his hand. At this moment, while you stared at him intently, you realized that if you never have met Jesse before… you wouldn’t think twice to fall in love for this guy… he is a good boy, smart, deadly charming and gentle… almost the most wanted men in the whole Korea or the whole Asia. But the point it’s that… as much you tried, you couldn’t forget Jesse since the latter has a crucial difference of Siwon… he has your love and your heart.

Thinking deeply after your oppa’s words and recalling the previous moments with Jessi… you wonder how far this would keep going. You knew you loved him, but it hurts so much to know that he would never saw you as a woman to his life; you couldn’t bear with the feeling of rejection since you never noticed signs of love interest coming from his side. You couldn’t blame him since he was strictly closed when it comes deep feelings. You took a deep breath and as much you heart cried and hurts like hell, you would have to consider the idea… to not love him anymore or at least to try.

Only God and Taeyeon knows how much you cried in your bed at night because you realized that it doesn’t matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop love him… but the pain to let him escape from your hands for another one girl, definitely was something that you couldn’t bear. Even with your friend’s comfort hugs, you cried almost every single night thinking what you did wrong to not make Jesse Jung look at you with different eyes… with eyes of love.


Other days passed and you are in the radio with your group again for another special participation. Each member had their opportunity to sing, but with the songs chosen by the staff or listeners. Your throat was seriously damaged because of your crying routine at night, and your semblance wasn’t better as well. All members were worried about you, even the negligent Jung. Yet, when it finally came your time to sing, you assured at them that you were fine and you would sing. However, when you saw the lyric, your hand trembles as you felt the wound opening in your heart again… “Bleeding Love” you held yourself hard to not cry since this song was practically what you were living at this moment.

After took a deep breath, business is business and you should unload yourself of your emotional negative amount. While you sang, your voice would crack sometimes, yet you were singing with your entire soul:

“But nothing's greaterThan the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness, I see your face
Yet everyone around me, Thinks that I'm going crazy
Maybe, maybe

But I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away, But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein, That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I” 

Once you finished, everyone clapped at you as you were able to “express” the song so genuinely. As you seated filled with emotions ready to spill over your being, you couldn’t deny that you felt his intense and astounded stare following you constantly.

“I don’t know if I can take this anymore…”



However, today was different; several days after your conversation with Siwon oppa, you would find yourself calling to him and chatting since you didn’t wanted to bother your friends’ a.k.a members anymore. Yet, the previous days were like a cold war; after you saw that Nana girl all over of Jesse, you realized that he wasn’t talking to you properly since that day, yet, you couldn’t realize what you did wrong to get this reaction since you were supposed to be the one angry right now. Yet, there is any chance that he could saw you and Siwon together? Would it be jealous? No, you quickly denied the idea in your head.

He keeps acting like hot & cold to you, sometimes he didn’t uttered words to you, still you felt his eyes over you as his faces shows clearly concern about your previous throat’s condition or even anything else related to you. But at the point that you couldn’t bear with his bipolar personality, you stormed to his room and spills everything you held trough the days, yelling and bursting in tears:

“Damn it, Jess! What did I ever done to you to have this treatment?! Tell me truth for once! You keep bottling everything to yourself and don’t tell me anything! I thought we were best friends!”

As much it hurts say those words, you keep staring at him, starving for his answer or even any sign of his care. You waited and waited for his reaction, but he averts his eyes to the floor and stays mute. Not taking anymore, you shook your head and scoffed in dismay with your heart completely hurt:

“Why was I expecting something from an ice prince? … If it’s this what you want… I won’t disturb you ever again… Jesse.”

New tears rolled by your eyes as you couldn’t stand before him anymore, so you rushed to left his room after slam the door roughly. Once you were in the corridor, Taeyeon greeted you, but she frowned and started worriedly when she saw a teary path in your cheek. Before she could continue, you sniffed and sobbed as you passed through her without say a word. Even after your reached your room and thrown yourself in the bed, you could heart faintly Taeyeon stomping her foot and marching to Jesse’s room as she slammed the door angrily and yelled at him.

