❀ Chapter I.

One Heart.

"I’m sure this sum of money is a hefty one."

❁ New Mystery? ❁

“Another one already? I’ve just surpassed my fatigue from the previous case,” Jieun grabbed the document from the hands of her secretary and opened it up, her eyes scanning through the content as though she was a machine. Slowly, something tugged at her lips and it formed into a mischievous smile. “Ah, but I’m always in for some mystery.” Her eyes glistened as she started to analyze the content in more detail – there was no stopping her once she began. “Hmm, so can you tell me more about this mystery?”


“Well, according to what I know, late Mr. Sebastian Kang Oh Hyuk is a half Korean half American gentleman, who has been a generous donor to the Love & Hope Orphanage. However, background information reveals that he has no relation with the organization whatsoever, so it remains an unanswered question as to why he was such a generous donor.” Jieun nodded her head as she took in the information. “How much does he donate each year?” “Correct me if I’m wrong, but apparently he donates approximately 100 000 000 won yearly. As for the reason as to how he gets all that money, that too, an unanswered question.”


“Sebastian Kang Oh Hyuk you say? Interesting man we have here. It states here that he has been composing since the young age of 12, and ever since, he has composed many compositions that are unable to be located after his death. What is the explanation for that, Seo Jung?” the young secretary gave a meek smile and hung her head low, unable to answer her employer’s questions. “I’m sorry, Ms Lee. I’m not too sure myself. Mr. Kang Suk Joon, his father, however, mentioned that this is part of the case; that is, for you to locate all the missing compositions which I quote will bring the Kang family a fortune – enough to support them for a lifetime!”



Jieun took off her glasses, placed them on the table and rubbed her eyes. It was 7 pm already, and she had been researching on her new “client’s” information. Although many webpages displayed the profile of the man, nothing of which she hoped to chance upon appeared. Dejected, the girl decided she needed to take a breather. Maybe after a good slumber, she would be able to come up with a logical assumption as to where the man could have hidden his compositions, as well as where he got that much money to donate. Was it dirty money? Was it hard earned money? There were really no answers to her questions.


On her drive home, she saw a familiar silhouette lugging a heavy bag in a distance. Stepping on the brake pedal, she winded down her window and called out to the man. “Mr. Shin! You look awfully cold. Let me give you a ride,” she offered. As the wrinkles slowly formed on the old man’s face, he smiled pleasantly at the young girl’s good nature. “Thank you, Jieun. I’m afraid I have to reject your offer, though. I have to stop at every house today – loads of mail await. If I remember correctly, there’s one for you as well.” Jieun frowned a little. Mr. Shin was a month away from his long awaited retirement, yet he still had to face the hardships of lugging so much mail uphill despite the cold weather and old age.


“Alright, I’ll see you at my house,” Jieun added, “I’ll have hot cocoa waiting for you.”


Jieun continued uphill toward the Lee estate. She turned in into the Lee’s driveway and parked the car, dragging her body up the stairs and into the house. “Jieun, you’re home!” the pleasant housekeeper greeted the teen with a smile, helping her out of her coat and hanging it up on the rack. Mrs. Kim Ji Young has been working for the Lee family ever since Jieun’s mother’s death, which happened when Jieun was merely a toddler. “Please do get some hot cocoa ready, unnie. Mr. Shin is on his way, and I promised him some hot cocoa. The weather is cold, but he’s still working hard to earn a living.” Mrs. Kim smiled and nodded, “I’ll be right on it.”


Jieun plopped down on the sofa, tapping her foot in excitement for Mr. Shin’s arrival. “Oh, I can’t wait to receive the mail. I wonder who it could be from. Perhaps another mystery?” As Jieun got lost in her chain of thoughts, the doorbell finally rang. The girl sprung to her feet almost immediately, running toward the front door to be greeted by none other than Mr. Shin. Though she was excited to receive the letter, she didn’t want to prod him for it. “Come on in, Mr. Shin.” The elderly man was ushered to the living room, where Mrs. Kim had already prepared a plate of warm cookies and a pot of hot cocoa. Mr. Shin helped himself graciously.


As the letter carrier finished up his cup of cocoa, he announced that he must be on his way.


