The Ships

The Ship is Sinking

It has been 3 months since a proposal by the TS Entertainment was accepted by SME. It was a casual marketing idea to have an album collaboration between 2 of the hottest idol groups, not only in Korea but also around the world. SME gladly agreed thinking it will boost the popularity of their talents. Soon, researches had been made, surveys had been answered, songs and choreography were almost finished and shortly, the management announced the new unit that will soon conquer the Korean pop music scene.


“I don’t know what to feel.” Baekhyun’s eyes turns wider than Kyungsoo’s as the news was disseminated that he will be forming a unit together with Jung Daehyun of B.A.P.


It isn’t because Baekhyun doesn’t like the idea or isn’t grateful about it. He is ecstatic--more than thankful because this is an opportunity that will not just appear in a blink of an eye. But he has this pained feeling in his chest – maybe of fear or anxiety because what the hell, he’ll be forming a duet with Daehyun – without EXO or EXO K or even Kyungsoo or Chen; without anyone he is familiar with. It scares him.




The EXO members are thrilled and excited for Baekhyun. Most of them already expect that Baekhyun will be chosen; he is one of the most versatile members of EXO. Words of praises and even constant teases are thrown as the boys celebrate Baekhyun’s success.


“I knew they will pick him.” Kyungsoo cooes.


It’s overwhelming. Everyone is happy. Their managers order pizza and chicken to while the members are celebrating Baekhyun’s achievement. The members prepare the dorm and start to chat while waiting for Baekhyun to arrive because he has been held back due to the briefing for his upcoming unit album.


“Daehyun and Baekhyun will be a great pair.” Suho blurts out. It’s an honest observation that came from the reviews and music videos the leader has witnessed but Chen has a little something that crossed his mind.


“The Hyun parents will meet!” Chen announces into the room. And now 11 pairs of eyes are on him. Furrowing his eyebrows, Chen stares at them one by one as if passing a mental note, “Daehyun-Baekhyun-V family.” Saying matter-of-factly hoping something rings into s’ brains.


Kai and Sehun begin chuckling as they recall the interview they have watched where V from BTS answered the host with a rather amusing, “the father is Daehyun, the mother is Baekhyun and  their son is V.”


“The fans will go wild.” Luhan pipes in.


“2Hyun. 2Hyun” Xiumin suggests, “the couple name will be 2hyun”


Amidst all the fun and laughter, Chanyeol can’t understand why he doesn’t find anything amusing about the turn of events. Not that he isn’t proud of Baekhyun but rather, he isn’t happy that Baekhyun will be paired up with someone else. It just doesn’t seem right.


“I bet 2Hyun will be a hit.” Lay suggests. “Amazing vocals.”


Everything is going smooth, the teasing doesn’t subside and the members continuously make jokes about the newborn pair until Chen makes everything awkward by uttering 7 deadly words, “2hyun will be more popular than Chanbaek”


Chen is still laughing until he realizes no one is joining him. And his eyes dart towards the retreating figure of Chanyeol and soon a door is slammed shut. It was so loud, Chen feels the sound will haunt him in his dreams.


“It’s my fault, isn’t it?”


Kyungsoo pats his back and nods slowly.


The front door suddenly opens, revealing an out of breath Baekhyun, “So what did I miss?”








“Do you think this unit will be a hit?”


Baekhyun asks with eyes closed as he waits for Mr. Sandman to lull him to sleep. Though it was barely audible, Chanyeol hears his best friend's words. Surely, he knows more than anyone that Baekhyun’s frightened. He can sense the anxiety in every word.

Before, Baekhyun has this oozing confidence that he can do well but after this unit has been announced, fear has been steadily swallowing Baekhyun whole. Chanyeol feels it.


“You’ll be great Baek.” Chanyeol responds. “You were never not great.”


Still eyes closed, Baekhyun smiles. His best friend always knows how to calm him.


“Thanks Yeol.”









“So are you coming?”