At this moment, you couldn’t think in nothing more… the pain was too much for you. You cried to your pillow as you couldn’t understand what you did to receive such suffering. At first you were content only to love him from afar, but seeing the way he treated you recently, so coldly… you asked to yourself if he even care about you once. Tears flew like a river of your eyes, and the moment you realized that someone entered in your room and hugged you, you quickly recognize the comforting scent as you burrow your head in the person’s shoulder and sobbed:

“Why Tae?! He doesn’t even…*sob* care about me! He would never love me, never…”

Taeyeon shushed you and combed your hair comfortingly. This motion calmed at you a little, but her sudden sentences filled your heart with doubts… and maybe… hope:

“Don’t worry, Fany-ah. Love comes with time… just wait a little longer, trust me.”

Although you didn’t wanted to be more hurt that you already are; something inside of you held this straw desperately. Finally, you cried until you fell asleep.


In another music award while you were distracting yourself of “someone”, you couldn’t even realize that Siwon oppa came to you and was staring at you worriedly. He asked if you were fine and you gave a hesitantly nod since you couldn’t lie very well, even more when it comes your feelings. Then, understanding you, he gave his most warm smile as he places his hand in your shoulder telling you that he will be here for you no matter what happens.

Although you felt relieved with his words; your calm last just some seconds since you could feel an intense stare in your back. As soon you turned around, your heart ached when you caught a glimpse of a hurt Jesse as the latter stormed out of the place and talking to his phone… you knew that something not good would happen soon.

Just two days before your birthday, you still couldn’t believe that Jesse had to go to U.S for work. Since the day you met him, he never left you in a special day like this as he said once. Yet, the scene was real; the members were saying their farewell to him as he dragged his luggage to the door and you watched him sadly from afar. For a brief second, he stared at you coldly as you almost could see sadness in his eyes. Both of you have so much to say as you held the intense stare, but none of you dared to utter a word as he shook his head and finally left the room. You gulped deeply as you saw him leave; then tears finally rolled by your eyes.

However, two days passed and it was your special day. All members minus one… congratulated you and giving best wishes. Although you felt happy with their care, you felt a heartache since someone important wasn’t there or even send a birthday message to you. While you walked in the airport, you have to use your large sunglasses to hide the evident sadness dwelling in your eyes; even feeling the camera’s flashes on you, you didn’t even tried to smile due your pain. So you simply passed in the huge lobby with your head lowered, a sad frown and completely silent.

One day later, the members brought a delicious cake to you to celebrate your birthday. You smiled at their concern as they flashed pictures with you and the cake or with all of them together. It would be a perfect picture… if someone wasn’t missing. You forced a smile since you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. However, that same night you stay up and cursed yourself to wait “someone’s message”… which it never came…

Tired of this situation and not wanting suffer anymore, you convinced yourself that “he” didn’t care about you. That moment, you started to accept Siwon’s oppa invitations or date simply to get “him” out of your mind… even when you knew you couldn’t. However, another two days passed and you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed your times with your oppa. But your heart was apprehensive one again as you knew that maybe today Jesse would come back…

At a cold night, you were waiting Siwon’s oppa who said that he had a surprise for you. Suddenly, you felt eyes on you, but just when you were about to turn around, you saw Siwon running to you with a big bouquet with red roses in his hands as he gave to you. You gasped in surprise, but smile at him; nonetheless, your shock gets deeper when he smiled charmingly at you and wrapped his arms around you into a different way. You two stood like this for a moment and when he pulled from you, he stared at you lovingly and slowly leaned to kiss you.

At first you were so shocked that you widened your eyes and you couldn’t understand why he did such a thing. Yet, something caught your attention, as soon you regain your conscious, you heard like something fell on the floor and someone was running. When you quickly broke the kiss to turn around, you saw Jesse running and dropping a bouquet on the ground. You lowered your head trying to understand everything that was happening, it was when Siwon held your hand to look at him, he whispers gently:

“Tiffany… I’m in love you. That’s what I tried to tell you since the beginning.”

Still agape, you could see his sincere feelings, but… you couldn’t. Your heart ached with the scene of Jesse running from you and as much you tried to deny, you knew you couldn’t stop love him because his name was craved deeply in your heart… and no one could take him from there. Feeling your heart fluttering, you look at his eyes tenderly and shook your head as you say carefully:

“I…I’m so sorry, oppa… but… I can’t… I – I love him. And I have to go after him.”

