
A Peek Into The Life Of Im Yoona
“Alright! We’re going to start on this new topic: Water Sanitation today! Have you guys printed the notes yet?” Mrs Wang’s voice boomed to the 4 corners of the lecture theatre.
 Groans can be heard from a group of students sitting down left and another group on my right were scurrying in and out of the theatre, trying their best to print the materials. I giggled. I was prepared and ready for lesson. As usual, I’m watching my good friend Kim Hyoyeon getting things out of her bag frantically.
“Hey Yoona! What chapter is this?” I heard her ask me while still searching. I shook my head in annoyance.
“C’mon Hyo! Didn’t you hear Mrs Wang? It’s Chapter 2!”
Yep, if you haven’t already figured it out, I’m Yoona and I’m currently in the middle of class. Don’t mind my friend; she tends to be a little messy. Ah, she finally found the correct notes. Phew! What a relief!
“Hehe, chill man, just wanna confirm that!” and Hyoyeon proceeded to slap me on the back. Hard.
Rubbing my back and scrunching my face, I gave her a glare. “Oww, keep your hands to yourself!”
Now don’t get me wrong, Hyoyeon is really nice as a friend but when she gets physical, it gets annoying. Big time! But I didn’t get you here to talk about my friend. See that girl down on the left? Yep, that’s Seohyun, or Seo Joo Hyun from Class A. She’s basically quite smart and nerdy. But she tends to be a little confused at times, requiring the teacher to explain a few times. I heard her classmates call her names but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her. In fact, I find that trait of hers cute. Overall, she’s like the perfect girl but there are problems.
I’m shy and we’re in different classes.
“Hey Yoona,” someone nudged me. Turning around, I saw Kim Taeyeon smirking at me. She’s another good friend of mine.
 “ I see someone’s peeking at Ms Seo again keke.”
“Why you…” I extended my limb and tried to hit her but she swiftly avoided somehow.
“There are 2 empty seats there Yoona; you should’ve gone to sit with the fair lady. What a waste!”
“Ya! It’s not like I don’t want to, but all her friends are in that area. If I sit there randomly, it’ll be so awkward, weird and that would most likely blow any little chance I have with her!”
Suddenly, I heard my name. Damn, Mrs Wang’s calling me.
“Yoona, I asked many of them, but they could not answer. Can you?” Mrs Wang asked, with a slight smirk to her face. Man, I hate that evil smirk of hers.
“Can you repeat the question?”
“Alright. What is phosphate used for? You’ve learnt this in Organic Chemistry!” The whole room fell silent and all were anticipating my answer. I turned and saw Seohyun, looking at me with expectant eyes. I sighed. I didn’t know the answer.
“You guys have to read up! Phosphate is used as a buffer, am I right or am I right?” Mrs Wang smiled triumphantly. Boy this teacher sure is cocky. I turned again and saw Seohyun covering the mouth and giving me a giggle. Do I have to say how pretty she looked doing that? I was worried I had made a fool of myself in front of everyone, but I somehow managed to make my angel smile. That’s all I cared for at this moment.
“That’s all for today’s class. Remember to read up when you get home!” Mrs Wang commanded into the microphone. Hyoyeon, Taeyeon and Yuri(another friend of mine) got up almost immediately.
“C’mon Yoona, lunch isn’t gonna wait for us. Besides, it’s gonna get crowded!” That was all the cue I needed from the girls. I grabbed my bag and raced after them at full speed. Lunch is important, you know? Just as I was about to close the door, I felt someone behind me. Being the kind person I am, I held the door for this coursemate. 
Then I saw it. Oh my, it’s my Angel.
“T-thanks” Seohyun shyly offered her thanks while tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. She was so cute, I don’t even know how to describe to you.
“No….no…no” I was tongue- tied. Great! “Damn Yoona, you can’t even say anything in front of her”My inner voice was taunting me. I ended up with a goofy smile before rushing to catch up with my friends.
A few days later, my class was having a practical session in the laboratory. It was 3 whole hours and wow, it was tiring. What made it worse, was that my whole class did it wrong. The graphs were invalid, as confirmed by the teacher. Even Hyoyeon who usually gets it all right was wrong this time.
“Class, as you may have known, the graphs you have are full of errors,” Mrs Lee explained calmly. Well at least this teacher is better than Mrs Wang.
“So what can we do, Mrs Lee?” I raised my hand and asked that burning question the class wanted to know. It counted for grades after all.