The EXO M members are currently promoting in China while the K members are in Korea attending various shows but today, they have been given a break. Kai and Sehun opts to practice their dance showdown for their special stage on M Countdown while Suho and Kyungsoo wants to visit Baekhyun’s photoshoot with Daehyun. Chanyeol has promised Baekhyun, he’ll be there to support him.


I want my best friend’s support, you know.


The words are ringing in Chanyeol’s ears. He’s happy because Baekhyun wants to see him but there’s a thread of pain cutting him as the words best friend hit him.


“Chanyeol, are you coming?” Suho repeats his question; this time Chanyeol’s brought back from his reverie.


“Yes, yes, just give me 2 minutes.”











“You look good together.”


It hurts. And it’s too loud for Chanyeol’s ears. The words sting. The reality is much worse.  Chanyeol is the only one not amused by the director’s announcement over the mega phone. Even Baekhyun and Daehyun are laughing together while the photographer in front of them keep on taking photos.


It’s after 3 hours, the first day of photoshoot was done. Baekhyun and Daehyun have been nothing but an absolute perfect pair. The manliness coming from Daehyun compliments the cuteness lingering out of Baekhyun. The director and the staff are glad and proud that the two are perfectly comfortable with each other.


It pains Chanyeol to see how Baekhyun has gotten closer to Daehyun in such a short period of time.


“Hey Chanyeol.” Chanyeol hears an ever so familiar voice.


Finally, Chanyeol thinks. He really wants to go home and spend the rest of his day break with Baekhyun. They can go out to the movies or maybe just grab something to eat. He’d really like to visit Viva Polo with him.


Chanyeol turns around and is greeted by a grinning Baekhyun.


“Where’s Suho and Kyungsoo?”


“They left 30 minutes ago to meet Sehun and Kai. They’re probably in the dorm now.”


Suho and Kyungsoo has purposely left Chanyeol, wanting the latter to have a quality time with his best friend. Though Chanyeol isn’t vocal with his feelings, everyone knew. Perhaps to them, it’s quite obvious or they just felt it, too.


“So what’s your plan? We still got half a day.” Chanyeol beams and he’s excited because it’s the first time in a long while they’ll be together, just the two of them.


“Let’s go to Viva Polo.” Baekhyun suggests, “It’s been a long time.”


Chanyeol screams internally. It’s exactly the moment he longs for. Chanyeol’a beyond happy. The three hours of torture from seeing Baekhyun and Daehyun interact gets into a blackhole, forgotten. It was worth it, he thinks. Everything was worth it if it means Baekhyun and him will spend time together.


“Sure.” Chanyeol grins widely; he was just happy – elated. His body is shaking, barely containing his delight.








“You don’t mind if Daehyun will join us, right?”











News had been spreading like a wildfire.


The fans go wild when the announcement that EXO’s Baekhyun and B.A.P’s Daehyun collaboration project is publicized. The number of album pre-orders exceeds expectations. Different magazines call and set up meetings and pictorials for the duo. Advertisements pour in. To say the least, Baekhyun and Daehyun are pretty much together all the time – on and off cam.


“Come one guys, you’ll miss it.” Kyungsoo is squirming in his seat; he’s too excited for the teaser of 2hyun’s collaboration.

Everyone is. Well, except for one.


“I don’t know why Baekhyun hyung kept it a secret.” Sehun mumbles while taking a seat in between Luhan and Minseok.


“Because he wanted to surprise us.” Kyungsoo points out, defending his friend.


“We’ll be surprised if he has a kissing scene with Daehyun.” Chen says jokingly.


Sometimes, reality is harsh. But what’s crueler is the waiting period for reality to kick in because you will never know if what you believe  will happen or it will just be a leaf blown away by the wind.

Everyone stay silent while contemplating Chen’s remarks.


“Well, SM would not let that happen.” Clearly unsure of his words, Chen nervously takes a seat that was farthest from the giant who is shooting him deadly glares, “Right?”

