
I'm In Love With A Secret Spy
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Chanyeol's P.O.V

So, is this how it feels like being in love and have to be separated from your love for two entire weeks? Because if it is this kind of feeling, Chanyeol truly won't ever complain about him and Baekhyun being together too much.


“Why did he have to go?!”


Chanyeol groaned frustrated as he buried his face into his pillow. First Baekhyun had to skip their yearly friendship day, which they all truly tried to move for Baekhyun's sake. Then Baekhyun got to work every single night before the training camp and come home late, which worried Chanyeol a lot to be honest. And then he had to go to this stupid damn training camp for two damn weeks!


“Life isn't fair towards him, isn't it?”


Chanyeol mumbled mostly to himself as he sat up on his bed and decided to do something. He picked up his laptop and tried to study a little, but in the end he ended up on the internet. He checked out some photos on instagram and when he had nothing else to do he looked up an anime to watch since he was bored and wanted to waste his time on something.


“Chanyeol, can you help me please?”
“With what?”
“Hurry up already!”


Chanyeol sighed as he paused his anime and walked out to the living room where Luhan sat with Sehun. D.O sighed from the kitchen door as he waved after him. Chanyeol walked lazily over to D.O who grabbed his arm and pulled him into the kitchen.


“Yah, why are you so lazy? Get over here and help me.”
“What are you doing?”
“I don't know, I got this feeling that Baekhyun hasn't been eating good food for two weeks since he left.”


'How the hell... did he know? Was it really... just a feeling? Scary, his mother senses are truly on top. Nothing slips him by, it's almost unnatural...'


“S-So you decided to make a huge dinner?”
“No, not really. I decided to make some cookies. But someone has to start to make the dinner. He comes tomorrow too Chanyeol, so it's way to early to make a huge dinner for him when he doesn't come until tomorrow.”
“I-I know that...”
“Then get started with the chopping.”
“Why... did you ask me to help you of all people?”


D.O just shrugged his shoulders as Chanyeol sighed. There is no idea to try to convince D.O to fetch someone else to help him, since D.O can be really stubborn and sometimes he's even scary. So Chanyeol decided to start chopping like D.O told him.


“So... You miss him?”
“Miss who?”
“Don't play dumb, we all know that you and Baekhyun are close Chanyeol.”
“Well, we're really close I guess...”
“So, do you miss him?”
“What kind of question is that? If it is obvious that we're close, than isn't it even more obvious that I miss him?”


D.O smiled happily from his side of the kitchen as Chanyeol felt like blushing. Why does he feel like this? Oh right... it's called being in love. It was a long time ago since Chanyeol was truly in love with someone and to be honest, it feels great. Though it's a little annoying to know that he can't meet Baekhyun yet, not until tomorrow.


“Hey Chanyeol, when will you confess to Baekhyun?”
“Oh come on, don't play dumb with me. I know very well that you like Baekhyun.”
“O-Of course I like Baekhyun! H-He's my friend after all, hahaha!”
“Geez, you're acting way to obvious Chanyeol. So, when will you confess your love for him?”


'This guy... Nothing truly slips him by, doesn't it? Scary...'


Baekhyun's P.O.V

'My... life... ...'

Baekhyun stared annoyed at the wall in front of him as he couldn't help but to sigh tired. How much longer does he have to stand this place?! Baekhyun tried to relax, but after a long day of painful training and barely any breaks, he can't relax.

Usually you get more relaxed and sleeps better when you have trained until you're exhausted. But not Baekhyun and not with this special training. He can't relax, it feels like someone will jump at him any second and try to kill him. Especially here.


“Don't even think about it!”


Baekhyun got up fast as he blocked a punch from someone he barely noticed. Baekhyun told you, he can't relax here. Not even a single second. Baekhyun kicked the man away from him and was fast to get himself into a more defense like position. The man went to attack as Baekhyun dodge his punches easily and then attacked as well.


“I-I give up! Sorry! Stop! I'm down! I'm down!”
“Agent B, that's enough!”
“I'm not even touching him.”


Baekhyun said as he removed his foot from the man's back. The man stood up and bowed to Baekhyun who bowed back before the man left. Baekhyun got stopped by his sensei who must have heard the fight from the apartment next door.


“How are you feeling? You look tired.”
“I'm ready to fight any second...”
“Go to bed, I will make sure that they will leave you alone now. It's only one day left after all-”
“And they won't let me be the last night... I promise you...”
“Then come and sleep at my place.”
“If I do, they might punish me even more, so no thanks.”
“You want to go home that badly?”
“You kidding me? I hate this training and... you know very well why I want to go home.”
“Mm... I do. Then, let me talk to boss, I might actually need a helping hand tomorrow.”
“R-Really? With what?”
“I... I will tell you about it if boss allows it.”
“Okay... Then I will go to bed and wait for you to fetch me, if that happens.”


Baekhyun smiled at his sensei who smiled back and walked towards the exit. Baekhyun walked over to his bed as he lied tired down on it. He can't sleep, it's dangerous to sleep. But then again, if he doesn't sleep he will exhaust himself way too much.




“Baekhyun, wake up. Come on wake up.”


Baekhyun groaned tired as he sat up fast when he realized that he had fallen asleep. Baekhyun looked fast around to see his sensei sit and smile at him. Baekhyun sat straight up as he tried to not yawn tired, but his body is still exhausted after staying up almost the whole night.


“Good morning sensei...”
“Are you tired? Didn't you sleep like I told you?”
“I tried... but I didn't fall asleep until late...”
“I see. Now, today you're going to prepare for the mission tonight.”
“Mission...? I got to go with you?”
“Yes, but I don't know if you truly would like this idea.”
“What idea?”
“Well... Listen, I know I'm using you right now and boss said the same, but there are very few people who can actually help me out right now. We're literally short on pe

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Chapter 30: i luv this stoty*-*
Chapter 7: Its a very good and cute story^^ i like it♡♡

just one hint:
'was' is when I/he/she/it and when you/we its 'were' in the past^^
bobohu_baek #3
Chapter 30: Oh I thought it was going to continue on with the issue with his Mum and also I thought that the rest of the friends would find out or something
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 30: Tbh I was expecting it to carry on to Chanyeol and Baekhyun working as partners in the agency and then figuring out the issue with Baekhyun's mum and the assassin...but nvm it was still a great read
IAmMissTerious #5
Chapter 12: What the heck? Who really gave Xiumin the gift?
mjazwa #6
Chapter 30: Best story ever
Bess_Blank #7
Chapter 30: I loved the story ♥
Good job writer-nim
Chapter 30: Wow, that was unexpected.
Chapter 30: This was a great story!! I really reaally liked it!! Thank you for sharing with us! Can we get a sequel???
Chapter 30: What, NO, this can't be over!! I really love this ff and now I'm sad... Thank you so much for this ff, it was amazing ^^