“Good question, Yoona. You’ll have to get the graphs from other classes. So, if you have friends there, do approach them. I’ll give you all a week, so this should be submitted by next Tuesday. Also Taeyeon, you are the class chairman so you’ll make sure the class have the correct graphs.”
Hyoyeon and Yuri snickered. The class chairman always has to do these dirty work.
“Laugh, laugh at me. I’ll get you for this!” Taeyeon sent a playful glare towards the culprits.
“Sorry Tae. By the way Yoona, try asking your fair maiden, it’s a great opportunity!” Yuri beamed at me. 
Oh boy…
“Yea Yoona! Strike while the iron is hot!” Hyoyeon chirped as well. I shook my head and sighed.
“Oh alright, I’ll try. But no promises that I’ll get it.”
“Now that’s over, let’s go for a drink! My treat!” Taeyeon patted me on the back.
“Ma Juice!” Yuri yelled in excitement and rushed towards the food court. Damn, I just have these weird friends for classmates!
“Mum, I’m home!” I yelled from the front door and made my way inside. She poked her head out from the kitchen and gave me a warm smile.
“Hi Yoona, you’re home early today. How’s school?” my mum asked out of curiosity. I returned the smile before putting my bag down.
“School was usual as always mum, just slightly more work than usual for today! Call me when dinner’s ready, I’ll be in my room.” With that said, I trudged towards my room and closed the door. Sitting down on the bed, I sighed.
‘I have to ask her though, I need the correct graphs so that my grade will be saved!’  was my thoughts. The only thing problem is, I don’t have her number. I’m too shy to approach her for it but I did manage to be friends with her on Facebook, so why not give it a shot?
 Not wanting to waste time with the computer, I quickly grab my phone on the table and went to Facebook messaging. After minutes of hesitation, I pressed on “Seo Joo Hyun” and began typing my message.
“Hi, you’re Seo Joo Hyun right? I’m Im Yoona from class B. Actually, I’m typing this to request for your help. My class went through the laboratory session for Physical Nutrition and Mrs Lee said that all our graphs were wrong and we can get it from other classes. Yea, so if it’s not too much trouble, can you take a picture of it for me here? Thanks a lot! J “
Boy, I retyped that message countless times to perfect it. I didn’t want her to think I’m weird or anything.
“Ah Im Yoona, why did you do that? We’re not even close and that message would just make things awkward!” I scolded myself mentally. 
Just then, my dad knocked on my door.
“Yoona? Your mother says that dinner is ready!” then only distant footsteps can be heard.
“Well, hopefully she replies soon!” I thought to myself and got up before heading to the dining room for dinner.
Dinner was a routine one. My parents asked me about school, and I just mentioned about how Mrs Wang was being so cocky about herself.
“Haha, your lecturer really said that? She’s so funny” My dad clutched his tummy and doubled over with laughter.
“And annoying,” I muttered under my breath. Standing up, I volunteered to do the dishes. After all, I ate the most so it’s only right if I chip in. Scrubbing away in the kitchen, my mind suddenly wandered off…
“Hi, you’re Yoona right? I’m Seo Joo Hyun, but you can call me Seohyun,” the girl in front of me beamed.
“Uh yea! Hi Seohyun, you’re so pretty today!” I replied with a smile. Wow she’s cute!
“U-uh, thanks I guess? Haha, Yoona-unnie, there is something on your hair!” With that, she leaned closer to help me pick the thing off my hair. Just that moment, our eyes met. I decided to go for it and leaned in as well, until…
“Yoona? Yoona!”
“H-huh? Wha-“ I looked up to see my mum chuckling at me. My face turned a shade pink in embarrassment.
“What were you thinking about dear? You’ve made a mess, let me finish it up. You go finish your homework!” Wow, mums always make you feel so secured. They think of everything that is good for their children.
“Thanks mum!” I took off the rubber gloves and kissed her on the cheek before heading into my room. It was 8.00pm at that time. Immediately, I checked my phone, hoping that Seohyun would reply.
Nope, no reply.
 I sighed and peeled the cover of my homework and began writing. Nutrition is really a bother; it’s so hard to study for! Soon enough, I got into my groove and easily answered the questions this time. After an hour or so, I closed my book shut after doing countless practice questions.
Time check: 9.30pm
I checked my phone excitedly, only to receive great disappointment. There was still no reply from Seohyun.
‘Guess she doesn't check Facebook that often’ I thought sadly.
