Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth



Sungjong was reading his “How to Speak Japanese” notebook. He remembered that he had a piece of strawberry candy in his pocket. He stopped reading and took the candy out of his pocket. He opened the packet and threw the candy in his mouth.


“Hmmmmm~” The candy entered Sungjong’s mouth. The flavor was felt everywhere in his mouth. It was sweet. Something that would make him smile all day long.


Myungsoo looked at him who was sitting beside him on the couch.



The Sungjong and Myungsoo were walking on the sidewalk and they were on their way to the grocery store. Both of them were told to go grocery shopping for their Woohyun-hyung.


When they were at the cashier, Sungjong took some sweet candy that was beside the stall, “Put this in too.” The beep sound went on making Sungjong know that it was already paid.  Myungsoo eyed Sungjong. Sungjong took the candy, opened it and put it in his mouth. Myungsoo sighed.


“Want some hyung?” Sungjong gave one to Myungsoo.


“No thanks, I don’t like sweets.” Myungsoo gave Sungjong back the piece of candy. Sungjong frowned. He turned his back to Myungsoo and walked back home.



“I wonder what’s the sweetest thing to Sungjong?” Myungsoo went to the kitche and asked Sunggyu who was busy helping Woohyun making dinner. Woohyun continued cooking who kept on eyeing the two members who were talking.


“Sungjong?” Sunggyu stopped and looked up to Myungsoo and then went closer to the younger who was by the kitchen door.


“Yeah, I noticed that he always eats sweets. They don’t even taste good.”


“Well he is still a kid. Why don’t you ask him? Your always with him anyway right?”


“Sunggyu get your here and help me!” Woohyun shouted.


“Looks like I need to go.” Sunggyu patted Myungsoo’s shoulder and hurriedly went back on helping Woohyun.


 Myungsoo thought for a minute and went to Sungjong’s room.



Myungsoo knocked on the door. “Sungjong?” Myungsoo opened the door and saw Sungjong eating candies on top of his bunk. “Mind if I join you?”


Sungjong moved a little to give Myungsoo a little space. “What’s up hyung?” Sungjong said smiling.


“Nothing, I am just curious… Why do you like candies?” Myungsoo said.


Sungjong raised his eyebrow. “Why?” Myungsoo nodded. “I don’t really know. I really like sweet things that’s all.”


Myungsoo nodded. “Well,” Myungsoo scanned the room. He wanted to talk but nothing went out of his mouth. He wanted to ask if his kisses to Sungjong was sweet too. But he is doubting if Sungjong likes it too. He was too embarrassed to ask. He went red.


“Hyung? Are you all right?” Myungsoo nodded.


Sungjong chuckled. “I think I know it already.” Sungjong went closer to Myungsoo. “Do you want to know something hyung?” Myungsoo looked up staring at Sungjong.


“Do you know what’s sweeter than candies?” Sungjong’s face was so close to Myungsoo’s, making the older feel the hot breath of the other.


“What?” Myungsoo whispered as he stared at Sungjong’s eyes.


Your lips.” Sungjong smiled and closed the gap between their faces.


As always, Myungsoo’s lips were always as sweet as candies… no scratch that, make it, “were always sweeter than candies.”

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Coffee2s #1
Totomatoes #2
Chapter 1: Jesus thIS IS SO CUTE
nikacho #3
congrats to you
i_am_the_mockingjay #5
congrats hun. <3
congrats, xo. <3
ScrappyCoco #7
congrats babe
stromata #8
congrats :)
yellowranger #9
congrats sweetie, keep up the good work.