5: Apayo...

Confession of a Friend...


It was now their fifth day in the retreat house and so far, many things has already happened. Many things are going to happen on this day, tonight, that might semi-ruined their friendship(i mean Taecyeon and Eunjung).

As a daily routine, they started off with another lecture, some random topics that the teachers prepared. The teachers prepared something special for them for the night that will make them happy. They were given the whole afternoon to have their rest time, but the group didn't rest and so as the other students.

They were outside, enjoying the soft breeze under the shade of an oak tree.

[the brothers]--what a wonderful day!!

[hyomin]--hey junsu oppa...don't you miss soyeon unnie??

[junsu]--of course i miss her...so much...very much..but i keep contact with her...everyday...so it's like she's here with me everyday..

[junho]--junsu is being emotional...hehehe

[junsu]--whatever junho...laugh

The couples have their own worlds...


Jiyeon and Chansung was holding hands all the time...Chansung would brush the hair of Jiyeon with his hands and jiyeon would rest her head on Chansung's chest...


IU and Wooyoung was a little far from them, but still under the shade, and IU was playing the guitar and they were both singing. Wooyoung would steal kisses on IU's cheek adn IU would soflty-puch Wooyoung.blush


Soo Hyun is lying down the grass and Suzy laid her head on Soo Hyun's chest and just enjoyed the silence between them while Soo Hyun is holding the hand of Suzy.


Junsu and Hyomin were playing with each other, throwing fallen' leaves. They just love plaiyng with each other.


Key and Sunny brought their cameras and they enjoyed taking pictures of each other and of the others. Took pictures of themselves, and Key would steal kisses from Sunny. cheeky


Because of the misunderstanding they had, the two were not talking to each other and the others could feel something brewing up between them. Taecyeon would take a glance on Eunjung but when Eunjng is about to look at him he would directly look away from her to avoid eye contact with her.

(i'm not sure if this song suits the scene...but i hope you'll listen to this song...hehehe...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8XxXAACG7w

Night has settled in and it was time for their activity to start...

[mr. lee]--okay, now class, you'll form two big circles around those candles, one for each section...

[all]--(forming the circle)

[mrs. kim]--so you see candles in the middle. what you'll do is take one candle and stand in the center, say thank you to the person or persons that made your life enjoyable, then give that candle to the person...okay?


The lights were turned off so the candles were all that can be seen...

[sunny took two candles]--this first candle is for my girls, girls generation, for my being there for me, for the years we've been together...(hands the candle to them)

...this second candle is for my bestest of friends, who also makes my life worth living for(hands the second candle)

[junsu takes one candle]--for my brother who was with me since birth...love you bro...to soyeon who entered my life...and to my friends who i love very much...(became teary eyed and they group hugged)

[eunjung]--to my friends who welcomed me with open arms...love you guys...and to my rapper partner...hehehe...taecyeon...thanks...(eunjung really wants to clear things up with him)

All of them had said their thank you's to the person/s close to them and Taecyeon was the last one to talk...

[taecyeon]--to all of you...thank you for being part of my life...my friends who are the best and to eunjung, my rapper partner...you give me reason why i should practice more on my rapping skills...(laughs)--(he means eunjung was his competition when it comes to rapping)

Eunjung seeing Taecyeon like himself, it was a relief for her that the tension between them eased in. But was she right?

It was already nearing midnight when the activity was finished adn they immedaitely went to their rooms. Taecyeon, instead of going to their room, he went outside and stayed on the cottage. Eunjung was already in their room when he saw Taecyeon outside and decided to accompany him.

@ the cottage...

[eunjung while approaching him]--hey taecyeon..

[taecyeon didn't mind her, it was as if he didn't hear her]

Eunjung really wants to clear things up with Taecyeon that time 'cause she feel Taecyeon was back to his old self again, but she was wrong. Taecyeon was ignoring her again. For this, Eunjung was mad at him...


[taecyeon turns to face her]--what?

[eunjung]--i want to lcear things up...

[taecyeon]--there's nothing to clear...

[eunjung]--yes, there is!!(making each word clear and making her voice louder with each word)

[taecyeon raising his one eyebrow...looking straight at eunjung's eyes]--then what is it??

[eunjung]--i should be the one asking you that question!!


[eunjung]--why are you ignoring me?is it becasue you found competition in me in rapping??

[taecyeon heard that part and smiled]

[eunjung]--aish!!..if htat's the case then i will stop..

[taecyeon]--that's not it...it's nothing...

[eunjung]--ani!!it's not nothing!!there is something...and you won't tell me what it is..what have i've done?!(started to cry)

[taecyeon seeing that she was teary eyed]--*in his mind*mianhe eunjung-ah...she's now crying becasue of me...