Suho clears his throat, attempting to salvage the situation, “SM wouldn’t allow it. Too much of a risk”


“But the demand from the fans that Baekhyun hyung and Daehyun hyung should have a romantic scene is pretty high.” Sehun says, as if explaining what he has learned. Luhan nudges Sehun’s shoulder and murmurs a soft “shut up”

Kris claps his hands, gaining attention from everyone, “The teaser will be released in a minute, everyone shut up.”

And it’s the longest minute EXO has ever experienced.

After the teaser was over, Chen feels he can breathe again.


“Baekhyun hyung looks really handsome.” Tao comments. What he really wanted to say was that both guys who starred in the MV looks dashing but decided not to include Daehyun because Chanyeol looks a little off. Well who was he kidding? Chanyeol is in a foul mood.


“The song is really nice.” Luhan remarks. “It was sweet and I bet people will like it.”


The song is soulful and highlights Baekhyun and Daehyun’s talents. The song also complements both boys’ singing ability. All in all, everyone agrees it will be a hit.


“I can’t wait for the full MV.” Kai comments.


“So, where’s Baekhyun? I have to congratulate him” Lay asks no one in particular. No one really replies, not because they were ignoring Lay but half of them don’t know where Baekhyun is (including Chanyeol) and half of them won’t dare answer Lay’s question.


“He said he’ll be watching it in the studio” Suho replies after a short while, contemplating whether he’ll say the truth or just hide it. He chooses the latter. He doesn’t want Chanyeol’s mood to worsen.


“But he said, he’ll watch it with a friend.” Sehun chimes in while Luhan’s mouthing shut up brat.


With Sehun’s comment, Chanyeol begins to wonder. Baekhyun didn’t tell him where the shorter guy went, he just said “I’m going out and you better watch the teaser.” Chanyeol disn’t really inquire too much. He assumed Baekhyun will watch the MV together with the PDs and the whole staff.


“Friend?” Lay asks in confusion.


Chen shrugs, “Baekhyun watched the teaser with Daehyun.”


It amazes him how the words casually came from his mouth only to realize he has once again committed a mistake.

And as soon as the words slip from Chen’s mouth, he regrets every word.  Not a minute has passed when the front door opens and slams shut.



“I think I’ll have to shut my mouth every time the question involves Baekhyun.”


Xiumin just pats Chen’s back.








“Did you watch the teaser?” Baekhyun asks his roommate, eyes expecting a positive remark.


“Of course.” It’s hard for Chanyeol to keep his lively disposition. The weeks had been hard, and he knows it shouldn’t have been this difficult because he really isn’t supposed to be eaten alive by jealousy. He has no right. Chanyeol is just a roommate, an exo member, a friend.


“So?” Baekhyun moves  from his bed and makes his way towards Chanyeol’s until the latter’s just an inch away from the small brunette “How’d you find it?”


“You were great.” It wasn’t a lie because after watching it, Chanyeol has been mesmerized all over again. Everything about the teaser was perfect. Baekhyun is perfect but though the puzzle pieces has been put together, Chanyeol feel everything isn’t right.


“Thanks Yeol! I was really nervous but I’m glad it came out okay. Daehyun helped me a lot. Though I’m supposed to be the older, but he’s just amazing, you know.”


And Chanyeol wants to crawl out of the room but he can’t--just like the past days, past weeks, past month. Every word Baekhyun utters stings. Every smile brought about by memories where Chanyeol isn’t included pains the giant. The words, stories and praises intended for someone pains Chanyeol and he has been enduring it since Baekhyun met Daehyun.



Every I’m glad Daehyun’s my partner breaks Chanyeol’s heart and it happens every night.











The release of Baekhyun and Daehyun’s MV greatly astonishes the whole kpop universe. It’s refreshing and new and, as predicted, the vocalists complements each other perfectly. People label them as the great pair - the 2hyun pair who will dominate the charts, who will bring a new era to the kpop world.


