Seventh Pull - Of Confessions and Decisions

Law of Gravity

Of Confessions and decisions  


How could they do this to me? Didn't they feel bad for blackmailing me like this? By the evil gleam in their eyes I could say that no, they didn't feel any remorse whatsoever for ending my life. 


I tried to think of a way to get out of the situation without telling them about Sungmin and without having my sister finding out about 'that' at the same time, but I was proving useless.  


If you're wondering what 'that' is, I'll give you a brief explanation: three months ago, Ahra had set me up on a blind date with her best friend's sister. I obviously wasn't in for it, but she had threatened me with burning all my precious game collection. My sister was like my guardian angel, but she could turn into a monster in the blink of an eye when she wanted. That's why I asked Donghae for his help. The plan was that, ten minutes into the date, he would call me about an emergency. Of course me, being the kind friend that I am, would leave to assist my helpless friend. The plan went smoothly and we told Ahra that Donghae was really sick and, as his family lived far away and Hyuk was in a seminar, I was the only one that could go and take care of him. She believed me. End of the story. 


I lowered my gaze and held my head between my hands looking defeated. This sign was correctly interpreted by Donghae as an act surrender. 


His smile almost didn't fit on his face. 


"You wanted to know what I was calling you for? Now I need a reason to call you? I just wanted to know how you were doing," I heard Donghae telling her over the phone and the she started saying something to him. His expression changed while listening to her, but I could only listen to his side of the conversation. 


"Really...? Yes, yes that's right... Of course! We'd love to... I'll discuss it with these two... Yes, rest assured... I'll check later. Bye!" 


Only when he hanged up did my ordeal end, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel relieved. I loved my sister a whole lot, but she'd want my head on a silver platter if she ever found out about the date thingy. 


For a moment, I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed their expectant gazes on me. They looked like kids about to be given a piece of candy.


I had to talk. I could no longer keep it to myself (or else Donghae would resort to blackmailing again). 


"It's a person I met a few days ago", was my snappy reply. 


"It wouldn't kill you to elaborate a little," Eunhyuk gruffly said. 


"Ok, ok. This person is a teacher in SunJi's kindergarten; more specifically, her teacher. We talked for a bit when I went to pick SunJi up and last Sunday we coincidentally ran into each other. Happy now? 


As I was telling them the story, Donghae started looking at me quite eerily, but I could have never imagined what he said next. 

"Looks like such an interesting person, don't you think so too, Hyuk?" To what the one with black hair agreed enthusiastically. "That's why I think we have to all meet up" Donghae suggested and Hyuk's sparkled as much as Donghae's, albeit with a little shadow of a doubt. 


"And how will we do that?" he asked and I felt my soul returning to my body. When I heard the determination in Donghae's voice, I feared the worst, but Eunhyuk was right. They did not know which kindergarten SunJi attended to and I knew they wouldn't ask Ahra. Finally things were going my way, and so it was my turn to laugh in their faces. 


"Don't even think I'll tell you anything!" I exclaimed feeling in control for the first time since we started that conversation and loving it. 


But Donghae kept the silly grin on his face, which was starting to creep me out and gave me the chills. I tried to shake it off, because there was no way- 


"I don't need you to tell me anything," he stated, interrupting my chain of thought. "Because your dear sister has just invited us to SunJi's kindergarten's gym festival, to which I'll most gladly go. She also said she'd text me the address" and as if on a cue, his phone vibrated. "And here it is."


I sincerely believe there was no way I could have described my expression and made it justice. It was a mix between bewilderment, disbelief, rage and shock. My eyes and mouth were wide open, and by the way they bursted out laughing, it must have been a hilarious sight. 


"That person must be quite unique if they can make you put on that face" Eunhyuk said in between snickers. "Now we are even more eager to meet them." 

Regaining some of my composure, I straightened my clothes and looked at them in the eye, drawing a smile on my lips. 


"Do what you want" I said with as much confidence as I could gather. "Either way, you don't know how they look like so..."


"We don't need to know. You told us that it was SunJi's teacher, so we'd just have to ask around who was in charge of her class" Donghae retorted with a smug look on his face.


My smile faded away, just like my confidence and I thought there should be a law that banned friends from making your life a living hell. Damn, if that were the case, these two would surely serve life sentence.


