
Cold Hearts Melt Over Time

"Aw, look she is already crying." One girl said with a smirk and the other girl slashed the knife across my other thigh. I was in immense pain as I let out another scream. Please come quick, who knows what they are going to do to me next. 

"I don't know what Exo sees in you, your so pathetic." A girl told me while bringing the knife up to my cheek. I wanted to scream and shout but that would only make things worse. I have to let this happen, there is no other way out. I just have to hold on until they are finished with me. Taking a small breath I could feel the knife enter my skin on my cheek, causing me to whimper quietly. She pulled the knife away from my face and took a step back. 

"This won't do." She shook her head and walked over to the table. Placing the knife down on the table she grabbed a smaller yet sharper knife with a smirk on her face. 

"Ah, this is the one I want." The girl turned around giving me an evil stare, she walked over to me with the small knife in her hand. As the girl walked she grabbed the top of the chair I was in and threw it down making me fall over with it. The strap around my neck tightened as I fell with the chair and I started to panick. I was still strapped to the chair and now I'm vulnerable on the floor. She stepped towards me and I could only see her shoes, I have no clue what she is going to do.

"This is for Exo oppas sake." The girl smirked and sat down next to me. She lifted my skirt and place the knife on my thigh. She then stabbed the small knife in my thigh and started to drag it down my thigh leaving a long open cut on my thigh. I screamed loudly as I felt the blade trail down my leg. 

"Maybe if you didn't talk to our oppas, this wouldn't have happened." She whispered into my ear and got up from the ground taking the knife out of my leg. 

"I'll let you guys handle her for a bit." She told the other girls and they approached me. I looked at all of them with wide eyes as one raised their leg and started to kick my stomach multiple times before the other girls picked up the chair. The girls grabbed some blades and started to cut parts of my arms with the blades while laughing at me. I screamed and cried in pain. All my cuts were stinging in pain and I couldn't take it but I had to. 

"I think this is enough for now." The girl said while waving her hands in the air telling them to stop. All the girls stopped cutting me but each gave me a punch to the face before walking towards the girl. I sighed in relief quietly. Finally they stopped, I sure hope whoever I called is on their way fast. Who knows if they will let me go. 


Hyojin POV~ 

"Where would they take her though?" I asked Kris. I'm sure he wouldn't know either but might as well ask. Kris tapped his chin while pacing back and forth. 

"We need all of Exo and fast." He responded. I nodded my head, having more than 2 brains would make this easier. Kris took out his phone and dialed all their numbers for a group call. 

"Yeobsaeyo?" They all answered at the same time. 

"Guys, we need you outside at the front of the school right now. Don't ask questions just come." Kris ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. 

"Do you think they wi-" Before I could finish my sentence the rest of Exo came rushing out of the door. 

"WE ARE HERE! What's the emergency?" Baekhyun asked while the others ran towards us. I let out a deep sigh.

"Fangirls...took Sooyun." I told them with a shaky voice. Baekhyun looked over at Kris then at me. He walked over towards me pulling me into a hug. I immediately hugged him back tightly. This, this is what I needed at the moment. I pulled away from the hug and looked at the rest of Exo.

"We have to find her, got any ideas of where they would take her?" I asked them with eyes filled with anger. I want to know that Sooyun is okay.

"Well, they must have went somewhere that we wouldn't think to look." Chen said and we nodded our heads. 

"Unless, they wanted to trick us into thinking that it would be somewhere we wouldn't think of looking but actually be in a obvious spot." Xiumin added. My eyes widened when he said that. The fangirls doing that would make sense. 

"What's an obvious place then?" I asked Xiumin while the others started to think about it as well. 

"A basement?" Chanyeol said. I shook my head.

"I don't think they would bring her into one of their basements." I explained to them. It has to be something that's really obvious.

"An old warehouse?" Suho spoke. My eyes widened. A warehouse! That makes so much sense!

"Yeah! That must be it!" I nodded my head. It has to be that.

"Is there a warehouse near by at all?" I asked them. 

"I think so, there's one close by! Follow me!" Lay said while rushing towards the warehouse. We all followed behind him and looked around for it. We eventually reached the warehouse and carefully walked towards the door. 

"Be quiet." Kris whispered to us and we listened, we made sure we were quiet. Kris opened the door slightly to see Sooyun in a chair beat up. His eyes filled with rage but he kept himself in check. I wanted to go over to the door and see Sooyun for myself but I decided it's best that I don't right now. Kris barged in the warehouse making the door nearly break off. I gasped quietly, I was not prepared for that. I quickly walked in after Kris went in and saw Sooyun. Anger filled my whole body and rushed over to the girls. I grabbed one of their collars and gave them an intense glare.

"You did this to her." I said in a firm tone and looked her straight in the eye. She started to panick and nodded her head slowly. I looked over at Sooyun and then at Kris who was ready to knock some girls out. I let down the girl and let out a sigh while Kris rushed over to Sooyun. 

"Are you okay?" Kris asked Sooyun and started to unstrap her from the chair. I'm glad we found her before they could have done worse that what has happened to her but now there is going to be some kicking.

Author's Note:

Heyo, I'm really sorry again for the late late update. I have been so busy o.o being sick. I still am but I thought it was time for me to get my in gear and get a chapter out to you guys. And so I did ^-^ Yay~ I hope you guys like this chapter! Here's your treat:

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Please comment and subscribe. I love hearing your thoughts on the fanfic. Check out my other fanfic 'I'm A Slave Now?'. Bye for now~

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AKerza #1
Chapter 23: please update soon please thank u
PrancisSaranghaeEXO #2
Chapter 23: Updateeee updateeeeeeeeeeee PLEASEEEEEEEEE
aishahgemok #3
Chapter 23: Whooo is itt!!!!
tina2004kim #4
Chapter 23: What did Sooyun see??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 23: Unnie! Your fanfic is good so far, just cut down the blood spill though. Please update!!! ^_~
Kt9798 #6
Chapter 22: Unnie,pls update:)
ExoLkpop #7
Chapter 22: Can you update please? I'm bored and I wanna continue reading on, I wanna know who's the fiancé
tina2004kim #8
Chapter 22: I first found this story about 6~8 months ago, but I didn't have any time to read it. Thank you for updating! I was so mad when there was a updated sign on your story, but when I found out that in big, clear letters, it said NOT AN UPDATE, my life just crashed down form there. Again, thank you so much!
dodokchae #9
Chapter 21: New reader here! Love this sooo muchh! Update soooon!!!! I can't wait!
ER MERGERD <3 <3 <#