You knew that you broke the poor guy’s heart, but you couldn’t deny the deepest true in your heart and returned his bouquet to his hands. So you removed your hand from his tenderly and look at him for the last time as you ran to find Jesse, but before that, you rushed to the bouquet with pink roses lying on the pavement. You carefully grabbed the flowers and inhaling the sweet scent, you rushed to him. Even knowing that he was a fast runner, you put all your strength and speed to search for him. Nothing matters anymore, not even your tired legs or the cold air, you needed him. Just when you saw a familiar silhouette close to the fountain’s park, you slowed down your steps as you walk to him. Approaching from your aim, you could very listen vaguely some whimpering and sobs. But even into some distance, you heard a revealing truth faintly, but clear to your ears:

“Tiff-fany Hwang… why do I have to fall in love with you…”

You widened your eyes and felt your heart thumping like mad as a thunderstorm. Maybe you were so needy for his love that your ears were starting to put some tricks on you, still you wanted to know. Then, you asked his name, but he didn’t answer, so trying once again, you softly call for him:


He finally turns around and widened his eyes when your stare met. Seconds into a deep stare, he turns around to leave with a painful expression in his face. Then not wanting let him run away again, you rushed to him and asked softly while your hand was griping his arm and holding the beautiful bouquet:

“This is… for me?” After you reluctant question, he lowered his head and nodded shyly. You smiled a little to yourself realizing that it was your favorite flower. So not holding yourself, you inhale the perfumed scent as you tenderly raise his head by his cheek and whispers sincerely:

“Your remembered my favorite flower… I love it, thank you, Jess.”

However, out of sudden, he removed your hand of his face as he stared at you with a hurt semblance and blurts:

“Why are you here while your boyfriend it’s waiting for you?! I bet his flowers are better than these…”

His words hurt you as you find yourself tearing and trying to explain:

“What are you talking about, Jesse? YOU know that I don’t have a boyfriend.”

He scoffed at you and mocked a laugh, already making the tears roll by your eyes:

“Oh you don’t? So who is that guy who was kissing you?! You can’t lie very well, Tiffany.”

You two started another heavy argument, discussing the same thing all over again. At the point to bursts in tears, you yelled at him after he sighs and turn around to leave:

“There you go running again! He confessed to me, but I told him I just wanted to be his friend… because I already love someone else!... But you never let me speak! Why did you always have to act like this?! Why you never show your feelings to me?! Do you ever thought how I feel when you leave me huh?! You are damn coward, Jung!”

Even with his back facing you, your voice was cracking as you whimper with your heart completely broken and using your last hope:

“Jus-just… answer me o-one thing… is that tr-true? Everything… you said earlier… it was true…?”

While you sniffed and felt your world crumbling down, you weren’t even able to realize that he was right in front of you and helping wipe your tears gently with his thumb. You stopped abruptly when you raised your head and met his lovingly stare. Suddenly, before speak, he cupped your face endearingly as he whispers honestly:

“Yes, Tiffany… Every single word… I know I’m imperfect, cold sometimes and certainly I’m not the better one to fall in love, but… I love you and I’m so sorry for taking too long…”

Your heart exploded in joy as you felt an amazing warm feeling spreading in your body. You couldn’t believe that these words were real… Your broken heart was healed again as you could feel his love into his actions towards you. An immense happiness invaded your heart as you couldn’t hold yourself anymore and gave your most shining smile and eye-smile to him. Then, wrapping your arms around his neck, you blushed and whispered lovingly:

“I… I was afraid to confess my feelings since I thought you wouldn’t return it… but now… I can’t find words to describe my happiness unless these… I love you, Jess.”

