Three words.

Hold Me Close And Say Three Words

 The enemy were falling. The oncoming rain of shrapnel and rubble causing Luhan to duck, covering his face with his hands.


He winced as the shrapnel tore at his hands, causing his skin to burn. Staggering forward covered in blood, he trudged forward, his feet stumbling in the mud. They continued to march to the temporary safety.


Luhan made his way to the tents at the back to the injured; before the war Luhan has been working in the hospital helping his mother who worked there. He figured they could use his help.


He limped to the medic tent. He smelt the tent before he saw it. The unmistakable smell of blood and medicines that would harm not help. Trying his best not to gag at the putrid smell, he turned the corner of the trench. He was met with the medic tent, it's green tarp has been crudely painted with a red cross. Shivering as the wind picked up – Luhan pushed the tarp aside.


Luhan washed his hands in the basin that was set near the entrance. The water was already a murky brown after being used multiple times, but it would be an improvement to the blood and mud that caked his hands. Luhan washed his hands, wincing as the soap got into his cuts. He only then realised that shrapnel was embedded in hi hands; before he had been too preoccupied to notice the pain. But now, the pain returned in sharp bursts. Luhan grabbed the towel sitting next to the water and dried his hands.


Luhan approached a nurse, explaining that he had some medical background and would like to help. The nurse, though reluctant, directed him to a bed where no nurse stood. A young man was writhing on the bed clutching his abdomen. The nurse explained the wound was fatal; Luhan's job was to at least make the man comfortable before he died. Luhan sat on the stool beside the bed.


“Hello, I'm Luhan. What's your name?” Luhan asked, taking the man's hand. The man stopped writhing to stare at Luhan.


“T-Tao...” The boy gurgled, coughing up blood; Luhan grabbed the nearby wipe and wiped the blood away. “I want my mum... where's my mum...?” The boys tears caused streak marks down his cheeks, wiping away the blood and mud that was there. Luhans heart broke as he held onto this stranger's hand; a stranger that Luhan would have to say goodbye to before he could even say hello. Luhan the man's hair in an attempt to calm him.


“You'll see her soon. Be at rest.” Luhan closed his eyes as he felt the man underneath him convulse rapidly until nothing. Luhan opened his eyes staring at the now motionless man. Luhan wiped the blood from Tao's cheek and carried the boy to the other pile of bodies that were rotting away in the morgue. Wincing at the stench of rotten flesh. Luhan marched on to see if he could find his best friend since childhood, Sehun.


Sehun has been Luhans best friend since they were in kindergarten. It was one of the only reasons Luhan continued with the nonsense of war; to protect Sehun. Sehun had been so excited when he found out they were at war, Luhan remembered his face when he found out he was old enough to enlist. Luhan on the other hand had always been a pacifist and hated such things, but the look on Sehun's face and the overwhelming need to protect the boy was the only thing keeping him from deserting this stupid hell hole. Sehun was Luhan's soul mate; he would rather die than be without him.


He began making his way back through the trenches only stopping to ask anyone if they had seen the blond haired troublemaker. After 15 minutes of searching, worry started to build up in his guts making him run faster around the trenches, apologising to those that he bumped into. He needed to find Sehun before the ceasefire ended; otherwise there was no telling when he would see the teenager next.


He felt himself getting pulled back by a strong hand and let out a shriek before he realised who was pulling him. Looking up he saw Kris standing there. Luhan greeted him but Kris was grim. Instead he bowed his head. Luhan's smile faltered.


“Lu... It's Sehun... He was on the front line... He never stood a chance.” The words struck Luhan like bullets. Luhan felt a sob break through his lips as he fell to his knees. Kris bent down and gently Luhan's hair to try and ease the boy's pain.


“W-Where is he...? Where's his body...?” Luhan managed to gasp through the tears. Death was a common thing but never had he been so affected by someone’s death. Kris pulled the small boy up.


“He's still on no man's land. Like I said before he was first line...” Luhan didn't give the man a chance to finish his as he ran to the trench line. Many of the soldiers returning shouted as they were jostled to the side by the running figure.


He climbed up the ladders, ignoring the splinters that embedded themselves in his fingers. He ran through no man's land shouting for Sehun.


“Lu... Luhan...?” Luhan gasped as he saw a figure ahead. Luhan recognised the voice immediately. He fell to his knees in front of the choking figure. Luhan pulled him close cradling the younger boy in his arms.


“Shh... It's okay Sehun. You can go to sleep. I'll see you soon yeah?” Luhan whispered as Sehun nodded his head softly and fell limp. Luhan kissed his head softly. Luhan smiled softly as he lifted the gun to his head. “See you soon Sehunnie. I love you.”


They would later be found by Kris – both smiling as if asleep – holding each other close.



So fin! I hope you enjoyed this, and I know it wasn't the best story ever but the word limit for my english class was only 1000. Anyway, done~

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Chapter 1: Whoa, it's very angst but sweet -claps- Good story <3
Chapter 1: Awww sad...but cute...and sad yeah i can't make up my mind ha ha ha
Qimimagine #3
Chapter 1: So sad but nice story :)
Chapter 1: T_____________T