Iced Americano

Paper Cuts

The LONG awaited teaser


Hearts are fragile, people are fragile, we're all just like paper aren't we? Tiny tears and wrinkles. We write our stories and then rewrite them again, eraser shavings of memories we've tried to forget. We crumble ourselves up in times of distress and we try to smooth out the scar like wrinkles when straighten ourselves out. Every page has a different story, every piece has seen different words, different worlds. In the end our lives and the people we met, the people we love just become another page in a old dusty book.


If you were to ask Yixing what he thought about Sehun he would say he's like an Iced Americano. He's cold and refreshing but bitter and strong. Not many people like Americano's they think they are too strong or too bitter but Yixing doesn’t think so he likes the bitter taste that leaves the taste of coffee on his tongue for the day. He likes the simplicity yet the complexity that the flavors or a properly brewed Americano can bring. Sehun is a lot like an Americano, or at leasst that's what barista Yixing thinks. 




Probably Friday. 

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foryourxoul #1
Chapter 2: This is woah. Amazing. Like I really thought Yixing moved on but Im so happy he still misses Sehun just like how Sehun misses him! TTTTT
Chapter 2: I really liked this, wow! I was worried at first but then the ending ;u; ~ I look forward to your next chapter, (and you're writing is not terrible, at all seriously - tell me your secret [haha]
Chapter 1: I cried at the end and I thought Yixing had already forgotten Sehun but no! That was so nice! Thank for writing this! T^T
crapola #4
Chapter 2: I just read this and this story was amazing! It'd be great if you were to do Yixing's POV
shey_kpop28 #5
Chapter 2: I've read this so many times but I never get tired of it ❤ And YES YES YES please make another one shot, there's too little ing fics :(
Pandaaelaine #6
Chapter 2: Yes yes yes please :D
Krisyeolsdaughter #7
Chapter 1: Ohmygod that was so good
J-Suga #8
Chapter 1: I almost cried in the end...
I was so afraid that there will be a sad end but then...ah I'm so happy! ♥
This was such a perfect, sad but also lovely story, thank you for writing this!