

I walked through the streets just to clear up my mind from all the stress I’m receiving from my school. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. It would be a lot better if my life would fast forward where in I am already working. I’m so tired from all of these school s. I thought.

The cars stopped and the green light signaling the pedestrians to cross lit up. I walked fast with my long legs while holding my SLR against my chest. Yes, photography. My stress reliever

I put my camera in front of eyes and took a shot of Koi fish in the pond. I looked at it and smiled, satisfied with my shot. I looked up and let the sun rays touch my face. I continued walking trough the park, I also took some pictured of kids playing around, some fallen leaves, even old couples. I stopped on the front of a white fountain; again, I put my SLR in front of my eyes to take a shot. I looked at it again, and something caught my eye. I zoomed in the photo and saw a girl, having her head down with her white earphones on. I looked behind the fountain slowly and saw the girl. Mesmerized by her beauty, I took a photo of her. I walked a little closer by her and realized the she was sleeping. I chuckled at her recklessness, Yah!! What if someone took your bag? I nagged at her in my thought. I always took a photo of her secretly just because she always looked so calm and don’t make me mention her beauty. Of course little by little I’m starting to have some tiny feelings about her.

I stared at her for I don’t know how many minutes when my phone suddenly rung. I was shocked at panicked, I answered it immediately. Suddenly I saw the girl woke up and our gazes met, my eyes grew and I turned around to avoid her while I continue talking to Taemin.

“Taemin!!” I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose as I sat on the bench away from the girl. “You disturbed my “Me-Time” just to ask me where the heck is your beanie?!” Taemin continued to whine on the other line. “Try asking Kibum Hyung. He’s the Umma, he’ll know where you put it for sure.” I sighed at hung up without waiting for his reply. I took a deep breath and decided to introduce myself to that girl.

I checked her spot again and she’s gone Great work Taemeanie

Knowing that I will not see her again on her spot, I decided to take a break on small café; I ordered an Iced Americano and a cheesecake. I sat on the corner of a café, near the window so I can take some photos of random events that is happening outside while having a break. Of course I didn’t forget to take a photo of my food.

I was about to take a sip when my peripheral vision caught something interesting. I looked on my left side and I saw the same girl, and it looks like we were having the same order. I watched her more, and then I saw her pull out her SLR, and took a photo of her food. Just like what I did I thought. Call me childish but after founding out that we have some things in common made me happy. I chuckle and started munching my food.

I felt something weird beside me so I took a look on my left and surprised when I saw that the girl’s lens was pointing at me. I heard her gasp in shock and put her camera down immediately. She stood up and left the café.  Okay that’s weird too bad, I was planning to have a small talk to her but she left already. I looked at her table She didn’t even touched her order


(Next Day)

I was running around the park with my SLR bag hanging on my right shoulder.

“I’m already late!!” I mumbled to myself. Then suddenly


I landed on my and I saw two (2) same SLR bags on the floor. I didn’t have time to looked to the person and apologize since I’m already late. I took one of the bags and hoping that it was mine and continued running

I’m sorry random person but I’m already late

When I reached my school’s gate it was already closed. Great!!

Instead of standing in front of it doing nothing, I just went to the park and do my usual stuff there. While I’m on the park, I sat on a bench to prepare my camera. When I opened it to review some of my past pictures, I was shocked when I realized that this wasn’t mine. I continued looking through this random strangers’ shot and so far so good. I nodded my head in agreement to my thought. My eyes grew bigger when suddenly I saw a photo of me taking a photo of someone. Nah, maybe this is just me photo bombing the cute balloons behind me I thought. I looked at the next photo and it was still me, this time it was me giving an ice cream to Yooguen. I frowned due to curiosity; I set the viewer of the camera into grid form and Bam! More picture of ME!!

I was about to view more pictures when suddenly grabbed the camera from me, I stood up ready to chase the culprit when I saw the same girl my muse in front of me holding two SLRs she gave me the one on her right hand.

“Were you the one that I got bumped a while ago?” I asked slowly as I accepted my camera

“Y-Yes. I’m sorry” She gave me a 90-degree bow. Shocked by her action, I also gave her a 90-degree bow while apologizing. I gave her a small smile and looked at my camera. I can feel my face burning when I saw that the screen was on and the picture of her sleeping was in view. .

“Y-you saw your pictures?” I asked while giving her my awkward smile.

She blushed and bowed her head. I saw her shut her eyes really tight like she was nagging at herself or something.

“Yes. I’m sorry.” She said with a guilty tone. “I thought it was mine then when I op-“

“I saw my pictures on your camera too.” I saw with a calm tone.

“I know. And I’m sorry about that too. Y-“

“My name is Minho. Choi Minho” I said the let out my hand. She looked at me with confused eyes, then to my hand that was still extended waiting for her to accept it.

“I’m Kim Hye Jung.” She said shyly and shook my hand.

Hye Jung means grace and purity. A perfect name for a perfect girl I thought

I can tell that she was still shy, and as a man I shall do something about it.

I put my hands inside my pocket and took a deep breath this is it Minho. Time to do your first move.

“You know what. We owe each other some explanations about the pictures we saw.” I said with a slight smirk on my face.

Again, she looked at me with confused eyes.

“I have time.” I winked at her then I grabbed her wrist and we both went to the nearest café to discuss some stuff 


Finally… Who would have thought that this kind of situation is going to be a way for me to have a little chat with her <3 <3 <3



A/N: So how was it?


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Chapter 1: minho being this cute aint his style tho but i love how they have the mutual feelings ♥♥♥
Chapter 1: this is really cuteee despite its short length<33