✿ The Sister Club ✿ < Apply Open >
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hey people!! /dodges bricks and other things thrown at me/

alright, alright, i'm sorry, i'm sorry

i took an unannounced hiatus from aff for a while to focus on my final studies and finish up freshman year~

but now that, that is done, i am finally free~!!!

so i hope to update more of my stories ^^



also there has been a slight change to this apply fic...

i know i've been a biatch about how the sisters are supposed to be the fraternal twins of exo and blahblahblah /shot to death by all of you/

but after hearing some suggestions and noticing some controversy over it

i've decided to take that part of the plot away from the story
as it really doesn't serve as a purpose and it won't really affect the story anyhow

but, to all of those that have already applied and handed in their apps and whatnot

you DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT have to change ANYTHANG about your character

if your chara being twins with your exo bro is important to your bg or interactions or whatever, then you are NOT OBLIGED to change it

honestly, as long as they are still exo's YOUNGER SISTERS then go nuts ( not literally, please don't go crazy....please )

anyways, that's really all i think i have to say??

so that's it, i suppose

ah~ it's good to be back~~



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SC - even with luhan and kris having left, the plot will be as though they're still in exo


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Chapter 3: I already answered the final question and changed the gifs..
And I'm also glad that you liked Xiao Fei :)

Chapter 3: ohhh oops LOLOL
i meant she doesn't eat anything not fully cooked xD
my bad
and well truee but that doesn't mean she has to eat it? minhi's an ove the board unhealthy eating kid LOL
like fast food 24.7
i'll try to look for a better ulzzang then :)
would yeeun be alright?
and i'll try to include more of the personalities written for them
btw, i'll be changing my charas birthday to make her not a twin of tao
shall let you know when i'm done fixing everything :)
and glad youre finally back!! :D
Chapter 4: Good to have you back~
Chapter 3: How's everything going? Haven't seen an update and just wanted to know how you were doing
Chapter 3: i dont mean to rush you, but just wondering when you'll review the apps?
Chapter 1: This idea is so beautiful and I've honestly never been so excited to write an application~ oho
So question. I know we don't have to find Chinese ulzzangs, but I really wanted to so I found a couple of them, but there aren't any galleries. So is it alright that I just give you x amount of links? Like would ten be alright? ono