A suave, but breathtaking smile crept in his lips as he looked at you tenderly. Have his love was so overwhelming that you couldn’t contain your happiness. Then, he finally took you in his arms so protecting and … your lips found his into a slow, yet passionate kiss… it was even better than you imagine it. You cupped his face affectionately as in response, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, brining you even more to his embrace. You just could smile at his sweet possessiveness as you caress his face tenderly; feeling his heart beating so loud as yours with your chest pressed against each other, it was an indescribable love, more than mere words could say…

Suddenly, you felt something cold in your head; when you broke the kiss slowly to open your eyes. You became bewildered to see the snow falling around you; still in his warm embrace, you smiled cheekily as you said while looking at the sky:

“It’s the first snow…”

He gently grabs you chin gingerly and smiled gently as you blushed:

“And we are together again… finally…” You lowered your head shyly due his cheesy, but touching words. Out of sudden, you became agape when he brought a velvet white box before you and open it. You gasped in reaction and looked at him with your eyes widened as tears rolled again. He smoothly smiled and took the ring as he placed gently in your finger as he whispers warmly:

“This means that you are mine now… And I only belong to you.”

He says after he hooks his finger inside his shirt to show the same ring hanging around his neck. You took it delicately in your hands and saw your name in his ring as yours were his name. You couldn’t help to wrap your arms around his neck, making him blush as you whisper sincerely:

“I always was yours since the beginning… you just have to claim me in the first place…”

You pulled him by his neck as you stared at him passionately. He took your hand which was rested in his shoulder and intertwined with his. He clasped your chin and pulled you for a lovingly kiss once again. You two stood under the snow falling around you, yet both of you were warm than never inside the other’s embrace and sharing a burning kiss. Suddenly, he smiled between the kisses and whispered warmly against your lips:

“Happy Birthday, Fany.” You smiled widely as you took his lips again, kissing him deeply and whispering breathlessly:

“You are more than I ever wish for, Jessi.”


Days later to your bad luck, you have hurt your leg once again and should to stay at home for your recovery. However, you questioned yourself if you really were having bad luck since the moment that the incident happens… Jesse spoiled you a little too much. He would pass his whole day with you frowning worriedly; constantly, he would caress your face and whisper sweet nothings to your ear to make you feel better. You smiled while blushed to receive this kind of affection and attention of your boyfriend while you two cuddled comfortingly in the dormitory’s couch.

Nonetheless, as much you wanted your boyfriend right your side, you knew his duties and couldn’t hold him, just like today… It was the night of the music award again, and he stubbornly refused to go and leave you alone. Although you wanted to smile and hug him tight for his cuteness, this act would harm him. So after hours convincing to go, he hesitantly gave in as the others members pulled him out the dormitory. But now without he come back and hugs you tight as he whispers to your ear:

“You better watch the award… I’ll shout out for you, honey.” You smiled along with your eye-smile as you nuzzled his neck and plant a warm kiss in his jaw and making him shiver a little. He smiled dumbly at you as you whisper poking his cheek playfully:

“You better come back with a trophy okay?!”

He nodded with a big smile as he pecked your lips gently and finally left the room since the others members dragged him up. You smiled widely to yourself as you carefully limped to the couch and prepared yourself to watch the music award. Hours later, you stared at the tv intensely as it was the moment of the truth. After a lot of suspense, when the host announced that YOUR group has won, you dropped your mouth, but quickly screamed in happiness of the top of your lungs.

You smiled proudly when the members were making the speech. But your heart started to beat fast the moment you saw Jesse trying to catch the microphone of the maknae’s hand. You laugh at his anxiety as he finally makes his speech… to you with a big smile plastered in his face:

“We got the 1st place, Fany! You better come back to stage with us, we miss you!”

Your heart swayed at this moment, you knew that you still couldn’t expose your love since both of you had a contract which was specific to forbid love relationships and even more with someone of the same group. Yet, you knew that his words made you feel free and loved. Then, after hours waiting anxiously for their return, at the moment you heard the door opening, you congrats each member happily. But the moment you saw him flashing a lovingly smile to you, you couldn’t hold yourself as you ran to him, even limping as you throws yourself into his arms and whispered affectionately to him:

“I missed you… Thanks for reminding me there, Jess.”

You eye-smiled brightly at him as he grins coyly and caressed your face gently:

“How could I ever forget you… you are mine, remember?”

