
White Dragon's Story
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Yul waved off help from Sooyeon's father when he offered to help the nobleman getting his horse from their small barn. He took the blanket off the horse's back that he had used to help keep the animal warm in the cold barn and stuffed it into the saddlebag. He then saddled the horse with care. The brown stallion did not seem to enjoy having the leather on his back and tossed his head with some protesting noises. Yul patted him reassuringly. He knew his mount did not like saddles – neither did he, for that matter, but since he was going to see the baron he wanted to look a bit more proper when he rode up to the manor.

The nobleman then walked the horse from the barn into the lightly falling snow. It was already quite dark with all the clouds overhead, but he had been in this town enough to know the way through it even if it were pitch black. His night vision was pretty good, too. But he really did not want to be going to his destination. He did quite like the thought of dining with the elven seamstress like he had originally planned.

When he mounted on the road outside the gate that led into the Jung's front garden, he glanced back and saw Sooyeon looking at him out the window. He tipped his hat to her. He could see her smile at him. It made the chill in the air seem to vanish from around him when he saw her beaming face. It had been a wonderful day, sitting and talking with her. He wanted to come back to see her again very soon.

Slowly, he made his way through town. The snow and ice on the cobblestone street crunched beneath his horse's hooves. He was making his own path, for it looked like no one had been out for hours. He did not blame them. It had grown colder as the day progressed and they were going to probably have snow for several more days. Spring was very late in coming this year. And after such a hot summer...

Purposefully, he passed by Hyoyeon's shop. The elf was standing at the window as he passed and he paused before her. They both nodded to each other. He had stopped by to see her for a moment before going to Sooyeon's home to let her know that he could not sit and have a cup of her wonderful herbal tea and discuss her employee. Some people used to think he had a thing for the elf, but Hyoyeon had already been married to her soulmate and lost him during a war many decades before. She had left her people soon after and moved to Oshlay. There was no room in her heart for another man, and she let the people that had whispered such things know what she thought of such rumors to the contrary. She was just a very good friend and he liked trying to pry her secrets from her, especially her true reasons for coming to Oshlay.

After that, he headed straight for the baron's estate. He did not know what to expect upon his arrival there as he drew closer to the gates. Guards in the small shack by the gate emerged at his approach and stopped him. They checked the letter his father had given him that stated who he was and what his business was there. Upon seeing the count's seal, they bowed to him slightly and permitted him entry. He then proceeded up the carriage path to the large mansion that sat near the front of the estate. He had always hated the opulence that the current baron's predecessors had built into the huge house. Not even his father's home was so lavish.

When he dismounted at the front stairs, a sandy haired stable boy took the horse and led him off to the stable. Yul was sort of glad Sooyeon's father did not live at the mansion along with most of the other servants. He would have hated to come to court his beloved here. He looked up at the mansion and sighed. This would be uncomfortable for sure...

A servant was waiting for him at the top of the stairs shivering in the cold. He hurried up the stairs to the middle aged man and was shown in. The servant took his cloak and hat and told him he would put them in the room prepared for him. The man then showed Yul to the doors to the dining room and scurried off. The double doors to the dining room were ajar so the nobleman let himself in.

On the other side of the room, seated in the grand chair that faced the door, was the baron. The older man was wiping his chubby face at the moment. He had markedly gained weight of late. No doubt in part due to the tax money he was rumored to be skimming off for his own use. His wife, and his youngest daughter were seated to his left. Donghae and his other son, Donggun, were seated to his right. All of their plates seemed to be void of food.

"Yul, you're late." The baron seemed to make it sound like his guest was not punctual. Dinner was usually not served in noble households for another half hour at least. "I'm afraid we've already finished. But, don't worry, I'll make sure the kitchen staff send up your dinner shortly."

"I do apologize for my lateness." Even though he knew they had probably started dinner early on purpose to avoid having to dine with him. "I do hope you forgive me."

"Of course, of course. Heard you were courting some young girl in town. You probably just lost track of time." The baron gave him a huge smile and a wink. "Daughter of one of my own stable hands, I hear. They're all a fine lot, and their families, too."

Oh, the baron was just being courteous. It was actually well-known what he thought of nobles courting beyond the bounds of the gentry. But Yul still nodded. "Indeed, she is."

Baron Lee stood, followed by his wife and children. "Shall I you to your room? We can talk on the way there if you wish on the matters that have brought you to my home."

"I would be very pleased, Baron." He waited for the Lee at the door.

Donghae was right behind his father as they approached. "So how was your first day courting your sweet little peasant?" He was smirking. "Isn't she the first girl you've courted? Getting started kind of late, aren't you?"

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Chapter 29: This is so good... I really like this. It's so fun reading this story. The nightmares, the attack, Yul identity, the dragons, the elf, the parents, the amazing love... And the baby. Lovely story.... ^^
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #2
Chapter 29: Waaahhh this story is amazing!!! This is perfectly written wah!! Daebak!!!
Chapter 29: Its a great read! But theres a loophole i think? XD or i just didnt understand the story well... xD i mean whats the motivation of the sorcerer to want to fight with tae and cause havoc to different kingdoms? Why the blue dragon? Its just unsatisfying to know that it was just for revenge or something... xD and it lacks of build ups of the sorcerer character... i mean i would find it applicable if the sorcerer was hired by the ex baron or donghae... because there are scenes which shows theyre motivation to kill taeyeon... and then there were sentences that said that the blue dragons doesnt want to kill sooyeon they just want to play with her to make her afraid... whats the real reason why the blue dragon agreed with the plans of the sorcerer... i wish it could be explain more elaborately... overall, its a great story and a unique one... xD sooyeon fall in love with the same person... tae drives her crazy for deceiving her... sooyeon feeling all guilty bcause of somehow shes cheating when in fact shes imagining it with just one person... i like the way you didnt drag too much drama on the deceiving part... xD love conquers all... i wish there will be sequel like soojungs life + im a hyukstal fan so if theres a sequel please make it a minhyuk(cnblue) and krystal story... hihihi and im also a gtae shipper, so everytime i read count kwon i always remember jiyoung and they could have a moment there hahaha but its a genderbender story... xD anyway its really a great fic! Your writing is too good to ignore... i hope a lot more people would recognize you! Fighting!
taenysic3981 #4
Chapter 29: Author this is such a beatiful story i hope u make a sequel:-) :-D
nashville #6
Chapter 29: Dear author, this is one great story. I enjoy reading it. I hope you will continue this story together with soojung...
Chapter 29: This is soooooo awesome
Chapter 29: :')
This is sooooo beautifully written. You seem to know exactly what to write, how the story flows, there is not any chapter that feels like a filler
I am glad I found this story, although I am pretty late, this is unique. Gosh I don't even like genderbender story that much but your story is different in a good way
Thanks for the awesome story :)
ben-o9 #9
Chapter 29: This story is so different from the other stories that I have read so far. This is certainly one of my favorite story to date! I am wondering if there will be a sequel to it? Like a modern day story since they are suppose to live a long life. Hahaha. Continue writing good taengsic! Hwaiting!
EMT0304 #10
Chapter 29: Aaaa its finish. Can I ask more please. Like how Taeyeon will teach n spoil his baby Soojung.