My Wife Is Wonder Woman

My Wife Is Wonder Woman

-Jiyong’s POV-

“Mummy… over here...” a little boy screaming happily, jumping on the couch

“Yongie-ah… Stop jumping! You might fall and get hurt” a beautiful woman running immediately, trying to catch the jumping little boy. “Aigoo…, Yongie, you’re sweating already…” she pulls the boy into her laps and wipes his sweaty forehead. And the boy just smiles widely at his mom

“Mummy…, mummy is sweating too…” he says as wipes his mom’s face. His words are not so clear yet because of his age. Yes, he just 2 years old.

“Of course Mommy is sweating. Mommy has to running all the time to catches you”she pouts playfully and the boy suddenly pouts

“I’m sorry Mummy…” his head down while his mom giggling at his expression

“What are you sorry for, baby?”

“For tiring Mummy…” he still pouts, the pout that I very familiar with. The pout that just like mine, the pout belongs to a little boy named Kwon Yongjae, My son. And the beautiful lady who is giggling happily is my beloved wife, Lee Chaerin.

“It’s ok, baby… now let’s sleep. It’s late already” she says as kissing Yongie’s cheek

“You’re don’t mad at me, Mummy?” he looks up to see his mom’s face and his little face brighten up as his mommy nods and kisses his cheek once again



“Welcome home, Oppa” Chae runs to me with her bright smile and hugs me. Aah…, I’m home. I really can’t stand to be too far from my family for too long.

“I’m home, Jagiya…, I miss you...” I kiss her lips that I’ve been longing for a week. Yeah, I just come back from Shanghai for my world tour. The last two months, I rarely spent my time with her and our son. I was too busy for the concert. But tonight, finally I’m home. “Where is Yongie?” I ask her, still hugging her tightly

“He is sleeping already” she smiles, her hand is now caressing my jaws. “Yongie is so hyper active now, Oppa. He keep running and jumping all the day. He also can’t stop to asking everything” she explains while playing with my hair. I sigh. I really miss my little dragon. I think I’ve missed so many things from him. Then we walk to Yongie’s room and there, I see him sleeping peacefully on his crib. I lean down and kiss him

“I miss Yongie…, I didn’t give him so much time lately” I sigh again. “I wish he still remember me” I chuckle, so does my wife

“Let’s see when he meets you tomorrow. I think he will call you Ajushi” my eyes get widen when I hear her statement. Looking at my –oh no- expression, Chaerin bursts in laugh

“Jagi…, how come you say that…” I pout. Chaerin cups my face and lands a sweet peck on my lips

“Don’t worry, Oppa… I’m just kidding. Of course he remembers you. He was never absence to watch your show. He always followed you singing and dancing and said: that’s my Dragon Daddy”. I smile immediately hearing her answer.

“I’m sorry for being too busy, Chae-ah… but it’s over now. And I’ll be at home for a whole week” i reach her palms and play with her fingers, then kiss it gently

“It’s ok, Oppa…. now let’s just go to sleep. You must be very tired, rite?” she holds my hand and guide me to our room. I close the door behind me and walking to my wife who is standing beside our bed, hugging her from the back

. “Can’t we sleep later? There’s one thing that I really need to do with you now….” I’m kissing her neck and shoulder. I can feel her body is shivering from my kisses

“You’re not tired?” she asks

“I’m tired. That’s why I want to ease my body” I turn her body so I can see her beautiful face that I’ve been longing for at least the last seven days. She smiles beautifully and kisses me softly

“Then, leave it to me” and she kisses me again, deep and very passionate kiss.



“Yongie loves daddy!!!” my little boy squeals, bouncing happily on my lap. Aigoo… he is so cute

“Daddy loves Yongie too…” I tickling him and he starts to laughs loudly

“Daddy, daddy, stop it. Yongie can’t breathe...” he wriggles on my lap. I really love playing with him. It’s 11 a.m. and since he woke up about 3 hours ago, we still cuddling on the living room.