 I then decided to browse the web to kill time, since I wasn't exactly in the mood for revision tonight. 15 minutes into my exploration of the web, I received a Facebook notification. O.M.G its Seohyun!
I was literally spazzing even before I read her reply. I could not even believe that she’ll entertain someone she never talks to and from another class. With great anticipation and trepidation, I selected her message.
“Ummm hi, who are you again?” Seohyun typed. I found it adorable because I just introduced myself earlier. But for this pretty girl, I’ll do anything.
“I’m Yoona from Class B. Could I get you to take a pic of your graphs for me? I would appreciate that and thanks!” I was frightened when waiting for her to reply, I mean, it’s my crush after all! Her next reply made my jaw drop.
“Eh give me your number, I’ll Whatsapp it to you. It’s the best and fastest way to help you,” She replied just that.
“Ok here : 9230 1253. Thanks Seohyun (:!” A moment later, I received a notification from Whatsapp. If you haven’t noticed, I got her number even when I didn’t ask for it! I’m like the happiest girl on this planet now, to be able to get the number of Seohyun. I’ll have to tell my friends about it!
“Ya Taeyeon! Guess what, I got the number of Seohyun J” I typed excitedly into the Whatsapp messenger, beaming at my screen like an idiot. Almost immediately, my phone buzzed again.
“OMG really?! Good for you girl! You lucky devil, you! Now that you have her number, ask her out, and kiss her! Wahaha” Taeyeon replied with the smirk emoticon. Wow, this girl loves to tease me.
“Tae! How can I do that? It’ll be so awkward!” I face palmed and shook my head in disagreement at my friend’s suggestion.
“Haha! Who knows, she might kiss you back!” Taeyeon continued her teasing, and I could totally see her laughing and rolling on the floor. Geez, what a friend I have.
“Omg Taeyeon please! Anyways, I’ll go now and if I do make progress, I’ll tell you :D “
I was about to head to bed when my phone buzzed again. Picking it up, my heart beat faster because, yes…it was Seohyun.
“Umm, hi. Sorry to trouble you, but if you could, maybe you can come over and say hello to me in school tomorrow? I need to know who I’m talking to.”
“Oh…err sure! I’ll look for you tomorrow!”
Wow, she wants to know who I am. Am I lucky or what? Beaming like an idiot for the second time tonight, I jumped into bed and began to close my eyes. However, I didn’t really sleep that early. I spent quite a while thinking about Seohyun and what I should tell her when we meet the next time.
Another day, another story. For now, I’m waiting for Hyoyeon, who for some reason, is always hungry.
“Gosh Hyo, are you like done yet? Microbiology is about to start, we have to head to the lecture theatre in like,” I stared at my watch,” 5 minutes?”
The blonde looked up at me and smiled goofily.
“Relax Yoong! We can make it! Just one more cake!” As she said that, she wolfed down the last cake on her plate. Grabbing our bags, we rushed towards block 7 where the theatres are. Then, I saw my dream girl. Seohyun was in a blue blouse and shorts, sitting by the bench and studying studiously.
“Boy, Yoong, you should go sit with her!” Hyoyeon whispered to me in a snicker.
Man, if I knew this group of friends would tease me about this, I would never have told them. Life tip for you guys there!
 I was still shy and not ready to face Seohyun. Hence, instead of going towards her, I pretended not to see her and walked into the theatre quickly.
“Hey Yoona! Wait up!” Hyoyeon shouted not-so-softly. I cringed.
“Ah, why did you shout? I don’t want her to realise me here! Come on, let’s get inside already! ” I shot her a glare and shook my head.
Throughout the whole lesson, I spent my time in both listening to the lecturer and also sneaking glances at Seohyun. She was always with her pen, scribbling down notes earnestly. Man, I love girls like that. The whole day went rather fast, with lectures after lectures. Most of my classmates weren’t even present. At the end of the day, I exited the theatre with Taeyeon and Yuri in tow. Hyoyeon had something on, so she wasn’t with us.
“So Yoong, Tae told me you got the chick’s number?” Yuri wriggled her eyebrows and smirked suggestively.
“Umm, stop with that look! It’s scary. Well yea, I asked her for the graphs like YOU GUYS asked for. Although her graphs were wrong too, I got her number as consolation I guess,” I replied with a smile.
“Oooo, smooth move there, Yoong! I have to learn from you!” Yuri giggled and Taeyeon decided to laugh along. Sigh, these friends of mine…
“You’re making me shy, Yuri! I have to go,” I waved and ran for my bus as I saw it approach the stop.
