What If This Happened?

What If This Happened?

It was a quiet Wednesday afternoon at the university library. Taeyeon was sitting alone at a study table with various notes and worksheets scattered haphazardly around her. However, she paid no attention to the mess she had created; she was too busy staring at something in the distance, trying to appear inconspicuous by hiding her nose behind her textbook


Unbeknownst to her, a tall girl with long black hair was sneaking quietly towards her. The unknown girl leaned in towards her friend’s ear and grabbed her shoulders before hissing in her ear, “What are you doing Taeng?”


Taeyeon shrieked from shock and instantly jumped to her feet, almost falling to her knees. She could feel the curious gazes from the students around her.


“What the hell Yuri?” Taeyeon whispered angrily.


Taeyeon picked up her fallen textbook and sat back in her seat while Yuri sat right next to her, grinning like a little kid.


“You would think you’d be able to sense me by now,” Yuri grinned like a naughty child. Taeyeon massaged her temples slowly. Her friend would always be pulling off such immature pranks to scare her and it always gave her a migraine.


“You saw me with my book right? I was studying.” Taeyeon showed Yuri her textbook, but Yuri shook her head disagreement.


“Taeyeon don’t lie to me. Normal people don’t read books with their entire face touching the paper.”


Taeyeon felt embarrassed since she didn’t really think through her excuse. Yuri leaned forward a bit to get into Taeyeon’s eye level and stared in the direction she was looking. She saw a cute girl wearing a pink blouse and was typing happily on her pink laptop.


“Oh, so that’s what you were staring at,” Yuri poked Taeyeon’s ribs with her elbow.


“Oh shut up Yul. I thought she looked like she was in one of my lectures,” Taeyeon tried to explain herself.


“So you proceeded to stare at that girl for twenty minutes straight? Wow Taeng, stalker much?”


“I’m not stalking her. I just think she’s pretty, that’s all,” Taeyeon blushed as she finally admitted it.


“Aww, is my wittle TaeTae discovering girls for the first time?” Yuri cooed while pinching Taeyeon’s cheek.


“Quit it you idiot,” Taeyeon shoved Yuri’s hand away. “You know I’m a girl to you know, so I can’t just have discovered girls.”


Yuri sighed while smiling. “Oh Tae. You just said she’s pretty right? Why not pick up your big girl pants and go say hi? Get to know her?”


“Eh?!” Taeyeon said out of instinct and again noticed people staring at her and bowed her head in apology. “What are you talking about Yuri? I can’t just go up to some pretty girl like that!  It would turn out so bad,” Taeyeon whispered under her breath.


“How the heck would saying hi to someone be so bad?


Taeyeon scooted her seat next to her best friend and slung her arm around Yuri’s shoulder.


“Okay. Picture this. What if this was to happen.”




Taeyeon was walking very uncoordinated towards the cute girl on her pink laptop. She could barely breathe as she got closer. By the time she was close enough, the cute girl looked up from her laptop and arched her eyebrow.


“Can I help you?”


The room was starting to spin in circles and Taeyeon thought it felt really hot in the library.


“Umm, hi. Mynameistaeyeonandithoughtyouwerereallycuteandiwaswonderingifyouwouldntmindificansitdown,” Taeyeon spat out in nearly five seconds.


The pretty girl’s mouth opened up a bit in confusion as she tried to make out what the weird girl just said.


“I…I mean… can I take a seat?”


The said girl motioned to the seat towards her and Taeyeon was more than obliged as she pulled it out and almost fell out from sheer nervousness.


“So… what do you want?” the cute girl closed her notebook in case she was ready to walk away.


“Well um…” Taeyeon’s mind was completely blank and couldn’t think of anything to start the conversation. In order to keep it interesting, Taeyeon blurted the first thing that came to her mind.


“You have a big booty and I like your ies!”




The girl in pink delivered a swift smack across Taeyeon’s face. Taeyeon was holding her stinging right cheek in pain.


“Get away from me you weirdo!”


The girl got up and picked up a glass of water before throwing the water in Taeyeon’s face, drenching her entire face and shirt. The girl smacked the glass down and ran away with her laptop in hand. Taeyeon stood there with her arms stretched as if she was trying to say sorry.




“Really Taeyeon? You're going to be a big ert and she's gonna slap you?” Yuri said dully as she looked at her friend.


“You never know Yuri. You’re not a psychic.”


“Taeyeon, when was the last time you told somebody they had a big ?”


Taeyeon put her index finger to her temple as she thought. “Besides you?”


“Yah! I don’t have a !” Yuri was hitting her friend’s arm while said friend was chuckling.


“Haha, I was just kidding Yul.” Taeyeon’s laugh subsided.


“No but I’m serious Taeng. What are the odds you’ll embarrass yourself like that?”


“You don’t understand Yuri. I’m not good when it comes to pretty girls. Whenever I try talking to them, I start babbling like an idiot,” Taeyeon looked to the ground as she spoke.