Chuckling of his possessive and cheesy state, you didn’t resist as you peck his lips softly. The members whined at his corny remark, but they gulped when he send his ice glare to them. Turning his face to you, he smiled fondly as he gets you into a swift motion and carry you into a bridal style. As soon both of you reached his room, he gingerly placed you in his bed as he carefully climbs in the bed and at your side. You giggled as he wraps his arms around your waist tightly and burrows his face in your neck. Laughing at his cute gesture, you pulled slightly of him as you his bands lovingly. 

Suddenly, he pulled from the cuddling as he stares at you caringly and your cheeks with the back his hand. You close your eyes to feel the warmth coming from his hand as you puts your hand atop his; seconds later, you felt his soft lips in your skin as he plants a chaste kiss in your forehead and whisper breathlessly against your face:

“I love you.”

Your body shaken at his breathtaking words, doesn’t matter how many times you listen those words… it always will have the same amazing effect. Then, opening your eyes slowly, your fingers brushed his hair as you pulled him to whisper in his lips and stared at him lovingly:

“I love you too, Jess.”

Soon, he leaned until the gap between you diminishes completely. Your eyelids dropped slowly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he held you possessively by your waist. Smacking sound echoed in his room as he nibbled and your lower lip gently. Shivers ran wildly in your spine as you felt his fast heartbeat in your chest and his hand traveling in your black locks. You melted under his fiery touch… only he knew how to touch you deeply. Still kissing passionately, your hand caressed his nape tenderly as you pull him to you, dissolving any gap remaining. At this moment, you were feeling a true bliss in your heart when you realized that he was the only one who you wanted pass the rest of your life.


Months later after you realization, you were now standing before a huge audience while you worked as a MC with your fellow. Yet, you find yourself completely worried and slight annoyed since the previous days, Jesse barely stays with you as he says that he was very busy with his schedule. However, you don’t know why, but you felt something very fishy about his sudden calls or escapes or even when the other members looked at you with a sly smile in their faces as all of them were hiding something from you.

Suddenly the entire place went to a black out. Even feeling nervous, everything stopped when the lights went on again followed by a familiar melody… Your eyes scanned the surroundings apprehensively, yet your mouth dropped when you saw Jesse emerging behind the red curtains with a lovingly smile in his face as he started to sing for you. The audience goes wild while he walked to you slowly and staring deeply in your eyes, shedding his heart in every sentence.

Your heart melted and doubled the pace as he was before you and holding your hand gently. Tearing up when your eyes met, he eyes showed so much love that you felt immersed in his stare. When the song ended, he smiled at you fondly as he slowly gets down on his knees. He stared at you seriously and gulped in nervousness and speaks:

“Tiffany Hwang… will you marry me?”

You gasped in surprise as the whole place goes wild and whistled to both of you. You quickly placed your tremble hands in your “O” shaped mouth as you finally burst in tears with your heart exploded in a true bliss. Your voice cracked as you delighted answers: “YES!” You pulled him for an engulfing hug and then, you stared at him lovingly and cupped his face to kiss him passionately while everyone clapped joyfully. Nothing else matters than this moment… just you and him and your own world.



The great day finally came. Feeling nervous and exploding in happiness at the same time, you hooked your arm around your father’s right arm. He smiled proudly at you and asked if you were ready; you nodded your head excitedly as you eye-smiled brightly at him. Once the big and ornamented wooden doors were open, you took a deep breath as you walked in the long Church’s aisle.

The moment you saw the breathtaking groom, his eyes shone in love with you as he flashed an enormous smile. You couldn’t help to blush and smile coyly in return as you walked elegantly with your beautiful white gown and holding a bouquet of pink roses. Once you finally reached the altar, he took off your small and delicate veil as he keeps smiling lovingly at you and your heart keeps beating erratically. He took your hand gently as you eye-smiled affectionately at him, with that both of you turned your attention to the priest who started the ceremony.

Finally, it was declared Husband & Wife… after sealing your love for him and him for you with your sincere votes, you were now and forever a Jung. Both of you couldn’t stop smiling as he suddenly pulls you for a passionate kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist while everyone keep clapping and whistling to both of you. You pulled slightly to eye-smile at him who blushed in response. Out of sudden he smiled at you and pulled you for another lovingly which you gladly returned after wrap your arms around his neck and deepening the unforgettable kiss.


