Day Four

Project Soojung

"March twenty-fourth, twenty-fourteen."

The lens isn't focused, but it's evident that Soojung is at some sort of coffee shop, and her drink is in the way of showing all of her. The shot only captures her from neck to stomach, and there's a slight breeze that shows through the movement of her hair and the soft crackle it whispers into the mic that she decided to wear on her shirt today. 

Her voice is a hushed murmur after she takes a sip from her melting iced lemonade. "Only gonna stay out here for a few minutes because 'm getting news that the yellow dust levels are gonna probably spike up again." She shakes her head with a sigh. "I just wanna enjoy this nice weather we're having today, but I need to stay indoors! Leave it up to good, ol' yellow dust to keep me in when I wanna stay out."

Holding up her drink in her left hand and the camera in her right, she stands up from her seat, the legs scraping against the concrete floor it's situated upon. "Anyway, today's the fourth day of the project, and it looks as long as the first day-- oh hey, ahjumma, business goin' good today?" She laughs at the pojangmacha owner's response and faces forward again, finally adjusting the lens's focus to somewhat show her features a little more clearly. "Sorry, oh man, ahjumma's the best, she gives me free extra pieces of uhmook."

There's a pause as she walks down some stairs and past a door -- heavy, assuming from the small grunt she makes -- where she calls out a loud "I'm back." After a faint "okay" is heard inside the large photography studio, Soojung stares up at the camera. "First time doing this in front of other people, but it's only assistants, so it's whatever. Today's a favorite and habit day, apparently." She places the camera down on the table in front of her and finds some books to keep it perched up high enough to capture at least up to her forehead (damn the ing tripod, it's too far away anyway). "So. Fourth day, my hobbies. I'm not too big of a hobbyist actually -- is that a word? I think it's a word. Like, I dabble in (too much) of Netflix and procrastinating everything, but I wouldn't say it's a hobby. Or is it a hobby? I thought hobbies were like collecting stamps or something."

Soojung turns her head towards her assistant, who yells across the room that a hobby is anything you do in your free time, stop bein' stupid, boss. The camera catches Soojung's eyes roll as she laughs, pointing with her thumb in the general direction of where her assistant is. "Can you believe that prick? Calling his own boss stupid. Whatever, I guess my hobby is Netflix and being lazy, there's that. Next thingy asks for my favorite color, and I know it's not a color -- my art basics teacher kept having to remind me daily that it's a ing shade; I think that's bull, it just absorbs all the colors under the sun, so I think it should be considered as a color -- but black is dear to my heart. in' Sassy McSasspants over there says it's the color of my soul, but I am as bright as the ing sun." There's a loud, exaggerated cough in the background, and Soojung's arm flies out of frame, a quick glimpse of her middle finger up in the air flitting by.

With a clear of , she turns her attention back to the camera with her legs brought up to her chest. "Anyway, for the next thing, I'm horrible with picking favorites for anything, so I'm just gonna say that I'm reading Ender's Game right now, so I'll choose that as a favorite book for now. Don't get me started about Poussey and Taystee on that Orange show, Sassy and I love them. And while I'm not saying they're my absolute fave, Pinodyne's always gonna have my heart -- that reminds me, I gotta go to another show soon... I think All Force One is happening... this Saturday, I think. Yeah, this Saturday. I'll be there!"

Her expression changes when she reads the next question (that she prepared on her phone earlier today), and she scrunches her nose. "Politics is not my game play, do not ask me anything about politics. Next!" Her thumb scrolls up slightly and keeps her nose scrunched. "Pet peeves. A lot of things piss me off, actually, and Sassy knows that really well by now..." ("Stop calling me Sassy!") "...But incompetence really pisses me off-- like, how dumb can you be? Have some common sense and ." Her eyes move back towards her screen, and her face loosens up back into her normal gaze. "Gifts. You know, I actually really like getting socks. You can never have enough socks, especially those funny ones you buy out on the streets for a thousand won."

"Jesus, this list of questions is longer than the usual, ugh," Soojung throws her head back in a loud groan. "But I must persist to try to break this procrastination curse even by a day." She sighs, bringing her phone back up to her face. "Literally nothing better than the time the sun sets in the latter half of autumn, when the sky's turning a little orange and dark, and it's getting too chilly to go around in one jacket. The perfect time, the perfect weather, the perfect season. Nobody got time for the hot humidity Korea gets in the summertime, it's disgusting. I'm seriously just going to speed through this by this point, way too many questions that I'm getting way too lazy for."

She stretches out her legs and props the heels of her sneakers atop the table next to the makeshift 'tripod,' leaning back in her chair. "I like to spend time here in the studio or my apartment, especially during this time of year when those damn toxic levels are going up... But I have to say... Going to underground shows for free cause I'm a photographer? Best feeling ever. Hm... I'm skipping all these favorite questions -- except I have to add that Chamiseul Original is the best soju, and Sassy can argue all he wants, but I'm right -- so onto the last few. I actually don't have a pet at the moment, my parents have our dog with them back in the States, but I'm not entirely too sure that really counts. I think I'm fine without the pet, but sometimes it's a nice thought to have, coming home to one and all."

She goes quiet for a few moments, the camera barely catching her thumbs twiddling and fidgeting with each other. Her voice is nearly silent, but the mic she clasped on her shirt is close enough to her lips that every word can be heard. "The sunrise and sunset relaxes me. I mean, it also brings nostalgia and memories I would not like to delve into, but it's kind of freeing. The bitter air of it relaxes me, too. It's a... nice feeling." There's a faint buzz from the silence that follows her response to the question before she sits up and drops her legs down to the floor with a smile on her face. "As for bad habits, I still bite my nails sometimes, and Sassy hates it when I crack my knuckles. What can I say, it's a problem." 

Reaching over to pick her camera up into her hands, she walks over to her assistant, waving her hand so that the lens can pick it up in the frame as well. "Say bye to the camera for me, Sassy. I need to end this day's log. Make sure to say 'day four, end,' okay?"

Her assistant looks up at Soojung with his eyebrow raised before staring into the lens. "My boss is insane. Day four, end."




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Notice: "Sassy" is an OC.


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I like this story very much
Chapter 7: Yay! A lil bit of where she live. I always dream of having a studio apartment like what she has.

And she's doing exo photo shoot??? Nice :)
I would laugh so hard if it's f(x). She'll be like, "oh my god, that krystal girl looks exactly like me!"

Anyway, i'm glad you're still updating
Hope you'll update again
Chapter 6: :(
This made me sad, somehow.

Thx for the update.
I'll be waiting for the next one~
fxwhuut #4
Chapter 6: ooh i like this:) wait no scratch that, i love it. this story is quite refreshing. subscribed. btw who's Sassy? is he key? 'cause he's sassy as haha
Chapter 5: Oh poor soojung >.< she seems tired. I hope she didn't skip day sixth just because she already answer those questions.
Urghhhh... Now i wanna here her konglish accent. And her sleepy, scrunchy nose thingy she did. Must be so cute >///<
Sorry~ delulu mode on ;p

Anyway. Thanks for the update.
Really like it. She must be really lucky to have a career so young.
Dontworrybehappy #6
Such a good story! Well done :)
Chapter 4: Hahaaha... I love sassy~ who is his real name btw? Nah~ not important.
I finally finish reading this till chap 4. Phew~
It's hella fun. I love how you write in this pov. Oh i'm really curious about her life and other friends... But i think i'll know it later in one of the vid. 26 more to go ^^
So excited.

Quick question. What's that number you put at the bottom of every end chap? Just curious.... Hehe. But it's fine if u don't want to answers.
Will be waiting for the next update^^