Only a Protest of Journal Entries


Janurary 1, 2012

  Why is there so many people who bring you down in this world? At times, life is so complex to deal with, when ur a child you think that being all grown up would be a awesome. Getting simply payed, having a car, being old enough to do things on your own. Well no, being in Junior high , there are sooooo many stupid bullies at jr high, it's not even funny. I feel no sympathy for them if they get ran over by a bus. They deserve it, that's how victims at times feel you know? Everyone has been bullied at one point in their life. That's what I've noticed, and as teenagers our images matter the world to us because at times you can even get picked on for that. I don't get how people can bully someone so innocent, what do they win to be honest? A gold medal? Oh back up guys let the honored douchebags come in with 50 medals around their neck.

                     -Eliza V.


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