“Aigoo…, my two boys are having fun, neh?” Chae walk to us with a tray on her hands. She puts down the tray on the coffee table. There are two glasses of strawberry smoothie and a plate of sliced strawberry cheese cake. She made it by herself

“Mummy!!!”Yongie jumps to his mom’s hug. “I want mummy’s cake”

“Sure, now sit down, baby, and Mommy will feed you” and Yongie follows her order. Chaerin feed him and while eating his cake, Yongie can’t stop asking anything. He asks about the strawberry, the tattoos on my body, until the CF on TV! Oh God…, what is that? Why there’s advertisement on this hours??!! This TV station must be crazy

“I want that balloon, Daddy... buy me that balloon…”  Yongie patting my cheeks, asking for my attention as I exchange glance with Chaerin, jaw dropped

“Daddy!!!!” he shouts impatiently

“Ah.., yes.., Uhm.., ok, we’ll buy balloon later” I smile awkwardly and Chaerin tries hard not to laugh. I’m studying her face. Somehow, she looks a bit… diminished. I mean, not as glowing as usual


“Yes, Oppa…” she looks up at me while keeps feeding Yongie who is sits on my lap now

“Are you sick?” I ask her curiously. She looks at me weirdly then shakes her head

“No, Why?”

“I don’t know…, you just looked… not as glowing as usual” I smile. She frowns, I think she is confuse with my answer. But then she lets out a small chuckle

“Aah.., maybe it’s just because I’m a bit tired. I haven’t gone to spa for almost a month” she feeds Yongie with the last piece of cake

“Why?” i ask her, a bit shocked. A moth without Spa? She must be really tired. Yongie who is finished his meal suddenly stands up and runs to his toys

“I have no time, Oppa… You know, lately Yongie is getting more and more active. I have to keep my eyes on him all day long.” She put the plate on the tray and get closer to me. I pull her into my embrace

“Aigoo…, you’re right. You must me so tired. I’m sorry for not being able to help you more…” I kiss her forehead sweetly

“It’s ok, Oppa…, I enjoy this…” she tightening her arms on my waist

“Do you need a babysitter?  We can hire babysitter if you want” I suggest. But suddenly she sits up and glares at me strongly

“No!! I don’t need babysitter or anything like that! I don’t want to share my baby’s love with another!” she pouts. Yeah, she always like this. From the very beginning, she never wants to shares Yongie’s love with another. She said, she wanted to be the first one who knew everything about Yongie. And she wanted to be the one Yongie love the most. She even decided to resign from her W.O for being a full-time mother.

I smile and pull her back into my embrace

“Ok…, but look at you now. You can even make time for yourself” I caress her hair. I really love spending time with her like this.

“I don’t mind…” she slightly laughs on my embrace. Suddenly, I get a brilliant idea

“Jagiya.., just go” I say all of sudden. My wife surprised and let go of her embrace

“Eh?” she frowns at me confusedly

“Just go. Salon, spa, shopping, anywhere you want” I answer her

“What? B-but…”

“No more buts! You need to make time for yourself too…”  I cut her. She still looks confused

“But, what about Yongie?”

“I am here, Jagi… I will take care of him” I try to convince her. but she still looked hesitate

“But, Oppa…, are you sure? I mean, taking care for Yongie alone?” she asks with such a doubt tone

“Aish…, I am his Father. Sure I can… don’t worry. Just take your time, relax your mind and have fun. Today will be Daddy’s day, right Yongie?” I ask Yongie who is busy with his toys and he just squeals and claps his hands happily

“Is that means, Daddy will play with me? Yes, Daddy?” he jumps to my embrace and keeps bouncing on my laps.

“Yes!! Only Yongie and Daddy. Since Mommy is tired and needs to take a rest, so mommy won’t get sick” I explain to Yongie.

