Oh Sehun is excellent went it comes to keeping a straight face, and for the nth time he was thankful for his God-given ability to make a poker face.

With expertise, he glanced at a certain hyung with dark brown hair and pretty face and Sehun swore he could see him brightly shining against the sun.

He is the sun… Sehun thought.

Sehun often finds himself thinking and longing for his bright sun. It pains him, it hurts him and it leaves him feeling worse every time he thinks, feels and knows that no matter what he does and no matter what happens Lu Han will always be his sun and right now, dark clouds covers his sun and he just doesn’t know how to blow them away.

It’s not that he can’t, he was just afraid too… he was afraid that his sun had forgotten him and won’t ever shine for him again.

Sehun closes his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look again, he is used to the pain in his chest but every day, every minute and every second he looks at Lu Han, all he could feel was this unforgiving pain in his chest and the want and urge to run up to him and hug him.

But no. Lu Han would never let him and besides Lu Han was busy hugging someone else, and by someone else it was Kim Minseok.

“Oi. Maknae. I could feel your dark aura.”

Oh. Good he’s here.

“What took you so long fellow maknae?” Sehun sat down because he needed someone to talk too.

“Miss me already? Oh Sehun, I know your obsessed with me but I didn’t know you were this obsessed.” Tao says with a mischievous smirk.

Sehun rolls his eyes. “I’m not obsessed with you big crybaby panda.”

“You’re forgetting that I’m also THE KUNGFU PANDA AB STYLE TAO.” He boasts and winks and Sehun laughs at him and grabbed a face towel and threw it in his face in to which Tao didn’t have a second to dodge.

“You can’t even dodge the towel, you idiot.” Sehun says still laughing.

“Ha-ha.” Tao scrunched up his face into an ugly mocking face like a child.

“You’re so ugly Huang Zitao.” Sehun says and mocked Tao’s face.

“Aish. I’m still older than you!” Tao says this time sitting down beside the maknae.

Without Tao blocking the view of Lu Han back-hugging Minseok, Sehun frowns and Tao seeing this puts an arm around the other.

“You should talk to him, you know. It’s never too late.” Tao says.

Sehun didn’t answer.

You’re wrong Tao, it’s too late now.

Sehun leaned his head and rested it on Tao’s shoulder because he needed some rest. He felt so ing tired, physically and emotionally.




Lu Han buries his face on Minseok’s soft shoulders which never failed to make the short hyung squirm because Lu Han was tickling him.

“Luhan!” Minseok protests.

“Minseok~” Luhan hums and lets go of Minseok. He was seriously man-handling Minseok and he knows it but he does not care. He sat beside Minseok.

They we’re finally taking a break from practice and Luhan needed to man-handle Minseok to prevent himself from running to the other end of the practice room and hug a certain maknae. In which during at this time was cuddling with a certain panda.

Luhan looked at the maknaes, both of them were taking a nap and it made Luhan felt a familiar prang of jealousy clawing his heart and wounding it.

He was wounded anyways.

The wound never seems to heal no matter what he does.

He buried his head and relaxed  on his favorite human pillow bestfriend’s shoulder and he could feel the older patting his head.

“I’m getting tired of this Luhan. You have to talk to him soon or spend your entire life clinging to me.” Minseok sighs as he says this.

“B-but I can’t, Minseok hyung doesn’t understand what happened!” Luhan defended himself.

“How would I- we understand? You never told us what happened.” Minseok complains because sometimes- no- most of the time he doesn’t understand L-U-H-A-N and his needs and his wants and his feelings and whatever’s going into his insane little head.

“Just bear with me… please…” Luhan’s voice finally broke and the pain that he kept inside his locked heart was slowly showing.

Minseok being the best bestfriend who was secretly inlove with Lu Han didn’t talk anymore, he just put a reassuring hand on the younger’s knee.


Luhan closed his eyes not to nap but to replay a painful memory he didn’t know why he kept doing it but he still does.


“Sehunnie… baby~” Luhan happily sung and pulled on the taller’s shirt sleeve.

Sehun didn’t glance at him and didn’t even utter a word and this ing hurts Luhan.

“Sehunnie~” Luhan tries once more even though it pains him even more when the younger didn’t give him one look.

“Sehun?” Luhan was seriously seeking for the maknae’s attention now. And it was a good thing they were the only ones left in the dorm. The other’s decided to go out since it was a good day for shopping and eating outside.