The views skyrocket the minute the music video is released. Everyone is amazed. Baekhyun gets extremely busy with the showcase, the preparation for live broadcast, magazine photo shoots and variety show guestings and Baekhyun barely stays at the dorm.


Everyone misses him.


Chanyeol misses him.


It’s  one of the rare times Baekhyun has been given a break from his promotions. He’d rather stay home at EXO’s dorm and sleep than to spend it leisurely at cafes or fancy restaurants but Kyungsoo and the others have a different idea in mind.

Baekhyun finds himself seated in between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo in a noerabang. Kyungsoo’s singing his heart out while Jongin and Sehun are fooling around dancing to every beat. Suho’s just laughing and taking photos.


“Too bad, EXO M’s in China. This should have been more fun but well, this is great.” Kyungsoo shouts into the mic.

Everyone is having a good time and though Baekhyun is exhausted because of his previous activities, he surely is enjoying every second spent with his friends.


“Baek hyung, sing this with Chanyeol hyung.” Sehun forcefully hands that mic to Baekhyun. The two can’t argue and as the first few notes of the song play, Baekhyun laughs softly.


Baekhyun begins the first lines, totally amused by the maknae’s choice. Chanyeol joins Baekhyun during the chorus and they sing their heart outs.


It isn’t a mere coincidence that Sehun picked Kwill’s You Don’t Know Love, because he feels the song is fitting for his hyungs. Sehun and the rest of the EXO members has always wondered if Chanyeol and Baekhyun are completely oblivious or they just don’t know love.


As the song ends, everyone expresses their enjoyment of  the performance. Chanyeol appears the happiest. He can feel his heartbeat going wild because he just sang a song with Baekhyun beside him; with Baekhyun looking straight into his eyes; with Baekhyun mouthing every word in front of him; he feels like he and Baekhyun are the only ones in the room.


Chanyeol is really happy.


“I’m gonna sing the next one.” Suho announces as he makes his way in front ready to hit the notes of his song.


“I’ll just answer this.” Chanyeol hears Baekhyun say as the latter makes his way out of the room.

Kyungsoo and Kai has been dominating the karaoke machine for too long; not wanting to let go of the microphone. It has been a full 30 minutes since Baekhyun went out to answer the call; Sehun assures Chanyeol that maybe it was from SME.

After a couple of minutes more, Baekhyun arrives with a beautiful grin plastered on his face.


“Sorry, it took a while.” He announces. The song sung by Kyungsoo just ended and everyone is quiet but Sehun is still engrossed in the music list.


“Where have you been?” Suho asks, “Kyungsoo and Kai had been singing nonstop. It’s your turn now.”


“I had a call” Baekhyun explains, “And do you mind if a friend joins us?” He smiles, a blinding smile and Chanyeol is holding his breath because he has a bad feeling about the word friend.


Please. Anyone but him. Please. Please.


“Come on” Baekhyun leaves the room only to drag a flustered guy back inside.


“He was in the area so I invited him along.” Baekhyun justifies. “The more the merrier right?”


Everyone aside from Sehun, who was busy selecting the next song, is apparently surprised and can’t utter a single word.


“Hyung, sing Love Song” Sehun announces unaware of the new addition into their group. When the maknae looks up because of the sudden silence engulfing the room, he is startled to see a man smiling in front of him.




“Let’s just sing it together, Daehyun” Baekhyun offers as he grabs the microphone from Sehun’s grasp.


Everything happens too fast and all Sehun can remember is Chanyeol  running out of the room and eventually bumping the coffee table causing the glasses to fall and break leaving a handful of mess. Then of course Baekhyun immediately his giant of a best friend. Pieces of broken glasses are scattered and Sehun and the others, even the newcomer Daehyun, helps to clean the mess.


“Do you like Baekhyun?”


Well, how can Sehun miss an angry Kyungsoo?


“What?” Daehyun answers, completely unaware of what’s happening around him aside from them cleaning out the clutter.


“I said, do you Like Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo’s words are uttered with firmness and a little bit of anger. “Because you can’t like him.”


