Little one

For the better

When morning came around, Luhan wasn't feeling any better. His fever had gone down a little, but his skin still felt hot to the touch, and he was sniffling and coughing every couple of minutes.  

It was a heart-breaking sight for Xiumin. He felt bad for Luhan, as he had been looking forward to leaving the hospital from the moment Xiumin promised to take him home with him. Now he wouldn't be able to leave as soon as they had planned. 




Sadly, Xiumin had to. The hospital couldn't have him stay here longer than needed. 





Said man was currently sitting by Luhan's bed, his hair gently as the other continued on sleeping. He actually dreaded the moment Luhan would wake up and he'd have to tell him that he was leaving and Luhan was not. Even if he'd come back every single day until Luhan could come home, he knew that Luhan would become very sad hearing the news. 





Just as he was thinking that, Luhan slowly opened his eyes. Through half-lidded eyes he looked at Xiumin, gaze hazy and confused. 






He whispered his greeting to his angel as he leaned his forehead against his, feeling him shiver beneath his touch. He wasn't given a reply by the still sleepy boy, but he got a small smile in return.  



"Do you want to sit up? The nurse brought in breakfast just a minute ago". 



Luhan nodded, and he slowly helped the other sit up with plenty of fluffy pillows behind his back. Bringing the tray the nurse had brought, he fed Luhan small mouthfuls of porridge and juice. Luhan seemed content with being babied by him, until he suddenly stopped eating.  



"Luhan? Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick?" 



Luhan just stared at him, before frowning and looking him in the eye. 



"Why are you wearing regular clothing?" 



Xiumin looked down at himself and the looked up at Luhan again. Luhan was frowning, and Xiumin had to admit that he looked quite pissed even in his sick state. 



"Luhan, I'm going home today. But don't worry, I'll come visit you every day until you can come home with me". 



Luhan didn't look pleased at all by his reply. If anything, the pout he was sporting deepened. 



"Can't you just stay here until I get better? Are you sure you're good enough to go home already?" 



Xiumin brought a hand up to brush away the stray tear which was making its way down Luhan's red cheek. He hated seeing Luhan so sad, but there was nothing he could do about this situation. After all, they'd be together on full-time again in only a couple of days. 



"Don't cry Luhan. It's only until you're feeling better. I'll go home and prepare the apartment so it's nice and tidy when you arrive. Nobody has been there since I was hospitalized and it's bound to be dusty by now. I'll come here and visit you every day I promise. And if you ever miss me you can just call or text me. We'll never be apart for too long. So don't cry Luhan". 



Luhan just rubbed at his own eyes stubbornly. He didn't meant to cry, but the whole situation and his feverish state was making him emotional and frustrated.  



"I'm not crying. I just got something in my eye... And don't call me Luhan! I like it when you call me Lulu..." 



Xiumin couldn't help but smile at his cute boyfriend before kissing the top of his head. 



"Right Lulu. Now, get some rest because I have to go and I want you to become better as soon as possible". 



Luhan looked slightly alarmed, but he complied and laid down on his bed as Xiumin tucked him in to make sure he'd stay warm and cozy. Before leaving, he placed a small kiss on Luhan's chapped lips. 



"I'm sorry I can't kiss you properly, but I really don't want to get sick too. And put that pout away Lulu, I'll see you tomorrow. Text me if you get bored okay?". 



Luhan just nodded and brought up a hand from under the covert to give a small wave to Xiumin as he left. 



"Bye bye!" 



Xiumin just chuckled and waved as he closed the door. 




When the door closed behind XiuminLuhan reached for his priced teddy-bear and brought it into a tight hug. The teddy-bear reminded him of Xiumin, and it was cute and huggable as well. 



"I guess it's just you and me now". 



And like that, Luhan passed out from exhaustion.  










"Chanyeol! What do you think you're doing with that broom?!" 



"Hyung! Don't you think it'd be awesome to know material-arts like Tao does? I mean, you could even use something like this old broom as a weapon! Hayaaaaa ~ " 



Xiumin could only watch in horror as Chanyeol flipped another one of his coffee mugs onto the floor with his makeshift wushu stick. They had been cleaning out his apartment for three hours straight, and he was beginning to suspect that the humidity and heat in the apartment was getting to Chanyeol's head. 



"Alright mister ninja or what ever you are, could you please try to use that broom for the purpose it was made for? You know, cleaning?" 



"Ai ai sir!" 



