

The neon lights of Seoul have never seemed more alluring. The sky is pitch-black but the streets are ablaze with moving figures and blurring colors that rise from their gaudy signs and up into the clouded sky. The sound of street vendors and laughing couples ring in my ears and the smell of cigarette smoke and stale alcohol floods my nostrils. Checking my phone for what seems like the hundredth time this hour, I find an unread message awaiting me. Where the hell are you?

I smirk as my eyes scan the fluorescent screen. My feet turn the corner and the sound of thumping bass-lines and flashing lights replace the atmosphere of minutes before. There is a thin film of fog that floats out from under the padded-red door and in front of the building there is a line of people, wild-eyed and anxious, waiting to enter. I approach the bouncer at the entrance and state my name. His eyes look at me indifferently and spotting it written on the paper he holds, releases the latch on the door and allows me inside.

Upon entering, I see the masses of human bodies filling the dance-floor, moving in tune to the music that blasts from the overhead speakers and into the very depths of my consciousness. As I continue watching my surroundings with intrigue, I feel two small arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head bury itself into my back. I smile and turn myself around to return the embrace, when I do so I am greeted by those familiar doe-eyes and tiny frame.

Kyungsoo wears tight grey skinny jeans and a loosely fitting deep purple v-neck that shows off his milk-white collar bones and elegant neck. His hair is spiked up with gel and his eyes are adorned with black eye-liner and a hint of glitter.  

“Glad you could make it.”

When he says this, the words are not heard, lost among the sea of loud noise and moving bodies. His lips look more enticing than usual and his entire aura leaves me speechless.

I nod my head and smirk. Tilting his towards the bar Kyungsoo grabs my hand and leads me towards it. His hand is small and delicate with a single nail painted black. On his wrist there is a tattoo of a tiny Buddha holding a cup of coffee. When we arrive at the bar, Kyungsoo orders for us.

“Two gin and tonics, if you will.” The bartender nods his head in affirmation and in a matter of seconds our drinks arrive. I insist on paying for them and Kyungsoo only smiles politely at my actions.

“Such a gentleman”, he whispers into my ear before taking a sip. I feel the chills begin to run up my spine and I then down both my drink and his in a matter of seconds. With a light buzz already filling my mind with cloudy thoughts, I grab Kyungsoo by the waist and lead him to the dance floor. Some ty remix of an already ty song is playing at an obnoxious volume, but at this point, I don’t care. Kyungsoo is smirking, his large-eyes half lidded as he wraps his hands around my neck and pulls me in closer. Our bodies sway together to the rhythm of the song and the room starts to spin. I close my eyes to get my bearings straight only to feel a soft pair of lips place themselves on top of mine.

I feel the heat rise into my head and I find myself kissing back. Kyungsoo tastes like a mixture of cinnamon gum and vodka and to me, the taste is irresistible. Our mouths open and soon it’s no longer a kiss but the passionate meeting of tongue meeting tongue, teeth bumping against each other in the process. As the surge of pleasure runs through my body, I take the opportunity to bite his lower lip. As he moans softly into my mouth, I feel warm blood begin to seep from the spot and I begin to . My hands trail up the back of his shirt and I feel the tense muscle of his back release themselves in a fit of exuberance.

When we pull apart, my eyes are still closed, with only the flashing colors of strobe lights infiltrating the pitch darkness found behind my eye-lids. When I open them, I see a fidgeting Kyungsoo with rosy cheeks and lustful eyes. He his lips timidly, smearing the crimson blood, before continuing to sway his hips against my body. A small trail of sweat runs parallel to his temple and his breath comes out in hot pants on my neck. His hands begin to roam my body and come to rest on either side of my face. He wipes the bit of sweat from the top of my brow and kisses me again, only this time, before I can deepen it, he pulls away. His teeth peak out from behind his abused lips again and he let out a soft moan. “Jongin…”

And with that I lead him away from the dance floor arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders. We go back to the bar and order a round of a dozen shots of straight vodka. Throwing the crumpled bills on the counter, we each take six and find a table to sit down at in the back of the club. Kyungsoo changes drastically from his usual cute self to a ual deviant as soon as a good amount of alcohol enters his system. He begins to and at my neck, nipping in places and leaving behind pink splotches that I’m sure will be there for days to come. I guess it’ll just be another week of scarves. I rest my head against the cold metal bars behind the booth and attempt to control my lust. However, I am completely incapable of doing so. I push Kyungsoo's body from mine and rush him out the door of the club.

When we’re alone on the streets, I take out a cigarette from my back pocket. I give it to Kyungsoo and he takes a long drag before releasing the smoke into the night-time air. When he hands it back and I take my turn, the end of the cigarette still tastes like Kyungsoo so I crush it on the ground with the tip of my shoe and re-attach myself to his mouth. His hands rest themselves on my chest and in between pants, he manages to get out the words “We need to go home.”

When this fact processes, I run into the street like a madman to hail the first taxi that I see coming around the corner. All I can think about is the image of Kyungsoo beneath me.


When I wake up in the morning, Kyungsoo is no longer beside me and the room smells of . There are clothes littering the floor and in the kitchen I hear someone humming softly. Getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of pants, I walk into the kitchen to see Kyungsoo hovering over the stove making eggs and bacon, a cigarette hanging out from between his teeth. Hearing me enter, he turns and smiles. No longer is he the Kyungsoo from last night, all lust and longing. When the sun rises, he becomes the Kyungsoo that giggles softly into my ear and holds my hand when he gets scared during a movie.

Setting the plate of food onto the table, he sits next to me and rests his head on my shoulder. Feeling cheesy, he begins to feed me the eggs and bacon, ending each bite with a kiss on my neck. Maybe, there’s a little bit of night-time Kyungsoo left after all.

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Chapter 1: Oh my god! So well written! *thumbs up* x3