
Too Late ....Or Not (Sequel to Too Late)

Chanyeol: I-I don’t get it………

Jiyeon: I’m PREGNANT!!!!!

Chanyeol: *Still in shock* y-yeah….

Jiyeon: What are we going to do??

Chanyeol: I don’t know what are we going to do??

Jiyeon: I asked for an answer …..Not for another question.

Chanyeol: I seriously don’t know what to do though* pouts*

Jiyeon: Me too*Pouts*….a-are we going to keep it…


Jiyeon: Okay….I just wanted to ask you so just calm down…..

Chanyeol: Hehehhehe……sorry.... But we only know we are going to keep it but what are we REALLY going to do….

Jiyeon: Well……..

Chanyeol: Have long have you been pregnant for??

Jiyeon: around 1 and half months….

Chanyeol: Aha!!!! I know what we are going to do next!!

Jiyeon: What???

Chanyeol: bring you to the doctor for a checkup to make sure the baby is healthy!!!

Jiyeon: Chanyeol….you know what??

Chanyeol: What1!?!?

Jiyeon: you’re finally smart for once!!! Ahahahaha

Chanyeol” Hey I’m not dumb……w-well maybe sometimes I do stupid things but only SOMETIMES!!

Jiyeon: Whatever you say~~~~~

 Chanyeol: humph…. Why so mean…

Jiyeon: why so serious……

Chanyeol and Jiyeon: Ahahahahahhahah!!!!

Chanyeol: But really…… Jiyeon-ah, I’ll be sure to take care of you ……and it’ll be easier since we live next to each other!!

Jiyeon: o-okay…….

Chanyeol: you know what Jiyeon: you’re moving in to my house!!!

Jiyeon: why….we’re already live next to each other.

Chanyeol: I need to take care of you two, and you know you get clumsy what if something bad happens….

Jiyeon: But…

Chanyeol: No buts!! You’re moving in and that’s official, I have extra rooms.

Jiyeon: fine!! But you’re moving ALL my stuff!

Chanyeol: what no!! I don’t want to…

Jiyeon: *mimic Chanyeol’s voice* What if something bad happens!!

Chanyeol: Okay fine!!! I’ll do it for both of you!!

Jiyeon: hahahahahaha!! Oppa you’re the best!!

Chanyeol: hey are you hungry…. Because my tummy screaming for food…..

Jiyeon: uhmmm….. Now that you mention I’m actually starving!! I cooked food in my apartment for my dinner, so I’ll be generous and let you have some….

Chanyeol: Yay!!

-------------------After Dinner---------------

Chanyeol: so do you want to move in today??

Jiyeon: uhmmm…. Sure …

--------------- 9 pm-----------------

Chanyeol: You have A LOT of stuff …… I’m really tired….

Jiyeon: awww….. Now I feel bad….Oppa you want to go get bubble tea I’m really craving for some!!!

Chanyeol: Okay!!!

-----------@ Bubble tea place-------

Chanyeol: I thought you like strawberry….

Jiyeon: IDK…. I want mango!!!

Chanyeol: Okay….. I’ll get Oreo twist this time…wait for me at the table~!

Jiyeon: Sir yes sir!!

----Chanyeol came back----

Chanyeol: here you go!!

Jiyeon: Thanks!!!

Chanyeol: *Pokes the top part with straw but spilled a bit of bubble tea*

Jiyeon: Hahahahaha!!!!

Chanyeol: hey it’s not funny!!!* stick tongue out*

Unknown: *Hits Chanyeol’s head hard* HYUNG!!!!!!

Chanyeol: *Turns around* OH SEHUN!!

Sehun: *Waves*

Chanyeol: What are you doing here!!!

Sehun:  I’m here to get bubble tea with Luhan hyung, and who’s her??* Points to Jiyeon*

Chanyeol: Ahhhh….. She’s Jiyeon!!

Jiyeon: Hello I’m Jiyeon.

Sehun: I’m Sehun!! Nice to meet you guys!!  Anyways I’ll get going because I can here my Chocolate bubble tea calling for me!!! Bye~~~~~

Chanyeol and Jiyeon: Bye~~~~

--------After bubble tea-------------

Jiyeon: let’s go to the super market… I want to buy food for the week since I get all these craving now!!

