Romance Waltz

The Pianist and the Prince

Romance Waltz 


Seungwoo played pieces from Bach as the two men engaged themselves in a lively conversation about various topics until they had started talking about dancing. Joonyoung had to admit that he knew so little about it. He had no one to dance with since his wife passed away, and he was usually sitting on the piano bench whenever there was an occasion for him to dance.

"What a pity!" Roy exclaimed. "Dancing is so enjoyable, yet you are denied of the privilege to dance in balls because of your profession."

"It's not something I'm bothered about," Joonyoung answered. "I enjoy playing the piano very much."

"Well, if you were to dance, you would also deny guests from enjoying the wonderful music you make."

Joonyoung had often been complimented about his great talent, yet never had he felt as much pride as he did while listening to Roy. Was it because Roy was a prince, or was it because Roy affected him in a different way?

"I must oblige you to dance, Mister Joonyoung," Roy told him.

"With whom?" Joonyoung asked, perplexed as he looked around the room and saw that there were no other guests yet. The ladies who played with the orchestra had exited the ballroom to get themselves some refreshments before the ball began.

"It would look very odd if you danced with me, wouldn't it?" Roy said upon realizing that only he, Seungwoo and Joonyoung were left in the massive ballroom.

Joonyoung couldn't comprehend what was going on in his mind. He was strongly and strangely attracted to this prince. He could even say that this could be the start of affection--affection of the romantic type--yet he deemed it impossible. It was not only impossible, it was inappropriate as well.

Yet how else was he to explain that the moment he saw Prince Roy walk into the room with his son, every blood vessel in his body had constricted. He could feel his blood raging through his veins, and his heart beating faster--a phenomenon of tachycardia.

"May I have this dance, your highness?" Joonyoung asked as he offered his hand to Roy.

Roy was surprised by his gesture. And it wasn't only he who felt that way. Joonyoung himself could not believe the words that escaped his lips, and neither could Seungwoo who overheard their entire conversation. He had stopped playing without noticing that he did.

Roy agreeing to dance with Joonyoung gave them a bigger surprise. He, with trembling hands, placed his palm on Joonyoung's shoulder, and his other one on Joonyoung's outstretched hand.

It was impossible for Joonyoung to have any affections for Roy, yet it was happening.

Joonyoung's hand involuntarily traveled to Roy's waist and pulled him closer. They were mere inches apart.

"Seungwoo, will you do us the favor of playing a song?" Roy requested.

Seungwoo did as he was asked to. He resumed playing the piece that he had paused out of confusion.

"Does this make you uncomfortable, your highness?" Joonyoung asked as they fell into step and glided across the marble floor with the music.

"Not at all," Roy answered. "You dance well for someone who hasn't had much practice."

"My partner dances well. I am merely following his movements," Joonyoung whispered the indirect compliment directly into the prince's ear.

Roy smiled. "Thank you."

"So, Mister Joonyoung, have I proven myself right that dancing is enjoyable?"

"You have," Joonyoung replied as he looked over Roy's shoulder to see if Seungwoo was watching them. He was not, much to Joonyoung's relief. "But perhaps it is only enjoyable because I am dancing with you."

Joonyoung's words were driving Roy to the brink of madness. They fueled his hope, his desire, and made him certain of his affections towards Joonyoung.

"I wonder," Roy said in a hushed tone as he drew his face closer to Joonyoung's, "if our path's will still cross after this night."

"I'm not certain, either," Joonyoung paused. "I may never see you I dearly apologize for what I'm about to do."

Joonyoung was a pianist, not a thief. He was a just man, and not once in his life had he taken anything that did not belong to him. Yet that night, he stole something so precious from the handsome prince he danced with.

An unforgettable yet quick, tender smack on the Roy's soft lips--a kiss. Joonyoung stole a kiss.



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Chapter 8: WOW! I really like the story, thank you very much for writing this.. I didn't expect the housekeeper was the witch..
MusicHenni133 #2
Chapter 8: This is just so incredibly sweet. Thank you so much for writing this. I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved reading your story. You really described it all so well. It was quite heartwarming, reading this story. I'll for sure have to re-read this at a later date.
Chapter 8: THIS WAS SO GOOD!! ughh they are really too cute ;;;;
ReddySwan #4
Chapter 8: It was so cute, pure ; I liked it ^o^
I never expected the housekeeper to be the witch who cursed JoonYoung, Roy almost conviced me that something was wrong with YooMi kkk
Anyway, thank you for that lovely story ~ Annyeong !
Chapter 8: Omfg I love this story so much its beautiful and so touching!You described their relationship so well and everything happened in just the right time,oh and the adorable ending.I love your JoonRoy fics so much! ><
jurangirl0604 #6
Chapter 8: Happy ending <3 !!
I'll wait for more story from you
Seungwoo is always cute
jurangirl0604 #7
Chapter 6: I have read like 5 chapter in a row
Poor cutie pie Seungwoo
Hope they'll find away to break the curse
Will come back and read the rest later