Fight the Bad Feeling...

Confession of a Friend...

Everybody was enjoying their vacation with each other by hanging out. Time fly so fast and next school year they will be 4th year high school already. They were hanging in Jiyeon's house this time. The happy mode that is felt amongst them will soon be change when Soyeon gives them a news that will make them sad. Junsu noticed that Soyeon was blankly staring at outside the window...

[junsu]--soyeon-ah...what's wrong??

[soyeon]--oh nothing oppa...

[hyomin]--oh c'mon were staring out there for minutes now..what is it?

[soyeon appraoching the couch and sits]--i'll be not with you next year guys...

[junsu]--what? what do you mean??

[jiyeon]--what are you talking unnie?

[soyeon]--i won't be with you guys...we'll be going to canada this month...

Hearing this Junsu walked out of the room.


[suzy]--first, jessica unnie...aish...why does it have to be like this...

[soyeon]--i'm sorry is all so sudden...even i can't believe it...

[iu]--can't you just finish high school here unnie??

[soyeon]--aniyo...i can' parents wants me to finish there and omma and appa areplanning to expand business there...

IU leans her head unto Wooyoung's shoulder. Soo Hyun tries to comfort Suzy. Chansung was holding the hands of Jiyeon. Sunny leans her head on Key's shoulder and he leans his head on Sunny's. Hyomin, Junho, Eunjung, and Taecyeon were looking at each other with sad expressions. Soyeon followed Junsu to the garden.


[junsu turned around]--soyeon-ah...

[soyeon]--oppa..i'm really sorry...i must obey my obey even it's hard to leave you all guys

[junsu]--it doesn't have to be that...

[soyeon]--do you remember the day we first met? and junho oppa were playing basketball...

[junsu]--(laughs with pain in his voice)because of me you got hit by the ball...

[soyeon smiled]--but because of that, i met a wonderful guy like you...

[junsu hugs soyeon]--promise me that you won't forget me and that you won't look at any other guys there...

[soyeon]--promise me'll wait for me..

[junsu]--i'll definitely wait for you...

Junsu loves Soyeon very much that he can't let go of her. They stayed in that position for several minutes. They have agreed that they will communicate with each other everyday. Because of love they can't let it be ruined by such thing as that, they will cotinue it 'til the end.

Before Soyeon will leave for Canada, they have prepared a farewell party for her in Top Cloud. Even though they are sad because Soyeon will be leaving soon, they just enjoyed the party and treasured every moment with each othe especially Soyeon.


After a month that Soyeon left, they are back to school and they are now in thier 4th year high school life.


Hyomin and Sunny decided to go home together. Hyomin was already in the lobby waiting for Sunny to come, but minutes after, Sunny was still not there. Sunny, on the other hand was still in their classroom with some other friends and after that they went for a walk around the school. Hyomin saw them and she felt cheated. She definitely felt bad that Sunny forgot it.


After what happened yesterday, Sunny remembered Hyomin. Sunny came in and directly went to Hyomin...

[sunny]--unnie...about yesterday...i'm really sorry..

Hyomin just ignored Sunny. Sunny used her aegyo on Hyomin but it doesn't work on her. Sunny went to the others...


[key]--you shouldn't have done know...

[sunny begins to tear up]--ottoke...

[eunjung]--don't worry sunny...

[suzy]--unnie...we're here...we'll help you...arasso?

Taecyeon arrived and saw that Sunny was already tearing up.

[taecyeon]--what's going on here?why is sunny crying?

Eunjung looks at Taecyeon and rolled her eyes towards Hyomin at the other side and Taecyeon understood what she meant. They all talked about it.

On the other side, Junho went to Hyomin and talked to her...

[junho]--hyomin, i'm sure sunny didn't mean to

[hyomin]--i feel cheated...or something like that...

[junho]--c'mon now...sunny is right there...crying...

IU went to them...and Jiyeon followed...

[iu]--unnie...sunny is really sorry about what happened...

[jiyeon]--ye unnie...i don't want that our group will have a fight with each other...

Hyomin went up to Sunny and hugs her. Sunny felt happy with the hug of Hyomin and hugs her back.

[hyomin]--don't you ever do that again sunny...arasso?

[sunny]--arasso hyomin...mianhe...mianhe...



Chansung was with a girl talking outside the gate. Jiyeon who was walking to go home saw himm talking. It has been known among their group that Chansung and Jiyeon had somehting special between them. Jiyeon walked passed them and Chansung saw her and ran after her...


Jiyeon just ignored him...Chansun grabs Jiyeon's hand adn hugs her that put a blush on Jiyeon's cheek.

[jiyeon]--yah let go of me(and chansung let go)

[chansung]--what's the matter..huh?

[jiyeon]--i so hate you right now...

[chansung]--ah...ahahaha...let me're jealous right??haha

[jiyeon]--what??how can you say that??

[chansung]--i saw your face when you passed by me..c'mon know you're the one...

Jiyeon blushes after hearing it from Chansung.

[jiyeon]--then why were you talking to thet girl(admits she's jealous)

[chansung]--yah...jiyeon...didn't you know that my cousin studies here as well??

[jiyeon emberrassed]--what?your cousin? never told me..

[chansung]--mianhe..come...let's go...



hey guys...another update...i hope you'll like it..:D

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pioushej #1
Chapter 32: wah! is there a sequel?! u keep us hanging in there hehe hope theres a part two im curious what will happen to all of them esp taecjung thank u i really enjoy your ff!
1135 streak #2
Chapter 32: Oh so Taecyeon will be lonely again... Where is the sequel of this, want to real it its been a year now author...
i love your story and in fact, it was the first story i've read that's why i was addicted to fanfics kekeke :)
koreanfanatics #4
hi, i like your story.
but can i ask for another link for your sequel because i cannot access it.
thank you......
.i'm a new reader,,
.i like your story, especiall about taecjung coupLe,,
.but i don't Like the ending,,

.and why i can't read your seQueL??
i totally love them together!!!! :)
Fariza #7
I like it... I hope you'll write another story about Taecyeon and Eunjung. I like both of them kekeke:D
i was laughed when i heard iu laughed...
woohyunism #9
wahh keysun <3 :D