Chanyeol: Fine………

------@ Super market--------

Chanyeol: don’t you think the cart is a bit full??

Jiyeon: Nope…..we are feeding for the 3 of us and you do eat a lot…..

Chanyeol: True….good point, hey let’s get those *Points to chips*

Jiyeon: Sure!!!!

---------Back at the apartment-------

Jiyeon: I think we got a little too carried away…..The fridge is so full I can barely close it……

Chanyeol: Y-yeah we did and that’s not counting the stuff in the cabinets…

Jiyeon: It’s getting late and I’m tired…..

Chanyeol: I forgot to get your bed!!!

Jiyeon: Then I’m sleeping on yours!!! You take the couch!!!

Chanyeol: No!!! Let’s play rock paper scissors to decide!!

Jiyeon; I’m going to win!!

Chanyeol and Jiyeon: Rock, Paper, Scissors!!!*Chanyeol-Stone* *Jiyeon- Paper*

Jiyeon: Hahahahaha I won!!! for you~~~

Chanyeol: No fair!!! And my legs don’t fit!!! *Puppy eyes*

Jiyeon: Fine~~~ I’ll give you half the bed…. Since you have a king sized bed….

Chanyeol: Yay!!!

----@ bed room-----

Jiyeon: good night oppa….

Chanyeol: Goodnight….

Jiyeon’s POV

Today was such a fun day with Chanyeol!! I’m so happy that he took the news well…..he made my heart beat like crazy whenever I’m with him…… Now especially with us living together, I’m sure my everyday is going to be fun with him. Lastly I’m sure the baby would turn out as enthusiastic as Chanyeol!!

Chanyeol’s POV

Today was a BLAST!!!! I really didn’t know what to do when Jiyeon said she was pregnant but now I know. I want to make her happy everyday!! I really enjoyed this day especially knowing that my baby is in Jiyeon’s tummy…. When it’s the right time I’m definitely going to confess to her… wait for me Jiyeon….and baby don’t be so harsh to mommy, let her rest well *Smiles* I’m the luckiest man In the universe!! *finds Jiyeon asleep* *Kissed her forehead and hugged her* 


Here's another Chapter!!! As usual if you liked it please Comment, subscribe, and maybe an upvote........ I really hoped you enjoyed this so far and thanks for the people who commented on the previous chapter!!  Sorry I updated a bit later, I was really sad to know Kris is leaving EXO since her is my first bias in EXO (still in third place), but I'll support his choices though and theres been soo much rumors going on too, i don't know which ones to believe .......  Anyways,Last but not least I'm going to ask for 5 comments or more before the next update.  

For the people who wants to or didn't, please answer my poll!!!!


Random facts of The Update

-On average we spend roughly 20 years of our lives sleeping for our whole lives.

-A phychological study confirms that presence of beautiful women ignite stupid behavior in men.

-A Unitied nations repot said that disconnecting people from the internet connnection is a humans rights violation!! 

Thanks for reading my long note and story!!!

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chankaimi #1
Chapter 18: I really don't like this going back and forth between Chanyeol and Kai. Can she finally pick Chanyeol? They are an adorable couple and Kai just keeps hurting her. I WANT CHANYEOL!!!!!!!
Aneth14 #2
Chapter 18: ahhh... I wanted her to be with chanyeol....
pls update soon~~
Winterberry04 #3
Chapter 17: Update soon
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 18: Update soon.
Kyla1923 #5
Chapter 17: Wahh!! Hope she ends up with Kai and be friendsd with chanyeol even if they have a baby
Miss_Kimjongin #6
Chapter 16: Update soon, I am really excited of what is going to happened next.
bidlv4evr #7
Chapter 16: Chanyeol! Chanyeol! Chanyeol! He has been the sweetest person to Jiyeon and i really want to see them happy together. Even though Kai has changed he did hurt her a lot in the past
Kyla1923 #8
Chapter 16: Please let her end up with Kai
Chapter 15: Hmmm. I really don't know who's side to be on....I guess next chapter will make it easier to tell next chapter when Chanyeol reacts. I feel Chanyeol will be shocked but he'll accept it.
Kyla1923 #10
Chapter 15: OMG!! She's preggy! what about Kai?? why?? why??