Taecyeon upon seeing Eunjung's tears came falling down, he wants to hug Eunjung and say he's sorry, but there is something holding him back that he doesn't know what to do. Eunjung was now furious about her feelings for Taecyeon and she hate him even more. Taecyeon was just staring at Eunjung full of guilt fro what he has done towards her this past few days. Eunjung was now crying and she can't believe that taecyeon was still not talking to her. Taecyeon can't stand seeing her like this and he badly wants to hug her and comfort her but he just couldn't. Instead of talking to her, he walked out of the house without talking to her and Eunjung was more hurt because of this.

Not knowing, their friends were watching them...

while they were talking...

at the girls room...

[hyomin]--suzy-ah...where's eunjung?

[suzy]--i haven't seen her here...iu?

[iu]--me neither...

[jiyeon]--omo..omo..omo...unnies...look down there..

[sunny]--what do you see jiyeon-ah??

All of them gathered at the window and saw Eunjung and Taecyeon...

at the boys room...

[soo hyun]--where's taec?

[wooyoung]--i don't know...

[chansung who was looking at the window saw them]--there he is...with eunjung?

[soo hyun who knows everything hurriedly look]--what is he doing now?!

[junho]--looks like the two are having a quarrel...

back to taecjung...:D

When Taecyeon was about to leave, Eunjung  held his hand..

[eunjung]--mianhe...for whatever i have done...

Taecyeon can't take it anymore and quickly left Eunjung alone crying...

When Taecyeon ad Eunjung went inside their rooma, they boombarded with questions...



[eunjung wiping her tears]--oh...you're still awake??

[sunny]--what happened??

[suzy]--what did taecyeon oppa do to you unnie??

[jiyeon]--are you alright unnie??

[eunjung]--i'm alright..it's nothing..

[hyomin]--yah...don't tell us it's nothing...

[iu]--you're crying unnie...then there must be somehing that happened...tell us unnie...

[eunjung]--it's really nothing guys...don't worry...okay??let's go to sleep now...

The girls were worried about Eunjung and what happened between Taecyeon and her. Eunjung was still crying until she falls asleep.


[the brothers]--taecyeon...

[chansung]--what happened??

[wooyoung]--yah...it seems that eunjung-ah was crying...

[key]--what did you do to her hyung??

[taecyeon]--it's nothing...

[soo hyun]--taecyeon, maybe you should tell them about it..

[key]--about what hyung??

[taecyeon went out to the terrace...the others followed]--well it's about eunjung-ah

[wooyoung]--what about her?

[taecyeon]--just please don't get shock or whatever..

[chansung]--tell it...

[taecyeon]--i like eunjung...i guess..i love her...

[the brothers]--woooooaaahhh!!really hyung??

[soo hyun]--i know...that was my expression when he told me..

[taecyeon]--what's with the expressions...??huh?

[wooyoung]--well...for us...you have high standards for girls...no offense to eunjung, but we just didn't expect that you would fall for her...

[taecyeon]--what's wrong with her??

[chansung]--nothing's wrong...we actually thought that eunjung is beautiful...

[key]--espe cially during the prom...waaah...

[junho]--but what happened there earlier?

[taecyeon]--she wants to know why i act like this towards her...i don't even know why...

[junsu]--well, i guess you really have hurt her taec..

[taecyeon]--i know...she was even crying...

Taecyeon was really guilty for what he had done adn he can't believe it that he did it to a girl, to a girl that he actually loves. Taecyeon went to sleep feeling guilt in his heart.



hey guys...another update...hope you'll like it...:D


right now...i'm having a writer's block...'cause i'm writing two fanfic and my mind is kinda into the other fanfic so it's giving me difficulty in thinking...hehehe...but don't worry, i have my outlines, but sometimes, i am not able to follow the outline i made...hehehe


so again...hope you'll like the chapter...hehehe...comments are much welcome...;D

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pioushej #1
Chapter 32: wah! is there a sequel?! u keep us hanging in there hehe hope theres a part two im curious what will happen to all of them esp taecjung thank u i really enjoy your ff!
1140 streak #2
Chapter 32: Oh so Taecyeon will be lonely again... Where is the sequel of this, want to real it its been a year now author...
i love your story and in fact, it was the first story i've read that's why i was addicted to fanfics kekeke :)
koreanfanatics #4
hi, i like your story.
but can i ask for another link for your sequel because i cannot access it.
thank you......
.i'm a new reader,,
.i like your story, especiall about taecjung coupLe,,
.but i don't Like the ending,,

.and why i can't read your seQueL??
i totally love them together!!!! :)
Fariza #7
I like it... I hope you'll write another story about Taecyeon and Eunjung. I like both of them kekeke:D
i was laughed when i heard iu laughed...
woohyunism #9
wahh keysun <3 :D