In your honeymoon, you find yourself bewildered and delighted with Jesse’s surprise. The latter reserved your honeymoon into an extremely luxurious cruise. When both of you went to your room, he pulled you to the room’s window to watch the breathtaking view of the moonlight mirrored in the calm blue sea. He surrounds you with his comfy arms as you smiled and placed your head in his shoulder to feel his warmth.

While he was caressing your back gently and watching the beautiful scenery, you can’t stop the stunning view before your eyes… him. At this moment, you felt an asleep flame burning in your heart as you stared at him passionately and felt your face getting warm each second. Then, feeling your eyes on him, he looked back to you as he caressed your face tenderly. Afterwards, you knew that his heart was pounding so fast since he pulled you by your waist possessively and crashed his hot lips against yours.

You two walked blindly in the room as he gently raised you from the floor, still with his lips in yours and placed you carefully on the bed where he was on top of you. He pulled from the stunning kiss to stare at you endearingly; you could just smile warmly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and caressed his nape affectionately. He took one of your hands and kissed deeply with his eyes closed.

Once he opened his eyes to stare at you, you knew that he wanted you as much you wanted him. His eyes shone into a fiery passion and love since it was a mere reflection of your own eyes. That moment you knew that you wanted to be his and give yourself entirely to him.

The sparkle within your eyes gets deeper as he was searching for your allowance; you whispered his name huskily as you pulls him by his neck to your lips again. The kiss that both of you shared started to get deeper and fervent as you couldn’t contain yourself anymore and sneak your hands under his shirt and hastily pulling by his head to appreciate the sight of his toned and shaped abs. You nibbled his lips teasingly, but you momentarily halted when you felt his cold hand touching your ribs.

Your heart fluttered and you let yourself blush madly when he carefully raised you and ped your dress slowly. He wrapped his arms around as both of you hissed pleasantly when your bare skin was pressed against his. His kisses were getting intense and arousing at the point you barely could breathe. Out of sudden, to your relief or… delight, he pulled from your lips as brushed his lips to your jaw, occasionally gently your neck, precisely at your sensitive spot between neck and jaw.


You fluttered your eyes closed and moaned his name loudly as his touches were making you insane. You pulled his head even more to your neck as he planted wet and hot kisses in your skin while his cool hand rubbed your seductively. He dragged his lips back to yours as he kissed you ardently; shivers runs by your spine when he slowly removed your dress completely and soon… your undergarments as you did the same thing with his clothes.

You saw the fascinated stare within his eyes in the way he stared at your milky skin glowing to the moonlight since you felt the same thing. Suddenly, he lowered his body to yours and kissed your earlobe as he whispered gently:

“Are you s-sure?” You pulled him to hug him tight as you nodded confidently and whispered an “Always” in answer. He pulled from you to show his love stare to you and kissed you lovingly as he whispers tenderly:

“I will be gentle… I don’t wanna hurt you, love.” You smiled at his concerned eyes and wrapped your arms around him as you whispered to his ear:

“I know you won’t, Jess.”

Seeing your trusting look, you close your eyes when he kissed you once again lovingly as he got his permission to go further. Soon and slowly, you could feel him inside of you; so caring and gentle just like as he said. You felt a slight pain in the beginning, but soon your pain turned into an immense pleasure as he continued to take you in his warm arms.

You fluttered your eyes closed every time you felt his touches traveling inside and out of your body. He wrapped his arms safely, yet possessively around you as his hot kisses wandered against your jaw, neck, cleavage and reach your bare abdomen. You could feel your sweated body mixing with his into this love motion, your heartbeat was so fast that it was about to jump from your chest. You loved every single moment inside of his arms.

Afterwards, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours as you two made love. After you two gave all of yourselves, you lay by his side, recovering your breath and stared at his face as if you were mesmerized. He stared back at you with love overflowing by his eyes. Then he smiled passionately as he pulled you for his embrace, you close your eyes when you felt his warmth again and while he caressed your hair and gently.