“Yes, Daddy, Yes!! Mummy, Mummy must take a rest. Yongie doesn’t wants Mummy to get sick. Yongie loves Mummy…” he stands up and walks to his Mom, gives he kisses on her face

“Aigo.., my two baby are really love Mommy, neh?” she hugs Yongie and kisses him

“Yes Mummy… yes!!!!”

“So, just go. Leave Yongie to me” I assure her

“But, oppa…,”

“No more buts! Now prepare yourself and go. Yongie…, let’s play with Daddy” I hold Yongie and carry him while Chaerin just smiles with her teary eyes

“Thank you, Oppa…. I love you...” she pecks my lips lightly

“I love you to, Cahe-ah…, now go” I smile at her and carry Yongie to his toys



“Oppa…, I already write Yongie’s ‘schedule’. I patch it on the fridge. And for Yongie’s meal, I already prepare that. You just need to warm it up before feed Yongie. Everything I’ve already wrote on Yongie’s Schedule” she says before open the front door

“Don’t worry, Jagi…, have fun…” I answer her while keep playing with Yongie

“Oppa…, are you sure about this?” she still hesitates to leaving

“Aigoo….., it’s Ok, Chae… just take your time” I reassure her again

“Mmmh…, ok. But, call me if something happen”

“Yeah…, now go”

“Bye Mummy… I love you!!” Yongie screams and waves his small palm to his mom

“Bye Baby…, Oppa…, I’ll be right back”

I just nod and smile widely



It’s 5 p.m.

Oh God… how come my wife handle this every day? I’m really having a hard time handling Yongie. Even if Chae had written all the Yongie’s Schedule, Man…., it’s not as easy as I thought.

When the lunch time came, I had to running around and catching him to eat his meal. He kept running and refused to sit quietly until finishing his meal. When he asked for milk, I need to make it four times because he didn’t like the taste and the compositions were wrong.

When bathing time, Oh God…, I need to struggle and ended up with me bathing with him, since he keep wiggling and I got wet.And many more…

And now, I feel like about to faint. God, playing with Yongie is more tiring than performing my concert! How come he never runs out of energy?

I’m lying on the living room mattress as Yongie still busy with his train set. Chae has text me couple times and keep asking if I and Yongie are ok. I don’t want to make her worry, so I just told her that everything is fine

Even though I feel like dying now…..

“Daddy!!!! Come here… play with Yongie…”

oh, no…

“Yongie…, Daddy is tired… Daddy will watching you from here, Neh?” I try to persuade him

“But, Daddy…. I want to play with Daddy…” he pouts. Oh.., why he looked so much like me? kekekeke

“Yongie…, don’t you feel tired? You event didn’t sleep this day…, come here” I call him. I really really tired. Now I admire Chae more and more. I just handle him for less than a day and feels like dying now, while she does this every day during two years….

Lee Chaerin… I love you more and more…..

Yongie pouts, but he stands up and walking to me, then sitting on my stomach

“Let’s sleep a while, baby… than we can continue to play again” I pat his head

“Promise, Daddy? We will play again after sleep?”  His eyes get widen and he starts to smile widely

“Yes…, promise. Now sleep” I pull him to my embrace and kiss his head


-Chaerin’s POV-

My mind is occupied with my two boys. It’s 7 p.m. already. I can’t believe I left them. Aish…, Jiyong Oppa…, is they ok? After finished my spa, I hurriedly come back home

I run to the front door and open it. Why is so quiet? Where are them?

“Oppa…, Yongie…” I call them, but no answer

I keep walking to the living room and there, I welcomed by a very sweet sight…

My husband lay on the mattress with my baby lays on top of him.  They are sleeping peacefully with small snort coming from them.

I look around and see how messy my house is. There are toys everywhere. Towels, baby powder, until Yongie’s bottle is scatter everywhere. Then I look back on my two favorite boys. I sit beside them and smile

He must be really tired. When I text him, he always said that they were ok. He must be didn’t want me to worrying them.

