Our Coffee Shop

Baekhyun let out a sigh as he traced the tip of his coffee cup. 

It had been three days since he got mad at Chanyeol and it had been the worst three days of his life. Never, has he been this upset in his whole life. He was always taught to smile, be happy, and count your blessings. Be nice to those who are nice to you, and not to those who aren't. 

But Chanyeol wasn't the kindest person in the world, so why was Baekhyun so nice to him? 

He sighed again, sinking into his seat. "Are you alright Baekhyun? You don't seem too happy today. That's not like you." The young waitress, Harumi, asked as she sat down next to him. She was originally from Japan, but came here to study a different culture. Her and Baekhyun had been friends ever since. 

"Yeah...it's just...I don't think you remember, but there was a guy here a couple of days ago named Chanyeol -Park Chanyeol to be exact- and I got to know him..a little. The point is, I made him really upset, and I want to apologize. Have you seen him?" Baekhyun asked. "Of course, he's come here everyday for the last few days. He's right over there." His friend responded, pointing to the booth where Chanyeol sat. Baekhyun smiled. "Thank you!" He smiled and quickly walked over to Chanyeol's booth.

"Why hello there." Baekhyun said with a smile as he sat down across from Chanyeol. Chanyeol quickly looked up from the book he was reading. "Oh, it's you," Chanyeol said with a hint of surprise, "I didn't think I would see you again after the amusement park thing." Baekhyun slightly winced. "About that...I'm sorry. I had no right to talk about your girlfriend like that." He said. Chanyeol shrugged. "It's fine. I overreacted anyway."

Baekhyun smiled. "So...how do you feel about a day with yours truly?" He asked. Chanyeol scoffed with a small smile. "Sounds...fun."

- - - -

Baekhyun let out a laugh as him and Chanyeol walked down the street, both eating their frozen yogurt.

"You did not actually do that, did you?" Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol laughed. "I actually did. She pretended to punch me so I, accidentally, punched her back." Baekhyun laughed even more. "You're crazy, you know that?" He said. Chanyeol smiled. Suddenly, Baekhyun's phone rang. He checked the caller ID. 

"Oh, it's Harumi." Baekhyun said, "Hello?" Chanyeol could hear the girl crying through the phone. He looked at Baekhyun with concern. "Harumi, slow down! I can't- I can't understand you! Take a deep breath okay? Okay. Now tell me." Baekhyun reasoned with her. Suddenly, his face went flat. "Wh-Where? Which one? Okay I'll be right there." He quickly hung up the phone. "Woah, wait, what's going on?" Chanyeol asked. "It's Mrs. Shin. She had a heart attack and she's in the hospital. I have to go." Baekhyun said. 

"Let me come with." Chanyeol said grabbing his hand. Baekhyun hesitated, but nodded. "Okay, let's go." He said as they ran to the bus stop.

- - - -

Cliff hanger!! 0.0 lol

I'm so sorry for not updating, please forgive me! ;-; I hope you enjoyed this chapter though c:

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pcyxbbh #1
Chapter 5: Keep writing, writer-nim and update soon.. *^▁^*