Too Late

Too Late

You stared outside the window as you see the rain pouring……Drip….Drop….Drip….Drop you sat there thinking back to the old times, your fist date with him, first kiss, how madly in love you and him were but most importantly  where everything was fine between you and Jongin. He’s never the same anymore. Every night or almost every night he returns late and you can smell different perfumes. You lost count how long it was since it began 2months or maybe 3, but all you knew was that you endured it without a complaint telling yourself Jiyeon its okay it’s only temporary and he might be stressed. The countless times you and Jongin would argue over minor things. He would end up in the bar with random girls and you crying yourself to sleep. It seemed as if he simply never cares anymore. The pain is unbearable as if you heart is on fire. Telling yourself to be okay and that it’s going to be fine, no longer had work anymore and you just lost all your hope. Now you’re just sitting here not wanting to get into reality that the old Kim Jongin aka. Kai is never going to comeback. Your relationship with him is at its falling point. After a long silence except of the rain sound outside that seemed like a day you finally decided that you are going to let go of this 3 year relationship you have or more like had with him. You slowly packed your belongings you have in Jongin’s house with a heavy heart. You repeatedly tell yourself like a broken record that he doesn’t love you anymore and you are going to be strong. Tears formed in your eyes and began to fall. You can’t even bare to say a proper goodbye to him.  You took out a piece of paper and a pen and started to write as your tears are dripping uncontrollably. After you finished you grabbed all you belongings, one side of your brain telling you that you have to go, this is no longer a healthy relationship it’s for the best and the other side saying don’t go, stay he’s going to change and you love him. But now you decided that you are going to be strong and leave him it’s for the best. With one last look you exited your house or now Jongin’s house without turning back. Half an hour have passed Jongin returned with a strong scent of perfume and Alcohol. He felt that it is unusually cold and lifeless. Then he noticed a piece of paper on the kitchen table. He then started to read.

Jongin oppa, it’s been wonderful to be you girlfriend this pass few years, thanks for all the memories and you taught me what being in love felt like. I know it’s time for me to finally wake up from this dream no matter how much I don’t want to. I don’t like to argue frequently with you over minor things, ignoring each other, going to sleep by myself without any goodnight kisses or “I love you” and  waking up with you next to me with you smelling like Alcohol. I’m Tired. It’s the Best for us, hope you understand. I wish you find a girl100 times better than me and you really love.  For the Last Time I Love You.


Jongin’s tears came streaming down; he threw anything close to him to the floor and screamed eventually sliding to the floor. He felt stupid ignoring you and arguing with you. He was stressed and was lost. He didn’t know what got into him these past few months. To him you were the perfect one for him. How could he just easily let you slip out of his life without even saying a goodbye? He never realized how important you are to him and how much he hurt Jiyeon until now but it’s all too late……..

You never know the True value of someone until you let it slip out of your life”


Author's Note............

So....How was the oneshot? I hope you guys/gals would give me some feedback. English is not my first language and I apologize if there are spelling errors and grammar errors *90 degree bows*. Thanks for the support and spending time to check out this fic. Once again I'm 100% sure there is a quote like that but forgot where I read it and who wrote it so credits to the rightful owner of the quote. Once again thanks and Please comment and subscribe!

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The Sequel is Up!!! Check out Too Late....Or Not


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exo_peter_pan #1
Chapter 1: This is very cute!!!! :)
Chapter 2: It's beautiful~
I love stories like these ♥
Chapter 2: OMG! There really is a sequel. I'm so gonna read this :)))
Chapter 1: Oops nvm there is a sequel already ahha
Chapter 1: TT this deserves a sequel
Chapter 2: Great story!! I love it even though it's sad...
Chapter 2: Omg, yesss! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. :)))
Chapter 1: So sad =(
Make a sequel please.. ^.^
thea_242 #9
Chapter 1: wow!! great story authornim <3 I hope there is a sequel :))))
Chapter 1: This was really good! I feel sad though... he should go after her and clear things up!