The Truth

A Mother's Love

It was a nice warm sunny day. Skye was walking home from vocal lessons. As she walked by, she spotted a mother and daughter playing at the park. It brought a smile to her face and couldn’t help but look at them even more. She finally snapped out her daze when they started to leave. Skye continued to walk home with a smile on her face. 

Skye finally reached home, unlocking the door and taking off her shoes. “Dad, I’m home! Did you eat yet?” she asked but no response. As she makes her way to her room, she stops by her father’s office. She lightly knocks the door afraid that it might interrupt his muse if she knocked too hard. No response and took that as a green light to go inside. When she opened the door, her father is on his desk fast asleep. A smile formed and she shook her head making her way to her father. Skye lightly shook him and calling out his name. “Dad, dad, appa, daddy, oh my freaking goodness. BANG YONGGUK WAKE UP!” Her dad instantly shot up from his slumber and gave his daughter a stern look “Yah, Skye who told you to call your dad by his first name!” he said looking at her. 

"I had to because you wouldn’t wake up." rolling her eyes in the process as her father realized what time it was. He laughed it off with a sorry expression. Bang Yongguk was about to ask his daughter if she wanted to eat but caught a glimpse of curiosity in his daughters’ eyes. "Is there something you want to ask me?" he asked with some concern. Skye was a little hesitant but decided to ask anyways

"Dad, what happened to mom?" she always wanted to ask her dad this question but brushed off. It never came across to her until middle school when her classmates were talking about their family tree. She only knew about her father’s side but never her mom. She brushed it off knowing she wasn’t ready to hear it. 

Yongguk let out a sigh knowing this day would come. He never thought it would be so soon. He told her to take a seat on the couch while he goes makes them some tea. As he was making the tea, he thought of how he should approach this topic. Should he go easy and sugar coat the story or tell her flat and honest truth? Will her heart be ready to take in such information? He finally came to a conclusion to just tell her the honest and bitter truth about her mother. 

As he set down the tea and sat down, he cleared his throat.

"Skye, what I about to tell you is very hard. I knew this day would come but I never thought it would be so soon. I thought at least when you were in University, I would tell you about your mother. But, I can see you’re mature enough." Skye nodded her head for her father to go on.

Yongguk took a long breath 

"Your mother died when she was giving birth to you. She was losing both her blood and you. The doctor told us that you weren’t breathing at all when you came out. They were trying to revive you and stop the bleeding from your mother. I was panicking and was told to leave the room so they can perform and operation on your mother. I was so scared that I was going to lose the both of you. I prayed to God to save the both of you or one of you. I didn’t want him to take away the two most important people in my life. When the doctor came out, he told us that you were finally breathing but your mom died. Your mom told the doctors to focus on you and not her. It’s okay if she dies but not you. She wanted you to live. Now, I don’t want you think of it as your fault that mom is dead because that’s not true." Yongguk said after looking at his daughter who was in tears. He gave her hug, patting her head, kissing her head, and repeating "it’s not your fault"

He continued “Your mother was a loving woman and I don’t think she wants to see her own daughter cry.” Skye continued to cry in her father’s arms until she fell asleep. He carried to her room and tucked her in bed. He brushed some of her hair that sticking to her face and gave a kiss to her forehead.

"My beautiful babygirl, don’t worry anymore. You know the truth about your mother now.It’s not your fault.  I never blamed you. No one in the family blames you." He smiled and gave her one last kiss on the forehead. "You look so much like your mother. Beautiful and charming." he closed the door behind him and made his way to his room.


Yongguk finished washing up before sitting up on his bed reading a book. He looked up from his book, mind running if it was okay to tell Skye about her mother or not. He closed his book and set aside to the table next to him. Before he could turn off his lamp a voice called out 


"Jagiya" Yongguk turned his head towards the door but no one was there. He thought it was just his imagination when he turned to his side. 


"Ahh!" he yelled while holding onto his left chest. It was his wife next to him, smiling.


"Hi, so you told our daughter what happened?" she said while still giving him a smile he fell in love with. Yongguk couldn't help but smile back at her and wanting to touch her. He couldn't because he knew, his hand would just right past her. He smiled back but with some pain in his eyes. "Yeah, I told her about you. She got curious. It pained me to tell her what happened to you babe. I really miss you" he said with tear threatening to fall. 


She gave her husband a warm smile "I'm always watching you two. Making sure my family is strong and healthy. Oh speaking of healthy, STOP SLEEPING ON THE TABLE! PABO! I didn't die so I can see my husband sleep on the table because of work! You have a bed you know! Aish, even in the after life you still make me go crazy. But that's why I love you." She started to fade away and looked at her husband one more time "Well it's time for me to go. I'll be keeping my eyes on the both of you. I love you Bang, remeber that." she said before planting a kiss on his cheek. Yongguk couldn't help but smile and let the tears fall. "I remember. I love you too." As Yongguk watch his wife disappear, he let out a sigh and tunred off his light to sleep. "Goodnight dear."

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Chapter 1: that was so touching, and beautiful.
DaeJaeGyu #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god .. thats so beautiful ..