As Chanyeol (finally) began to clean the floors of the apartment, Xiumin went back to picking up the pieces of his old coffee mug. Deeming the area splinter free, he moved on to his bedroom. Or should it be, their bedroom.  



Looking around the room, he was quite pleased with how it had turned out.  



His old single-bed had been replaced my a roomy double-bed, and the bookshelf which had stood in one of the corners earlier had been moved to the living room, in order to give space for another wardrobe. Shelves with different kind of decorations, books and styling products now gave color to the previously very pale walls, and the windows had been polished until he could watch his own reflection in them.  



He was ready to bring Luhan home. 







"Hey hyung! Where to you want me to put Luhans' belongings?" 



Xiumin went out of the room, only to laugh at his best friend where he was trying to hold on to a mountain of very heavy boxes. 



"Just stack them in the living room Chanyeol. Just make sure to putlight boxes on top of the heavy ones. I have no idea what is in those boxes, but I wouldn't want anything of importance to Luhan being destroyed". 



"Yes sir". 




Xiumin smiled at his best friend before going in to the kitchen to make them something cold to drink. They both deserved it after all the work they'd done today. 



He was really grateful to Chanyeol for all his help. He hadn't been surprised when the giant had declared that he was going to help him tidy up, they were as close as brothers after all, but he felt grateful none the less.  



Since he had just been released from the hospital, an had had a problem with his heart none the less, he wasn't allowed to move anything heavy or tire himself out too much just yet. So having had Chanyeol here to help him with all of this was huge. He had also served as moral support when they went to Luhan's old house to bring his belongings. 





Luhan had texted him his adress when he had asked about it earlier, and when he asked Luhan what he should take from the house, Luhan had told him to just bring anything he thought the other male could need from his old bedroom. Luhan would pick up anything else he wanted later, including memorial stuff. 







Going into the house had been tough. Even though he had never met Luhan's parents, he knew that the boy had loved them very much, and just seeing the pictures of baby Luhan and his parents hanging on the walls and standing on the shelves brought tears to his eyes. Chanyeol had to gently move him away by his shoulders when he hadn't been able to stop staring at what seemed to be the last photo they had taken together at Luhan's graduation.  




"Come on hyung. There is no use in trying to understand the dead". 




Following Chanyeol's gentle lead, they ended up in what must've been Luhan's bedroom. The walls were painted a nice blue, and posters of soccer-players and pop-stars covered the walls. Several trophies and diplomas both from school and soccer-competitions filled the shelves and Xiumin had no doubt that Luhan must've been a dedicated student and a good team-mate. 



"His parents must've been proud of him..." 



It all came out as a whisper, as he gently traced a finger over several pictures Luhan had placed together with his prices. Pictures of him and his team-mates posing after a successful game, a picture of Luhan by a cake with 18 candles. The one that caught his attention though, was an old, yellowed picture which was displayed in the center. A picture, which unlike the others, wasn't placed randomly. This picture was meant to be seen. 



Tracing a finger over the faces of the two smiling boys on the picture, he immediately recognized a much younger Luhan, who was hugging the boy beside him. Tears welled up in Xiumin's eyes as he couldn't tear his gaze away from the little bubble of happiness in front of him. It had all been so innocent... 



Before going back to help Chanyeol pack Luhan's clothes and other things, he looked at the picture one last time, this time focusing his gaze on the other little boy. 









"He never forgot you little one. He never forgot. And I hope that he's forgiven". 














A/N: So how was it?  


I'm sorry for the short chapter, but I kind of felt like ending this chapter there. I promise I'l l try to make the next one longer! 


Hope you enjoyed it, please comment and I'll see you guys soon! <

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Chapter 13: Its great ,, I hope more that more drama will happen to xiumin .. Just wanna see luhan got worried to him .. He eee fighting autornimm
zyradoxiu #2
Chapter 13: I'll wait for your update :)
Chapter 13: Waouh ... I'm looking forward !!!!
Chapter 13: I'm Going to read everything all over again before the next chapter, I swear. Waiting forward~
LuCandy #5
Chapter 12: fighting author-nim ;))
Chapter 12: Good Luck Author nim!!! \(^▽^)/ Fighting!! \(^o^)/ I'll be waiting for ur story!! (^^)
Chapter 12: Just take your time...............
Chapter 11: i'll be waiting for the next update.!!
Chapter 11: can't wait for the next update!!!!:)
27XIUHAN27 #10
I love this fic !!!