“Yah, wait a minute. If you can’t talk to pretty girls, then why are you talking to me so casually? Am I not a pretty girl?” Yuri playfully grabbed Taeyeon’s collar.


“Haha, it’s not like that Yuri. I don’t see you like that.”


Yuri released her friend’s collar when another thought came to her mind.


“So why would she throw a glass of water at you?” Yuri looked to the side and saw that the girl in pink only had her laptop and her book bag. “Were you watching too many dramas?”


“Okay, so maybe the water thing was too dramatic, but Yuri you never know will happen if I were to go up to her.”


“Taeyeon you’re being ridiculous. I’m not telling you to propose to her, I’m just asking you to say hi.”


“Yuri, you’re clearly not thinking straight.” Taeyeon leaned forward as she explained. “Now imagine this. What if this happened?”




Taeyeon walked up to the girl in pink very seductively with her chest out and her best attempt at stretching out her short skinny legs.


“Can I help you?”


Taeyeon put her hands on her hips and curled up like a creeper.


“Tell me little lady, are you tired? Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.”


The girl in pink stood up from her seat and looked down to see the top of Taeyeon’s head.


“I think you’re the little lady around here.”


She went back to sitting down. Taeyeon pulled out a chair and crossed her legs in a y manner before speaking again.


“Well how about this? You look cold there cutie. Want to use me as a blanket?” Taeyeon bounced her eyebrows like a total player.


The girl in pink rolled her eyes in utter annoyance.


“And now I don’t like you. Help!”


Suddenly a guy who looked to be taller than Taeyeon with light brown hair appeared from out of nowhere and came to the girl’s aid.


“I’m here babycakes. What’s wrong?”


The pink girl pointed at a now nervous Taeyeon who was sweating bullets as she stared at the guy’s murderous glare.


“This stupid girl has been hitting on me. Please kick her .”


Without responding, the muscular guy pulled Taeyeon up from her collar and delivered a swift punch to Taeyeon’s stomach.


“Ack!” Taeyeon’s stomach clenched but she could feel her internal organs shattering.


Not wanting to stop, the angry boyfriend kneed Taeyeon’s face and knocked her to the ground. He mounted on top of her chest and started slapping Taeyeon’s face until it was bright red.


“I would never like a girl like you, freak.” The girl in pink said. She held a glass of water and splashed it into Taeyeon’s face. The boyfriend and his girlfriend laughed maniacally while Taeyeon was crying in humiliation.




“Taeyeon…” Yuri was at a loss for words. She was really trying her best to find logic in her friend’s words.


“I know,” Taeyeon mumbled, “it’s sad but true. The chances of that happening are really strong.”


“Did you eat a bowl of stupid this morning? That’s the most idiotic scenario I’ve ever heard! Why would she ask her boyfriend to beat you up? Normal people don’t do that Taeyeon. Plus if you think she has a boyfriend, why do you think she’ll like girls?”


Taeyeon shrugged. “I don’t know. She might be bi?”


Yuri pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, so what about the water thing? Do you really think she’ll throw a glass of water she doesn’t have?”


Taeyeon looked at the pretty girl and looked back at Yuri.


“You never know Yul. Water throwing is really common in dramas.”


“But this isn’t a drama Taeyeon!” Yuri whispered angrily.  “Look, you’re thinking is really over the top and honestly pessimistic.”


Taeyeon turned her head to see the girl continuing to smile at something on her laptop.


“I just don’t see good things happening if I were to go up to a girl like that Yul. A lot of bad things could happen and I don’t think I’d be able to handle it,” Taeyeon muttered as she stared at her open textbook.


“Okay how about this? Instead of being all negative, how about you tell me what the best possible thing that could happen?”


It only took a few seconds of thinking for a dorky grin to spread on her face.


“Taeyeon? What are you thinking about?” Yuri hesitantly asked.


Taeyeon almost forgot she was in the library as she shook her head to clear her mind.


“I bet you were thinking of something erted again,” Yuri said flatly.


“N…nuh…no I wasn’t! I’m not like you!” Taeyeon stuttered for a bit. Yuri could read her like a book and Taeyeon knew it.


“Okay, instead of your erted fantasy how about this? What if this were to happen?”




Taeyeon walked casually towards the girl in pink. She kept a cool head and a light heart as she approached her.


“Hello there.”


The pink girl looked up and smiled. “Hello.”


“I’m sorry to interrupt you but you were looking very stunning from afar I just had to come here to see if my eyes weren’t playing a trick on me.”


The girl on her laptop was beginning to turn a light shade of pink. She was beginning to feel a little warm and tried to fan herself with her hands.


“Oh no, I’m not stunning.”


Taeyeon pulled up a seat and sat right next to the blushing girl.


“I hope you don’t mind if I sit down and stare at a pretty girl,” Taeyeon said suavely.


The girl was now becoming more embarrassed as her skin was starting to redden.


“My name is Kim Taeyeon. Might I ask for your name?” Taeyeon motioned her palm up, looking very masculine and y.


“Haha, oh my. I’m Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang.”


