I hate love

Love Can Change Anyone

You sighed. You were devastated of what your brother said to you yesterday. You didn't want to go to school anymore. "but i have too" you thought.

You and your brother were walking together to school, as always. He would be talking about what he did on minecraft, how popular he is or just random things. But not today. You and your brother was silent as ever. Or, in other words, akward. 

Before you knew it, you were at school.

"Hey ______." said Taeyeon.

"Oh hi." you replied.

"Why did you leave me yesterday?' 

" I .. Hate love"

"You hate love?"

" I'll explain later." You said, as a tear secretly went down your eye.

You looked at your schedule. "Ok first up i have to go to math." You thought.

You sat in the same seat you were in yesterday. That male who stared at you was also still sitting next to you. The teacher was doing the role. Then suddenly... "Eunhyuk!"

"Here!" said the male sitting next to you.
You've heard that name before. It was the guy your brother talked about yesterday. "Oh. Great. So that's why he was staring at me yesterday. because i am so ugly." you thought. Your self esteem was going down down doowwn..

"May I help you?" asked Eunhyuk. 

"No." you said with a voice thats a little rude.. 

Within a blink he was gone in a second. 

"Where is he?" you thought. He was just around the corner somewhere. You looked up. He was actually not bad.. Well.. more then not bad. He was your ideal type.

You finally got back to reality..

"Wait no.. I possibly can't be falling for him" Then you remembered what he said about you. You sighed.

"I guess love isn't my thing."

But then you looked at his eyes. His single eyelids are what make him attractive, you thought. But then, you saw his eyes were looking at the direction you are in. In other words, he was looking at you. 

You didn't notice you were trapped in a stare until now. You blushed and looked away.

He suddenly went up to you. "Hey.. Do you want to be errr... friends?" 
"No." You said, thinking he would cause you trouble. "I want to be friends with nice people, unlike you." You said, thinking about what he said about you.


Nickhun's POV.

I was at the park, like usual.

Then Eunhyuk ran up to me crying.

"Eunhyukkie! Be a man. What's wrong?" I asked.
He explained to me what happened at his math class. I felt bad. 

"Uhm.. I need to tell you something." I said.
"I I told my sister that you said that she was the ugliest person in the whole wide world." I confessed.

"Are you kidding me?! Ugh.. I should've known you also play around with your friends hearts," Eunhyuk shouted as he cried and walked away.


But, as expected he ignored me. I chased after him. but he was too fast. 

Huff huff huff 

Where is he now? He's no where to be seen. *sighs* 

It's getting late, i better get going.

Wait.. Where is my sister? I looked everywhere in the house but she wasn't there. I then heard noise. It was from her bedroom. From all the places I looked, i forgot to look at her bedroom? You thought. 

I heard someone crying.

"WHAT?" she cried.
"Can I come in?" you asked. 
"KIM ______ OPEN THAT DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Her door was locked.
"Oppa, how could you do this to me?" she said.
"I cook you food, I make you happy, and I love you." she said.
A tear fell down when she said the words "I love you."

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Hello. So basically I had just done chapter 2 and personally its my favourite chapter so far. Especially the ending. Be sure to subscribe and comment


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