Having come to this, I had to regain some of my dignity. At whatever cost. I frowned and stood up, leaving my food intact on the table, no longer hungry.


"As I said, do what you like, but don't even think I be tagging along!" I exclaimed and even I realized how childish that had sounded. After that, I pushed back my chair and walked to the door, exiting without even saying goodbye.


Having those two as friends was some kind of karma thing. I must have done something awful on one of my previous lives to deserve them. 





It was tragicomic that the most you want a day not to come, the faster it arrives. I sighed, thing I was doing a lot lately.


It was Friday already. I had no more classes for the day and I had skipped lunch in an attempt to avoid EunHae (nickname I gave the pair I had as friends) like the plague; I wouldn't give them anymore chances to make a fool out of me. 


As I was leaving the building to my home, my cell phone started ringing. I fished it out of my pockets an looked at the screen. It was Donghae. 


Didn't they get tired of bullying me? And I used 'them' because those two were always together -hence 'eunhae'-. Still looking at the screen I debated whether I should pick up or not. I did not want them rubbing in my face how they had -once again- had their way. On the other hand, it could be important.


In spite of my better judgment, I answered his call. 


"What?" I asked, sounding defensive. 


He ignored my question and started talking, trying to convince me to go with them to the festival, saying that it would be fun and that they'd behave and blah, blah, blah... 


"I said I'm not going and that's final," I said.


"Buu~ You're so stubborn..." he whined on the phone. "Fine, do as you please. As for us, I'm sure we'll have a great time. Bye", and he ended the call without waiting for a response. 


It was frustrating how this kid always did whatever the hell he wanted. I seriously wanted to smack some sense into him, but as I resumed my walking, I couldn't help but to think about that festival.


I really did not think they'd have a good time because, let's face it, they'd probably be the only young adults among all those kids and mothers. However, if I took into account the fact that Donghae and Eunhyuk were sometimes quite childish...


They'll really have a blast. 


You want to see him...


 I also thought about the possibility that my friends may not keep their promise and end up spilling everything to my sister. 


You want to see him...


Another thing that crossed my mind was SunJi's sad face upon seeing Donghae and Eunhyuk there, but not me.


You want to see him...


I think that the mental image of SunJi's pouty face left me feeling bitter and guilty.


You want to see him... 


I suddenly changed the direction of my steps and started heading to the kindergarten. I was going just so that I could put a smile on my niece's face. And while being there, I could prevent monkey face and fish face to talk about things they shouldn't. I'll be like killing two birds with one bullet. I was truly a genius.


And you want to see him.


"Freaking conscience, just shut up!"


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Funny fact: this was uploaded yesterday... but I saved it as a draft by mistake XD


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Chapter 7: Hahahahahaha Kyu wants to see him~ yesssss
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 7: yayyy kyu is going to see min again.,,,and this time, eunhae will witness the sweet kyu towards min kekeke.....
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 6: Kekeke kyu is so nervous, i bet ahra noona has figure it out that sungminnie oppa is cute for kyu :) nice works
Gyaaaa #4
Chapter 5: i don't know what was wrong, but it's hard to read this chap from phone... XD

Kyu was cute, but he should asked Min about his sadness tho'...

thanks for the update.. ^^
Chapter 5: The structure of this chapter ISNT very good for mobile readers >_<
PeekyDoll #6
Chapter 4: Welcome back~ I almost forgot about this story, it's so sweet~
PinkFish #7
Chapter 1: Oh Oh! OH! -comenta en español porque puede-
Vi esto, y al principió pensé que alguien había plagiado la historia otra vez ;A;, pero después leí el prologo y vi que no -w-
Yo leí esto hace mucho en HaTo ;A;, creo que fue uno de mis primeros fanfics de Super Junior, recuerdo que me gustó mucho, pero fue hace tanto -eso y que tengo mala memoria- que ya no me acuerdo mucho de la historia.
Va a ser interesante volver a leerla en Inglés *-*.
Saludos y cuídate mucho~
kyuming137 #8
Chapter 3: Oh cho kyuhyun. You are so whipped
I really like to read light fic like this (or maybe it will turns angsty idk) it's cute ^^
Will be waiting patiently for the next update
Thanks for filling up my kyumin crave :))
kyuming137 #9
Chapter 2: Hahaha sunji is adorable~ they are so helpless towards her
What is it with you kyu
Do you really already have feelings for sungmin? Lol