“Baobei.” Luhan was seriously desperate now.”Did I do something wrong?”

Sehun shrugs and the tv because he was still jealous and angry at Luhan for giving Minseok a tight hug earlier. DAMN Minseok and his cute chubby face that Luhan loves to pinch.

Luhan of course does not know why his boyfriend is acting this way, so being the insistent and sweet Lulu he was, he turned off the tv and back-hugged his lover.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asks hoarsely whispering into Sehun’s ear and the younger pried off Luhan’s hands away and turned the tv on again.

Sehun was still mad and he’s not letting Luhan off easily.

Luhan took the remote and turned the ing television off pulling out the plug because DAMN he was so annoyed by the way Sehun’s acting.

“What did I do wrong?” Luhan asks though he had an idea why now. But geez! He’s so tired of this same Sehun does.

The silent ing treatment he does when his jealous or mad over something and Luhan trying and trying and trying and doing everything he can to be forgiven even though he does not have a ing clue why the maknae is acting that way.

“Is it about Minseok again? DAMN Sehun I told you, he's my bestfriend!” Luhan says angrily now and Sehun was startled by the sudden change of attitude.

“Bestfriends don’t get all cuddly like that!” Sehun shouts back his anger matching Luhan’s.

“That’s because you don’t have any bestfriends! You cling yourself to me like a lost child and GOD! Sehun for goodness sake stop giving me your silent ing treatment because it’s so annoying and my patience won’t forever be endless!” Luhan’s eyes brimmed with tears, he didn’t even notice he said the last words in mandarin. “Grow up and be a man Sehun!”

“I-I don’t ing care and I’m still mad at you!” Sehun says angrily because he knew Luhan was right. He wasn’t any close to any members except to Luhan.

“Well, since you don’t ing care. I guess I’ll just have to go.” Luhan says grabbing his coat and stomping his way out of the dorm.


Luhan knows they were too opposite to each other.

Luhan didn’t regret pointing out Sehun’s flaws but he did regret not staying and sorting things out because now, it’s a little bit too late…



Another day.

Sehun was tired of forever looking at Luhan.

But he was never tired of loving him.

Hyung, how are you? Are you happy without me?

And as if the whole world was mocking, Luhan was laughing heartily at whatever’s Minseok has told him.


Luhan was dying, slowly painfully dying with the pain in his chest.

He just hopes he doesn’t truly die.

It wasn’t fine to see Sehun getting close to Tao but he knew he used to be the one pushing Sehun to have other friends.

I just want you to be happy and independent without me…


The way he sings never failed to make Sehun’s heart beat faster and if he could, he would love to play his voice in his head on repeat.

Over and over and over….

Again and again and again….

I want to hear you say my name again…


The way he moves is beautiful, in a way Luhan can’t explain. He just wants to memorize each step he makes.

One step… two… three…

I want to dance by your side again…


I miss drinking bubble tea with you.

Sehun’s gaze was longing and so far away even Tao who was accompanying the maknae to the bubble tea shop couldn’t do anything but watch and pat the maknae’s back.

Coffee. The bittersweet drink that calms Luhan, he knew that a few more steps would be the bubble tea shop he used to visit often.

I miss drinking bubble tea with you…


Sehun was devastated, his beloved scent was gone from the blankets and he cried because he could now feel the missing existence of the person he loves.

Oh I would exchange anything just to get you back…

Luhan clutched a simple plain newly washed white tee close to his heart.

He cried out in frustration, his scent was gone replaced by the horrible horrible smell of fabric conditioner.

I want you back…

I want you back…

That same night, they both prayed for each other and whispered "Goodnight".

God please send an angel for these two…




Tao  found Minseok laying on his back staring at the ceiling after one day’s practice.

“Ge, are you ok?” Tao asks.

“Yeah- no. I’m tired, now shut the lights.” Minseok was moody, his eyes closed and cheeks available for pinching and Tao leaned down to his hyung pinching them.

“Yah! ZITAO, I told you I’m tired!” Minseok protested and Tao laughs and switched the lights off.

Tao didn’t sleep in his bed though. He decided he should cuddle with his hyung for the night.

“Tao… you have your own bed and you didn't even took a shower yet!” Minseok says scrunching his nose in a weird silly expression at the young panda.

“I want to sleep here.” Tao says stubbornly and Minseok sighs moving to the wall so they would fit in the bed.