“Bye Yoona!” Taeyeon shouted and waved back.
That was my little interaction with my group of good friends. Now, I’ve just reached home and almost immediately, I felt guilty for not saying anything to Seohyun. Hence, I whipped out my phone and began writing an apology.
“Hi Seohyun. Umm, I’m sorry that I didn’t say hello to you today, I didn’t manage to get to you.”
Technically, it wasn’t a lie because her friends were talking to her and I didn’t interrupt them. A few minutes later, I received a notification.
“Hi J It’s alright. But were you the one in orange? And your friend was the one with the blonde hair?” she replied. Damn, it means when Hyoyeon shouted for me, she saw me. Well I guess I must be on her mind if she actually heard that. Haha, who am I kidding?
“Well yea! I was the one in orange,” was my reply to her.
“Oh alright, I know who you are already. Thanks!” Seohyun replied. I closed Whatsapp Messenger and chuckled. I have to find some more courage and talk to her.
So after that little interaction we had, things got better for me when Seohyun is concerned. Whenever I see her around in school, I’ll wave to her and she’ll smile back sweetly. Oh wow, did I mention how infectious her smile is?
Then one day, we had a Food laboratory session, where my group was supposed to prepare some solutions for our classmates. Yuri labelled the trays, I poured the water, Hyoyeon poured the solutions into the tasting cups and Taeyeon was in charge of giving instructions to our fellow classmates. So yea, it just happens that Seohyun’s class was also scheduled to do the same thing, and her group was in charge of preparation.
 As much as I wanted to talk to her, I had a job to do, especially with the ever annoying Mrs Wang watching us like a hawk. That woman needs to know how to take a joke.
As assigned, I was to take the water jug. As soon as I got it, someone bumped into me. I turned around and apologised as the person did the same. Wow, it’s Seohyun. I then gave her a reassuring smile and she responded with a shy one. We got back to our jobs because remember Mrs Wang? Yea.
Soon enough, it was time for evaluation of the samples. Our classmates did a great job, following Taeyeon’s instructions and not talking in the room. It was very quick; we cleared the trays and set the new batch almost immediately. Then, the next group took over and my friends and I had a chance to taste. I happen to see Seohyun heading for the door. I went forward and held it open for her and her friends, as well as my friends.
“Thank you, Yoona-unnie,” she gave me that smile again. I think I may melt! Then came Yuri, giving me a nudge in the ribs.
“Saw what you did there, Yoong!” wriggling her eyebrows, she continued, ”Good Job!”
I rolled my eyes at her but deep inside, I was smiling because I got to hold the door for Seohyun. Now don’t get me wrong, but I’m just easily contented when I can help out someone I like. I always feel obliged to do so. What more for a cutie like Seohyun? 
After everyone had gone in, I closed the door behind us and joined my friends in evaluation.
“Bye Taeyeon! Bye Yuri! Bye Hyoyeon!” I waved to my group of friends and another school day comes to an end. I whipped out my phone and checked the time.
After Food Science class, I think I saw Seohyun walking towards the exit. If I hurry, I could catch her at the bus stop.
‘I’ll talk to her if I see her,’ I mumbled, fired up with determination to strike a conversation with this girl. 
Soon enough, I made it to the bus stop and true enough, she was there in a black shirt and jeans. She wasn’t dressed to impress, but wow, she impressed me! Getting closer, I gave her a smile and called her name.
“Hey Seohyun!”
“Hello Yoona-unnie,” Seohyun smiled back. So apparently, we were silent after that. I had to think of something, quick!
“Ah haha, so I guess you’re taking this bus too?” I started.
  ‘Wow Yoona, your conversational skills are so good,’ I mentally scolded myself.
“Yea, in fact I am,” she replied while nodding her head. I followed suit.
“Food Science was tough huh? How much did you get?” I tried to keep the conversation going.
“Yea, it’s confusing at times. I got 42/50. You?” she answered with a pout. Ah I just want to pinch her cheeks but I can’t because that spells awkward.
“Oh, it seems that we have the same score! How about that? Anyways, which part are you not sure about?” I asked, curious. Also, this was my chance to score points with Seohyun.
“Ah, you see, there is this part, I don’t get why viscosity is found this way,” she pouted again. Ah, cuteness overload! Taking it from there, I elaborated on what the teacher said in class and explained it to her. I even answered the rest of her doubts.
“I get it now! You’re so smart Yoona-unnie!” she gave me a hug. Oh my god, my hands, can I put them on her back? Well I’ll go for it. I returned the hug and felt the warm sensation from Seohyun. Only about a minute later did we let go.
