New Friends

New Friends - Ukiss & Infinite

"I don’t want to play soccer today!" Sunggyu whined as he came out in sweat pants and a t shirt.

"We are playing with Soohyun, Kevin, Kiseop, Eli, Dongho, Xander, and AJ today." Sungyeol called walking into the room with his backpack over his shoulder.

"We need you or it will be six against seven!" Dongwoo whined while the members started to head out to the van to go to the soccer field.

"But I don’t want to play today!" Sunggyu whined louder.

"Hyung, what if food is involved? Then would you do it?" Myungsoo looked at his phone as the members all filed into the van.

"M-Maybe…" Sunggyu began to smile.

"We can help with that." Sungjong added.

"Let’s go, what are you waiting for?!" Sunggyu pushed some of the members into the van as he climbed in after all the members and pulled the door shut.

"What is the prize? Meat? Noodles? Brownies?" Sunggyu kept bugging Myungsoo as he put in his earphones as most of the other members followed his lead.

"Won’t someone tell me what I will get if I play?" Sunggyu raised his voice as Dongwoo woke up from his nap and tapped his hyung as he tapped his lips indicating to be quiet as Dongwoo started to fall asleep.

"We’re here, have a good game guys." The manager said as he stopped the van. Hoya pulled open the door as the seven members of Ukiss were already on the field.

"Make sure you stretch, Sungjong and Sungyeol. We are going to need you today. Myungsoo make sure you get your bangs tied back so you can see. Dongwoo try to wake up and Woohyun try not to throw too many hearts, Sunggyu just pretend that the ball is meat and go after it." Hoya gave a little pep talk as each of the members exited the van.

The seven Infinite boys walked over to the bleachers with their white legs showing, their muscles tensed as they walked to sit down to put on their shin guards and cleats.

"So is this the famous Infinite?" Soohyun came over with his posse.

"Yep" Sunggyu smiled as he tied his shoes.

"These guys will be easy, they are tiny." Dongho teased, one by one the members of Infinite lifted their heads and stood up as Dongho was surrounded by the member on their toes.

"At least he is fast!" Eli shot back at the silent diss as Hoya famously looked at him like he was crazy.

"Dream on" Sungjong snapped back.

"Since this is getting interesting, let’s make it more intriguing for everyone." Eli said breaking up the circle surrounding Dongho.

"Ok, lets" Sungyeol smiled as he rested his arm on Dongwoo’s shoulder.

"Loser has to buy the other group a meal of their choice." Xander bet as the members of Infinite smiled and put their hands in the center as Ukiss agreed as well.

"Deal!" Sunggyu called as they all threw their hands up in the air.

"Who gets the ball first?" Kevin asked as he tied up his hair in a cute top ponytail.

"Let’s flip a coin!" AJ called as he looked through his bag finding a token to a child play place.

"Heads!" Woohyun called as it landed on the turf.

"Tails!" AJ called out victoriously as the teams went their separate ways  getting into their huddle circles.

"Ok we only have to win by one, first one to ten wins." Woohyun laid down the rules as the members nodded in agreement.

"Now these guys just know how to dance, we can sing and we have taller people so this should be easy." Eli reassured as both of the teams broke and took their positions. Sunggyu and Eli were the goalies as Infinite played as skins and Ukiss in shirts as they started off.

Ukiss had the ball first as Soohyun drove it up the field and passed it to Dongho as Dongwoo stole the ball briefly as he tried to pass it to Woohyun but Kiseop got there quicker and the players ran back the other direction. Dishing the ball from Kiseop to Kevin, Kevin shot and scored as Hoya ran up to Sunggyu.

"Think of it as meat, you need to catch it to eat it" Hoya said as Sunggyu nodded and became determined to get it next time.

Serving the ball in Woohyun drove the ball up where Sungyeol was, Sungjong and Sungyeol dribbled it between themselves as Sungyeol took a shot and scored. Sungjong patted Sungyeol on the shoulder as they got back on defense.

The game went back and forth as all of the members, from both teams got to score at least once. With Infinite in the lead, Ukiss quickly pulled ahead.

Grey clouds began to move over the pretty blue canvass as thunder began to rumble. The sudden down pour tore the attention of all of the boys to the sky as they were becoming drenched. Running over to grab their bags, they held them above their heads as they all crammed into a single van.

"It doesn’t look like the storm is going to let up soon." Sungyeol looked up at the sky as the rain got heavier.

"Who is buying? We tied?" Sunggyu asked as everyone looked around at each other, Xander got a good idea and whispered it to Woohyun as Woohyun began busting up.

"Let’s do that! Driver please go to the Meat Grill." Woohyun ordered as everyone began to get curious as Xander and Woohyun spread the word as they all smiled happily at the plan.

Upon arriving, they happily ran into the restaurant as they ordered all the meat that they could ever eat. Being seated at a long table for everyone. The members chatted with each other as the food began to arrive.

"Sir, can I ask who is paying for all of this?" A waiter asked.

"Infinite and Ukiss’s managers." Sunggyu said with a sly smirk as they guys held up their glasses and toasted to a long and healthy life for both of their managers as they happily began to eat.

Getting to know each other, they were surprised how similar that they all were. Everyone was laughing and teasing each other by the end of the night as the idol life seemed to fade as they just became a group of men that became friends over soccer and food.

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Chapter 1: Awwwwww this one is about friendship with no love obviously. It's a great story and I especially loved the last part where they went to the restaurant.. Woohyuni is a mood maker for sure ❤️❤️
Sunggyu was cute and funny.. Food can make him do anything. And Hoya's little pep talk to the members before meeting U-kiss was so funny too hahaha I love such guys xD

Thank you for this story!! I enjoyed reading it so much.. It felt like an episode of running man
GongSamSamGong #2
Chapter 1: good story!!
Chapter 1: Poor managers! XD
Chapter 1: definitely something fresh and different. fun story.