7: Hanging by a moment...

Confession of a Friend...

It was now their last stay in the retreat house and there were many things that already happened. 2 couples were born and the confession had been made and it's not quite getting along. It was early in the morning and the girls decided to have the last stay to themselves by touring around the place and met the boys who were also outside talking among themselves...

[key]--good morning ladies...:D

[sunny]--annyong oppa..:D

[wooyoung]--let's gather up...oh wait...where's eunjung-ah??

[suzy]--we left her in the room..she's still sleeping...

[hyomin]--where's taecyeon??

[junho]--still in the room...also sleeping...

[jiyeon]--i never thought that taecyeon oppa loves eunjung unnie...it was just so sudden...

[iu]--we were joking about it at first but then it was really true that taecyeon oppa loves unnie....waah!

[soo hyun]--i knew about it before you guys know...


[soo hyun]--he told days after we arrived here...i just kept it as a secret..

[chansung]--but poor girls, they knew it too late...


[chansung]--he told us the night before...we didn't tell yu..:D

[jiyeon lightly punching chansung]--pabo!!

[sunny]--unnie was still crying when she enters the room...

[suzy]--ne...she talked to us about it and she wasn't expecting it...

[key]--taec-hyung also teared up when he talked to us...what do you think we should do??

[junsu]--what do we do??

[junho]--get them together...eunjung said she doesn't love him...

[hyomin]--hten we'll make eunjung fall for him...

[sunny]--we can't do that...

[soo hyun]--let things work out for the both of them...not us dictating what they should do...

They all agreed that they will just leave them two to talk things out. They went back in and prepare theirselves to leave.

They were all ready and hopped in the bus and went to Incheon. Their next stop will be Incheon and they will stay in a hotel and do some shopping there. Once they arrived in Incheon they immediately went to their rooms, luckily all the girls and boys ahve their own room and thier room was just next to each other. After that, they decided to go shopping. They went shoppign together and...

[wooyoung suggested]--how about we separate...all girls will go together and we boys will be also together...okay??


[wooyoung]--don't worry princess...we'll see each other soon...


[wooyoung]--(gently kissed iu's forehead)...(the others did the same...:D)

The boys was planning on buying gifts for the girls that's why they needed to be far from them. The girls didn't know about this so they just shop for clothes and food...

[junsu]--yah taec...you should give eunjung a bear...i big bear..:D


[junho]--don't play dumb taecyeon...you just confessed your feelings to her...

Taecyeon was not in the mood, his mind was always with Eunjung and about hwat happened the night before. Taecyeon finally decides to buy a bear and with it is a letter.


from: suzy

to: soo hyun

oppa...we went straight to the hotel already...so better get back here soon...:D...saranghae...


to: suzy

from: soo hyun

arasso...we will be there in a minute...see you...saranghae...<3


The boys went directly to the hotel and immediately gave the bears to them. The girls weren't expecting it and they were so happy. Taecyeon who bought a gift din't give the bear to Eunjung directly but instead he gave it to Hyomin and Hyomin will be the one to give the letter to Eunjung...

[hyomin]--eunjung-ah...this is for you...

[eunjung]--mwo??for me??


[eunjung]--from whom??

[hyomin]--taecyeon oppa...

Eunjung, hearing that it was from Taecyeon was a bit happy that he is giving effort into it and she kinda feels something for him too since last night.

With the bear, is a letter from Taecyeon...

[suzy]--oh...unnie...a letter...read it read it...:D


Eunjung-ah...mianhe for everything....

i hope someday you will accept my love for you...i know it is not that easy...but i'll be always here for you if ever you need any help...you can count on me...

saranghae eunjung...



Eunjung after reading the letter, her heart flutters and she felt happy and dcided to send Taecyeon a message...

Taecyeon's phone was with Chansung becasue he wa playing when suddenly a text came...

[chansung]--hey taec...you got a message...


[chansung]--yo guys!!it's from eunjung...

Taecyeon was glad that Eunjung texted him. Before he could get the phone, Chansung was already reading it...


to: taecyeon

from: eunjung

hey...got the bear...gomawo...:)


The boys teased Taecyeon. Taecyeon was so happy about it that he texted back...


to: eunjung

from: taecyeon

glad you liked it...:)...sleep now...night...


Eunjung received the message and she feels happy again. Can this be the beginning??



hope you'll like this chap...it's quiet boring(for me)...


hope you'll leave comments...positive or negative...i will welcome...:D

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pioushej #1
Chapter 32: wah! is there a sequel?! u keep us hanging in there hehe hope theres a part two im curious what will happen to all of them esp taecjung thank u i really enjoy your ff!
1216 streak #2
Chapter 32: Oh so Taecyeon will be lonely again... Where is the sequel of this, want to real it its been a year now author...
i love your story and in fact, it was the first story i've read that's why i was addicted to fanfics kekeke :)
koreanfanatics #4
hi, i like your story.
but can i ask for another link for your sequel because i cannot access it.
thank you......
.i'm a new reader,,
.i like your story, especiall about taecjung coupLe,,
.but i don't Like the ending,,

.and why i can't read your seQueL??
i totally love them together!!!! :)
Fariza #7
I like it... I hope you'll write another story about Taecyeon and Eunjung. I like both of them kekeke:D
i was laughed when i heard iu laughed...
woohyunism #9
wahh keysun <3 :D