( I D I O S Y N C R A S Y ) - reviews&editing; services - open


( idiosyncrasy )
reviews and editing services ;; open
 About us 
hello everyone! welcome to yet another part of the idiosyncrasy network! here we provide reviews and editing services. we will do our best to help you improve you writing skills and to point out mistakes. we are not skille reviewers,but hopefully,we do have enough experience to be good ones! we will be honest and try our best not to be too harsh. that is,of course,you are to choose your type of reviewer.

hope you have a lovely day ahead of you and happy reading!

one. subscribe and do not unsubscribe. as you know,whenever someone subscribes,you get one karma point. so think of it as your instant payment already. however,we may require payment in editing services. nothing too expensive though ^^ two. do not rush us. we want to give you a good and thorough review. three. do credit us. we will provide the format of how you are to credit us. four. please do not be mad at the reviewers and go king-kong like when you don't like a comment. simply phrase it nicely. five. password is the currently featured idol.
story title:
story link:
brief description:

comment it below,to request.
no affiliates atm



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feather-x #1
story title: PS I love you
author: feather-x
story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/632997/ps-i-you-exo-luhan-hunhan-layhan-krishan-ot12-luhanxeveryone
brief description: Luhan writes letters to EXO for every single one of them to remember.
reviewer: No preference.
password: Jessica
Can I request a review yet? :D

story title: Classified Information

author: LadySarcasm

story link: www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/527371

brief description: A girl, who's a spy, has been given a mission to go to S. Korea. She has to find and train twelve boys. They all are one of the very few people on this planet with extraordinary powers which the Russian and South Korean governments want to use against the USA. Will those young people accept what has been planned for them? Or will they fight against it?

reviewer: shreave (I'm guessing you're the same person who does graphics xD)

password: Jessica

Can I ask you something? Could you pay the most attention to my grammar, vocabulary, and language skills in general? Since English isn't my native language, I'd like you to judge the s*** out of it lol xD