“My oh my, I almost forgot to hand you the mail.” He walked towards the large sack filled with mail. “Here you go, Jieun. Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I’ll see you again soon!” With that, Mr. Shin exited the Lee estate and went on to continue his work.



Jieun looked at the two mails in hand – one was directed to her father and the other, herself. Settling down once again on the sofa, she tore open the letter and took out the content.


Her eyes grew bigger and bigger as she read further on.


“Dear Ms Lee Jieun,

We are happy to inform you that you may have some inheritance awaiting you in America.

Mr. Aloysius Mitchel Dight has recently passed away, and the man had neither wife nor children to hand down his assets to. However, after much investigation, we have found out that he has a sister, Mrs. Lee Amanda Michelle Dight, wife of Mr. Lee Seung Hyun, mother of Ms. Lee Jieun.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Lee Amanda Michelle Dight has passed away long ago, and the only Lee Jieun with a father named Lee Seung Hyun we have managed to locate is none other than you. If you are the genuine Lee Jieun whom we are referring to, I hope you get in touch with us as soon as possible to retrieve your inheritance. Please attach some form of prove and identification as well.

Thank you!

Boston Home Affairs Law Firm

Mr. Michael D. Hound”


“What a pity,” she murmured. “If only I was the Lee Jieun the firm was looking for. I’m sure this sum of money is a hefty one.” Just then, the phone rang. Jieun reached out and grabbed the retriever, placing it next to her ear.




“Lee Jieun, how are you?”


“Kyungsoo!” The young teen was more than happy to have received a phone call from one of her good friends, Do Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is the son of one of the most well-to-do families in Korea, and the two had met by chance when Jieun was on a mission. Ever since, both have gotten closer through often meet ups and Kyungsoo’s brains which helped Jieun solve many other mysteries.


“Missed me, eh?” Jieun chuckled and blushed a little, “Why of course I did. It’s been so long.”


The two chatted for a while, when one of Kyungsoo’s questions startled her. “So are you the right Lee Jieun the Boston law firm is searching for?” Jieun, tried her very best to hide her excitement, shot back calmly, “How did you know about the letter, Kyungsoo? I merely just received it.” There was a chuckle on the other end, “Calm down, Jieun. My father received a call from the firm not too long ago. You know lawyers – whatever country they need to contact they will. And it was pure coincidental that they had contacted my father, which was why they knew about you and your father’s names. My father told them,” Jieun heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment, she thought Kyungsoo was playing a prank on her, sending her foolish letters like so.


“What a pity, though. I would be thrilled to receive an inheritance.”


“Don’t be silly. You’re a rich girl yourself, earning so much money from your detective agency and your father being one of the top lawyers in the whole of South Korea.”


After chatting for a while more about each other’s lives, Jieun was invited to attend Kyungsoo’s housewarming party. The Do’s were moving to an even bigger estate. “Well, I’ll see you soon Kyungsoo!” After the phone call, Jieun headed to the kitchen, where Mrs. Kim was busy cooking dinner. “Unnie, is it alright if I requested for you to sew me a beautiful gown for the Do family housewarming party?”


Did I mention? Mrs. Kim was not only skilled in cooking and cleaning, but she was skilled in sewing in knitting. The lady had aspirations to be a fashion designer, but never got the chance to purchase her dreams. Jieun felt guilty for that – she assumed Mrs. Kim didn’t pursue her dreams because of her “responsibility” over Jieun and her father. However, the housekeeper always denied that it was Jieun’s fault, and that she felt happier taking care of them rather than designing clothes for the people out there.


“Why, of course I would be delighted to!”


Just then, the doorbell rang. Jieun ran toward it and opened it, to be greeted by a fine looking young man.


“Are you by chance, Ms. Lee Jieun?” the young lad asked. He had thin lips, silky, purple hair, and he was rather well-built. “Yes, I am.” Slowly, the teen’s face contorted and with one pull back of the arm, his fist was sent flying toward Jieun’s face.


{Author's note ❁}

I hope this chapter gave you guys a fairly clear picture of Lee Jieun :)

Guess who's the uninvited guest?

'Till the next update!


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Chapter 1: First chapter... can't wait for otherexou moment mostly baeku and hunu moment.. :)))
Pls update soon~~~
Sounds interesting :) Hope you update soon :D Fighting~