New Plans

I'm In Love With A Secret Spy
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Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol groaned tired as he heard Sehun and Luhan shout at each other somewhere in the dorm. Chanyeol couldn't help but to sigh as he opened his eyes to see something wonderful. In his arms lied the most beautiful person on Earth and was sleeping calmly, he didn't react to Sehun's and Luhan's shouts at all.

Chanyeol smiled at the sight as he wrapped his arms around Baekhyun a little tighter and pulled the boy closer to him. He has no idea when he went to bed last night, but it was late. And he didn't wake up when Baekhyun came home or he doesn't remember waking up anyway. Baekhyun either sneaked into Chanyeol's bed himself or Chanyeol told him to come and lie down.

Either way, Chanyeol is very satisfied with his morning. Even though it feels like it's too early to go up, he can enjoy his view of the sleeping little puppy Baekhyun. Chanyeol begins to wonder, how late did he come home? Did he come home for just some hours ago? Is that why he's sleeping so hard? Because he just went to bed and is exhausted? And how did the meeting with his boss go?

Before Chanyeol even could think of any answers, Baekhyun suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him closer to the smaller boy. Baekhyun opened his eyes tired as he smiled this tired morning smile, but he looked super cute and just adorable.


“Good morning Chanyeol...”
“G-Good morning Baekhyun.”
“Did you sleep well?”


Baekhyun cuddled up against Chanyeol and buried his head between Chanyeol's neck and shoulder. Chanyeol smiled at the boy as he let his hand play with Baekhyun's hair gently.


“Mm, I slept pretty well. How about you?”
“I slept... pretty okay...”
“Are you still tired?”
“Mm... A little...”
“When did you come home last night?”
“Around 3 I think...”
“Oh my, what did you do for so long?”
“Cleaning stuff...”
“Cleaning stuff? What kind of stuff?”
“You know... Special stuff.”
“Oh... But how did the talk with your uncle go?”
“It went a little bad and a little okay.”
“I'm not sure how I should take that.”
“He was mad at first, but not as mad as I thought he would be. But he didn't get satisfied with just scolding me.”
“D-Did he do.. something else to you?”


Chanyeol felt how his eyes widen a little as Baekhyun just chuckled and slapped Chanyeol's arm silly, but mostly tired to be honest.


“No stupid, he can't hit me or do something else to me.”
“Then what did you mean with-”
“I have to go away for two weeks.”
“W-What? When? I don't want to be without you.”
“Sorry Chanyeol, but he doesn't know about you.”
“W-What? You didn't tell them about me?”
“No. Or I talked with my old sensei about it and I confessed it all to him after my uncle scolded me. He promised to not say anything to anyone else and he also told me to tell you that if you hurt me feelings, he will try out a special grips on you and break your bones. So you know.”
“Oh ... I better not get anyone mad.”
“Don't worry, my sensei is the best. He hates to hurt others, so he mostly taught me self defense at first. But later one he had to teach me how to attack as well, but he still told me to only use it if I have too.”
“I still can't believe how you ended up in such... a place. You know what I mean.”
“It's a long story and I don't have that much power to talk about it.”
“Will you tell me about it one day?”
“Sure, if you are patient enough that is.”
“Pft, who needs patients? I think I can make you talk anyway.”
“Yah, what do you mean with that?”
“Nah, nothing. I just felt like saying that, so I seem cool to you.”


Baekhyun chuckled tired as Chanyeol listened to the silence, why is it so quiet all of the sudden? Baekhyun seemed to notice it as well as fast Chanyeol went silent and they both exchanged a look.


“Do you think something happened?”
“I don't know...”
“Should we check upon them?”
“I'm don't know... I'm tired...”
“I can go-”
“No, stay here... You're so warm... I need you...”
“Okay then, silly. I bet they all just went out.”


Baekhyun begun to fall asleep again as Chanyeol just chuckled at him. Chanyeol decided that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to sleep a little longer, even though he has no idea what time it is.


Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun lied awake beside Chanyeol who snored quietly. The giant truly knows how to sleep hard. Baekhyun sighed a little as he curled together beside Chanyeol and rested his head against the giant's chest. Baekhyun can hear Chanyeol's heart beat, it sounds so calm and so... alive. Okay, sure it sounds alive, else he would be dead! But how else can Baekhyun describe it?

Baekhyun lied silent for a while as he thought a little about their road trip they had. Baekhyun wishes they could have stayed a little longer on the road trip, but things happens he guess. Especially ty things like assassins and a mad boss.

Baekhyun decided that Chanyeol would sleep for probably one or two more hours, so there is no need for him to just lie here like a fool. Baekhyun got up and sneaked out of the room and out to rest of the dorm.

Baekhyun walked tired towards the kitchen as he found the rest of the dorm mates sit around the breakfast table in silence. Baekhyun glanced shocked over at his friends who looked tired like hell.


“Uhm, good morning.”
“Is everything alright?”
“No... We're tired...”
“I can see that, but why are you all tired?”
“We slept bad because we all ate too much candy...”
“Except for Chanyeol who didn't join us...”
“Poor you, maybe you should eat less candy next time?”
“We celebrated Luhan's soccer team's victory and watched a good movie, you should have been there.”
“Sorry, I had some family business to do. And I will have to leave for two weeks.”
“W-What?! When?!”


They all stared at Baekhyun who smiled a little nervous, why did they all react like that? Before Baekhyun could answer, a tired Chanyeol came out of the bedroom and groaned tired.


“Baekhyun... You left me... You meanie...”
“A-Ah, s-sorry. I thought you would sleep longer.”
“No... Not really...”
“Sit down and eat something, I will make some fresh tea for you.”
“Since when did you two become this close?”


Baekhyun and Chanyeol stared at their friends shocked as Baekhyun just smiled. Baekhyun decided to leave the truth to Chanyeol. Chanyeol just groaned tired as he sat down and grabbed a toast to eat. Baekhyun begun to prepare the tea in silence.


“So Baekhyun, you would leave us for two weeks? When?”
“Soon, I don't remember when exactly, but really soon.”
“L-Like next week or near that?”


Baekhyun could hear how the others begun to whisper at the table. Baekhyun felt uncomfortable right away, what are the others whispering about? Has he said something wrong? Or maybe he has done something wrong?


“Is everything alright out there?”
“Yeah! Everything is fine!”


Baekhyun took the tea pot with him out to the table as he served Chanyeol who smiled thankful. Baekhyun joined the others and stared them out, one by one. What did they talk about earlier behind his back? They all looked innocent, but Baekhyun knows they're hiding something.


“What where you all talking about earlier?”
“Oh nothing, we just talked a little about last night.”
“So, what happens today?”
“Don't try to change the topic-”
“Me and Lulu is going out for bubble tea and shopping.”
“Me and Kai will go grocery shopping today and Xiumin and Chen promised to come along.”
“We're coming along for sure, but first you will have

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Chapter 30: i luv this stoty*-*
Chapter 7: Its a very good and cute story^^ i like it♡♡

just one hint:
'was' is when I/he/she/it and when you/we its 'were' in the past^^
bobohu_baek #3
Chapter 30: Oh I thought it was going to continue on with the issue with his Mum and also I thought that the rest of the friends would find out or something
AnimeNightcoreKitty #4
Chapter 30: Tbh I was expecting it to carry on to Chanyeol and Baekhyun working as partners in the agency and then figuring out the issue with Baekhyun's mum and the assassin...but nvm it was still a great read
IAmMissTerious #5
Chapter 12: What the heck? Who really gave Xiumin the gift?
mjazwa #6
Chapter 30: Best story ever
Bess_Blank #7
Chapter 30: I loved the story ♥
Good job writer-nim
Chapter 30: Wow, that was unexpected.
Chapter 30: This was a great story!! I really reaally liked it!! Thank you for sharing with us! Can we get a sequel???
Chapter 30: What, NO, this can't be over!! I really love this ff and now I'm sad... Thank you so much for this ff, it was amazing ^^