Chapter Ten

Breaking A Heart-breaker's Heart


    Bottles littered the floor. The room was dark and suffocating but he refuse to budge from his place on the dirty corner of his room, yet another bottle of amber liquid in hand.
    "She deserved what she got." he says, taking a long swig of the drink in hand, "What comes around goes around..."

    He desperately wants to know if he's trying to convince anyone or himself.  

    The front door bursts open.

    "Kim Jongin! What the did you do?!" Sehun bellowed angrily. It took him a few seconds to adjust his eyes to the dim lighting of the room but when he did, he lunged for Jongin, bringing him to his feet by the collars. "What the were you thinking?!"

    "So you know..." Kai slurrred, an empty smirk blossoming on his chapped lips. "You talked to her."

    "Of course I did! If I hadn't I wouldn't have known what you did! What the was that for?! You didn't have to make her fall for you and then break her!" Sehun lashed out, "I really thought you were more than that, you know. Even for Kai, that was a low blow."

    "Why the hell are you so angry?" Kai snapped, pushing Sehun away. "I did it for you. Did you forget what she did to you? She broke you too! And if not for Janelle, God knows how you'd be living your life today!"

    "She did wrong, alright! She made a mistake! But that doesn't justify what you did to her!" Sehun replies back angrily. He looked at Kai's haggard face, "We were kids, Kai. We were foolish and you can't blame her for making a mistake. She was sorry. And even before she even told me that I'd already forgiven her. But you... you made a huge mistake, Kai. And now--"

    "You are so lucky, you know." Kai cut Sehun off bitterly.


    Kai lets out a bitter scoff. "I was okay with it when she chose you back then. I thought, well, tough luck. I was happy for you, really."

    Sehun's eyes widened at the revelation, "You... you liked her."

    "Then she dumped you. And suddenly you secluded yourself from the world, even from me." Kai's tone turned cold. "I hated her."

    "You didn't tell me you liked her, Kai. Why didn't you tell me?" Sehun tries to break into Kai's stone cold expression. He never knew that Kai liked Franchia even back then. The two have never talked even once. He could remember babbling about Franchia to Kai but he never guessed that his best friend had liked her.

    "And you know what's even more funny about the situation?" Kai asked, laughing hollowly as if he had gone insane, tears dropping from his eyes and he wiped them away messily. "I still loved her. Despite what she had done to you. Even if I swore to myself that I hate her. I still loved her. And I actually thought I've gotten over her after all these years... then we met again."

    "So you made her fall for you. To get revenge." Sehun continued for him.

    Kai nodded, "Yeah. I did. It was payback time, I thought. He made you miserable, so as your best friend I thought I should make her miserable too."

    "And you succeded." Sehun bites back. "I hope you're happy, Kai. Because God knows how miserable she's feeling right now--"

    "Why are you on her side?! I did it for you!" Kai yells, throwing the bottle in his hand that it shattered on the wall. "Why? Huh?!"

    "Because what you did was wrong! You and I both know that!" Sehun yells too.

    "Of course I know that!! How do you think I was feeling every time she smiles at me?!Every kiss? Every touch? All this time I tried to forget her! And I really thought I did! While I spent my time with her I discovered that even after all these years, I still love her! But then again I'd remember what she did to you! Whenever I find myself looking at her and wanting to end all the act, I remember you." Kai frustratedly ruffled his hair and kicked a nearby table. " it, Sehun! I wasn't even acting at all! Because all these time I wanted to be with her! I really do."        

    Sehun watched his best friend wipe the tears that seemed to be insistent on coming. He sighs and went to put a hand on Kai's shoulder, trying to give comfort that he knew Kai doesn't need from him but from somebody else.

    "And now I really broke her. I regret it. God, I hate myself for doing that to her." Kai sobs. "But I can't go back to her. She'll never forgive me. I don't deserve her after what I've done."

    "You need to go back to her, Kai." Sehun says, anger disappearing altogether at hearing the truth. "She needs you now more than ever. Go back to her before she truly hates you."

    "I can't. She won't accept me. She won't forgive me. I wouldn't even forgive myself! I can't go back to her." Kai shook his head.

    "She's pregnant."

    The world seemed to stop for a moment. Kai stilled, shocked. He slowly turned to Sehun, eyes red and puffy as his lips tremble.


    "She fainted earlier when we were talking at the restaurant. I brought her to the hospital where Luhan-hyung is working at. He said she's a little over five weeks pregnant."


    "You're going to be a dad, Kai." Sehun put his hands on Kai's shoulders, "You have to ask her for forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself. It's not just about you now. You need to get your together, for Franchia's sake, for the baby's sake. Please."

    "B-but... how?" Kai seemed to sober up, all trace of alcohol gone from him. "She'll never take me back--"

    "Just go and tell her the truth, Jongin. Trust me." Sehun tells him with an encouraging smile. 

    "What if she doesn't believe me?"

    "That wouldn't stop you, right?" Sehun smirks a little, "Kai is never the one to give up on a girl."

    Kai seemed to comtemplate for a second. Sehun arched a challenging brow at him as if asking what the heck he was still waiting for.

    Then he was out the door, hoping against hope that he wasn't too late.

    Sehun smiles to himself, fishing up his phone when it rang. "Oh, hi. You called."

    "I wanted to ask what's taking you so long. Come back now."

    "Okay. I just needed to take care of some things."

    "Okay. I cooked something. Hurry up before it gets cold."

    "Yes, ma'am." he teases. "Oh, hey...?"

    "I don't say it often but... thank you. For everything."

    "Yeah, yeah. You better be." the girl on the other side of the phone chuckles.

    "And Janelle... I love you." he says before hanging up the phone.


a/n: see what I did there? it's connected to my other fic, Warm Tea for A Frozen Heart!! 

and can you undertand now why I chose to give the title as it is to this story?


but seriously my darlings, I really want that STAR!

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Chapter 12: awwwwww was nice story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Hey what about trequel? Hahaha
unknown_seoul #3
Chapter 12: I love this <3
dyotokki #4
Chapter 12: I don't understand why people aren't commenting but i really really loveeeeeeed this story so muchie ;)