2: You're my Sunshine...:D

Confession of a Friend...



It was the second day of their retreat and so far, they are enjoying their stay in the place.

The day was started of with a prayer and then they have their lecture. The day was just so perfect that another confession will be made.:)

The lecture had just ended and Key was with Sunny and Hyuna...

[hyuna dragging key going outside]--oppa oppa...come...

[key]--haha...wait...hey sunny...wanna come?

[sunny]--i'll just follow...

Sunny saw the closeness the two have that she and Key doesn't have. The jealousy feeling she feels, confuses her. As she was heading outside, their other friends was also their...

[iu]--sunny bunny..hehe

[sunny]--oh hey guys...

[chansung]--where you heading?

[sunny]--just staying here...why?

[junsu]--i see you're no that okay today...

[jiyeon saw key and hyuna talking in the bench]--oh that's why she's not that okay...



[wooyoung]--we'll leave first...annyong...

[sunny]--kay guys...annyong...

[iu]--sunny bunny cute..:D...annyong!

Key and Hyuna were talking on the bench...far from where Sunny was...

[key]--hey hyuna-ah...what should i do?

[hyuna]--oppa..you should confess your feelings to sunny unnie already...

[key]--you think so??

[hyuna]--the day is so perfect to let such thing pass by...hehehe

[key]--thanks for helping me by the way..hehe

[hyuna]--tha's what cousins do...right??hehehe...w8..does unnie know that we're cousins??

[key]--aish..hehehe...no one knows..

[hyuna]--hahahaha...you better go to her now...she's waiting..



No one knows that Key Hyuna were cousins and the others think that they are having fling2x with each other, but they were cousins after all. Key was heading to where Sunny was. Sunny was just standing beside the terrace folding her arms accross her chest. Key is approaching her smiling...

[key]--hey sunny!!

[sunny]--key oppa...why did you leave hyuna there??


[sunny]--it's not appropriate to leave girls you know...

[key]--aniyo...it's okay...

[sunny]--waeyo??you're bad oppa..hehe

[key]--ahh...aniyo...i'm a good oppa...hehe

Key held Sunny's hand and stares straight to her. Sunny's eyes can't get off of Key's stare.

[key]--sunny..what a perfect day it is...

[sunny was just quiet looking at him with a confused mind...:)]



[key]--will you be my girlfriend??

[sunny's eyes widened]--what?

[key]--will you be my girlfriend??

[sunny]--but i thought you and hyuna are....

[key]--hahahaha...i forgot to tell you...hyuna-ah is my cousin...hehehe

[sunny smiled]--chinja??i didn't know that...

[key]--now you know...will you be??

[sunny nodded]

[key shouted at the top of his lungs]--YES!!!WOOHOOO!!!

The others were at their back when it happened and they teased the two of them while the boys were "punching" Key becasue they happy for them. The time was so perfect but still it was not perfect for Taecyeon and Eunjung because the perfect day was not that perfect fot the both of them. The "ignore" act of Taecyeon started again and Eunjng can't bare it anymore and she wants anser to her questions.

Eunjung's POV::

What the hell did i do to him?

Have i done something wrong?

Why is he ignoring me like this?


While the others were joking around and happy for Sunny and Key, Taecyeon was just there looking at them happily again, not minding Eunjung who was curiosly looking at him.

That afternoon, they went back on lecturing and as the afternoon ended, they hang out all together and sing songs they like until it was time for them to sleep...(hehe)


another chapter guys...hope you'll like this one...;D


comments/criticism are much welcome...:D

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pioushej #1
Chapter 32: wah! is there a sequel?! u keep us hanging in there hehe hope theres a part two im curious what will happen to all of them esp taecjung thank u i really enjoy your ff!
1140 streak #2
Chapter 32: Oh so Taecyeon will be lonely again... Where is the sequel of this, want to real it its been a year now author...
i love your story and in fact, it was the first story i've read that's why i was addicted to fanfics kekeke :)
koreanfanatics #4
hi, i like your story.
but can i ask for another link for your sequel because i cannot access it.
thank you......
.i'm a new reader,,
.i like your story, especiall about taecjung coupLe,,
.but i don't Like the ending,,

.and why i can't read your seQueL??
i totally love them together!!!! :)
Fariza #7
I like it... I hope you'll write another story about Taecyeon and Eunjung. I like both of them kekeke:D
i was laughed when i heard iu laughed...
woohyunism #9
wahh keysun <3 :D