Chapter Eight

Breaking A Heart-breaker's Heart


    "Let's go out." Joshua pipes excitedly, slumping on the couch where Franchia was busy drafting some documents.

    "I'm busy. Go bother Kris or something." 

    Joshua makes a face, "Youre always busy. It's the weekend but you're still doing work."


    "You're such an idiot."


    "You're short."


    "You're not even listening to me, are you?"


    With an irritated sigh, Joshua snatched the papers from Franchia and ran away with them. 

    "What the -- Joshua Hidalgo, come back here!! Give those back!" Franchia shrieked, cursing her best friend's long legs when the latter disappeared out the door and into Kris' apartment in less than a minute. She followed him there, stomping all the way and demanding for the documents. 

    Kris raised a brow at the two as they barged into his apartment. "Uh... what's happening?"

    "You're boyfriend is an ." Franchia deadpans.

    "Uh, no, my boyfriend is gay." Kris drawls. "What is going on? It's too early for this, don't you think?"

    "I invited her to go out with us. Isn't that nice of me?" Joshua grins as he came back from somewhere in Kris' apartment.

    "And I remember refusing that invitation." Frachia gritted out. "I need to finish some work. Now give back those documents, Joshua, before I decide that this floor is high enough to break your bones and throw you out the balcony."

    "You need to take a break, Franchia. You're starting to be a workahilic." Joshua rolled his eyes. "When I told you to distract yourself a little, I meant take a hobby or something, not slave yourself to your work."

    Franchia bites her lips, huffing in retaliation. "I'll do what I want. It's my life."

    "The last time you told me that, I ended up picking you up in pieces."

    "Hey now..." Kris warned apprehensively.

    "This is not what I meant, Franchia. I'm going to do something about it while it's still early because I don't want you in pieces again, okay?" Joshua ignored Kris.

    Franchia knew Joshua meant well. The thing is, she really didn't know how to cope with the heartbreak. The only way she's able to sleep at night is when she's too exhausted from work, that way she's too tired to think about anything at all.

    Joshua lets out a loud huff, groaning in frustration at Franchia's resilient silence. He turned and stomped away back to Kris's bedroom. After a minute or two, he came back, Franchia's work documents in hand. He promptly slammed it on the nearby table before disappearing back the room again.

    Kris sighs, "Franchia..."

    "I know."  Franchia cuts him off weakly. "I know he's right."

    "I'm not saying that he's right, Franchia. It's not right for him to force you into doing anything you don't want or force you away from doing something you do. What I want you to understand is that he cares so much for you that he's doing everything to help you. We want to help you, Franchia. But we also need you to help yourself."

    "But I can't think of anything else to do, Kris. This is all I can do at the moment. At least I don't cry at night anymore. I'm too tired to cry. And that's the only thing that lets me sleep."

    "But it's not good for you. So Joshua wants to help. Please understand."

    Franchia sighs. She picks up the documents and then walked towards the bedroom Joshua had disappeared into. She found him sitting on the bed, eyes strained on the window. Slowly, she made her way to the bed and sat beside him.

    "I know you're hurt, alright? But if you won't let me help you, I don't know how I can." Joshua sighs. "It's been a month, Franchia. I know that it's not enough, but when will you really start forgetting about him?"

    Silently, Franchia slipped the documents onto the bed. Joshua gave her a look.

    "I know you mean well... I'm sorry." she says. "So... where are you supposed to take me?"

    "I promise you'd enjoy this day!" Joshua grins widely, "We're going shopping!"


    A few hours later, Franchia couldn't even remember why she didn't want to go out with Joshua in the first place. It wasn't because of the numerous things that they're coning Kris to buy since the guy is loaded, but its because of finally finding a semblance to her normal life, before she had even met Kai. 

    "Alright, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Kris groans.

    "You've been eating just a few minutes ago. You're hungry again?" Franchia gapes.

    "He's got  a wormhole in his stomach." Joshua snorts. 

    Franchia felt something tug at her heart at those familiar words, her previous mood dissipating. Joshua noticed and he sighs.

    "Come on, now. Whatever it is, forget about it." Joshua dragged his bestfriend toward an establishment where they could eat. "Jesus, can't you go one day without relating that darn guy to everything?"

    "I'm sorry!" 

    "Stop saying sorry! Just do it. Okay?"


    But Franchia should have known that nothing is ever easy.

    They were actually having a good time, at Kris' expense since the best friends were ganging up on him and calling him out on his random quirks. And then two familiar people got into the restaurant. 

    Franchia's world stops.

    It's Kai.

    And someone who's memories had been haunting her now and again. 

    Oh Sehun. The boy who's heart she had broken.

a/n: OOOOHHHHH.......

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Chapter 12: awwwwww was nice story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Hey what about trequel? Hahaha
unknown_seoul #3
Chapter 12: I love this <3
dyotokki #4
Chapter 12: I don't understand why people aren't commenting but i really really loveeeeeeed this story so muchie ;)