
White Dragon's Story
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Three weeks passed. Sooyeon had spent many long summer afternoons in Taeyeon's arms up in the flower bed on his mountain. They had also bathed together a few times. But, regardless of how they spent their time together, they enjoyed being close to one another. Since it was summer, it just meant they could spend more time together since there was more sunlight during the day. Granted, she much rather preferred the nights she got to spend with him – even though she had only gotten to do that two more times.

For the past few days, though, Sooyeon had become quickly busy. The Queen's thirty-fifth coronation day was approaching and there was to be a huge ball to celebrate it. Many nobles were coming to Hyoyeon's shop to have new outfits made for the occasion. The elf and her employee were sure they would soon be working around the clock in order to get all their orders done in time. Sooyeon had already begun staying late to help her each night. She had been there until nearly sunset the past six days and had been unable to spend any time with her beloved up on his mountain.

It had been a busy day at the shop, though fewer people were showing up now. Still, eleven nobles and aristocrats had been there since morning to have Sooyeon draw them new outfits. They were nearly ready to close when a pair of sisters came in. She was in the middle of drawing the second young woman's dress when Yul came in, making the bell on the door ring. Sooyeon looked up and smiled at him before returning to the drawing. The young nobleman, though, was eyeing one of the sisters. He walked over to counter and leaned against it, watching the brunette noblewoman who was trying to ignore him. The young woman's eyes were on the dress her sister was currently tinkering with the final details of.

"I suppose your fiancé doesn't know yet, does he, Victoria?" he asked quietly.

The noblewoman did not look at him, trying to act like she had not heard his question. It was far too obvious from her sudden paleness, though, that she had; and that she knew what he was talking about. Sooyeon glanced at the disguised dragon lord, wondering what he was talking about that would make her respond in such a manner. She returned to her drawing, though. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could close shop.

Yul's voice was still quiet. "So... are you going to see Donghae again while you're in town?"

Victoria turned and slapped him so hard. She still said nothing, though. Sooyeon had looked up from the drawing again, falling open at the red mark now on Yul's cheek. The lady's sister looked at them both in complete shock with wide eyes.

Hyoyeon, having apparently heard the slap, peeked out of the back room where she was working on all of the orders. When she saw Yul, she sighed and immediately turned back to get to work. "Don't annoy my other customers, Lord Yul. Or I'll forbid you from coming back in here."

The nobleman did not really notice his stinging cheek as he continued to smile, which slowly turned into a grin. He did not seem like he had heard the elf, all his attention was still on the young noblewoman before him. "I'm grateful for your answer."

She was shaking in near rage. "You..."

"I was merely inquiring." He looked like he was having far too much fun. "It was in my best interest to know."

Victoria turned to her sister. "Are you finished yet, Luna?"

Her sister was startled by the tone her sister used. "Well, yes, I suppose..."

"Good. Then let's go," she said as she turned and stormed from the shop. Her sister was scurrying after her to keep up.

Sooyeon just stared at Taeyeon in shock but waited till they were gone to speak. "Just what did you say to her?"

"Oh, I just asked her about her lover, Donghae." He was still grinning, a bit of a far off look on his face.

"But," The artist looked out the window then back to her lover. "She's engaged to..."

"I'm afraid that doesn't stop some people from sleeping around, love." He leaned closer to her and kissed her on the lips softly. "I have missed you these past few days."

"Even though you just saw me last night," she said, looking down at the drawing she had been putting the finishing touches on.

"That doesn't really count." He took her hands, preventing her from working on the dress anymore. "I didn't get to hold you at all. I've missed the feel of you."

Sooyeon blushed and pulled one of her hands free in an attempt to finish the drawing.

"Lord Yul, you're outfit's ready," Hyoyeon called from the back when she heard no more conversation from the front.

"Yes, I'll be right there," he responded.

"And, Sooyeon, close up the shop. We don't need anyone else wandering in when we still have so much to do."

"Alright." Sooyeon set down her pencil and pried her other hand from her dragon's grasp. She went to the front door and locking it like she always did about this time of the day. She then turned back to Yul. "I'm afraid I can't spend the evening with you yet again, though. This will probably keep up for at least another week and a half."

"I understand. She needs all the help from you that she can get. Hyoyeon is the most renowned seamstress in the kingdom, after all. The queen has begged her to go to the capitol so she would be closer by and more central to all the other nobles. But she said she's needed here. Why, I don't know." He kissed her lips. "But I will still be with you tonight, like always – even if we cannot hold each other."

"I know. Having you always with me when I sleep, even aside from keeping that nightmare away, has always been wonderful."

"Lord Yul! Get back here!" Hyoyeon sound irritated, but she usually got that way when the shop got this busy. "I don't have all night to deal with you."

The nobleman hurried into the back. "Sorry. You're assistant is just too lovely that she distracted me."

The elf's eyes flashed to Sooyeon as she entered the back, too. She bit her lip then handed the outfit she had finished that day for Yul to the customer. "Here it is. I want you to try it on. I still don't think I got the back quite right..

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Chapter 29: This is so good... I really like this. It's so fun reading this story. The nightmares, the attack, Yul identity, the dragons, the elf, the parents, the amazing love... And the baby. Lovely story.... ^^
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 29: Waaahhh this story is amazing!!! This is perfectly written wah!! Daebak!!!
Chapter 29: Its a great read! But theres a loophole i think? XD or i just didnt understand the story well... xD i mean whats the motivation of the sorcerer to want to fight with tae and cause havoc to different kingdoms? Why the blue dragon? Its just unsatisfying to know that it was just for revenge or something... xD and it lacks of build ups of the sorcerer character... i mean i would find it applicable if the sorcerer was hired by the ex baron or donghae... because there are scenes which shows theyre motivation to kill taeyeon... and then there were sentences that said that the blue dragons doesnt want to kill sooyeon they just want to play with her to make her afraid... whats the real reason why the blue dragon agreed with the plans of the sorcerer... i wish it could be explain more elaborately... overall, its a great story and a unique one... xD sooyeon fall in love with the same person... tae drives her crazy for deceiving her... sooyeon feeling all guilty bcause of somehow shes cheating when in fact shes imagining it with just one person... i like the way you didnt drag too much drama on the deceiving part... xD love conquers all... i wish there will be sequel like soojungs life + im a hyukstal fan so if theres a sequel please make it a minhyuk(cnblue) and krystal story... hihihi and im also a gtae shipper, so everytime i read count kwon i always remember jiyoung and they could have a moment there hahaha but its a genderbender story... xD anyway its really a great fic! Your writing is too good to ignore... i hope a lot more people would recognize you! Fighting!
taenysic3981 #4
Chapter 29: Author this is such a beatiful story i hope u make a sequel:-) :-D
nashville #6
Chapter 29: Dear author, this is one great story. I enjoy reading it. I hope you will continue this story together with soojung...
Chapter 29: This is soooooo awesome
Chapter 29: :')
This is sooooo beautifully written. You seem to know exactly what to write, how the story flows, there is not any chapter that feels like a filler
I am glad I found this story, although I am pretty late, this is unique. Gosh I don't even like genderbender story that much but your story is different in a good way
Thanks for the awesome story :)
ben-o9 #9
Chapter 29: This story is so different from the other stories that I have read so far. This is certainly one of my favorite story to date! I am wondering if there will be a sequel to it? Like a modern day story since they are suppose to live a long life. Hahaha. Continue writing good taengsic! Hwaiting!
EMT0304 #10
Chapter 29: Aaaa its finish. Can I ask more please. Like how Taeyeon will teach n spoil his baby Soojung.