Tiffany couldn’t believe such a cute girl was having such an effect on her. She picked up the bubble tea that was next to her laptop and was about to take a sip until Taeyeon reached out and stopped her from drinking.


“Please don’t drink that,” Taeyeon said with urgency.


A question mark appeared above Tiffany’s head. “Why?”


Taeyeon touched Tiffany's chin and looked deep into her eyes. “Because you’re sweet enough already.”


Taeyeon took the bubble tea from her. She slowly the straw ally before taking a small sip and chewing on the boba pearl. Tiffany’s heart was fluttering at this random girl. She could feel her palms getting sweaty and her breathing getting heavy. She saw Taeyeon grab the random glass of water on the table slowly poured the water on top of her body; her bra becoming visible through her white shirt.


“You know Miss Tiffany, you have a nice set of legs,” Taeyeon dragged her wet finger on Tiffany’s jeans. Tiffany quivered with anticipation as she has never had anybody touch her like that before.


“T…thu…thank you?” Tiffany tried to say.


Taeyeon leaned in towards Tiffany’s ear and whispered ever so gently,


“What time do they open?”




“Okay that’s it!” Taeyeon waved her arms in order to get Yuri to stop talking.


“Aww, but why? I was getting to the best part where you take her to a nice hotel and-”


“And you call me the ert? Jesus Yuri. It sounded like you were describing a romantic o!” Taeyeon flailed her hands in the air.


“Well isn’t that similar to what you were thinking?” Yuri chuckled.


“No! I was just thinking about normal things like her hair,” Taeyeon tried to defend herself.


“Well it doesn’t really matter now. So why don’t you go talk to her Taeng? Maybe you two might click,” Yuri tried to offer.


Taeyeon slumped her shoulders again and looked down. “I don’t know Yuri. While what you said was nice, I just don’t see good things happening if I were to go up to such a pretty girl.”


Yuri slammed her fist on the table, causing Taeyeon to flinch.


“Taeyeon,” Yuri said gently, “with everything you just described, has anything like that ever happen?”


“Well no but if she was to-”


“But nothing Taeyeon!” Yuri’s voice was very stern. “You keep on making excuses about what if this or what if that, but you’re forgetting one important thing. None of that ever happened because you haven’t done anything except for stressing about nothing.”


Taeyeon sat there, thinking about a response. “But what if-”


“But what Taeng? What if she’s actually a nice person who finds you attractive and maybe wants to get a cup of coffee with you? It’s true that there are an infinite amount of possibilities Taeng, but none of those possibilities will ever happen if you just sit here and do nothing.”


Yuri got up from her seat and grabbed her bag. “For your information Taeyeon, Tiffany doesn’t have a boyfriend and she’s actually a very nice girl.”


Taeyeon arched her eyebrow. “How do you know her name is Tiffany and all that other stuff?”


Yuri chuckled as she slung her book bag. “That’s because I’ve known her since high school,” Yuri stuck out her tongue before waving goodbye.


Taeyeon slumped down in her seat. She let Yuri’s words absorb into her head. She found it funny that Yuri knew who the girl in pink was the whole time and it would’ve been easy if Yuri just introduced her. But what Yuri said did make sense. She could just sit there and dream about what could happen or she could just let all of her fears go and just try to talk to her. Whether it be getting her kicked to touching her leg, Taeyeon knew she’ll never find out if she didn’t do anything now.


Taeyeon gathered up all of her study materials and shoved them into her backpack. She took a slow deep breath and pushed herself out of her chair and carefully walked towards Tiffany. She made sure her feet were evenly planted every step so that she had no chance of falling.


She approached the girl in pink and cleared before speaking.


“Hi there. My name is Kim Taeyeon. I saw you from across the library and I wanted to say hi,” Taeyeon said shyly as she scratched the back of her head.


The girl closed her laptop and smiled so brightly that her eyes disappeared into crescents.


“Hi. My name is Tiffany Hwang. Pleased to meetcha.”


Tiffany stretched out her hand in a friendly greeting. Taeyeon quickly used both of her hands to gently shake Tiffany's hand.


"The pleasure is all mine."


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Chapter 1: LOL what time do they open omg whut? Hahaha
taejellybean #2
Chapter 1: can't stop laughing! made my day :)
Chapter 1: ok i know im late but i've got to comment on taeyeon's "because ur sweet enough already"
loverliverlaugher #4
Chapter 1: This is one of the funniest fics of all time! I can't with you, you're too good!
Chapter 1: Make this a multi shot!!!! :D i seriously snorted at that "what time do they open" line BWAHAHAHAHAHA! WTH
tipco09 #6
Chapter 1: I like this one shot. It's funny and sweet at the same time.
Chapter 1: LOL this story was awesome and funny. Such a great oneshot, author! Hope you can another one shot like this ^_^
Chapter 1: This story is awesome sauce.lol,the two funny dorks and their silly scenarios.hahah especially yuri!Bahahhaha.
Chapter 1: LOL wth yuri?? It feels like I watched the beggining of teenage
Oh, btw where all those glass of water come from? haha.