Run Away

Run Away - Myungsoo

The soft morning sun peeked over the horizon while the chilled, still air sat on your skin, small clouds formed with your warm breath while your hands slid into your pockets. Walking to the Infinite dorm, you took in the quiet morning before the business men and women went off to their offices and filled the streets with their urgent business.

Skipping up the stairs, you made it to their door as you punched in their code and entered their abode. Slipping off your shoes, your socks slid against their wood floor while you headed to the kitchen to make them all breakfast.

Grabbing a sauce pan you pulled out some eggs from the empty fridge. Pulling out another bowl, you broke the eggs gently before whisking the eggs together and pouring a little amount into the pan. Swirling the egg around the bottom of the pan, you watched it while it cooked. Once it was ready, you flipped it over cooking the other side. Rolling up carefully, you placed the freshly made egg roll on a plate as you worked on another one.

One after another, you made all seven egg rolls for the members. The sweet smell and sound of meat cooking started calling the boys from their rooms. With their disheveled hair and wrinkled clothes, they rubbed their eyes as they sat around the table. Setting their plate in front of them, they looked up at you with big eyes, you smiled before they dug into their home made breakfast.

"Thank you ______, you are the best." Sungjong remarked while the smile on your face grew.

"You’re welcome, it is the least I could do for you guys." You patted his head gently as Hoya, Sungjong, and Sungyeol ate happily.

A familiar yawn came from the hall, your boyfriend, Myungsoo stood in the hall with his sweats rolled up to his knee on one leg while his black V neck shirt hung off of his shoulder.

"Myungie, come and eat, I made you breakfast." You cooed as his head lifted to you, his hand pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Y-You made this for the members and me?” He asked with half opened eyes.

"It is Saturday, which means that you have a long day of practice ahead of you and I wanted an excuse to come and see you." You blushed as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I missed you last night." Myungsoo whispered softly by your ear as you giggled and turned your head to kiss his cheek.

"I missed you too." You whispered back as you kissed his cheek again. A small smile began to grow on his face. Pulling you to where the four other plates were keeping warm, he presses his chest to your back.

"Which one is mine?" He asked you while rubbing his eyes.

"This one" You pulled the plate from the others as it had a heart on it with his initials on top.

"You’re too much." He smiled returning a kiss to your cheek. Removing one of his hands, he picked up some chopsticks and lifted a piece of the egg roll into his mouth.

"You should sit down and eat, Myungsoo." You advised while you moved from his grip. Wrapping his arm around you, he pulled you back into his embrace as his head just rested on your shoulder.

"Stay here please." He softly begged.

"I won’t go anywhere." You smiled resting your hands on his, he happily ate from behind you. Eventually Dongwoo, Sunggyu and Woohyun came out and joined the other members.

"Myungsoo if you don’t marry her, can I?" Woohyun teased as he threw some hearts to you.

"Yah, she doesn’t like grease." Myungsoo defended while he tried to shield you from the hearts that were flying your way.

"We better get ready for practice, thank you for making us breakfast." Dongwoo remarked quickly eating your egg roll.

"Thank you" Each of the members said as they set their plates in the sink, returning to their rooms to change for the day.

"Aren’t you going to change?" You asked Myungsoo who still hung onto you tightly.

"I don’t want to." He pouted, raising your hand, your fingers moved over his scalp slowly while his head leaned into your touch just holding onto you tighter.

"If you go get ready, I will give you a kiss before you leave." You tried to persuade him.

"A long kiss?" Myungsoo questioned as his nose gently nuzzled into your neck while you nodded. Kissing your neck softly he ran back to his room while you shook your head at him. Turning around, you cleaned the dishes and the kitchen, making it look spotless.

Hoya, Dongwoo, Woohyun were all ready and were waiting by the door as Myugnsoo, Sungjong, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu trudged their feet across the floor.

"Come on guys, the faster we get to practice the faster we get to come home and sleep!" Dongwoo encouraged while pumping his fist in the air.

"Let’s get this over with." Sunggyu grumbled while the members made their way through the door. Myungsoo hung behind while you walked around the counter.

"I’ll see you after." You tilted your head up to him as a small smile grew on his face while he nodded. Tilting his head to yours, his lips grabbed yours letting his lips dance slowly with yours. Pulling away from the head spinning kiss, you smiled up at him.

"You better go, I don’t want you to be late." You looked into his deep chocolate eyes while they gently curved into little crescent moons. His hand was gently placed on your hand, tilting your head downward while his lips kissed your forehead gently.

"Bye, beautiful." He whispered pulling away from the sweet moment.

"Bye" You waved as he ran to s, with a smile permanently on your face, you thought it would be nice for the members to come home to a clean house. With nothing else for you to do today, you gathered their stray clothes and put them in their baskets so that they could do their own laundry later. Making each of their beds, you hummed their songs to himself making your work light. 

It was just noon by the time that you finished, smiling to yourself, you grabbed your jacket and shoes while you looked over your shoulder at the now cleaned dorm.