“Are you asleep?” Tao asks Minseok.

“I can’t sleep.” Minseok admits.

“Why?” Tao asks.

“How can I sleep when I know that the person I love the most is crying on the other side of the wall?” Minseok asks.

“I guess we’re on the same boat err-i mean bed. You know what I mean.” Tao says sighing suddenly sounding matured. “I want Sehun to be happy, really, even though if it will only hurt me more.”

“You’re miserable.” Minseok says half-joking.

“You are too.” Tao says.

“I guess. I guess I am.” Minseok admits.

“Maybe that’s why we’re stuck with each other in this room.” Tao jokes into which Minseok laughs softly.

"And in this bed." Minseok jokes into which they both laughs.


“I’ll be lying if I told you I want them back together.” Minseok says because it was Tao who understood his feelings right now.

“But we have to get them back together.” Tao finishes off the idea.





“Tao? Sehun? What a coincidence!” Minseok smiles happily and dragged Luhan with him to greet the two new costumers.

They were at an ice cream parlor and it was TOTALLY A COINCIDENCE (NO INTENDED) that Tao and Sehun were there too.

Sehun kept his poker face.

Luhan frowns.

Minseok and Tao looked at the two uneasily, wondering if their plan will work.

“Why don’t you sit with us? We’ll be waiting patiently for you!” Minseok says before going back to his and Luhan’s chosen seat.

“We should go.” Luhan whispers. He does not want to face Sehun, he’s not ready!

“Your being unreasonable Lu-ge.” Minseok smiles at Luhan who scoffed. “I know you’re not in good terms with Sehun but wouldn’t it look bad if we don’t interact with them? The fans would see and they would think EXO isn’t one at all.”

Luhan frowns even more knowing Minseok is correct.

“I hate it when you’re right.” Luhan says.

“I love you too Luhan.” Minseok coos and teased the younger even though those three words were not a joke to Minseok, they were pure and honest and real.

“So Minseok-ge, I thought you were on a diet?” Tao asks and Minseok pouted.

“Aish. Tao, you know I can’t resist ice cream-

Tao’s phone started to ring.


“Right now?”


“Aish. Ok ok, I’m coming.”

The three looked at Tao with questioning eyes.

“Ge, I forgot which way I should go back to.” Tao admits shyly and Minseok was clapping his hands mentally for Tao's good acting skills.

“Why do you need to go back?” Minseok asks pretending he doesn’t know.

“Manager needs to talk to me.” Tao explains looking apologetically at Sehun.

“Oh then we shouldn’t let manager hyung wait.” Sehun stoods up.

“No, you stay here and finish my ice cream.” Tao says being intimidating and scary at once and Sehun sat back down.


Minseok and Tao’s escape plane: SUCCESS!

Minseok sighs in relief.”Tao’s a good actor.”

Tao laughs at this. “I know. Now, let’s go~”

“Where?” Minseok asks.

“Anywhere. Really, I can’t go back to the dorm thinking they’ll be all lovey dovey later. I’m gonna die.” Tao states and looked around for some place to shop.

“Ok. Let’s go shopping then.” Minseok agrees.


Luhan finds the ice cream interesting now.

Sehun seems to find the ice cream interesting too since his gaze was on the cup of rainbow colored ice cream.

No one was talking.

And that was the greatest problem, NO ONE WAS DOING ANY EFFORT TO START A  CONVERSATION.

Luhan cleared his throat when he finished his ice cream and tried calling Minseok but unfortunately Minseok’s phone was turned off on purpose.

Sehun on the other side of the round table was also doing the same.

Both sighed then looked at each other awkwardly.

“I don’t think they’ll be coming back.” Luhan says in a soft tone.

Sehun nods as he feels his heart beating faster by the sound of Luhan’s voice.

“Yeah. W-we should go back… together- i-if that’s ok with you.” Sehun wasn’t sure if Luhan would agree or reject going home with him but he hopes for the first.

“Ok.” Luhan meekly replies and Sehun had to put his hands on his pockets so he wouldn’t hug the beautiful person beside him.

They walk silently out of the shop.

“So… how are you?” Luhan was glad his voice sounded fine because inside he was screaming and panicking and unsure of what to do.

“I-I’m fine.” Sehun answers though it’s not true. He wanted to tell Luhan how much he misses him, his scent, his kisses, his touch, everything… Sehun misses everything about Luhan.