“I don’t like Baekhyun.” Daehyun says shrugging his shoulders. “And what’s with us liking each other? Even Himchan hyung asked Baekhyun if Baek likes me.”


“We don’t like each other. I like Youngjae and Baek likes someone else.”






“You know what’s more painful is that you let me believe that ChanBaek is forever.”


Those are the first words Chanyeol says to Baekhyun as he halts in front of their dorm. Although breathless from all the running he did just to make it far away as possible from the Baekhyun and Daehyun, he still manages to say the words clearly.


“I’m tired Baekhyun. I’m really tired. All these years, I’d have to keep hiding what I feel and it because when you were being coupled with Kris hyung, with Kyungsoo, with Kai, with everyone, a part of me breaks. The first time this stupid OTP idea was presented to us, I knew back then it was a mistake but then manage hyung said, It will be with you, and knowing that you’ll be my ‘fictional’ pair, everything seemed so right.”


“Do you know why I tried so hard to be with Kris, Soo and Kai, it’s because there’s Krisbaek, there’s Baeksoo and there’s KaiBaek. I’d sometimes hope you’ll feel the pain my heart was feeling every time those words were mentioned. For sometimes I feel like, you’ll end up with one of them and you’ll never end up with me.”


Chanyeol is a mess; tears are falling down from his eyes uncontrollably.


“And now this pair with Daehyun, it hurts Baekhyun. It really hurts because the way your eyes light up when you’re with him, the way you say you’re glad to be partners with Daehyun, it breaks my heart because Baek, I’m supposed to be your partner.”


He takes a choked breath.


“God damn it Baek. I love you so much.”


“Chanyeol, I’m sorry.”


Baekhyun walks slowly as if the steps are measured carefully – as if they were rehearsed-- but the truth is, Baekhyun is scared. He is too petrified to let it all out.


It isn’t because he is oblivious to the fact that Chanyeol likes him but it’s because Baekhyun never lets assumptions get to him. He has been loving Chanyeol secretly but he is too scared to admit; too afraid to be rejected.


But as the words slip Chanyeol’s mouth, Baekhyun never felt more sure.


“If you really want to date him Baekhyun, it’s okay. It really is.” Chanyeol pants, “You don’t need to love me Baek. You weren’t supposed to know that I love you. We’re best friends and best friends don’t fall in love with each other. But I did, and-- “


Baekhyun cannot take it anymore. He is sorry because he made Chanyeol miserable without knowing that the latter was hurting. He doesn’t want to listen anymore because every word kills him so he pulls Chanyeol towards him and shuts his mouth with kiss.


“Chanyeol, I’m so sorry.” He utters after he breaks the kiss. As he wipes Chanyeol tears, Baekhyun begins crying, “I love you Chanyeol. I really do and I’m sorry for hurting you.” He looks straight into Chanyeol’s eyes. “There wasn’t a 2hyun to begin with, because for me, it has always been Chanbaek.”





“And will forever be ChanBaek”


okay I but thank you guys for reading. hihih and hey! it's a happy ending. hihih

again, I want to thank the best-est potato. thank you so much.



much love,


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Chapter 1: Chen tsk tsk tsk.... Chanbaek for life ;)
Chapter 1: chanbaek rise!!!
How come I just found this?! I have to read this immediately omfg
Rinininette #4
Chapter 1: This is cute :) It almost made me cry but I had to be strong and not to cry while my parents are near xD
2hyun is so great :D But I would consider them as friends hehe~ Chanbaek is so much better in my opinion
Thanks for this story!
AeChaPark #5
Chapter 1: oyes oyes! chanbaek!
dokyungsoolabb #7
Chapter 1: Maganda sana pero nabitin ako..i really hope that this will be a chaptered story because it is really good..& wow..your senpai is kei? *_*( Im a fan of her potatoness XDXD )
Chapter 1: daebak! one of my favorites. my OTPs.. ♥♥♥