I bend down and land a sweet peck on his lips. And suddenly his eyes open widely. I pull out and he just smile

“Jagiya, you’re home already”

“Yes, thank you, Oppa…, you are the best husband in the world” I smile back at him. I feel my heart blooming, so grateful for having this wonderful man as my husband

“How’s your day? Oh.., you’re glowing now” he chuckles lightly, so do i. 

“How about you, Oppa?” I caress his cheek. He takes my hand and kisses it lovingly

“Jagiya…, how come you deal with all of this every day? Do you have super power?” he asks and I just laugh at his question

“You’re silly, Oppa…”

“No! Look, I think you are wonder woman! If not, how come you can handle this little Dragon? He never run out of energy and always has something to do” he chuckles again and it caused the little dragon wakes up

“Mummy…” he rubs his eyes while sits up on his daddy’s stomach

“Yes baby…”

“Mummy, you’re home…” he squeals happily and jumps to my arms. “I miss Mummy….”

“I miss you too baby…, how’s your day? Is daddy playing with you all the day?” I ask him. My husband now sitting beside me and circling his arm around my waist

“Yes.., but Daddy is easily got tired…” Yongie pouts. The very same pout as his father

“Daddy is old already, Yongie…., daddy’s energy is not as much as yours” Jiyong Oppa defends himself

“But I still want to play….” Yongie is now stands up and runs to his toys again. Jiyong Oppa holds me tighter. He stares at me lovingly and then showering my lips with many kisses

“Oppa…, thank you…” I whisper between our kisses. I open my eyes and find his eyes looking deep into mine.

“No, Chae-ah…. It’s supposed to be me who say thank you. Thank you…” he says and kissing me again “I love you…”

“I love you too, Oppa…”

And we keep kissing and nibbling each other until…

“Mummy…, Daddy…,”

We pulled out and look at Yongie immediately

“Yes, baby?” I ask him

“The adults are easily got tired, not like kids, right Mummy?” he asks curiously

“Yes…” I answer him. I look at his expression, looks like he is thinking about something. Then his eyes twinkling and he squeals

“Then get meanother kid, Mommy… Yongie needs a friend to play with. Can Mummy and Daddy get another kid for me?”



Hi, everyone….

This is a chapter as a sequel of YOU’RE MY MUSE

I’m so glad that my first fic got so wonderful responses and even many readers asked for sequel

So, I make this one-shot story for you…


Thank you for everyone who always supporting me…

All the readers, 11 first subscribers, my two voters, Kharminah and Kerroppi…. Thank you soooo much!!!



Please, keep commenting so I will always want to writing. Should I make another Shot of this fic?

I’m still waiting for your feedback. Please don’t mind to type your opinion on the little box bellow


*bow 90°*

I hope you like this story….

And as usual…


And finally…, enjoy the story and see you on another fic….



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addy88 #1
Chapter 1: hahahahhahahhahahaha the last parttt hahhaha
hopelicious #2
Chapter 1: ashfhjiskandms this is soooo CUTE :)
charlyn169 #3
Chapter 1: Aww so cute
ciciangger #4
Chapter 1: too sweet <3 <3 ,manis bgt sampai aku kena diabetes ._.
tabitabi #5
Chapter 1: Aaaah yongie is to cute to handle!!! I love this family so much, skydragon ftw!!! Yeaaaah
fitrifeehily #6
Chapter 1: baby, love your story, need more SKYDRAGON stories...
love your writing style, it's freaking amazinggggg!!!!! ^_^
endahniky #7
Hai liaaaa... i think this sequel needs more sequels hihihi :D
im looking for more sequels for this story..
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 1: I need more.....
fandhate #9
Chapter 1: like father like son ^^ they are so sweet but I hope they will have a daughter then Yongie and Ji will go over protective to their princess ^^ ... need more sequel >,<
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaaahhhhh..... haha super duper like it....
I want another SHOT!!!!! Please.... hehe ♥♥♥