Luhan nodded though and he wanted to tell Sehun he misses him so so much he was dying inside.

“How about you? I can see your having fun with Minseok a lot.” Sehun says jealousy evident in his voice.

“Minseok makes me smile a lot.” Luhan says in a matter of fact tone.

“I know. I’m not blind.” Sehun being the insolent idiot he was.

Luhan scoffs because Sehun is definitely blind when it comes to Luhan’s feelings because all Sehun sees is Luhan's smile and that's because it’s all what Luhan lets him see.

“I didn’t say you were blind so, no worries.” Luhan forces out a smile.

“But you know, sometimes, people just show what they want other people to see and by that I meant, smiling even though it ing hurts.”

Luhan says and entered their dorm.

“You’re not the only one hurt!” Sehun shouted, following Luhan.

“Stay away from me then, I wouldn’t want you to be hurt.” Luhan shouts not looking at Sehun.

Sehun stopped following Luhan and stormed into his shared room with Suho.

The audience who ceased their activities as soon as Luhan barge in the dorm gave each other a worried glance.

“Damn.” Jongin says.

“I’m gonna talk to Sehun.” Joonmyun says because being the leader and all.

“Hyung, he won’t listen to you.” Chanyeol informs Joonmyun.

“But we can’t just let them go on with their fight. It’s been almost two weeks.” Baekhyun reasons.

“Two weeks and one day to be exact.” Yixing corrects. “Sehun listens to Tao, wait- where is Tao?”

“I dunno.” Chen answers and looks at Kris who shrugged.

“Minseok hyung is not here too.” Kyungsoo informs.

“Maybe they’re on a date?” Jongin guessed and then the door opened revealing Minseok, shortly being followed by Tao.

“Oh. Are we having a meeting?” Minseok asks.

“Ge, aren’t you gonna help me with this?” Tao comes in with a bunch of paper bags and smell of food coming from them.

Minseok took half of the paper bags from Tao.

“Yeah. Where were you?” Joonmyun asks his eyes narrowing at the two.

“We went shopping.” Tao answers. “Oh is poker face and bambi hyung back?”

“Yup.” Chen nods. “Shouting and fighting.”

Minseok and Tao paled.

“Don’t tell me you two had something to do with that.” Jongin asks in amusement.

“It was Tao’s idea!” Minseok looking all innocent blamed the tall maknae beside him.

“Hey, you participated too!”

“You forced me!”

“What? You said-

“That’s enough!” Joonmyun says making the two stop.

“Hyungs, you fight like an old married couple.” Jongin laughs and clapped like an idiot as he snatched the food from Tao and then exclaimed “uwa~” when he saw it was chicken.

“You Chicken Mania! Give that back to me!” Tao says in annoyance.

“No, Tao, you go in there and talk to Sehun." "Minseok, you know what to do."

Minseok and Tao looked at each other and sighed, their thoughts the same.

“OK, plan failed. We’re both miserable and now they’re miserable too. We should just die.”




The next morning, Luhan found himself alone in his shared room with Yixing and it was peculiar because he usually wakes up before the sleepyhead.

He shrugs to himself and walked out the room and went straight to the bathroom but stopped when he realized he does not smell any coffee.

“Minseok?” Luhan calls.

He’s been used to having morning coffee with Minseok after his huge fight (for HunHan) with Sehun and he wakes up early because no one was tiring him out during the night.

Luhan was dumbfounded when he saw the empty kitchen.

He refused to entertain the idea of being left alone in the dorm early in the morning so he opened the door to Minseok and Tao’s shared bedroom and he wasn’t surprised when he saw that there was not a single person in the room.

He checked the other rooms and groaned in frustration.

He was left alone.

All alone.

What the hell did he do to deserve this?

Was s bullying him?

“ it. I don’t care.” Luhan muttered to himself and was ready to go to the bathroom when one of the doors opened and out came a sleepy looking Sehun, his shirt all wrinkled and his blonde hair all over the place but DAMN he’s so hot.

Luhan looked away blushing.

His heart not listening when the brain keeps commanding it to stop being so loud and fast.

“G-good morning.” Luhan says and has forgotten that he still needs to go the bathroom and wash his face and pee, he went in the room nearest to him which was Tao and Minseok’s room.

Lu Han was panicking, his whole body and soul was in a complete panic.

