
In Love & Insane | Writing Contest

Before the top three and honourable mention are announced, I just want to say thank you to everyone who participated in this writing contest! All stories were enjoyable in their own ways and all authors have potential in creating something amazing! 




Honourable Mention
Timeless by decapitated
{Subscription & upvote to all stories}


Third Place
{100 karma, subscription & upvote to all stories, recommendation}
The Therapist by sacred


Second Place
{250 karma, subscription & upvote to all stories}
Everybody Coffee Shop by DramaGeek


First Place
{500 karma, subscription & upvote to all stories, recommendation}
Permafrost by sendohime



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Thank you!
{in love & insane writing contest} the deadline is on Monday! entries do not have to be completed but I can only judge on what's posted. Thanks for joining ^__^


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Chapter 7: Thanks so much for looking at my fic with such kind eyes ^^
I'm so happy! Congrats to the other winners and to everyone that joined!
Chapter 7: I went through all o the stories and wow. Congratulations~ You guys are the best
B2utyful-Elf #3
Chapter 7: Congrats too all the winners! :D
sendohime #4
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD I GOT FIRST. I am so honored! This just inspires me to finish my story earlier. Thank you so much, I've never won a contest before and this truly baffling. Thank you recommending this contest and giving me this wonderful opprotunity
Chapter 7: holy i actually won third place this is ridiculously wonderful!
thank you so much for holding this contest, it was lovely :D
I hope to complete my story and do justice to the results it deserves :D
Hi :) Would you like me to sponsor your contest? I own an advertisement shop, a review shop, a oneshot/scenario shop and a recommendation page so do get back to me if you're interested :)
I know it's late, but I'll be sure to finish before the deadline!

Username: decapitated
Story Title: timeless
Story Link:
Prompt: 2,5, 11
Password: Myungsoo and Kai
chanyeolstagram #8
Hey there! I am trying my best :)

Username: chanyeolstagram
Story title: Don't forget me, Jiyoung!
Story link:
Prompt: Number 12
Password: Myungsoo and Chanyeol
Chapter 3: Is it alright if I start with high school and have the characters turn from students to adults?