Closing the door behind you, taking your time you enjoyed the wonderful rays of sunshine against your skin on your walk home. Looking at your surroundings, you watched people as you walked the few blocks to your apartment.

With such a peaceful and perfect Saturday, you entered your apartment as you slipped off your shoes. The back porch was calling your name as the rays of the sun basked down on the warm rocking chair you had outside. Grabbing your favorite book off of your shelf, you skipped outside, settling in your rocking chair, you turned over the cover while your eyes moved from left to right on the off white pages while the black words danced on the page, painting a picture in your head.

The warm sun kissed your skin while your eyes felt heavy, tilting your head back against the rocking chair, your breathing slowed as you started to fall asleep. A soft breeze blew through your hair as you slept peacefully in your rocking chair.

"Guys, I am going to head home." Myungsoo commented as the members walked out to the van.

"But we were going to get ice cream" Sungyeol whined.

"You can go on without me, I can walk home." Myungsoo mumbled as Dongwoo began to pull on his arm.

"Don’t go, come with us please." Dongwoo begged.

"I just want to be alone, I’m going home." Myungsoo pulled his arm from Dongwoo’s grip, sliding his hands into his pocket, he began to walk home.

Vibrations came from your phone as you opened your eyes, searching for your phone, you found it in your lap as you answered the call.

"Is Myungsoo over there?" Woohyun’s worried voice blurted out.

"N-No" Yawning with your answer, you rubbed your eyes. A hiss came from the other side as you sat up in your rocking chair. "Woohyun, is he not there either?"

"No…" Woohyun breathed loudly. "He’s gone"

"I’ll go out and search for him. You guys keep looking around as well." You ordered getting increasingly worried as you sat up from your chair. Running to the door, you held your phone in your hand while your feet pounded against the pavement.

Looking around frantically, you tried to check all of his favorite spots with no luck. Running your hand through your hair, the light began to drift below the horizon as you knew that once it was dark you would have to retreat to your home.

"Myungsoo! Myungie!" You called, running through the streets, several people looked at you like you were crazy but you could have cared less, you just needed to find him safe and sound.

Turning into the park, darkness began to take over the light as you ran all over the paths.

"Myungsoo!" You called once again while you rested up against a tree. Scanning the area, you tried to find one part of the park that you hadn’t searched yet.

Your rapid breath caught in your throat as you saw someone sitting on a swing, their feet planted on the ground, gently moving back and forth as their back was rounded.

"Myungsoo?" You called softly, not wanting to miss a chance if this was him. his head gently raised as you slowly walked over to him and took the swing next to him.

Rocking back and forth slowly, you were scared to look at the person next to you. When soft whimpers and sniffles came from the person beside you, you couldn’t help but turn your head slowly to get a look at the person.

His black hood was covering his face, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows while his fingers ran over the chain links on the swing.

"Myungie?" You moved a little to try and get a glimpse of his face, just slightly the man turned his head as you saw him, as clear as day. Myungsoo.

The red rimmed eyes that shined with fresh tears made you freeze, his skin was overlaid with a thin coat of sweat; his eyes looked away from yours as he stopped swinging and got up, shoving his hands into his pockets. Not wanting to let him go, you jumped up to your feet.

"Myungsoo, why did you run away?" You asked, following him slowly.

"I just want to be alone okay?!" He spun around quickly as he shouted at you. Flinching a little at his sudden outburst, yet you stood your ground.

"You sure?" You cooed softly as you took a step towards him. His head slowly fell as he bit his lip, gently shaking his head.

Taking it one step at a time, you moved closer to him as he didn’t move away from you, moving close enough to pull him into a hug, you s your arms around him. Pulling him tightly against you, his body relaxed in your arms while his arms slowly wrapped around you. Holding you tightly against him, he felt his knees buckle as you tried to hold him up but with no avail, you set him gently down on the curb, both of you broke your hug for a second as you sat beside him.

Myungsoo quickly wrapped his arms around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder as he pulled you against him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, your fingers played with his hair as he cried into your shirt. Spilling out every worry and stress that he had, you were the ears that he needed, you were the arms that needed to be around him, he needed you.

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Chapter 1: Awww I want to hug him too <33 :(
I can really feel how stressed they are in real life and I hope they can relieve stress from time to time!!

Great job as always ^^
blossomblackandwhite #2
Chapter 1: "Spilling out every worry and stress that he had, you were the ears that he needed, you were the arms that needed to be around him, he needed you." gossshhhhhh freaking sweeeeeet <3
Chapter 1: Wow! I feel sad for him. Sometimes you just want to run away but you can't.
Great story
Aww at least it was an understanding toward each other and I can only imagine how hard it is for an idol to balance a lot of things.
Chapter 1: awwwwww soooo sweet and myungsoo being like that is just omg T.T and at the same time really cute and romantic ♥
Danieea #6
Chapter 1: awwwww~~~ poor myungie oppa ..
good job author-nim^^
psungjae1122 #7
Chapter 1: Awww poor myungsoo ;-;

Another good story authornim ^^
Chapter 1: Aww, Myungsoo~. No matter what being with someone you love will always comfort you. Thank you!