Sehun didn’t even had the chance to greet Luhan back and he scratched the back of his neck when Luhan entered a room that is not even his.

Sehun was always the latest to wake up.

And right now, Sehun has the feeling that he was all alone.

It was odd really that at this time of the day, there was no noise from Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Chen and Jongin who should be playing around making a fool out of themselves into which Sehun gladly joins.

No smell of Kyungsoo’s cooking and Minseok’s coffee.

Television was off.

When he went downstairs and to the kitchen to grab milk, he confirmed his suspicion of being left alone.


Oh Sehun. I’m sure you’ll be the one to read this.

Hyungs are out shopping and eating our hearts content.

Just ing talk to Luhan, don’t be such a brat and I expect happy couple smile when we come back.

Don’t mess with the kitchen.

We’ll be back before dinner.

Don’t make Luhan cry. Keep things tidy.

-Your loving hyungs <3


You can worship and thank us later maknae! Have fun but don’t do it in the living room! It’ll be a horrible sight! ;)


Sehun could clearly guess who wrote in each paragraph and he knows that Kim Jongin was the one that wrote the last messy red words.

Why red? Sehun doesn't know and he doesn't care anyway.

Sehun put the paper in his hand and put the half empty milk back in the fridge.

The milk seems to have helped in Sehun’s loosely wired confidence.

“Why are you in Tao and Minseok’s room?” Sehun asks because that’s all he could think of right now, he was still thinking of words to express his undeniably annoying and confusing feelings.

“I-I was looking for something.” Luhan says nervously.

“Did you find it?” Sehun asks.


It went silent.

The door hung open, still held by Luhan who was looking down and focusing on the beautiful tiled floor or probably Sehun's feet and Sehun looking at the top view Luhan’s dark brown hair facing him.

Sehun took Luhan’s hand from the door knob.

“Hyung.” Sehun calls softly.

Luhan looks up stubbornly stopping his tears from falling because Sehun was not two persons away from him and yet he doesn’t have the strength to hold him so he lets the younger hold him instead.

“I’m sorry for being a brat.” Sehun says unsure if it was the right thing to say. “I’m just, y-you spend too much time with Minseok hyung a-and I- I was a jealous brat and I hate myself for hurting you, for not being honest with you and y-you shine too much… I-I don’t think I can handle it when the sun is being close to me. But I still want to love you, hold you and look at you even if it hurts me when other’s do the same because you’re the sun, you’re my only light.”

Luhan being surprised with the cheesy and sincere words coming from the maknae’s mouth couldn’t stop himself from crying.

He waited for what, two weeks and two days to ing hear those ing cheesy sincere words and now he got what he ing wants and  all the ing pain of missing Sehun was gone and replaced by an undeniably happy feeling.

“Idiot.” Luhan says wiping away his tears furiously like a child. “I missed you so much it killed me. I thought- I thought you would never talk to me again after all the mean things I told you.”

“Hyung, no matter how much your words hurt me. I won’t ever stop loving you.” Sehun assures Luhan and helped him wipe off the tears.

“Really?” Luhan asks.

“Yeah.” Sehun says with a matching nod. “I love you.”

Luhan replied by pulling Sehun to him and kissing the maknae who was surprised at first then smiled and deepened the kiss.

“I love you too.” Luhan says pulling away for a bit and Sehun leaned in this time, capturing his hyungs beautiful lips.

Sehun closed the door behind them.




Tao let out the most unmanliest shriek when he opened the door to his and Minseok’s shared room.

“Tao? What’s wrong?” Minseok quickly walks over to the surprised looking Tao and Minseok let out an annoyed groan when he saw what made Tao shriek.

“LUHAN! SEHUN! GET THE OUT OF OUR ROOM!” Minseok and Tao chorused which awoke the sleeping   couple.

Sehun didn’t care and he went back to sleep and dragged Luhan with him who protested wide eyes and red-faced.

“Yah! Disgusting!” Tao covers his eyes and Minseok angrily walks off to wherever he can calm his angry nerves.

Jongin puts an arm around his angry hyung and whispers.

“Atleast they didn’t do it in the living room.”






So yeah. You're Welcome Noona and HunHan shippers :’)
Thanks for reading~
Please. Don’t ask for sequels xD haha.







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ShimShimYdee #1
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaaahhhh...MY FEELS!!!! >///<
HUNHAN is hart hart <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: I love the story author-nim!
HunHan is <3