“Ah, s-sorry Yoona-unnie, it’s just I haven’t come across someone as patient as you. My classmates are all with short fuses, so it’s hard to ask them questions.”
“Oh, it’s no matter, look me up anytime for help!” I reassured her. Seeing her carry her labcoat in a carrier, I had an idea.
“Here, let me help you with that,” I grabbed the bag and held it for her. In return, I got her smile.
“Thanks unnie! I appreciate that. Come on, the bus is here.”
I let her board the bus first before getting on. We chose seats near each other so that we could continue talking.
“So do you live nearby?” I questioned her. She turned around and looked at me.
“Oh no, I don’t. I take the bus here before transferring to the subway,” she replied and continued explaining why she had to do that. Just over 10 minutes into the ride, Seohyun began yawning.
“Tired?” I looked at her, “You can have my shoulder if you want.”
She did what I didn’t expect. Seohyun snuggled up close to me and placed her head on my shoulder. Wow, talk about being close to my crush. I must say, I actually conversed well with her, better than I expected. I thought I would be stuttering but no, I was smooth in my chatting.
Looking at Seohyun sleep, I smiled and her hair. She’s so beautiful!
Soon enough, we reached the bus stop just outside the subway. I shook her gently and urged her to wake up.
“Oh, we’re here?” Seohyun mumbled and got up.
“Yes Seohyun, we’re here,” I grabbed her bags and helped her out of the bus.
“Thanks Yoona-unnie, you’ve been a great help,” she thanked me and retrieved her things from my hands, “see you around!”
She turned her back and started to leave. I decided that it was now, or never.
“Umm, Seohyun! Can you wait a moment? I have something to tell you.” She turned around, amused and curious at the same time.
“What is it, unnie?”
“Ah, what I want to tell you is that…umm…I…what I mean is that…”
“Haha unnie! Can you get to the point?” Seohyun was giggling like the girl she was. I took in some of the biggest breaths in my life and calmed down.
This is it!
“Ok, this may sound awkward and all, but…I…like you!”
“Huh? What?” Seohyun’s eyes went wide.
“Yea, you heard me! I like you!” I exclaimed, loud enough for her to hear. Then, for the second time that day, she surprised me.
“You know what, unnie? I like you too. You’re caring, helpful, strong and with many other great traits. Most importantly, you make me feel safe unnie,” Seohyun answered sincerely.
Did I just hear that? Seohyun likes me too? I must be dreaming.
“Oh wow, I didn’t expect that to go so easily. Our feelings were mutual, it seems,” I grinned like an idiot and replied Seohyun.
“But you know, I actually liked you since our first year? I just didn’t say it because I was afraid of rejection from a past experience. It really hurt me, I felt my whole world collapse,” I revealed sadly.
“Oh Yoona-unnie…don’t worry. I won’t be like the previous person, it’s their loss. I’ll treasure you with all my heart.”
“Thanks Seobaby, hope you don’t mind me calling you that? Hehe” I chuckled nervously.
“Of course not, it’s cute. But I-I think I’ll have to get used to it,” Seohyun blushed, her cheeks beet red.
“Oh you’re so adorable!” I pinched her cheeks,” so can we do this again tomorrow?”
Seohyun leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before whispering, “It’s a date.” She then got ready to leave.
“Come here you!” I held her arm and pulled her back for a kiss on the lips, hard. She went wide-eyed for a moment but gave in. We had this passionate kiss under the shining sun, outside the subway. Not the most romantic of places, I know. But we loved it, and that’s all that matters.
A/N: This was my most recent shot, so I'm actually a little rusty. Pardon me for any mistakes. I do hope you'll enjoy and comment on this :) Just so you know, Yoona is playing my character, but I'm a guy :p and Seohyun is well, a girl. Also, all incidents happened till the bus stop. The ride home was just my imagination haha.
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Chapter 1: Hehe, this is cute :)
YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 1: Cute *-* (& awkward) XD
Chapter 1: Now this one, IS SOOOOO EFFING CUTE!!!!! This is so amazingly adorable! I like the way you built everything up to the last moment, it's soooo nice!
Chapter 1: Goodness it's you jinyuan!!! Remember me, FZ_DracoHart from SSF?

Boy~ this is really cute...:3
Shoooo cute~♥♥♥
I'm always up for some YoonHyun! And this one is so cute *-* Great Job author :3