On top of him, this time he cupped your face and kissed you deeply as he wrapped his strong arms around you. Once you pulled, he grabs an amount of your hair tenderly as his hand rested in your black locks and claimed you to whispers breathlessly to your lips:

“I love you, Tiffany”

You wrapped your arms around him, melted by his overwhelming words and whispered back passionately:

“I love you too, Jess…”

He smiled widely and kissed you romantically as he clasped your chin gingerly. Both of you smiled between the kisses as this moment was everything you two wanted. Stay in his arms was everything you need and be like this forever… Words couldn’t express your feelings, since both of you could show your love beyond the words...


If you ever asked to yourself What If this alternative reality it really exists…

I would say that it would happen something like that on the middle.

Since all we know that a Hwang’s heart could only belong to a Jung in the end, doesn’t matter wherever you are.





@nonana: Hahaha i know, i kinda ‘awww’ as well whenever i read this hehe. Thanks for comment!

@casugac: Sorry for my delay, here is par 2. Her pov is more detailed ^^ (and long) haha. Thanks for comment!

@jessjung_dew: =D I am glad that you liked. Yes, if this really happened in an alternative world, it would be perfect *-* Hahaha feelings above the surface? Nice!  Yes, but this makes part of the drama, more drama more heartwarmings moments hehe. I guess you know now ;) Thanks for comment!

@jessimao: I’m happy that you liked =D Thanks for comment!

@namos26: Its good to hear that, sorry for my delay =/ Thanks for comment!

@shajanie: I am glad that you liked, my friend =) First time? Hhahaha even better.  Sorry for my delay, I will try to do my best. See? I didn’t forget you and I was able to complete “ACWFY”, thanks to you as well, thank you for your support and kind words =) Thanks for comment!

@rosyanda: Awww its very cheesy, but I am glad that you liked hehe sorry for delay. Thanks for comment!

@pawisone: Here it is, sorry for my delay, my friend. You are welcome ^^ Thanks for comment!

@smirk7: Sorry for the delay, my friend. Thanks for comment!

@JTNaSoo: Oh really? Yeah, I see. I do that sometimes, I also love to reread some stories. Yeah, me too, who wouldn’t love to see Jessi and Fany together hmm? =D Of course, Jessi is the denseness haha, but I guess now you understand Fany’s side. Yup, she couldn’t accept Siwon when her heart already belongs to the ice prince ;) Hahaha isn’t crap, my friend. Feel free to talk whenever you want. Yes, her side is more detailed and deep. Anyway, Thanks for comment!


A/N: Hello again, dear readers! I'm sorry for my delay, but here I am with Tiffany POV as I promised. I hope you liked this LONG shot XD. I am thinking to update this story with the last part, you know, JeTi married life and coughbabylifecough, you know, randomcoughhotcheesecough moments. I want to thank to everyone who voted, commented, readed and subscribed this fic. You guys are jjang. So... this author here deserves feedback? *puppy eyes* Take care and God bless all! (I'll update sooner if you guys really want the Part 3 - final) ^^ See ya~~~ JeTi FTW! Thanks for all your support and please, keep supporting all authors, they also need your kind words! ^^ Fighting, readers!

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Chapter 3: Ahhhh i'm so happy with the ending... Thanks thornim, ur story is so beautiful
Chapter 2: I dont think that tiff pov more longer and more detail.... But i love it....
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 3: Omg this is so beautiful... And Jeti moments are so romantic... The way you write and make this plot are jjang..... Wowww
Chapter 1: Wow! You're amazing! I love the story!! <3
25 streak #5
Chapter 3: author-shi, it's been a long time....
.i totally loved this story...

definitely a jjang!!!!! write more author-shi.....your stories are the best...

Chapter 3: OMG!! This is one of the most beautiful stories I've read. XD
It was beautiful!. I thought that I had finished. XD

Thanks for uploading this chapter. You're great writing, and describing. I loved it!

I hope you continue writing stories JeTi XD
Chapter 3: This one's worth reading. You're awesome, Author!
Chapter 3: So lovely ...
Chapter 2: wow wow woww!!I loved reading story is from the point of view of Tiffany. It was beautiful, painful, and distressing, but with a final hot. XD

Thanks for sharing.